Films: Rate and Discuss

Zombieland 9/10

Lets just say this is how you do a Zombie movie. you have the gore, the comedy, and the action. if all of these are in sync with each other its a win-win situation. I will definitely buy this on bluray when it comes out!
cloudy with a chance of meatballs:

Okay I can't believe I went to see this (I won't bore you with the circumstances that led to this choice :P)but I really enjoyed it. I'll admit I am not the biggest kiddie movie guy even when it comes to disney but I really enjoyed this. If you've got nothing better to do you could see alot worse :)
It was showing for almost two weeks. I mentioned it in Steam Chat a couple of times.
They're showing Bugsy Malone this monday.

****. Wish I had gone to this more than I had The Thing. Love that movie.

Die Hard 4 - 6/10

It isn't Die Hard. In no way, shape or form is this a Die Hard movie. However, I cannot deny it was one hell of a ride to watch, far apart as it may be. Very fun, but sadly paling in comparison to the original three. Still... better than I expected. Still happy I managed to pick it up in the box set of all four films so in the end, a good buy.
Ghost World - 7.5/10

A witty, perceptive comedy of the confusions of adolescence, experiments in love, and the discovery of a wider world beyond the restrictions of suburbia. If you like your films with twisted intelligence, Ghost World gets a solid recommendation. And hey, it's got Scarlett.
Pandorum 9/10 I ****in love movies like this **** the haters

AvP1 6/10 fun movie to watch allthough I wish they could have fleshed out the relationship between the Predator and the Guide

AvP2 5/10 better effects but the story is stupid.
Zombieland 10/10

Such a great, fun movie. Think I'll go see it again this weekend.
Zombieland - 8.5/10

Pretty good movie. Woody Harrelson was brilliant and I enjoyed the whole zombie-list thing. Perhaps lacked a little excitement, maybe due to the predictable ending, but the movie works well with the gore and comedy anyway.

Still not as good as Shaun Of The Dead though, although they different in terms of style of comedy I feel, with Shaun Of The Dead having the more surreal "spaced" sense of comedy, which I prefer.

Still the second best Zombie comedy ever though.
Knowing 9/10

Quite the suspense but in the end rather depressing and "like, really?"
Toy Story 3D 9/10

3D was quite pointless, But the film is as brilliant as I remember
Magnolia: a tentative 9/10

I'm definitely going to have to watch this again. I liked a lot about this movie. Most of it was beautifully crafted, but I'm unsure about a few things.
Where The Wild Things Are: 8/10

Saw this at midnight in IMAX tonight.

A lot of things were done right. A few things wrong.

First of all, Max Records, who plays Max, is one of the best child actors I've seen. He behaves like a child. This isn't a movie where a child takes on adult roles; he is a kid, and this is made evident. The voice actors were great as well. Everyone's voice really felt like it was coming from one of the wild things.

I loved the puppetry/costume thing I think much more than 100% CGI. The faces were CGI and seemed at some times weird but it wasn't too distracting. There are some great, great shots in the film as well. Large landscapes, interesting objects: there's always something to look at.

Now, the story was... well, I mean, really, the source material was like 10 lines. I'm afraid Jonze was afraid himself to stray too far from the theme/attitude/feel of the book. He made it is own, sure, but there was no real conflict throughout most. This is fine (I'll explain that later) but the made up conflict didn't seem convincing enough to warrant such dramatics. It wasn't overly long, and I was entertained throughout, it just seemed like something was lacking. I was expecting to bawl during this movie and the story never really reached any sort of climax to cause me to do so.

Over everything else, though, is what this movie made me feel. Watching Max play, cry, run around was a treat in itself. Again, he played the role flawlessly. He looks, feels like he's having fun. He's genuinely being a kid, and I felt like one too for an hour and a half. When he tells stories, or tells the wild things his plans and ideas, I melt because I can infinitely relate. I miss that from childhood, and that's what this movie is: a glimpse at what I used to be. What we all used to be. We all used to be wild things.

Maybe some day I can find the boat Max found.
Dexter S01E01 - 8/10

Although a little confusing where it jumps around with his thoughts/present/flashback/etc, a lot and everything happening and what not.....I found myself chuckling quite a bit. I'll definitely be watching more!
Dexter S01E01 - 8/10

Although a little confusing where it jumps around with his thoughts/present/flashback/etc, a lot and everything happening and what not.....I found myself chuckling quite a bit. I'll definitely be watching more!

I found Season 2 to be the weakest, so if you start liking it less, take my word and stay with it. Season 3 and so far 4 have been absolutely amazing.
I'm a bad person already, though, and a week or so ago I watched parts of Season 4. So I know he....
Gets married to that one chick and has a kid?

