Films: Rate and Discuss

I saw drag me to hell,
and seriously, I really saw that ending coming by a ****ing mile. The moment she droped those envolopes... Yeah

But still, it was okey I guess. And I don't care if I get infractiond or a gay custom title, but i ****ing hate gypsies. So this movie hits close to home.
The Thick of It - 6/10

I read this was supposed to be a brilliant show and had to check it out, and while I did laugh I never found myself laughing beyond a mere chuckle. Peter Capaldi for me was the definite stand out character but looking back I was just surprised at how little I laughed for such an acclaimed series. I do think this is down to 2 things though. One I am not the most clued up on politics to be fair but more importantly it follows its styling very much from the office which I also didn't find funny. I think it has something to do with the serious way it is portrayed via documentary style filming that then negates the comedic effect for me. I might still check out in the loop though but my expectations are a bit dashed.
TToI is great, but since it is essentially a more serious, politically barbed The Office, it's probably unlikely to win over any Office-haters tbh.

Some of the the lines are just gold, for me.

'Do you know what it's like to clean up your own mother's piss?? Do you? D'you think my mother's piss is funny?! She's not laughing, she's pissing herself!'
Echelon Conspiracy 8/10

Not a bad movie at all. I heard bad reviews from the movie but I don't know what the fuss is. A bit predictable but plenty of action. Good rental to say the least

Crank 2 6/10

good first hour of the movie, then the rest falls apart. i really disliked the way they did the ending too. i dont even know if i want to see another if they make one
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 9/10

I remember watching Seasons 1-4, and some of 5 and 6, back when they aired. I started rewatching from the beginning last year. At first it was just for nostalgia but the show is actually still good. I just finished watching the whole thing. I actually remembered a lot of the episodes from watching them 10 years ago. There are some really brilliant episodes (Hush, The Body, and a bunch from Seasons 2-3 that I can't remember the names of), and I even like the silly ones too (although more in the first half, not so much in the last half). I can see how Seasons 6 & 7 were starting to drag, but I miss the show and wish there was more.
I saw drag me to hell,
and seriously, I really saw that ending coming by a ****ing mile. The moment she droped those envolopes... Yeah

But still, it was okey I guess. And I don't care if I get infractiond or a gay custom title, but i ****ing hate gypsies. So this movie hits close to home.

Yeah, same point I realised what was going to happen. It was predictable, but satisfying nonetheless.
Happiness: 7/10

Take that number with a grain of salt because this movie was a rather weird watch. I enjoyed it nonetheless, but the actual number could be superficial.

Basically, there are a few families that are all linked together and their separate stories are told. They're weaved in and out of each other, so they're all interconnected. It's quite abstract--long pans, long uncut scenes, awkward dialogue, weird music--but on it's own level, it worked great. There's a certain feel to this feel that I can really only describe with one word: awkward. The entire movie is nail biting. The conversations being had aren't conversations that should arise ever. And even if they do, they should not be discussed with who they are being discussed with in this film. It's utterly 'sit on the edge of your seat' dialogue. You're grabbing on to each little word, wondering, guessing what is to follow.

It's long (~2.5 hours) but a very interesting and tense watch.
Yeah, same point I realised what was going to happen. It was predictable, but satisfying nonetheless.

Ditto, although I was surprised at how it left feeling
pretty scared by the end of it
Detroit Rock City - 9/10

Funny, good tunes (not necessarily from Kiss though, I don't like them that much), great movie.

