Favorite Character(not including Dog)

I tried to throw him some vodka and then I realised it was no use... He has no mouth
Yeah you know being a faceless mutated human slave screaming in horror as he is dragged away in a coffin like pod to certain doom really ruins your day :cheese:

Hes the real hero. :p

P.S. also throwing a box of lucky charms is no use either... He'll now never know how magical delicious they are. o_O
how can you say not including dog? what if dog is my favorite? well he isntbut still... well excluding gman, i loved breen. that guy was hillarious.
What about alternate doctor bitch number 2, Judith Mossman? within the first thirty seconds of meeting her, it was just like, "You are slopily hitting on me and it is making me uncomfortable. Please stop". She was the character, that, to me, was most realistic. Even if I did hate her.

Laidlaw is a genius. He made us really, REALLY dislike Mossman, without her being an incredibly overt bitch.
Sid Burn said:
Gordon Freeman... cause he massacred alot of combine and aliens in just 1 week and 2 days.

Yeah..No kidding.

Gordon all the way!
Emiraly said:
Yeah you know being a faceless mutated human slave screaming in horror as he is dragged away in a coffin like pod to certain doom really ruins your day :cheese:

Hes the real hero. :p
Now, wouldn't it be great if this guy turned out to be an expansion pack character? The first person view would be kind of funky though... what with all those facial spasms.
Finally i can say that! Breen!!! I always liked "dark characters". But Alyx is tha best.
kupoartist said:
Now, wouldn't it be great if this guy turned out to be an expansion pack character? The first person view would be kind of funky though... what with all those facial spasms.

Thats why god invented paper bags with holes cut out in them :E

Half-Life 2: Bag Head Man
Father gregori, the mad russian shotgun-wielding religious man. He has a tough job that he has given himself, to "save" the zombies from their painful existance. And he's funny, uber-powerful, and... mad.
WTF? I still don't know why all you prepubes think Alyx is hot! In fact, she has the LEAST character and personality of any of the characters in the whole game!

I would say it's a tie between Eli Vance (extremely lifelike) and the G-Man (ub3r 1337).
Its gotta be Alyx. When I went to the shop to buy the game, there were boxes with different print: Gman, Alyx, and Gordon's faces. I picked the box with Alyx's print on.

I like Alyx cuz she's Hot!
vsaravia said:
Barney...He's dreamy

Lol!! agreed! i dig Barney...he's cute :thumbs:
Dr. Breen was an interesting character. Where Valve could have got away with creating a simple power-hungry dictator (which was my first impression of him after his "welcome" in the train station), they created a complex character. Dr. Breen believed what he was saying and had humanity's best interests at heart, however he was so focused on this "paradise" that the combine promised him that he became blind to the suffering around him. In the scenes in the citadel you can't help but agree with some of what he says, or at least the rationale behind it. That being said, when he asked what had "I" created, my reply (in my head at least) was "hope".

The GMan is an interesting character partly because of his mystique; you can never tell if he's your ally or enemy. He can be seen talking to Col. Odessa and is seen throughout the game. At the end sequence I was filled with an utter loathing of the GMan, but I later understood why he did what he did. His actions probably saved Freeman's life, although the ending is a cliffhanger. I've also been told that I look like the GMan, though that's probably because of my work outfit (blue suit & briefcase) and manner (I fiddle with my tie a lot).

Eli didn't really have enough of a part for me to call him my favourite, but I did like what I saw of him.

Dr. Mossmann was also interesting given her reluctant help of the combine, then switching at the end. Dr. Kleiner was something of comic relief, along with Lamarr.

Alyx was a well-designed character. She was not in-your-face, and even her looks were not blatantly sexy (which was a possibility at one point, looking at the concept art). I thought she was designed.

I liked Barney as a Character: he had a sense of humour and seemed particularly "human" to me.

Whilst I can't nominate "Dog" as my favourite I'll give him an honourable mention. I don't know how Valve did it, but they managed to give the thing a canine feel despite it looking nothing like a real dog.

And the winner is: Dr. Breen for having the most detail and intrigue
whats with everyone saying metrocop?
i live in australia, and in my copy all the resistance people yell "CIVIL PROTECTION!" when the dudes with combine suits but white helmets come running

are these two different names simply referring to the same style of soldier?
personally i liked barney the best, hes always there when you needed him and he didnt act all self righteous.

I think the best line in the game is where kleiner asks you to plug in the power and barney says "I can see your MIT training really pays for itself"

hahaha absolute classic. I reckon im going to be a security guard in black mesa when im older.

alyx is hot but shes a bit too condescending. as is mossman

eli vance wasnt seen enough to be a good character, but cool leg.

g-man was.. well not as influential as i expected, and his little trademark walk-away-just-as-you-arrive style was much harder to detect which kind of ruined it.

He looks better, but a bit unhealthy hehe

breen is gay. Nuff said.

Kleiner is awesome and his sentences are awesome too

"my anticipation is almost palpable"


so scientist-y. yeh.


Barney rules peace out.
bboymatty said:
whats with everyone saying metrocop?
i live in australia, and in my copy all the resistance people yell "CIVIL PROTECTION!" when the dudes with combine suits but white helmets come running

are these two different names simply referring to the same style of soldier?
That's basically a slang that people use to describe the Civil Protection officers. They say the same thing in the American version, too.

