fighting isn't worth the legal trouble


Jun 18, 2005
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fighting just isn't worth the trouble it brings afterwards..

I got in a fight today, some kid that had something against me and we had been talking shit put his hands on me pushing me into the wall and started choking me after I walked away.

Adrenalin kicked in and I hit him in the face, I waited to see if he was gonna swing again and he got his fists up so I hit him in the face again.. He kept coming back for more and had his fists up, I was surprised a teacher hadn't seen yet. He comes back with his fists up so I hit him again, and another time because he just kept coming back. I couldn't figure out what his deal was so he got me on the ground and we started kicking each other while he pulled my pants down (wtf??)

so I had to explain all this to my principal and to me it was self-defense because he made the first contact, and its not like I could've just ran away.. they said it wasn't self-defense because they said I didn't try to run away or call for a teacher.. did they just expect me to be a punk about it?

so I got a citation for disordely conduct - fighting.. have to see a judge
I got sent to alternative school for 60 days
i'm suspended for 5 days
and my parents are going to kill me.

Do you think that 3 minutes of physical contact is worth all that trouble? It's a tough decision because if I hadn't of done anything i'd be a trash talking punk.. I need a cigg.
If you're gonna fight him, kill him so he can never hurt you again.
Where I come from a fight like that in highschool would never result in seeing a judge or going to an alternative school. It would just result in the suspension. Where do you come from? Because unless you really hurt the guy the punishment you are being given is extremelly harsh.
BF2slut said:
murder isn't worth the legal trouble either

If you're ever forced to fight someone, you must finish him. Otherwise, avoidance.
I had a fight once. We hit each other at least three times in the face. Nobody but our friends saw us, went to my next class after that... but dang, was that satisfying!
The Mullinator said:
Where I come from a fight like that in highschool would never result in seeing a judge or going to an alternative school. It would just result in the suspension. Where do you come from? Because unless you really hurt the guy the punishment you are being given is extremelly harsh.

Texas.. i'm not sure how its gonna go with the judge, they say I might get off with some community service but I don't understand why all this shit for a fight somebody else started? I've never gotten such a huge adrenalin rush though, people that I don't even know are calling me on my phone congradtulating me for it, but it's just kinda "meh" by the time I get back to regular school everybody will have forgotten.
I'm with Pesmerga. Kill or incapacitate in exactly one blow and there's no trouble.
That's pure BS. You should have stuck up for yourself when they tried to tell you what you did was wrong. Tool late now.
For that punishment, and for how you feel now, i think you can say to yourself you know its not worth it. But you've learnt that lesson now, next time it happens you'll probably know what to do different to avoid such a situation. You learnt the hard way sadly. Well i hope so anyway...then this thing hasn't been an entire waste of time. Try to think of how you could have changed the situation / avoided it completely.
Glenn, I don't think he had a choice. He clearly did not want to fight, and he just defended himself.
You should've at least locked the retard in a locker then it would've been worth it.
Makes me glad the lockers in my school are micro sized. Not that I get bullied... :O
DiSTuRbEd said:
You should've at least locked the retard in a locker then it would've been worth it.

Smash his face into the locker a few times.

People these days eh.

Once someone thinks they are cool, they all of a sudden think they can kick anyone's ass.

I get dirty looks all the time, but don't make anything of it.
Damn man....i would have done just the same, although i would have argued with the principal that i had done it in self defense. Seriously, you said you tried to walk away....i guess thats sorta like running away. If someone starts choking me... they better damn well be ready for a serious smackdown.
Pesmerga said:
If you're ever forced to fight someone, you must finish him. Otherwise, avoidance.

wtf? what is this mortal kombat ?
My schools have always been such pussy-headed retards about this kind of crap. I've been suspended twice for defending myself but apparently that doesn't fly. "Why didn't you go for a teacher?" or "Two wrongs don't make a right" is the usual bullshit they'll spout. Hello, but there is such a thing as pride and I don't know about you, but most people aren't going to sit there and take that kind of shit.

Best question they ever asked me was "What if you serously hurt him? What if you had shot him?" to which I replied "What if I nuked him? I didn't seriously hurt him and I didn't shoot him. I don't even have a gun. So what's your point?". So guess who got suspended for a week? Yours truly. Guess who got a lunchtime detention? The asshole prick that had been harassing me for a month and developed the balls to shove me.

I don't regret the act itself though. It felt great knocking that shit in the teeth. In retrospect, I should have probably waited until after school so I could hit him with a car.
Absinthe said:
I don't regret the act itself though. It felt great knocking that shit in the teeth. In retrospect, I should have probably waited until after school so I could hit him with a car.

Or shot him with a 12 gauge. That would have shown those teachers!

