Films: Rate and Discuss

We had this discussion in the other thread, if I remember correctly. The film was beautifully done, but only half realized. It's still a tremendous piece of work in my opinion. The shear scope and scale of the movie is silencing.

The bit where Hugh Jackman looses it was a fantastic and an extremely moving scene: -

I'd say the film is worth seeing simply to witness an an actor genuinely put himself out there emotionally like that, plus visually its a fantastic movie.
Repo: The Genetic Opera


Really awful movie. Me and my buddies have a tendency to rent bad movies so that we may laugh at them, however this particular film was so awful we could hardly enjoy ourselves.

It gets a 2 for a few cool set designs.

God I laughed so hard at this film. They took the most banal, dry dialogue and put it in song format. The lyrics are something I'd expect from a high school musical written by teens.

But at least I got to see Giles rip somebody's heart out. That was kinda cool.

"I have a blood disease!" /sing
Blade Runner: Director's Cut - 9/10

Great story and visually stunning for a film of that age. Soundtrack is one of the best I've heard.

The Damned United - 10/10

Absolutely magnificent. Sheen nailed it.
the hangover 3/10

boring, totally unfunny and just plain ****. Why has this year been a complete flop when it comes to movies?
The Devil and Daniel Johnston - 10/10

Superb. Before I watched this I knew Daniel Johnston supposedly had a "troubled genius" thing going on, but didn't really believe or realize it until I saw the film. That dude went through a lot while still managing to remain a funny guy. I really liked the dvd special features too... in fact, I think this might be the only film I've seen so far where I thought the special features really added something. There's a recording of a radio show he did that was completely hilarious. Also there were lots of recognizable Austin scenes that really made me miss that city.
All this Fountain talk made me run out and rent it.

The Fountain: 7.5/10

As the movie started and I watched, I started to think I had a previously over-rated this movie. It had too much dissonance and it didn't seem to go anywhere. I thought this, strangely enough, even knowing that Aronofsky films often take awhile to get going. And this is what happened. Once it starts moving, it doesn't stop until a tremendous climax. And what an ending! It's so gripping, emotion and tense. It made my heart beat increase.

The visuals, acting and pacing are pretty much flawless. It keeps you guessing, even after the movie has ended.

It may be only half realized, half there, half done--whatever--but what is here is fantastic.
District 9 - 9.5/10

Best movie of the year for me hands down. I had been putting off watching this as I had seen some of the opening documentary parts already and they just didn't appeal to me. Then I watched it and it all came together. At first I had a little bit of trouble making out the accents but that soon wasn't an issue as the story, once it gets moving, is not only very well told but can be very emotional. I can't remember the last time I felt genuinely upset about what happened to a CG character. Great effects and some brilliant acting from the main character once the movie gets away from the documentary style.
The section with the mech suit and the MCU troops blew me away, when he went back for Christopher in the suit after being such a chicken shit and genuinely unlikable for much of the movie
really gave a "**** yes!" feeling.

Part of me is torn now, although the movie sets itself up for a sequel, I wouldn't want one if it wasn't up to the standards this one set.

Amazing film.
the hangover 3/10

boring, totally unfunny and just plain ****. Why has this year been a complete flop when it comes to movies?
This, it was shit.

I have high hopes for 'I hope they serve beer in hell' though.
District 9


Good action, semi original theme, but very cliche, and filled with plot holes
District 9


Good action, semi original theme, but very cliche, and filled with plot holes

I kinda agree. Saw it yesterday. Was nowhere near as good as the way some people were describing it. Descended into action mode a bit too fast(even though it was sweet, Mech ftw lolol). It also seemed like every five minutes sumit gross would happen with suitably sloppy sound - main character puking, wolfing down cat-food, experiments, mutiliation. The end did leave me a bit :( though.
It may be only half realized, half there, half done--whatever--but what is here is fantastic.
Yes. It's also on tv tonight. And I will be watching it again.

District 9 - 6/10

Within 10 minutes I was impressed. After an hour I was thinking this is the slickest, most polished sci-fi since The Matrix. Original setting and concept, above average acting, intriguing pace that slowly ramps up with every minute, great cinematography, and the Weta fx are as usual the best in the industry. An hour and a half in and the action was heart poundingly incredible, the mission to retrieve the canister is one of the finest action sequences I've seen in a long time. And then... stalled. Suddenly and obviously. It completely lost power and momentum and then coasted slowly down to a disappointing ending. No, actually that's not true. There was no ending. None. I'm still waiting for it. But i'll be ****ed if i'm going to wait 3 years to pay for a sequel with probably no ending again. Or worse, the prospect of a cheap 'n nasty tv series.
Personally I prefer open endings like District 9 had, so although I agree with most of what others have already said about it that isn't a problem for me.
Whiteout 7/10

somewhat realistic crime thriller and was much different than i thought it was going to be. not too many movies are shot entirely in snowy conditions but it was nice to see something different for a change
I'd give District 9 a second whirl sometime in the future. More than a few comments I've heard about it sound like the results of having expectations of the film clash with what it actually is. Second viewings usually help me see a movie more clearly when that happens to me.
I held no expectations, and I still saw it extremely cliche and holed with missing plot points like a swiss cheese
Gran Torino - 7/10