Just kidding. That comes into play in Season 2, but I'd hardly consider it important given everything else that happens.
I found Season 2 to be the weakest, so if you start liking it less, take my word and stay with it. Season 3 and so far 4 have been absolutely amazing.

Blasphemer!! Season 2 was easily as strong as any other season. In fact, I wouldn't say any of them are better than the others, just different. The interplay between Dexter and Doakes was damn good TV. And even tho I can't stand listening to Lila's voice, she got naked a whole bunch so that made up for it. Actually, every season has had things I'd like to have seen done differently if I were in charge, but that's neither here nor there.

No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try I'll always be one step ahead of you for one simple reason.
I didn't like Doakes, or find Lila attractive, and I found Season 3 to be considerably more intense. Things felt far more... out of hand.

And I'm not saying it's a bad season. I'm saying it's the worst. Which means that, like, if 1, 3, and 4 are all A+, 2 is still an A. I'm in no way saying it's not still amazing.
Up - 8/10

This was the wrong picture for ****ing talking dogs. Really disappointed that something so beautiful and otherwise hilarious was ruined by an idea that not even Dreamworks would touch.

"Where the Wild Things Are" was one of my first and favorite books as a kid so seeing it as a motion picture, I was leery. I was very pleased with the adaptation to film, I even cried
when Max left them and Carol was crying/howling
Where the wild things was meh. Never really liked the book as a kid either.

Up - 8/10

This was the wrong picture for ****ing talking dogs. Really disappointed that something so beautiful and otherwise hilarious was ruined by an idea that not even Dreamworks would touch.

I just HATED the choice of voice for the Alpha male. Terrible idea in my opinion. Other than that really enjoyed the movie, beautiful and hilarious as you said.
I love Doakes.

I must be dumb. I don't know who Doakes is. *Googles*

*EDIT* Aahh, the angry, testosterone ridden cop. I guess he doesn't get killed because his friends did the "clown mask" thing on him.
I must be dumb. I don't know who Doakes is. *Googles*

*EDIT* Aahh, the angry, testosterone ridden cop. I guess he doesn't get killed because his friends did the "clown mask" thing on him.

Um, what?

Lila kills him in season 2
Just watched Independence Day on tv. I haven't seen that movie since it came out. Kinda stupid movie, but I don't really care. It was entertaining.
I just HATED the choice of voice for the Alpha male. Terrible idea in my opinion. Other than that really enjoyed the movie, beautiful and hilarious as you said.

Yes, this really was the only flaw in the movie, and it annoyed the hell out of me. If it lasted say like 5 or 10 seconds, ok whatever, but that damned squeaky voice kept talking and talking... I'm glad I'm not the only one to hate that part of the movie. But other wise it was an excellent movie.
Just watched Independence Day on tv. I haven't seen that movie since it came out. Kinda stupid movie, but I don't really care. It was entertaining.
Really? It's rerun all the time, guaranteedly so July 4th (in US anyways...don't know where you are).
Really? It's rerun all the time, guaranteedly so July 4th (in US anyways...don't know where you are).

Yeah I know, I just never bothered re-watching it. I was just feeling lazy enough to watch it yesterday.

I also watched some Jan Svankmajer shorts (Meat Love; Down to the Cellar; Punch and Judy; Fall of the House of Usher; The Pit, The Pendulum and the Hope; etc.). His films manage to be funny, disgusting, and uncomfortably weird, all at the same time. They're kinda like those student movies nowadays where people try to be all artsy and weird, except these were actually good, and made probably before the whole artsy student film thing arose. I thought his film versions of Edgar Allan Poe stories were done well.
His films manage to be funny, disgusting, and uncomfortably weird, all at the same time. They're kinda like those student movies nowadays where people try to be all artsy and weird, except these were actually good...

This. Have you seen any of his movies? Alice and Conspirators of Pleasure are both some of the most bizarre things I have ever seen. But they are still really good.
This. Have you seen any of his movies? Alice and Conspirators of Pleasure are both some of the most bizarre things I have ever seen. But they are still really good.

I've seen Alice, but haven't heard of Conspirators of Pleasure. I'll have to check it out sometime.
Um, what?

