Favorite Metal Band

StardogChampion said:
How did Iron Maiden manage to get popular with those nu-metal people anyway? Maiden are well above that crap.

It makes me sick walking around and seeing those punks with Nirvana, SOAD, Disturbed, Korn and Maiden badges sewn to their schoolbags. Nirvana & Maiden > any of that rubbish.

Iron Maiden are popular with people who like nu-metal, because...well, they're a popular metal band. Hard to believe, no? :p
Evo said:
Metallica all the way for me especially live stuff from late 80's early 90's-found on Live Sh!t Binge and Purge box set. Maiden, S.O.A.D and a couple of other 'nu-metal' bands

The Live Shit Binge and Purge set was fantastic. I like Metallica's old stuff because I like the hard hitting but fast paced music style. I guess they call that trash metal right? They seemed to slow down around the Black Album.
StardogChampion said:
How did Iron Maiden manage to get popular with those nu-metal people anyway? Maiden are well above that crap.

It makes me sick walking around and seeing those punks with Nirvana, SOAD, Disturbed, Korn and Maiden badges sewn to their schoolbags. Nirvana & Maiden > any of that rubbish.

Niravna's highly overated, and isn't metal. There good, but there great, and Kurt Cobain is not a god like some people make him out to be. He was an average guitarists at best.
Well I can safely say after hardly any though I'm now firmly into A Perfect Circle. Because Passive and Gravity (Off eMOTIVe and Thirteen Step respectively) kick so much ass.

Although Tool also has a special place in my CD collection. As well as With Teeth (Even though my copys case seems to have been violated....
I meant thrash, it was a typo. I would never call Metallica trash :).
StardogChampion said:
How did Iron Maiden manage to get popular with those nu-metal people anyway? Maiden are well above that crap.

It makes me sick walking around and seeing those punks with Nirvana, SOAD, Disturbed, Korn and Maiden badges sewn to their schoolbags. Nirvana & Maiden > any of that rubbish.

It's called "Opinion". Everyone has their own individual one.

btw Nirvana, SOAD, Disturbed and Maiden all rock (dont really like korn :P)
I think my favorite is Testament... they don't seem to be very popular, but I think they're awesome.
What are some good thrash metal bands? I like stuff like Kill 'em All Metallica but I haven't really heard any other bands that play stuff like that.
That's what Testament is like. Check out The Gathering I think its their best album.
Yeah, someone else suggested Testament and I like them. Sometimes when singing he sounds just like James from Metallica.
Testament, Anthrax and Destruction. Easily.
Killswitch engage

Black Sabbath

Don't really listen to much metal. I just listen to the great ones.

EDIT: Dunno if Nirvana is considered metal, seems like some think so. But yeah, they rule.
MurderScene said:
-well, their new album yes...but the old ones? dear god, if you consider growls to be "catchy" and "clean" then i want what your smoking!
btw, no such thing as nu-metal, its just a stupid trend

-glad you like em =). heres some other good bands..
Bury Your Dead
Norma Jean
Fear Before The March of Flames

got a bunch more but too lazy to put up =P

Underoath's "Cries of the Past" was pretty good. My description: Americanized-black-metal-screams-with-some-death-growls-tossed-in.

Norma Jean's "Bless the Martyr, Kiss the Child" was very good as well. It's not really 'metal'...more like choascore/metalcore...but still good. Don't let the 'cores' fool you. I couldn't stop listening to that disc after I got it. I love screaming along with those vocals.

Anyway....Extol is a band worth checking out. Their first albulm, Burial, was some nice melodic European black metal. Their Undeceived disc was more progressive...not nearly the same style as Burial.

(sorry, saying 'European black metal' is a tad redundant. All should know that true black metal is from Europe!)
Also, after browsing this thread, I haven't seen anyone mention In Flames!

Their old stuff is good, but there's just something about the 'Reroute to Remain' disc...(for me, at least)
sumoafro said:
Also, after browsing this thread, I haven't seen anyone mention In Flames!

