Favourite chapter!

Favourite Chapter

  • Undue Alarm

    Votes: 22 28.2%
  • Direct Intervention

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • Lowlife

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • Urban Flight

    Votes: 22 28.2%
  • Exit 17

    Votes: 16 20.5%

  • Total voters


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm feeling a tad generic. But I had to.

Undue Alarm held the opening, which without a doubt was the best opening to a game, ever. It was truly superb.

Direct Intervention was fun. It was mainly Core gameplay, but you have to admit - screw the meltdown, the pulsating energy core was orgasmic.

, another great chapter. The introduction of Zombines, which for the record, are the single greatest enemies ever, and showcasing Alyx's AI. Also, it's the first time I've shot a Zombie - I always used the crowbar. And the final elevator battle was intense.

Urban Flight
was excellent. Highlights included the City 17 ruins, Kleiners speech, the antlionguard battle, Barney and the Hospital. Which was without a doubt, excellent.

Exit 17, the final, and for me, best chapter in the game. The train yard car park, combined with it's surroundings was absolutely sexy. I enjoyed chaperoning the citizens, which made for some interesting gameplay, and the final Strider battle was excellent fun. Then there was the ending. Wow. Hurtling away from C17 as the transmission went out, the core reached the outer walls and the Citadel tore itself apart.
Its a tie between Undue Alarm and Direct Intervention, im afraid. D0G/Alyx or citadel core/Alyx?

edit: for poll purposes, i'll choose undue alarm
I vote Exit 17. We spent an entire game destroying the Citadel. We spent an entire game getting away from the Citadel as it was about to blow up. We were promised the Citadel's explosion.

We got what we were promised.
Thunderclap said:
I vote Exit 17. We spent an entire game destroying the Citadel. We spent an entire game getting away from the Citadel as it was about to blow up. We were promised the Citadel's explosion.

We got what we were promised.

Direct Intervention. I liked the part with the energy core, it looked ****ing unreal.
Loke said:
Direct Intervention. I liked the part with the energy core, it looked ****ing unreal.

You could look at that sphere for hours
Undue Alarm
Coming Soon :hmph:
Urban Flight
Exit 17
Direct Intervention - Just because I put it last, doesn't mean it wasn't great. It was just too short. And it was the last sighting of the Stalkers. We never got to fight them proper like. ;(
Thunderclap said:
You could look at that sphere for hours

If you throw an energy ball at it, it goes whoomphommph and pulsates red. i sat there for 30 seconds just throwing balls at it :imu:
I picked Urban Flight, but I loved Exit 17 almost as much

that ending...:D
Urban Flight, because it's the only chapter with variation in combat and stuff.

I don't really love the uber-gravity gun fighting (grip of death isn't -that- much fun after the 100th time) of Undue Alarm.

I did love Direct Intervention, reminded me a lot of the Lambda Core, but it was a bit short to become my favourite.

Lowlife.... well, I'm afraid in the dark now... I didn't like the pitch blackness, kept having to fry zombies to see something :(

Urban Flight is long, has street fighting, close combat fighting, and the hospital <3

Exit 17 was a bit 'meh'.... it's an ok chapter, but I was hoping for a more challenging ending. We already killed a dozen striders in Half Life 2, and in Aftermath it's just that one, which is kinda easy to kill.

Now, I do like everything in the game, just a bit disappointed cause I want more! And maybe even better! But mostly more.
I would say Direct Intervention. I could almost feel the heat from the core sitting infront of my monitor. It was amazing.

I really like the clever puzzles the Half-Life games have, and Direct Intervention didn't let me down one bit. Popping energy balls into sockets, having stalkers lasering my balls when I try to move the bridges in the core, navigating through the corridors with tons of energy balls flowing through them.

And the feeling of really accomplishing something when you've made the core stable, if only for a little while.

Second would be Undue Alarm, followed very closely by Exit 17, excellent outro.
Well, I liked all of it, but on my second run through Lowlife was pretty darned good, that kind of gameplay is really novel and valve did a great job, though I really like Exit 17 because of the end sequence.
cabbs said:
If you throw an energy ball at it, it goes whoomphommph and pulsates red. i sat there for 30 seconds just throwing balls at it :imu:

Hehh... I kept throwing combine in it.. :cheese:
Hey Samon, remember back in the day when I wasn't sure if Valve would actually show the Citadel exploding? I'm eating my own words. Awesome, AWESOME, scene. Truly good stuff.
I just finished it then! Absolutely awesome...and the trailer for Episode Two...very interesting.

Anyway, I would say Urban Flight. It was the meatiest chapter, and the return of Barney (and the crowbar ;)) made it quite awesome. Kleiner's speech was quite humorous as well. Exit 17 was actually meh until the strider sequence, which redeemed it completely.
The poll is pretty even so far.

