Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

Wait, Gargie. Mods and the GECK are definitely worth it.

As is the graphics quality.
Getting it on the 360 doesn't mean I wont purchase the Steam version on PC when I get my new PC, not sure I can wait for over a month when I see threads about the game on here and know you guys are playing it.:p
SHIT, the game was leaked.

God damn, **** those filthy PC gamers

Oh wait...


Also, pre-loading is now available on Steam.
FU, doesn't come here until Friday, ****ing Swedish stores almost always releases new retail titles on Thursdays or Fridays.

You won't be able to play it till Friday even if you get it Thursday as Steam won't unlock it till Friday :P

Can't wait for this though :D
Just finished pre-loading, will enjoy this soon enough...
You won't be able to play it till Friday even if you get it Thursday as Steam won't unlock it till Friday :P

Can't wait for this though :D

Well, I'm getting it on the 360 to begin with, so that won't be a problem.

Will probably get the PC version after I've gotten my new PC and the game's dropped in price(Won't pay full-price for a game twice!) :p

This old comp had trouble running Oblivion on nice-looking settings, I don't imagine F:NV would fare much better, hence the XB360 for me.

Have you people watched the "live"stream walkthrough that aired a few days ago with two of the Obsidian devs? Looks fantastic.
Really looking forward to it. Only game coming out before xmas that I'm excited for, although I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Any reviews yet?
Plenty of live-streams around though of people playing the game.
Don't have them, don't watch live-streams myself unless they are developer-led, because the devs always just pick out as little spoilers as possible, don't want to spoil the game myself.

There was a thread on GameFAQs that had a collection of links to streams though, but can't find it right now. Sorry.
I'm more excited for FNV than I ever was for F3. It just seems like there is so much more to do in this game, should be a worthwhile purchase.
Will this game also corrupt my savegames all the time? If no, most likely going to pick it up.
I really enjoyed the part of Fallout 3 I played before it messed up my savegames, so definitely interested in more if they keep up the quality.(even if 'more of the same shit')
got some playing cards of Fallout New Vegas from work. I love getting free schwag before the game comes out
I'm more excited for FNV than I ever was for F3. It just seems like there is so much more to do in this game, should be a worthwhile purchase.

Not to mention better quests, dialogue etc.

Better overall design of the world.
i think I'm gunna have to wait 1 hr after work to pick this up. the game looks addicting and i somewhat enjoyed Fallout 3 for the most part
LOTS of FO1/FO2 music in the game (from the NV folder in steamapps/common):



Metallic Monks... glorious.
I really wanna play FO1 and 2 when I get up in the morning but it's almost like I need to hire tutor for the damn game...
Only a few more days, but I have no money. What a shame.
unozero, do you honestly find them that hard?

I didn't even read the manuals when I first played them, sure I died a lot in the beginning but after a while you can start figuring things out on your own.

The most annoying thing about Fallout 1 for me before I got good at it was the time limit with getting the water chip to Vault 13.

Oh, and I were always too slow and ended up having
Shady Sands
destroyed by the
mutant army
Well I'll give it another whirl in a few hours maybe I'll do better this time but thought the combat was frustrating when I played them for a bit last year
Now, here's a question; anyone know if all of Steam unlocks at once or will it unlock according to when each region unlocks?
Yer, thought as much - just never really cared that much about a game unlocking, rather excited about F:NV...
Ordered my copy from the UK. 2 week delay to save $10 (Save $40 compared to retail here). Worth the delay.
Been rushing through Fallout 2, on my way to New Reno but I don't see myself beating it before NV comes out. Digging it just as much as Fallout 1 though.
If one of you does decide to play FO1/FO2, DO NOT forget to raise the combat speed to as fast as you can.
Been rushing through Fallout 2, on my way to New Reno but I don't see myself beating it before NV comes out. Digging it just as much as Fallout 1 though.

My biggest issue with FO2 was the inclusion of real-world weapons which really felt like a fairly big departure from the world created in FO1.

Also, I need to get around to playing through FO:Tactics sometime in the future, only FO game besides BoS I haven't played through, but so hard to find the time, and honestly, I'd rather replay FO1 and FO2 with the restoration patches rather than play through FO:T.

And thanks for the tip taviow.
Not to mention better quests, dialogue etc.
Better overall design of the world.

Let's play the actual game before making such judgements. I usually don't trust magazines and interviews with the developers.
Let's play the actual game before making such judgements. I usually don't trust magazines and interviews with the developers.

I trust Obsidian though, Obsidian games have had far better dialogues and writing etc at least than Oblivion and Fallout 3 did.
Let's play the actual game before making such judgements. I usually don't trust magazines and interviews with the developers.

Unless Obsidian is just cashing in on this game, its practically guaranteed that the quests and dialogue will be much better than Bethesda's game. Its also pretty much guaranteed that theres going to be a lot of glitches. These are things present in every single game Obsidian has made, so its not like we're bullshitting these points.
And it's not like that makes a difference with regards to Obsidians games being buggy, Bethesda games weren't exactly bug-free, there's a reason Oblivion has huge unofficial patches for both the game and it's DLCs etc.
I have a feeling Bethesda helped them out during development to make sure they didn't completely f*ck it up.
I have a feeling Bethesda helped them out during development to make sure they didn't completely f*ck it up.

As in helped them make the game even more buggier, I presume?

I mean heck, Oblivion was just as buggy as NWN2, if not more-so.