It was a good movie, and proves that even at 78, Clint Eastwood is a force to be reckoned with. I liked the story, but I felt that they played up all the race jokes and slurs too much. And while the kid who played Thao looked the part, he couldn't act at all. In fact, most of the cast wasn't that good. They all seemed to be hamming it up. Even Clint Eastwood seemed to be over playing the stereo typical, bigoted, angry old man role. The only good actors, in my opinion, were a few of the gang memebers, who seemed to really get into the role. And the opening scene was stupid. What parents in their right mind would allow their child to attend a funeral in miniskirt and allow them to text? That was just plain stupid.

Other than that, great movie.


"Get off my lawn"
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - 4.5/10

An overly tentative attempt to introduce the Holocaust to the young or still ignorant. Plenty of blunt moralistic points spelled out in big letters for children, yet managing to portray none of the true horrors until the very last scene, which most kids wouldn't understand anyway without an explanation from mum and dad, as the film provided none.

Piss poor acting from pretty much everyone and Janet & John script plus yet another predictably re-hashed score by James Horner that could - and probably was - cut and pasted from various bits of A Beautiful Mind and Titanic.

Can't think of a single plus for this film, though the end scene was quite powerful in its imagery - shame the rest wasn't.

yay double post tastic. fkin edit timeout nonsense.
Blade Runner: Director's Cut - 9/10

Great story and visually stunning for a film of that age. Soundtrack is one of the best I've heard.

The Damned United - 10/10

Absolutely magnificent. Sheen nailed it.
Agreed with you about Blade Runner, though I saw the Final Cut, which Ridley Scott had creative control over, unlike the Director's Cut.
Harry Potter and They Should Have Titled This One Better Because They Barely Paid Any Attention to the Potions Book

Fan score:

Out of ten pincers.

I'm glad they finally got shit right. Took them 5 movies. So glad they kept in Aragog; was totally expecting them to think of some alternate/cheaper means of having Harry extract the memory. Only two things really got to me storywise: the absolutely unnecessary nuking of the Burrow, and them not including Snape's 'I AM NOT A COWARD' moment. In fact, they could have almost left Snape out and it would have been the same movie.

Film critic score:


Out of ten pincers.

Finally, finally they actually let the actors take the stage as opposed to the special effects. The pacing was actually movie pacing, and not 'let's complete the checklist of scenes from the book we can fit in 2.5 hours.'

At first I was dreading Jim Broadbent--I had typecast him as an overly rambunctious, flamboyant character with that stupid stage voice he has (think of Moulin Rouge and Gangs of New York), but was pleasantly surprised that he could play a conflicted, not to mention old (notice how slow his movements are!) character. I'd actually argue the film's depiction of Slughorn is superior to the book's.

They should have recast Ginny after the second movie. She is the weakest link in this movie. Everyone else was great.

Loved the cave scene, except the attack of the Smeagols was silly looking. Why couldn't they just get a bunch of people in zombie dress? 25 extras? I'd do it for free ffs.

Only thing else to complain about is small details, mainly the Room of Requirement. The hallway they used is different from that of the 5th movie. This perplexes me to no end, as it was the same director and (afaik) the same shooting locations. Anybody who wasn't following the story in their head would be confused as to what the room in this film would be; Draco never talks about it, and we're never clearly shown that he's deciding what room it becomes: he just sort of stands in front of a wall, grimaces, and suddenly he's inside. Eventually it's Ginny who explains what it is, but the damage is done.

Also, Watson, my god, you better get naked in front of some kind of camera soon or I'm coming to England.
I don't know if half-blood prince was that good. Probably not 9 anythings out of ten, but the bit after harry took the luck potion was frackin' hillarious.
7/10? Did you hear the dialogue? Did you follow the "plot"? Did you watch Radcliffe and Grint trying to act?
Methinks the 7 is still heavily influenced by fanboyism.
The Informant! 7/10

not a bad movie and somewhat funny at times. I was wondering through the whole movie though how someone can be so dumb but then i remember a guy at work. some people do not have the ability to learn from their mistakes...but definitely a good watch. i just wish it was a bit shorter

Dollhouse Season 1 8.5/10

Awesome show especially for it being season 1. You never expect where they'll take you from episode to episode but this felt like a combination of many different and awesome shows I like. Also most of the actors play their bits well

Hard Boiled 8/10

Awesome 90s shoot em up with plenty of slow mo and gore. watch this movie if you haven't seen it yet, its great!
Dollhouse Season 1 8.5/10

Awesome show especially for it being season 1. You never expect where they'll take you from episode to episode but this felt like a combination of many different and awesome shows I like. Also most of the actors play their bits well
Did you watch the unaired Episode 13, which gives a hint at what the second season is?
Hard Boiled is most peoples' introductory Chow Yun Fat/John Woo film, and often to the Heroic Bloodshed/Hong Kong Blood Opera genre in general. Which is interesting because it's the last film that John Woo did in Hong Kong.