I love this movie, this and Airheads, those kinds of movies are my favorite, we need more of them.
in the loop - 8/10

I'm surprised I like this as much after the damp squib that was the thick of it. It's hilarious, doesn't have that "the office" style of presentation but it is also terrifylingly real at how shady politics can be. Gotta say love Malcolm Tucker, he's ****ing brilliant :)
Troy - 8.5/10...
Fantastic film with spectacular battle sequences and great performances all around.
Especially liked the Trojan Horse sequence.
in the loop - 8/10

I'm surprised I like this as much after the damp squib that was the thick of it. It's hilarious, doesn't have that "the office" style of presentation but it is also terrifylingly real at how shady politics can be. Gotta say love Malcolm Tucker, he's ****ing brilliant :)

Yes, quite the film, I loved it very dearly. Malcolm Tucker is indeed a brilliant character ("You know, I've met a lot of psychos in my time, but none as ****ing boring as you. You're a real boring ****."). I'm just about to start on The Thick of It, so we'll see if it lives up to this fine and deliciously cynical political feast of a film. I love the poster:

Good to see you enjoyed it samon :) Now I know I'll get bashed by everyone for not liking the thick of it :|

I actually have the malcolm tucker/barack obama hope parody poster (it came with another dvd) and I have a mind to put it up now :P

In The Loop was goddamn fantastic. I, too, gave it an 8/10. And I want that poster.
Taken: HOLY CRAP/10

They should have just renamed the movie to "Badass." Simply awesome.
District 9 - 9/10

Wow I know people said this was good but damn I didn't know it was this good :O This is probably up there with moon for me as the best movie of this year. The film is about 1/3 documentary and 2/3 sci-fi action movie. The documentary section at the start is done very well and immerses you in this world and establishes the basis of the film very well. The rest of the movie follows the main character and largely abandons the documentary part (except for occasional cut aways).

I don't know who he was but the actor who played the main character was really good. He played this idea of being a kinda weakly, wimpy everyday man who has the weight of the world fall on him very very well. The action is excellent and doesn't overstay its welcome like alot of action movies allowing the chance to portray the films emotional side. At the beginning you feel sympathetic with the human side but as the film progresses you then feel sympathetic to the aliens as you see what happens to them. I was amazed at the way they were portrayed, they acted exactly like humans and the work on them was great I don't know if they used CG or what to make them (maybe CG for the kid alien).

I did have a little problem though with (what would be considered) the main villain. Most characters were developed to the extent they should have been except him. It was obvious they tried to portray him as some sort of evil ******* but for me he never really felt that menacing or sinister.

But seriously if you haven't seen it go do it now, it's fantastic!
Taken: HOLY CRAP/10

They should have just renamed the movie to "Badass." Simply awesome.

I never saw the big deal about this film. It seemed like a tired Bourne film.

Also, In The Loop is awesome simply for the line "****ity-bye!"
I never saw the big deal about this film. It seemed like a tired Bourne film.

I didn't see the Bourne movies, but they seemed to have some kind of story to them, where Taken is basically just Liam Neeson beating the hell out of France.

James and the Giant Peach - 8/10. Can't believe I've only seen this once since it came out more than a decade ago. What a great movie.
I didn't see the Bourne movies, but they seemed to have some kind of story to them, where Taken is basically just Liam Neeson beating the hell out of France.

James and the Giant Peach - 8/10. Can't believe I've only seen this once since it came out more than a decade ago. What a great movie.

God yes, I need to rewatch this. It was definitely still the 90s last time I saw it. I love Roald Dahl to death and the vague memories I have of the movie are good.
I never saw the big deal about this film. It seemed like a tired Bourne film.

In all honesty it isn't a good film but it is just so enjoyable watching liam neeson, as was said, beating the **** out of france :laugh:
Gamer 8.75/10

Loved this action movie! it was fast paced, full of boobs and not wang like most movies these days, and was over the top just the way I like it. Also the premise was pretty neat too. highly enjoyable
That looked like it was easily the shittiest movie ever made.
That looked like it was easily the shittiest movie ever made.

I can think of a billion movies that are shittier than this one. I really liked it though. total shocker.
I wasn't expecting much when I went to see it (Gamer), but ah...

In short, it drags you by the balls, rips 'em off, then hands 'em to you... to which you reply, "thank you".
I wasn't expecting much when I went to see it (Gamer), but ah...

