Favorite Alcoholic Drink


Oct 13, 2003
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What is your favorite drink? It can be anything...

Personally, I know it's funny, but a Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred(it really makes a difference)
vodka martini's aren't too bad with some lemonade, but terrible straight :x
Vodka, all the way baby. It's the only drink that can get me up on the dance floor and make a comlpete tit of myself. And even better - you never remember any of it!

Tequila is another favourite, just so I can feel 1337 when everyone else winces and gasps as they down it.

Basically I will drink anything you throw at me. I love booze..... :cheers:
Jack Daniels or some similar bourbon with coke. Or Stella Artois/Grolsch/Carlsberg Export.
Budweiser.. Southern Comfort, Regular whiskey, Stella, Carling.. hmm I guess I don't have a preference.. :D
The Dark Elf said:
Budweiser.. Southern Comfort, Regular whiskey, Stella, Carling.. hmm I guess I don't have a preference.. :D
I never would have pictured you for a budweiser man...I pictured you as a saki man
Give me any Irish ale from the tap and I will be a very happy man.

For canned/bottled drinks, I'll take Miller Ice.

If I want something stronger, I'll go with absinthe.
gin is alright
i like southern comfort, but its way too sweet to drink a lot of
I can't stand gin...it's like drinking liquid christmas tree
Vodka. But not cheap vodka, because its just a disgrace.
heineken and rolling rock for beers. If not those then Corona or Bud Ice.
And Rum, Gotta love the rum.

As for mixed drinks, I'll go with a Blue Hawaiian.
Hmm, I enjoy Port every now and again. Usually it's Beer (Like real beer, like ale or bitter).

I used to drink a lot of diesel (Snakebite and Black), but I've stopped. I drank shots of absinthe and Sherry once. I can't remember much of that night, for some reason.
I like Vodka...Well, sort of. I mean it doesn't taste great but its relatively cheap and strong. Spirits are usaually my thing.

/me goes back to sitting in the corner muttering to himself, with a suspicious bottle rapped ina brown paper bag.

I get bottles as well actually...You know, the alcopop type of things, but not much because its just too much sugar really.

In fact, I like most alcoholic drinks except lager. I can stomach(as opposed to lager...nor eally, just a sip makes me want to throw up. Its just fizzy, fizzy wee) bitter but I don't drink it. I don't like that Japanese Rice wine, Sake, either.

When I have the money and I'm one of the usual places we go, I'm quite partial to cocktails.
I'n underage, so I haven't drunk any alcohol. *cough*
Icarus said:
I can't stand gin...it's like drinking liquid christmas tree

Finally someone agreeing with me. Come on people! Wood is not a drink!

Anyway, I'm a beer person, but I also enjoy white-wine and vodka every now and then. Enjoying all of them in one night just makes me say "Crap! Ouch.. " the morning after.
I love vodka with pinapple juice, its also very good with grape juice.
Smirn off is a good brand, that's the one the cops took :(

Other than that, I love a Corona with lemmon juice !
I'll drink beer, but if its just for savouring.. then i'm kinda partial to some chilled vodka
I don't drink.

Well, I'll have a beer or something similar once every few months, but that's about it.
It has to be Cpt. Morgan with fruit punch though ice tea goes pretty well with it also.
I don't drink often, but when I do, its two shots of Vodka straight at room temperture. I like breathing fire. :D I like that it because it doesn't make me wasted, yet I'm good for the entire night.
The White Russian can't be beat. I'm usually not a big fan of dairy with my liquor, but a white russian is supreme. Just remember to brush your teeth before you sleep. Or else, "Who the hell took a dump in my mouth last night??"

Beer: Cold. Unless it's dark german beer, Warsteiner or some such likeness, those are good warm or cold.

Alcoholism may be a disease, but it's not one you can call in to work with. "I won't be in today, I have a bad case of alcoholism flaring up."
Southern Comfort, Vodka Neat or Vodka w/orange. Tequila is alright.
Captain morgan, black label.


Smirnoff vodka, straight. Never drank a Vodka martini, but I have a feeling that i'd like it.
Icarus said:
I can't stand gin...it's like drinking liquid christmas tree

I used to drink Gordons straight and warm....love that taste..
I hate gin aswell, its like sucking off a pine tree
I'm quite partial to a Single Malt Whisky every now and then, but I'm usually found with a beer in my hand. My beers range from Seattle microbrews to PBR to a nice pint of Heavy and everything inbetween. But given the choice over Stella and everything else, Stella will win everytime.
vodka mixed in any kind of fruit juice with seltzer water is good
vodka straight is good, being my favorite hard liquor.
whiskey/southern comfort is very good, though a bit out of my price range (not anymore though), with coke its good too.
beer makes me gag, but when i do drink its typically anything cheap in 40 form. im really a rediculous alcoholic. my poor liver and kidneys :(

edit: mix any of the above with buffalo wings and you have a winning snack that usually ends in sex with a reasonably attractive girl.
If I don't have beer and I'm partying, it's bacardi coco and orange juice all the way. Great mix. Any beer works for me....same with hard stuff. Bacardi 151 is fun to light on fire and drink. That shit kicks your ass - Sadly I've never had anything stronger :(

gh0st said:
mix any of the above with buffalo wings and you have a winning snack that usually ends in sex with a reasonably attractive girl.

Note to self: Get buffalo wings and alcohol tonight :D
Vodka is shockingly evil.
Beer (lager mainly but bitter is ok), red wine (white's rubbish), cider and few spirits, but gin and tonic is absolutely wonderful.
Gin - wouldn't you like to be a middle-aged woman?
JD strait if I'm getting drunk, otherwise guiness.