If you haven't yet, look up The Killer and the A Better Tomorrow series. Also, it isn't John Woo, but check out Tragic Hero.
Did you watch the unaired Episode 13, which gives a hint at what the second season is?
yes and it was really weird. it reminds me of the terminator and resident evil series somehow

Awesome movie! :D
yes it is

Hard Boiled is most peoples' introductory Chow Yun Fat/John Woo film, and often to the Heroic Bloodshed/Hong Kong Blood Opera genre in general. Which is interesting because it's the last film that John Woo did in Hong Kong.

If you haven't yet, look up The Killer and the A Better Tomorrow series. Also, it isn't John Woo, but check out Tragic Hero.

i'll look into that, but is it a newer series??

Angels and Demons

Not as great as the DaVinci Code, but plenty of mystery. But the entire film felt too dark and boring at many times. This is one of those movies you'll watch once and thats it
District 9 - 8.5/10...

This movie was almost perfect and I'm glad I took the plunge and saw it.
Almost passed it up because bad memories of Cloverfield started surfacing and I was relieved that it was nothing like that pile of overhyped shit.

Great action and suspense, great characters... I really felt for the aliens and the main guy who's name escapes me at the moment, and a pretty good soundtrack.

I loved how... human they made the aliens, even though they looked so strange they had every day problems that poverty ridden families deal with.

I'll gladly see it again and buy the DVD, easily the 2nd best film I've seen this year.
X-men origins: wolverine 8/10

Cool background but it seems like something you'd expect from a direct to dvd release, though the action was theater worthy.
I don't know if half-blood prince was that good. Probably not 9 anythings out of ten, but the bit after harry took the luck potion was frackin' hillarious.

I have never read the book and I can tell you that this movie made no bloody sense. It is quite obvious that they condensed and chopped out the part where the plot sticks to itself. The result was a movie where one character says "we have to rescue so and so item from so and so place" Why? "because it's the only way to win". Wait, why did they have to hide that book? Because some girl said so. Who loves who now? Who cares? Why do they have to go collecting dragonballs and make the old man drink the poison soup? It is because you can't straight up kill the villain, you have to go through some convoluted series of minor bosses first and each one gets increasingly more difficult. And then when they do get to Voldermort I am sure HP will be given a super gravity gun or have to kill a giant floating baby by throwing grenades into it's brain. Big ol waste of my time.
Pandorum :):):)/:):):):)

I liked this movie, it reminds me of Event Horizon, Sunshine, Aliens, and the game Resistance because of these guys:

not because they had big jaws but because they looked similar and acted the same way. There were plenty of scary scenes and lots of mystery that they unraveled during the movie. Also it was pretty light on the CGI so it wasn't over the top like some sci-fi movies these days.
So was Pandorum pretty much Deadspace the movie like some people were thinking?
No, Pandorum was a pile of shit. The monsters were terrible and so was their back story. Nearly every character is an annoying prick that you feel nothing for and the entire execution is very sloppy. Comparing it to Alien should be a crime.

3/10 is the highest I can muster for that piece of trash.
No, Pandorum was a pile of shit. The monsters were terrible and so was their back story. Nearly every character is an annoying prick that you feel nothing for and the entire execution is very sloppy. Comparing it to Alien should be a crime.

3/10 is the highest I can muster for that piece of trash.

its either you liked it or hated it. i heard no one say they loved it, but i liked it for the most part.
I caught the trailer for that at the Cineworld The Thing screening a few weeks ago. It looked complete garbage.
Cineworld had a screening of the thing? And I didn't know? NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!! D:

BTW yeah pandorum looked ****ing crap
Cineworld had a screening of the thing? And I didn't know?

It was showing for almost two weeks. I mentioned it in Steam Chat a couple of times.
They're showing Bugsy Malone this monday.

Creation 7/10
Well written, directed and acted. Pacing was good. Less science than I was hoping for, it concentrated mainly on the dilemma Darwin faced in publishing his findings and his (unrelated?) emotional problems after the death of his eldest daughter.
Also, Jennifer Connelly. Mmmmm.
The Hangover

The Hangover - 8/10

This movie was was great! While the movie was ridiculously absurd, it didn't feel ridiculously absurd at all, and I felt it had a lot more maturity than many comedies these days.

Found myself laughing far more frequently than most comedies.

And **** you Vegeta, you don't know SHIT.