Their old stuff is good, but there's just something about the 'Reroute to Remain' disc...(for me, at least)
In Flames pre-Clayman are fantastic, but their new stuff is really just metalcore crap.
My all-time favorite metal band is Gammacide--I seriously can't stop listening to Victims of Science(as you all can gather, I suppose). It used to be a close call between The Crown/At The Gates, then Tomas joined The Crown and there was much rejoicing.

And yes, In Flames was amazing for a while, but after Clayman they have gone off my chart completely :-(
Can't say I'm a huge metal fan, but I'll listen to some stuff now and then.

Anyone ever hear of Game Over though? They take old nintendo theme songs and convert them into metal covers with original lyrics.


Download the Punchout cover, "Little Mac's Confession", that they have in their downloads section. ****ing amazing song.
hmmm heavy metal to me means Iron maiden and judas priest ...everything else is something else entirely ...to me heavy metal is purely a UK thing
CptStern said:
hmmm heavy metal to me means Iron maiden and judas priest ...everything else is something else entirely ...to me heavy metal is purely a UK thing

technically i dont tthink their actually considered to be heavy metal. The Best Metal defintly does come out of Britain, then the rest of Europe following that.
Opeth, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, some Metallica, Rammstein, and Sabbath.
VictimOfScience said:
My all-time favorite metal band is Gammacide--I seriously can't stop listening to Victims of Science(as you all can gather, I suppose).

You there, I'm not sure what thread it was but you mentioned I should check Gammacide out. Well I did, and damn thats good. If I see any around I'll get some.

They reminded me of Agressor. If you haven't heard them, hear them.

EDIT: Bloody quoting.
@The Bleeding-- That's great to hear! I just hope their upcoming re-release has good distribution so that many more metal fans can be thrashing to those insane tunes soon!

I just got the demos from another Texas metal band from that era called Rotting Corpse. They rock, but the production isn't all that stellar--not as bad as many demos, but not as good as a real release would have been...check them out too at www.rottingcorpse.net

If they are sold out of the original 100 demos, let me know and I can burn a copy for you or email them to you(brings back memories of the old days of tape trading... ;( )

Oh, and I didn't like Medival Rites(is that the same Agressor?), but I haven't heard the rest of their stuff--a bit hard to find, though I would really like to if they sound like you-know-who :-)
Axyon said:
In Flames pre-Clayman are fantastic, but their new stuff is really just metalcore crap.

Indeed, If you buy an In Flames album, get The Jester Race. :devil:

And check out Extol....
I detest Opeth. They are the most overrated band in metal. They dabble in a bunch of styles but are poor at all of them. The 'heavy' bits aren't heavy enough to be heavy and the 'sensitive' parts aren't deep enough to be properly emotional.

I would compare them to a spork. Use either a spoon or a fork. Sometimes a fork can do a spoon's job and vice versa, but what should not happen is some poorly conceived hybrid which is weak and plastic-ey and excels at nothing, and is beaten into the dust by its pureblood rivals in the Spoon and Fork tribes.

In happier news, I finally got hold of the new Nile album. Thankfully it isn't all as straightforward as "Lashed to the Slave Stick", which I was afraid it might be, but it's still a strange one nonetheless. Nile could be dead and still write a great album, but but with that in mind the new album doesn't quite blow me away as much as the previous 2, so far (half a dozen or so listens in). Partly it's down to the drumming - George is OK, but he lacks any really good ideas, and his one-footed (or 2-footed) straight blastbeats sound weak, cos the snare is swallowed by the clicky kick. His bombblasts sound OK, but I've always considered bombblasts to be the scatty cousin of the blast family so...

It's not just the drumming though, the album has a weird atmos as a whole. It has their catchiest song yet ('LttSS'), but also some of their wackiest timings ever in "Chapter of Obeisance...". Plus the fact that they've cut back on the Egyptian stylings...I dunno, maybe I'm just underestimating the time it usually takes for me to know and love a Nile release inside out. I'll spin it again, now.