How come nobody's mentioned any of the extras? What about Leon, or the girl who gives you the airboat, or the guy you talk to when you get the gun attachment? What about the guy trying to get across the sand to the Vortigaunt camp? ;)
Breen, he was the character with the most to him. Seems more like a real person than any of the other characters to me. Except Gordon of course, since he's me really...
Breen - close to first choice, he's a survivor type and not some "dumb mad scientist evil guy"

Gordon - eh can't make him "favorite" since when I play I am him observing and interacting with others to determine my favorite

Alyx - hmm... that's the type of chick I'd go for based on looks I suppose. The low rise jeans work. She'd need a few tattoos and she'd need to have issues and be more bitchy for me to really dig her. She's a pushover. Who wants what they can have?

Mossman - eh... one night stand then never call her again... it's what she really wants, she won't admit it.

Police - well the first time I played this one guard just popped me in the head with a stun stick... I had tried to run back out of the correct path and he told me to move and I just looked at him mashing buttons, so he whacked me. I like him for that. OF course Mr. Pick up that can is cool. I just ran by him. I suppose I need to pick it up for him?

Comine Forces - they have the best lines and tie for favorite with Breen for #2

Resistance Humans - ok if you find a few of them standing by each other out of combat, like when that Brit gives you the RPG and just press E over and over, I swear to god they look at each other (the medic and ammo guys standing there). They don't move their head but send eye signals to each other like "Who is this turd? Check out this noob here who's going to help us. Ugh." Their eye movement is creepy all around, but that's one example. So they are #3.


Well maybe not a character, but those damn poison headcrab piggyback walking dudes freakin' rock.

- even if I know one is coming up, they scare the shit out of me EVERY time. Last night I knocked over my drink exploring the upstairs (broken stair table to get up) of a house along Hwy 17.

- they are hard to kill (at least on hard mode)

- they make some unreal throws of the black headcrabs, you'll be chillin on a roof in ravenholm and one will peg you with a headcrab from down the block

- and the way it knocks you to 1 health right away is cool.

So it has to be "those damn poison headcrab piggyback walking dudes" for teh win.
Gordon - The way he never talks gives him an almost... sinister edge.

Kleiner - Made me giggle on many occasions.

Breen - Very much like Anikan Skywalker - there still is some good in him... but not very much.

Barney - He's cool

Alyx - possibly the most fake character, in some situations she just doesn't act realisticly. The best reaction you got from herwas when you discover the truth about Dr. Mossman.

G-man - Ahhhhh! Why have the colours on my monitor suddenly reversed!?! Oh hang on, it's part of the game. He's the definition of wierdo.

Father Grigori - I didn't like Ravenholm, but he was... deliciously mad.

Mossman - Believable, BUT SHE'S A LYING--

Eli - You barely see any of him so, Pah!

And the headcrab launching blokes do scare the crap out of me, but I'm concentrating on the main NPCS.
"Pick up the can" guy
he must have had some serius problems when he was still human and now he's like - oh yeah im not pussy anymore and gives everybody a hard time and probaly smiles beneath that silly hood

alyx aint bad also, but her personality is weird

third is father gregory- i dont know why
My top 3 Favorite Characters:
1. Alyx
2. Barney
3. Gordon (I almost forget about him ;))
father gregory. an insane shotgun-using old man that talk like he is some kind of crusader and that kills zombies and laugh like a madman.
Breen, probably.

Robert Culp did some brilliant voice acting there, and he was a pretty complex character (compared to say - Mossman - who was clearly going to betray you by virtue of the fact she was 'the other women character').

Also, did you lot notice how Breen is totally, quietly insane? The way he sort of clutches his head and laughs to himself exasperatedly was kinda disturing.
I thought Eli was extremely likeable, particularly because he seemed so vulnerable. If there is ever a movie based on HL2 - step forward Morgan Freeman!

Did no-one else think Dr Breen is remarkably similar to the founder of "the matrix"??! Albeit in a slightly more insane way.

"If I had known you were going to deliver yourself to me, I wouldnt have bothered to hunt you down! Chuckle chuckle...."

Yes, they should definitely make a movie, but that wont happen unless console success is achieved first...
AfternoonLemon said:
Did no-one else think Dr Breen is remarkably similar to the founder of "the matrix"??! Albeit in a slightly more insane way.
Excepting the bullshit speech (ergo! concordantly! vis a vis!), lack of emotion and the fact that the Architect ruined an already craptacular film (whilst Breen enhances HL2)... Actually, I think that everyone at Valve who poured their time into creating the Breen character and storyline should be insulted at you suggesting a link between a character that is utter crap and one which is pretty damned excellent really. Given that an early Citadel interior sketch had the "Consul's" Room filled with monitors, perhaps Valve realised exactly how not to make an antagonistic character.

Or a crap sequel.

Oh, they do both have white hair i suppose :p
I wish you had Vorts to fight with in the rebellion
Hedy Lamarr. What could possibly be cooler than a rebel head crab!?!
I dont care what you say:

1. Dog
2. Barney
3. Breen
4. Alyx
5. Kleiner
6. Vortigaunts
7. Citizens
8. Combine
9. Mossman
10. Eli

my top ten.
Anyone who loves vortigaunts should get the ps2 version of half-life because if you finish Decay with all "A's" then you get to play a level as a vortiguant. And its a pretty good level.
Cpl. Hicks said:
Anyone who loves vortigaunts should get the ps2 version of half-life because if you finish Decay with all "A's" then you get to play a level as a vortiguant. And its a pretty good level.

No need to spam another thread when you have already made one that says the exact same thing.