Falsely accused of cheating



I know we have all had our encounters with cheater and hackers and it really takes the fun out of the game. But I was wondering how many of you have been falsely accused of cheating?. We all have had a good day at CS where we seem to be unstoppable, or gotten nailed by a RPG and for some reason did not die. I'm sure we all have drilled someone dead center with the same and then gone "WTF" after our target turns around and smokes us. For example I was just playing HL2DM with one other person, he was kicking me around a bit then all of a sudden he starts the "cheater" crap, so I'm wondering "why because that RPG round knocked me down to 3 health and did not kill me?" but yet my return fire killed him, so starts the cheater accusations and the ever classy "FU". I try and take the "boy that guy was lucky" or "damm lagg" attitude when I blast someone and they should of died but escaped and not leap to the mindset that they must be cheating. But my all time favorite reason that I must be cheating is, and this really was said to me once "I'm really good at this game and theirs no way you could be beating me".
Any thoughts on this subject?
It's just people who think that they're the best in the world, and NO ONE is better than them, and when someone (usually a LOT of people) proves them wrong, they get defensive.

Although, it's funny when they yell at you over voice comm and they haven't even begun to hit puberty. And I'm not knocking on all pre-pubescent (SP) people, just those who yell like they're ksharp or fatality. (Not bothered to add the 4s and 1s where ever he puts them.)
I love trash talking 12 year olds, because it reminds me of why I don't want to have kids.
I have been banned from about 4 or 5 CoD servers because I think I killed the admins too many times :p I have never cheated and I wouldn't know where to start if I even wanted to. I play lots of games, and when I find a game I like, I usually play it to death and try to master it. CoD was one of those games, so was SoF2, and now CS:S

So far I have only been banned from one CS:S server "LttG" or something. I wasn't even given a warning or had anyone call me a hacker. I think it's mainly the admins on the servers....for the most part it's either kids that have no self control when they are given the slightest bit of power. Or it's someone that (as stated above) think they are gods of the game, and they do not like people proving them otherwise. I guess it's easier to get high ranks in your servers if you ban all the good people and only let the noobs stay :angry:
i have on quite a few occasions and very often i fight the admins .emailing them videos of me playing ...that very game i record demos as soon as people say i'm cheating...
Only happened to me once... Its very flattering lol
Happened to me once, only ever having owned any valve game for about 2-3 weeks. Being the non judgemental kinda guy i am that didnt make me throw away the game, all things considered i hadn't paid for it it was a gift.

Anyways, on to the story.

Basicly i was playing HLDM on one of the crossfire maps (the most common one) and some guy is coming up the elevator around the red bunckery place overlooking the main bunker. I am standing at the top of the elevator with my overwatch riofle when he comes up with a sotgun.

Immediatly the guy unloads both barrels into the floor giving me the precious time to make a snap decision that at this close range i had to use one of my two AR2 grenades. So i launch one and he dies.

Anyways, immeiatly i see in the chat console "OMG double shotgun to head HAX!!!!!oneone" or somthing childish like that, he goes on like this, calling me cheater every time i kill him despite his score being presistently higher than mine. He even goes so far to call me cheater when i hammer him with a rocket from nearly point blank range.

Anyways the guy starts to get annoying so i type "You know <name>, it is customary to rampantly accuse others of cheating when you are loosing"

That shut him up... somehow....

Oh, and a bit OT, how do you prononce biozeminades?
^err ok, how do you prononce that prononceation ;)

I'm just gonna say... bio-zee-me-na-dees

sounds like somthing a vortigaunt would say... pher-a-pods
FireCrack said:
^err ok, how do you prononce that prononceation ;)

I'm just gonna say... bio-zee-me-na-dees

well a better one is.. bio-zem-in-aid (aid like kool-aid)

EDIT: uuhhh.. but anyway.. back on topic! move along!

That's how I pronounce it.