Lila kills him in season 2't remember that name. I guess only being on ep 8 or whatever still has me thrown for a loop....well, now I know what happens to him. :laugh:
Law Abiding Citizen 7/10

had some decent amount of action and suspense but I didn't really like the ending that much. Other than that it was a great watch
Taken Sam Fisher / 10

Throughout the entire movie, I kept repeating to myself "this is Sam Fisher"

Surprisingly, many segments and stunts the main character pulled was believable, nothing too extraordinary.
The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - 4/10

I hadn't seen these movies since they were all actually released, so we're talking between 5 and 10 years or so, depending on the film in question. Still, when Samon suggested we watch them I was reluctant at best.

The problems put forth in the movies are quite numerous. Many of the space scenes run far too long. And Lucas has this need for some reason to make the lightsabre scenes more and more elaborate. Darth Maul having a dual isn't enough, so then we bring out Grievous who has four. But when it comes to the Anakin vs Kenobi fight, we see that really one on each character has been enough the entire time, and an intense (if a bit long) fight ensues.

While the trilogy does have enough story there, I think it's somewhat rushed. We had talked and come to the conclusion that the movies would have been better if the Phantom Menace was somewhat done away with. I would have much liked to see Darth Vader come into being earlier, and spend some time actually hunting down the Jedi. We also don't really get to see the Clone Wars. It begins in the second movie and ends in the third, but there's such a gap there.

The biggest flaw I found in The Phantom Menace is that it feels like a cartoon. The scene where Qui-Gon and co are having dinner with Anakin and his mother, and Jarjar goes to grab fruit with his tongue, and Qui-Gon grabs it in midair, it's ridiculous. The Gungans themselves are just pure comedy, there's nothing of substance there.

And that's really one of the big problems with Star Wars as a whole, is just how much of it is arbitrary. The entire movie is just a series of events one after another. And things come up like having to go through the planet's core, oh but wait, there's at least four incredibly massive fish in the water. Which are the only obstacle at all. And we escape with Qui-Gon cheerily saying "There's always a bigger fish".

I found that the movies get progressively better through the trilogy, but the Phantom Menace is such a bad film, that "progressively better" from there, still isn't good enough come the third movie.

The Attack of the Clones puts forth this character of Count Dooku, and this giant galactic war. Dooku I found to be an interesting character, because despite embracing the dark side of the force, he doesn't SEEM like any of the other Sith. He doesn't seem power hungry or blinded by it, and it's a shame that his character isn't gone into more. There's another flaw here where Lucas finds it necessary to connect ever goddamn Jedi ever and frequently repeat the Master/Apprentice bond. Yoda trained Dooku, who trained Qui-Gon, who trained Obi-Wan, who trained Anakin. Why not give any other Jedi a goddamn role?

Still, I thought Attack of the Clones actually had some interesting story to it, it was just presented in a remarkably contrived and stupid way. Palpatine pitting his two armies together and causing this entire war as a power-grab was pretty amazing.

Still, many of the characters were totally unnecessary. R2-D2 and C3PO did not need to be around for any of this. Chewbacca did not need to make an appearance. Boba and Jango Fett seemed to exist for no reason whatsoever either except to contrive the universe even more. In general, I didn't like the approach they took to Obi-Wan, being a "yes man" for the Jedi instead of kind of a rogue who saves the day is quite eh. I found him boring for most of it.

To Hayden Christensen's credit, during his real "dark side" moments towards the end, fighting Obi-Wan were actually not as terribly acted as everything that proceeded that. He always just came across as whiny and silly, and the fact that Padme goes in mere minutes from pitying him and finding him disgusting to loving him is, well, ridiculous.

I think what stood out the most in the third movie as something that I hated, was how Obi-Wan hacked off 3 of Anakin's limbs, and left him on the shore, dying, and eventually bursting into flame, and just kind of watches it happen and then walks off. That's just... Far too cruel.

And, you know, there are scenes in A New Hope where Tarkin refers to the Jedi as an "ancient religion" and the Empire is already established and such, but now we're supposed to think that Episode 3's end and A New Hope are only like 20 years apart? The timing is all off.

In general the movies were not as terrible as I had remembered them being, with the potential exception of The Phantom Menace, which is just awful. Part of the problem is probably that Lucas hadn't directed anything in about 20 years. Part of the problem is that he's just a terrible writer. The movies could have been something amazing, and it's a shame that so much was squandered.

Oh, and the art direction sucks. Nothing is practical.
Paprika: 9/10

Like drugs without the drugs

The Cable Guy: 3/10

"This this like where Kirk had to fight Spock on Star Trek." I lol'd

Otherwise, no.
I sometimes wonder how popular Star Wars would have been without Williams' scores. That guy really raised the bar. They are one aspect of the series I'll always give points for, even Phantom Menace will get some points for Duel of the Fates.