I voted urban flight because of the hospital area. Undue Alarm, Direct Intervention and the Hospital area are my favorites.

Lowlife was quite fun but a little stressful in the dark all the time.
Still escorting citizens in Exit 17, but Urban Flight owned loads.

Anyway, aren't there six chapters in the game?
bigburpco said:
Still escorting citizens in Exit 17, but Urban Flight owned loads.

Anyway, aren't there six chapters in the game?
Last one I think is the EP2 trailer.
nimby said:
I don't really love the uber-gravity gun fighting (grip of death isn't -that- much fun after the 100th time) of Undue Alarm.
I'm with you on that one. I think its safe to say that almost all of us just about pissed our pants when we first got a hold of it in HL2 and started throwing bodies, but it became repetitious here. Over and over just flinging bodies around. I never get tired of watching the combine fall down the citadel though. :p

I'd have to say Lowlife for me. I absolutely loved fighting in the darkness against the zombines, with only my flashlight and flares to see by. Waiting for the elevator to come was totally awesome too. I had one of my most memorable moments there. I was going back to the elevator after flipping the switch and just as I got there my flashlight ran out of power. It cut off and I stood there in the darkness waiting for it to recharge a bit. All of a sudden I hear the faint sound of a combine soldier's gear shaking around on his suit. It began to get louder and I immediately knew it wa a zombine coming for me. Just as it was about to give me a good swipe on the face I heard Alyx yell out "Don't leave me down here!" because I had my flashlight off. I flipped it on and there was a zombine right up on me. I downed him with my shottie, only to see them and other regular and fast zombies coming from all around me.
Exit 17

If i remember correctly.
CodeFire said:
Hehh... I kept throwing combine in it.. :cheese:

Haha, me too :E

Greatgat said:
Hey Samon, remember back in the day when I wasn't sure if Valve would actually show the Citadel exploding? I'm eating my own words. Awesome, AWESOME, scene. Truly good stuff.

Take that doubter!
Exit 17 was great.

You get to to take out loads of different combine enemy; do it in unique and thrilling ways, all the while leading up to an epic event. With the company of Barney and Alyx and citizens, with all the weapons you could ever need and want.

tough choice between lowlife and urban flight

but the hospital sequence makes urban flight the best chapter, reminded me of the office block in Black mesa
Ye I voted Urban Flight too - loved fighting the Gunship (very difficult on hard). It was the most authentic looking set in the game for me, with the rickety old wooden frame getting ripped apart by the Gunship :)
AfternoonLemon said:
Ye I voted Urban Flight too - loved fighting the Gunship (very difficult on hard). It was the most authentic looking set in the game for me, with the rickety old wooden frame getting ripped apart by the Gunship :)

After the battle I thought I'd see how much I could blow up (having access to unlimited rockets there helped)...turns out there was a lot.
Completed the game, and oh man, that strider was fun (insane). Really hard on well, Hard.

But uh, Urban Flight still takes first place. ;)

Myself in another thread said:
For me, it was the music in Teaser One pounding as I alt-fired everything in my path along with the shotgun, and with Alyx (rapid firing the crap out of everything with the shotgun too) and the explosives and the kaboomy awesomeness while blowing the crap out a large group of enemies with the rocket launcher in the hospital and the freaking intense pace as I ran and ran and blew the shit out of everything and jumping around on my seat.

That was awesome. :D
Urban Flight. The Gunship battle was just awesome. The Hospital reminded me a lot of HL1 battles.

Lowlife. The elevator zombie battle is right up there with the best fights in shooting history.
PvtRyan said:
Lowlife. The elevator zombie battle is right up there with the best fights in shooting history.

I have to agree, such a fantastic scene.
AfternoonLemon said:
Ye I voted Urban Flight too - loved fighting the Gunship (very difficult on hard). It was the most authentic looking set in the game for me, with the rickety old wooden frame getting ripped apart by the Gunship :)

Then you will like how this battle ends, I recored this video to show some ppl, and I could never get the thing to crash right but when I wanted to record a video it crashed in a great way.

The more I'm thinking about it, the more I like Ep1 and probably I'll appreciate it more with replays.
Crashing through floors of the Citadel in that destroyed van; hugging the coridoor walls in the hospital to avoid the gunship; helping Alyx struggle from underneath the stalker; the guilt of the necessity of killing them; Alyx's quips and her relationship with her father...
Bugger me, that was a pretty good game, actually.
It's genuinely hard to say because it genuinely all was really good. No fanboyism in that either, I just can't think of any one portion that was significantly better than another - consistent high quality throughout. Seems episodic content works.
You guys are right, that hospital level was just so awesome. The operating rooms covered in blood with dead bodies on the tables, amazing stuff.