But no really, any fight that doesn't end up with someone dead is a fight for pride, and pride starts wars.
Obviously the point of action to take is to once again write a superb piece of writing defending your valiant actions and giving painstaking proof on what the other has done. Observe yourself from a third person point of view and attack him at every possible point of attack totally destroying any credibility he has against you. Type it out in 10 point Times New Roman font, single spaced for a total of four plus pages of written text with the standard introduction, body, conclusion argumentative essay as it looks like and thoroughly explains that you have had serious problems with this alleged person before. Unlike other creative texts you have written before for your English or other academia, it should truly, no matter how cheesy it sounds, come from the heart allowing you spew out pages upon pages of information in order to destroy the other's argument. He and your teachers will be taken completely by surprise from this all-telling report and will view your case with utmost regard for you and not the other.

The other's argument will completely fail against you as he will have nothing more than a simple verbal argument with barbaric curse words and failed grammar. Ask witnesses and record what they have said in order to further support your argument. Be sure to flair your words with a style akin to this piece of writing to sound many times more intelligent than your really are and quite possibly far greater than the judges themselves. If they will not read your argument, push to have them read it as much as possible. Your diligence shall not fail you. He, however, will fail like the idiot you have told us he is. He will have nothing to back him up and you shall triumph with this spectacular piece of ownageness astounding all others for they have surely not seen something as grand as that.

This is how you win.
wow that's uber retarded, i might tell my parents about that since it was self defense in my eyes seeing as how you tried to walk away and he grabbed you and started choking you. bitchy parents can do wonders, but it depends on what you're parents are like. i woulda just kicked the living shit out of that fag tho, and pulling your pants down wtf? if i was going to get in as much shit as you, i woulda made sure he was ****ed up good
My god, I was laughing so hard at your post Shens. Nearly choked when you started talking about the 10 point Times New Roman font thing :laugh: But that's good advice! I think...
It isn't worth fighting unless you have to.

Idiots will fight to somehow boost their image (like an animal), it's like when i was at school i always had groups of younger students trying to fight me constantly because i was the strong guy, there wouldn't be a lunch break where someone didn't make a threatening comment to me, if they could nock me it must mean they are the man.

One day i literally had a group of 20 kids surrounding me with the ring leader shouting his mouth off, trying to look as hard as possible, eventually he punches me in the head.....for no reason other than to make himself look "good"
Of course i was not going to avoid a fight here, so i punched him the face and knocked him out cold, none of his "mates" helped him.

The head master saw the whole thing thankfully, i imagine though if he didn't i would have been the one who got the punishment, all his mates backing him up with lies about how i attacked him or some crap. The people who were harrasing me stopped after that.

It saddens me to think how much like animals young men act even with social education.

I have avoided any conflicts since then, i do not wish to ever have another fight. As well as the leagal trouble you get in, it's so easy to get bottled and then your head stamped on.

Only fighting i do now is martial arts and wrestling with mates.
throw a fire extinguisher. Fun. :D

*looks above and faints*
Angry Lawyer said:
Felt God damn good though, didn't it.

-Angry Lawyer

One of the best feelings I've ever felt.

I talked to my parents and they are alot cooler about it than I thought they'd be. They just angry because I was able to walk to school, and now my mom has to get up early and drive me to the alternative education center.. That's their beef, but they understand (unlike the school) that I really had no choice.
See what our "Politically Correctness" has brought? I think no action should be brought unless it happens again. And if it did (and he started it) the punishment should involve him being strapped down while you beat the shmack outta him.
Student: But your Honor! It was self defense!

I just hope the judge doesn't fine me, because I don't have the money to be payin it.. :|
TheSomeone said:
Senseless Violence is for dumbasses.

Correction added. :)

Some people just need a punch in the mouth, and it's a shame intellectuals aren't legally entitled to dispense punches.
The only justified violence is violence in defense of violence. If you can make sense out of that, you will come up with this conclusion:

Violence, whether sensless or not, is for dumbasses.

It's not that I can't fight. Well, I don't know if I can. But I take karate 2 hours, three times a week, and I have been for the past 6 years. If I learned anything taking martial arts, it's that violence has no pourpose, and should be avoided at all times.

So please, put your egos aside and forget those macho fantasies about beating up a guy that's harassing your crush. We have a police that deal with this kind of stuff, and they know better than to get in fights.
You gotta see a judge for that? In my old school (Elementary school) the only way you can see a judge by fighting is if ya shank someone, I have never seen a fight, or have been in a fight where I had to see a judge, most we would do is get suspended and thats it...
Your community must be f***ed
He pulled down your pants huh? I wonder if you can argue sexual assault? It's worth a shot.

But that's the harshest sentence I've heard for a high school fight. You must be a multiple offender because that sentence is just rediculous for a first time.