They are still one of my favourite bands *masterfully arrives back on topic :E *
Laivasse said:
I detest Opeth. They are the most overrated band in metal. They dabble in a bunch of styles but are poor at all of them. The 'heavy' bits aren't heavy enough to be heavy and the 'sensitive' parts aren't deep enough to be properly emotional.

I would compare them to a spork. Use either a spoon or a fork. Sometimes a fork can do a spoon's job and vice versa, but what should not happen is some poorly conceived hybrid which is weak and plastic-ey and excels at nothing, and is beaten into the dust by its pureblood rivals in the Spoon and Fork tribes.

In happier news, I finally got hold of the new Nile album. Thankfully it isn't all as straightforward as "Lashed to the Slave Stick", which I was afraid it might be, but it's still a strange one nonetheless. Nile could be dead and still write a great album, but but with that in mind the new album doesn't quite blow me away as much as the previous 2, so far (half a dozen or so listens in). Partly it's down to the drumming - George is OK, but he lacks any really good ideas, and his one-footed (or 2-footed) straight blastbeats sound weak, cos the snare is swallowed by the clicky kick. His bombblasts sound OK, but I've always considered bombblasts to be the scatty cousin of the blast family so...

It's not just the drumming though, the album has a weird atmos as a whole. It has their catchiest song yet ('LttSS'), but also some of their wackiest timings ever in "Chapter of Obeisance...". Plus the fact that they've cut back on the Egyptian stylings...I dunno, maybe I'm just underestimating the time it usually takes for me to know and love a Nile release inside out. I'll spin it again, now.

They are still one of my favourite bands *masterfully arrives back on topic :E *

Eh, I disagree fully.
Slipknot...is the most overrated band in metal, and that's a fact.
xlucidx said:
Eh, I disagree fully.
Slipknot...is the most overrated band in metal, and that's a fact.
The only similarity that Nu-Metal shares with Metal is the inclusion of the word 'metal'.

On another note, Embraced's album 'Within' simply refuses to leave my PC/CD Player/Mp3 Player. It's like crack, I swear.
'Within' is a good album, with "Solitude of my own" being the best track. If you like these guys you'll love Enslaved (Progressive Black/Viking)
... get 'Below the Lights' and their new one 'Isa'.

Amorphis would also be another band you'd like. Check out 'Tales from a thousand lakes'. You might even like my band... check my sig.
As far as I can see metal is all s**t! Metallica is alright but they're all sell outs so f**k em!
colson said:
As far as I can see metal is all s**t! Metallica is alright but they're all sell outs so f**k em!

You can't see very far then, colson. So, what kind of music are YOU into?
NOOOO, can't believe you called Metallica sell ou... wait they are nowadays aren't they, ah well i can live
colson said:
As far as I can see metal is all s**t! Metallica is alright but they're all sell outs so f**k em!

what do u consider good music? and what actual metal have you heard? if you come back saying rap is better, then u dont deserve the right to ever post again.
poksmote said:
'Within' is a good album, with "Solitude of my own" being the best track. If you like these guys you'll love Enslaved (Progressive Black/Viking)
... get 'Below the Lights' and their new one 'Isa'.

Amorphis would also be another band you'd like. Check out 'Tales from a thousand lakes'. You might even like my band... check my sig.
Yeah, Enslaved are great too. Listening to 'Eld' at the moment, actually.

SearanoX said:
Sounds pretty cool. Think I'll check it out.
It's just solid melodic black, the intro to 'Blessed are Those' blows my mind every damn time.
colson said:
As far as I can see metal is all s**t! Metallica is alright but they're all sell outs so f**k em!

Wow. Why bother post in a thread about your FAVORITE METAL BAND then? I must admit that there is a whole ton of awful "metal" out there today, but thankfully there is also a GINORMOUS amount of seriously kick-ass metal out there too.

FYI: If you are into thrash ala DRI or old-school CoC, please do yourselves a favor and check out Municipal Waste at http://www.myspace.com/municipalwaste