Father Gregoni


Nov 30, 2004
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How the hell has he managed to survive all this time? I mean, he has to sleep sometime?
I've been wondering that as well. Doesn't look like the fast zombies would have a hard time getting into the church.
He's immortal. f*cking cheater! 4 fast zombies attacked him and he was just reloading the gun...didnt die :/
He probably live in the curch, like in the basement with huge contrete doors.
You can see in the game that zombies sleep too (or they pretend to be dead, I'm not sure). So he just waits until they all go to sleep.
And he's got traps of course. Father Gregori is the man!
He can die, my friend wasn't payign attention as he was surrounded by zombies... he failed.

Maybe he doesn't sleep... or sleeps for like 30 minutes but the slgihtest thing wil lwake him up
Zio said:
Maybe he doesn't sleep... or sleeps for like 30 minutes but the slgihtest thing wil lwake him up

lol, he'd have to do that, otherwise he'd be dead. Also, what do the zombies try to do, feed on you? or just kill you outright?
he probably has a personal bunker surrounded by traps, its not a very hard concept.
His traps :)

Probably has 50 traps in the area around the church, he sleeps in the basement with some heavy locked doors and the windows are all covered in sheet metal or something of that nature.
Well, it you look at all the propane tankes with the contsant fires going you have to shut off...

Simply find a hole and light up the entrance... Sleep to the smell of breakfast cooking :thumbs:
MiccyNarc said:
His traps :)

Probably has 50 traps in the area around the church, he sleeps in the basement with some heavy locked doors and the windows are all covered in sheet metal or something of that nature.

and eats what ? headcrabs for breakfast and zombies for lunch ?
yea he probably eats headcrabs for supper. he doesnt sleep because a chemical inside the headcrab keeps him up all the time.
I'm pretty sure, because he said something about the zombies not being able to get in yet but they are getting around to it or something, didn't he?

Anyway, I think with all of his traps (he probbably has that church bugged to shit), and if he slept in the basement with heavily locked doors (im talking sealed metal doors) and rations (after all, the town is abandoned... there had to be rations or non spoil food around somewhere. Even if not... what does he have to do all day? He probably searches for food to pass the time.

So I'm sure he's alright.
How can you be concerned about what Father Gregory eats or where he sleeps. He obvioulsy can take care of himself, and with a certain amount of joy to it also.

But our friend Gordon, he must be starving by now! And awfully tired!

- Demon_Fall
Why is everyone assuming that Father Grigory never leaves the place? He has to leave to get food and ammo sometime doesn't he?
yep the Gman could've gave him a sandwich of some sort after all he got rid of all the pesky invaders on Xen and on Earth ...he diserves it:)
Deathwish-uk- said:
How the hell has he managed to survive all this time? I mean, he has to sleep sometime?

He is the Man. Freaking guy rocks!
Gregori just needs to remove the handles from the doors. That seems to keep Gordon out, why not zombies too?
Gregori is one mother-f***ing badass, that's why.
1. This is all irrelevant, you don't ask how Gordon manages to go through 20 hours of the most challenging combat and action that a human would ever be likely to face without sleeping. Then again, people would probalby come up with some explanation involving the HEV suit, which leads me onto my second point...

2. It's irrelevant and extraneous to the story.

Wow, aren't I a barrel of fun today! Cant we talk about something vaguely intelligent or interesting instead? Like horses.

I hate horses.
demon_fall said:
How can you be concerned about what Father Gregory eats or where he sleeps. He obvioulsy can take care of himself, and with a certain amount of joy to it also.
Joy? I think you misunderstood that laughter, my friend. He's not happy, he's ****ing NUTS.
Actually, because he's nuts, he's happy in his situation.
AudioRage said:
Actually, because he's nuts, he's happy in his situation.

Yeah, thats what I meant. He is a "shepard how tends his flock" as he so delicately put it. I bet he loves making those traps, and watching the zombies scream in pain as they are burned alive!

- Demon_Fall
MadGuy said:
and eats what ? headcrabs for breakfast and zombies for lunch ?

I saw a vorigaunt cooking a headcrab once, so they are palatable..at least for other aliens.

(for those wondering, it's in a pipe in the last part of the waterhazard level)
MiccyNarc said:

I saw a vorigaunt cooking a headcrab once, so they are palatable..at least for other aliens.

(for those wondering, it's in a pipe in the last part of the waterhazard level)

Well I think vortigaunts and headcrabs come from the same world so nothing strange there...
HunterSeeker said:
Well I think vortigaunts and headcrabs come from the same world so nothing strange there...

A one-eyed organic-energy-alien cooking a parasite-neural-controling-crab-creature... Now what could possibly be strange about that? :)

Well... He absolutely is The Man!!!

There are a lot of cool characters in HL2, but he probably is one

of the coolest.... When you see him for the first time, hes standing in this door opening, a lot of fire and burning zombies under him and there is a light behind him.... it just looks SOOO Great!!!

I really enjoyed every single moment with him...

And of course, he gave us the Shotgun!
Maybe he is just a computer game character, is immortal there and is removed from your RAM after you finish the level :)
koopa said:
And he's got traps of course. Father Gregori is the man!

fookin A , he certainly is

he might be nuts like sombody said, but as he put it himself "people might call me crazy but it keeps me safe"

craziness is not always senseless. it is reactions to bad situations, so he is very resilient. :cheers:

remember there is also a chair with a shotgun against it and some beers . he must keep himself entertained

also he is a man of god and is doing gods will by putting the children of his flock to rest and meanwhile, saving your american ass! :rolling:
Father Gregori is that rare breed known as the "enigmatic badass". He actually shares a lot in common with Gordon Freeman in that respect. I think Charles Darwin had some theory that people like this are simply too cool to be eliminated from the gene pool.
what i don't understand is where he gets all that shotgun ammunition. is there a store in ravenholm that sells shotgun shells?
Well, it was a resistance town, so I'm assuming they had quite a few guns.
shithead said:
fookin A , he certainly is

he might be nuts like sombody said, but as he put it himself "people might call me crazy but it keeps me safe"

craziness is not always senseless. it is reactions to bad situations, so he is very resilient. :cheers:

remember there is also a chair with a shotgun against it and some beers . he must keep himself entertained

also he is a man of god and is doing gods will by putting the children of his flock to rest and meanwhile, saving your american ass! :rolling:

Yeah, I noticed that too! It made me love Ravenholm even more.

Cuz you're wandering around, scared shitless, and then you find yourself on a rooftop whit a campingchair, a crate of beer and a shotgun whit some additional shells! It was hilarious. Took away all the horror for just a moment, and I simply had to smile!

I could even picture the whole thing, with Gregori in his chair having a beer while his loading up his shotgun laughing. You can't say that he dosen't enjoy his new-found way of life. Nobody seems to be forcing him to be there anyway. He could leave anytime he wanted.

"Come to the light my child!" :E

- Demon_Fall
He lives a life where every time he goes to the crapper he has to sit there with a shot gun.