And yes, I have been falsely accused of cheating by 1337 spammers and probably cheaters themselves. URGH I hate thoe people.

SWAT4 ban

The day after I got back from Iraq (2 weeks ago) I DL the SWAT 4 beta and the same thing happened, I was smoking the other team right out of the gate, then next thing you know (BAN), I guess running around with a real M4 and going through Tactical Entry Shool has other payoffs besides real world. Not to mention its hard to get to uptight about a game anymore after Iraq. I'm just to the point of shrugging and moving to another of the thousands of avaible servers. :rolleyes:
I'm quite used to regular accusations of hacking in op4 :)

Not in CS though, I'm amusingly bad at that :D
I have been accused of hacking in CS 1.6, CS:S, DoD, TFC, COD, and MoHAS.

In CS people never listened when i told em that my clan and I were CAL IM. Just pissed me off when some 10-13 year old bans me from his server becuase he can. Once i was playing COD and the admins best friend came on a said "I will now test my new hack." And proceded to kill every enemy on the map with a single shot to the head from SMG. We were all pissed and told the admin to kick him but he said, "ROFLMAO!!!111 My fr13nd 15 t3 l337 /-//\x0r, Yu0 n00bs will pay hahahahahahahaha." or some bullshit like that. Every player on that server cept admin and his bud left. Later when i logged in he banned me.
in TFC i get accused all the time, people thing i have some auto aim script or something. While sad but true, i have just played TFC for like 5 years, so it’s kind of easy but still fun. I didn’t even think people made hacks for TFC it’s so old, and not many play it, besides its not like it’s difficult or anything. Just put the little + on the thing you want to die.

Life is good with no recoil.
Never on HL2DM, but I was in CS: S all of the time. It really got annoying.

On Halo, though, it happened all of the time. But that's because my video card didn't support the 'camo', so they stuck out, rather than blended in. And I know, that was worded weirdly.
I haven't been accused of cheating yet. Maybe people aren't impressed enough with my l33t skillz. I would find that sad if I cared.
Little kids and CS shouldn't mix. A year ago at the local lan joint, these five year old kids playing CS were cussing their brains out. At that age, most kids don't know what a **** is.

The sad thing is, I think I heard more cuss words out of them than the times I've walked down my campus (and thats probably ranging in the quadrillions).
I get that accusation quite often in DoD... just take it as a compliment :) But, the overall attitude of gamers is absolutely absurd with the amount of 'BS' or 'Hacker' that goes on in the chat if someone has a quicker reaction time or higher score or a higher than 2:1 K/D ratio...
I've never been accused of cheating in any games.....because I just sucks big time (especially with HL2DM :p)
Well its nice to see that its not just me, and from what I have experienced and what I'm hearing it seems more common among young players (of offense), and Admin Nazis who use their server as a little kingdom. Yeah it is kind of a backhanded complement to get banned because youre doing too well, but it pisses me off cause it usally blows youre winning streak.
I say Bio-zem-a-nades. Any way i have been call a cheater a couple of times and i just say "Thank you." and then they shut up.
I've been accused of cheating so many times over the years that I've lost count, and in almost EVERY game. When I say every, I mean even games like Yahoo Pool. I mean seriously, who cheats just to get a mediocre score?

I have to say though that way back in the past, probably around a week or two after CS 1.3 release, I did dabble in cheats. But I was a immoral and ignorant teenager then. I tried it out to see what it was like. What did I discover? It makes the game utterly boring. I mean, imagine a shooter where all you did was hit the mouse button repeatedly. What fun is that? I can have more action closing pop up windows with Internet Explorer. Drives me nuts these days to figure out why people cheat. I just dont see the point.

