Favorite things about sprintf()?


Aug 13, 2006
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Favorite things about spridmasdl;kj4riorotimnb,.mnz;e9pt32-;lm';alm/.xc

The air is warming up, the days are longer, and tornado season is upon us. Post pictures of your favorite things about spring, or memories of spring.

**** it, don't even post pictures if you don't wanna.

Here's my favorite things.


It's not that tornadoes are fun, but you have to admit, they are beautiful in nature. You can't help but be stunned by their sight. And the seductively frightening weather that flows with them is intoxicating.


It's not much, but blooming trees make my day brighter somehow.

And, the mild to warm weather is always great.

EDIT: **** me, wrong section, Can we move this thread up one level please? Thank you. :p
Van_Halen said:
Favorite things about stpring?

favourite things about stripping?

I like the little way the line runs up the back of the stockings. no no no leave it on, dont take it off

I love it when a hole section of the paper comes off in one go.... oh its so satisfying....
I love it when I get the stripping in nice and snuggly


not that's some quality stripping
St. Pring was a really great guy.
well since i live in the North East of the US, its nice to finally see the majority of the boob or at least good side boob
favourite things about stripping?

I like the little way the line runs up the back of the stockings. no no no leave it on, dont take it off


Anyway what I like about spring is that... hrm. Well actually I don't know of anything I like or dislike about spring. Spring showers are cool I guess.
Saint Pring

Edit: Goddamn it ZT.
The painted turtles freeze in winter to hibernate, then thaw. That is a great moment of spring.
I'm in, like, the opposite hemisphere.

I'll be dregging in Autumn until Winter comes around in June; **** yeah.
The best part about spring is the sunlight that actually warms you. I might move to California in the future just so I can have more of it.
raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

these are a few of my favorite sthings.
Spring is great. I like lots of things about it:

  • The smell of rain on hot tarmac
  • Cherry blossoms (although they all died because it got very cold again ;( )
  • The freezing wind that makes your cheeks red and your hair go crazy
  • The way the bare trees get this subtle tinge of green before the buds bloom fully
  • Wearing less clothes
  • Being able to sleep with the window open
  • Long evenings
  • Easter eggs

Edit: And lambs!!! Holy crap, lambs are cute. Even better with a bit of mint sauce on the side.
Best thing:
-No snow

**** winter, **** snow, **** cold weather
Best thing:
-No snow

**** winter, **** snow, **** cold weather

Long time no ****ing see, Apple Man.

Or have you been around and I've simply been missing you?
spring is f*ckin gay bring back winter that shit is ballin as hell cause all the girls at school got some hard nipples when they get cold and they got some bomb ass tittays
I dunno.

I hate spring. Summer even more. Fall is good, but Winter is awesome.
No longer having to wear a ski outfit to go in the kitchen.
Not waking up early and it being pitch black because everything else on this planet is asleep except for me.

Travelling on the tube at temperatures just below boiling point, so when I arrive I'm cooked and ready to eat.

People wearing sandals with socks in the middle of Covent Garden / Oxford Street. What are you thinking, this is central London. There isn't a beach for 70 miles.
Longer days trump everything. There is little more depressing and miserable than it getting dark at half past four in the afternoon.

Also as someone said before, Summer is next.
Or have you been around and I've simply been missing you?


Anyways, back on topic. Got my car washed yesterday so now it's all perdy and shiny. Add that to the list of awesome spring stuff.
I hate spring now, because of all the nasty pollen that trees jizz all over everyones cars. I've taken my car to the car wash three times in the last week and a half and each time its just covered the next morning.


**** trees in the springtime.
As a PHP programmer I'm not a huge fan of sprintf().