In short, it drags you by the balls, rips 'em off, then hands 'em to you... to which you reply, "thank you".

lol, best review of the movie thus far! also $10 (monopoly money) to the first person who can post the amount of tits they saw in this movie
Antichrist - 5/10


What the **** did I just watch? Its as if Eli Roth tried to make an art house film, but you wouldn't guess that from the basic setup of the film: after the death of their only child, a couple retreat to a cabin in the woods to grieve and work out their problems. How could this be so shocking and controversial?

Tons and tons of sex, including full frontal of both the woman and man (they don't have names in this film, but the actors are Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg). Oh but then it gets even more "interesting", with testicle smashing (which leads to ejaculating blood), clitoris cutting, leg drilling, animal self-disemboweling... yeah. I used to like the extreme flicks, but this was too much.

Despite that, it was a beautifully shot movie, and I give it kudos for not pulling any punches. The special effects were seamlessly blended in. And it really did explore the darker side of the human psyche. But ultimately I felt that Lars von Trier was just trying to create and edgy, disgusting artsy movie that he could show off at film festivals (theres no way this movie is gonna show in theaters without heavy edits). And its very boring. Even with all the T&A (and plenty of wang too), and all the shock gore, it was still very tedious and boring.
In all honesty it isn't a good film but it is just so enjoyable watching liam neeson, as was said, beating the **** out of france :laugh:

This basically. Liam Neeson is like the goto man for serious Father Figures in films, so its fun to see him kicking ass and taking no prisoners relentlessly for an hour and a bit. It's not shakespeare.
Repo: The Genetic Opera


Really awful movie. Me and my buddies have a tendency to rent bad movies so that we may laugh at them, however this particular film was so awful we could hardly enjoy ourselves.

It gets a 2 for a few cool set designs.


Visually, 9 was a stunning film (this is the only reason I gave the high score that I did). The detail was exceptional, and some of the machines designs were very unique. Unfortunately, this is the only good thing to say about it. The story itself is a bit thin, and the character development is worse. All characters, 1 though 9, seem to have so much potential, but I guess the powers that be wanted to focus more on the destruction and explosions and fighting machines. Speaking of the machines... while visually appealing, their back story is heavily borrowed from films like Terminator and the Matrix.

I have to say, I was not a fan of the actors. Elijah Wood, John C Riley, and Christopher Plummer gave lack luster performances. The line delivery felt flat and sometimes stilted, and their voices didn't really seem to match the characters too well. Except for Martin Landau and Crispin Glover. They did a great job, and I really liked their characters (which is sad since they got the least amount of screen time). Its times like this that I wish professionally trained voice actors would get these roles.

So in the end, if you're a fan of stunning animation, or like the post-apocalyptic/steam punk(?) genre, then go see this on the big screen. other wise, its a bit of a waist of time.
The Fountain - 7.5/10

Intriguing little fantasy yarn on immortality. Stunningly shot, great fx yet with no cgi to speak of, and brilliantly acted by Hugh Jackman.

What let it down was the discovery after, when watching the extras, that it was just half the film it was intended to be, because of major actors pulling out halfway through and then financers pulling the plug.

Still, an interesting piece of movie art.
That's interesting to me because I felt, after watching, it was very much only half the film it was intended to be.
Samon's Sarcasm - 10/10

Seriously, some of the sets and concepts before the collapse of the first venture looked awesomely good. But I think they did quite well in the end on half the budget. Another plus point is that Brad Pitt dropped out.
Samon's Sarcasm - 10/10

Seriously, some of the sets and concepts before the collapse of the first venture looked awesomely good. But I think they did quite well in the end on half the budget. Another plus point is that Brad Pitt dropped out.

Stroking his ego only makes him more powerfu-HE'S BREAKING LOOSE OH GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.
Yeah, the fountain was very good, very enjoyable, but lacked... something
We had this discussion in the other thread, if I remember correctly. The film was beautifully done, but only half realized. It's still a tremendous piece of work in my opinion. The shear scope and scale of the movie is silencing.