There have been times where I'll be on a kill streak, mostly due to luck (people who are usually on a voice-chat program with me will hear me freak out, utter an expletive, and panic only to accidentally shoot three enemies in a row, and often apologize afterwards), and people will call me a hacker. If I was hacking, then why would I have an utterly horrible score beforehand? This is why I try to stay away from score-oriented games like DoD, CoD, CS, etc. I like a lot of co-op games and mods, like Sven Co-op and Brain Bread. For me it's never about the score, but the experience. It's also why I play a lot of Battlefield 1942 (sorry for saying that, I know this is a HL2 forum). People should try that. Instead of going for a high kill count, try to go for the team win. Trust me, the experience is much more rewarding.
I've never been accused of cheating, even when I did occasionally lead the scoreboard in TFC. But most of the time, I end up leading the losing team. Now I wonder why that is...?

Oh, and I suck in CS. I can hardly remain alive after one of my rare kills, and deaths count against kills, don't they? Lower your skill measurement or something?

Oh, one more thing - I can't STAND l33t talk.
yea, i falsely get accused of cheating in msn messenger's sweepmine minigame.
I got accused of cheating 4 times so far in CS:S Once killing a whole team (mostly luck, i've usually got a KDR of around 1:1.3). Don't remember what happend in the other cases but there was one where someone (admin) accused me of cheating after killing him on prodigy with a few well aimed AK47 shots. He had been aiming at me but hadnt fired... i shot him and well people are wierd (includes me).
I got banned from my favorite CS server in the 1.5 days for getting 3 headshots with a para on dust, kinda pissed me off.
On 1.6 i only really play scoutzknivez. And i play it too much. I end up sometimes getting several headshots in a chain, and gettings called a hacker. Especially for airwalking fast. Oh and the classic 'rate hacker' when they miss you. :rolleyes: Sadly no other games, simply not good enough :)
yes, pub cs is terrible. just stick to pugs and wars.
ive never been accused of hacking (mostly only have 3:2 ratio) , but its damn amusing reading the 12 year old 0\/\/ned!!!!one11!eleven1! losers giving away their dignity by attempting to justify their crap skills.
Its even funnier watching a speed hacker dash into a full face shotgun blast and then quit.
A lot of the time its lag thats allowing you to do better than you should.. and sometimes you can tell someone is lagging.. that's not cheating though.. I play a lot of online games and it always seems theres those people on the losing team who can't deal with losing, and it's always cause someone was cheating, or the lag was too bad, or blah blah blah. Some people just can't handle a loss! Sometimes you totally see a guy shoot NEXT to another guy, only to get wasted, then they start whining "How the hell didn't he die, I blasted him!".. meanwhile he didn't hit him at all..
I have gotten accused of hacking... about 5 times in CSS. I'm not too good (Usually a 2:1 ratio, I think), but people just don't like the way I spin round when I'm shot and then kill them...

Oh, and I got accused of hacking in OP4 when it was me vs. a lot of newer players who hadn't heard of Tau cannons and how you can use them to jump really high.
I haven't got banned from any servers though.
I've been banned from 3 cs:s servers and kicked out from several servers accused of cheating... some admins have bad days and hate that some1 is better and the result is always kick/ban

imo 7-13 years old kids shouldnt be admins :LOL:
EODTech said:
I know we have all had our encounters with cheater and hackers and it really takes the fun out of the game. But I was wondering how many of you have been falsely accused of cheating?.

well, I myself use cheats to play CS1.6 :D

Counter Strike ain't fun without cheating,

Counter Strike: Source is FUN without cheating
all the time in 1.6 however in sauce im not so good because my pc isnt up to running it :p

EDIT : how can you say that gorgon

The feeling that your skill didnt get that kill the computer did it for you example :

jimmy gets speed bot and aim bot boons around the amp kills other team in 7 seconds, no one has reactions to play the game at that speed so they would jsut be watching the pc play for them how boring is that !!!!

You should really try cs without cheats you scum :flame:

o btw when your account is found to be using cheats you wont bealbe to play CS s half life 2 or anything with your stema account on vac enabled servers ( and they nearly all are) for AN ENTIRE YEAR

What fun that will be on servers full of hackers aswell hmmm
