Films: Rate and Discuss

^ Or you could just, you know, turn your TV's colour all the way down. :|

Turning your TV colour down is not the same as printing the movie in black and white. A good example is Coen's The Man Who Wasn't There, which was shot in colour and then printed in black and white.
Sherlock Holmes 9.5/10

Did anyone else find Rachel McAdams awkwarded this movie up a little?
What with her ridiculously great looks?

Avatar - 9/10

Wisked me away into the best fantasy land Ive seen in years, to the point where I wanted to commit suicide to be reborn in, wait...
The Lives of Others 10/10
One of the best films I've ever seen.

The Insider 10/10
I was really surprised that after Ulrich Muhe died, he wasn't included in the Oscar montage the following year.
Sherlock Holmes - 9/10

Loved the comedy. Loved the filming style. Yeah, loved the film.
Invention of lying:

A decent movie that really has quite a unique concept and some really touching moments surprisingly. Also I have to say I really don't like ricky gervias at all but he actually did win me over for this film :)

HOWEVER, this film is held back by one running theme that is never truly resolved from this film: everybody in this film is a MASSIVE ARSE****! Biggest ensemble of collectives pricks if I have ever seen it and it actually can make the film a little irritating to watch. Ricky's love interest is a total ***** too for the majority of the film and leaves me wondering why he likes her.

It is implied that this all comes about because nobody can tell a lie fair enough HOWEVER the characters in the film don't HAVE to tell the truth they still have the capacity to shut the **** up they just don't through plain choice!!

This one aspect really ruined the film for me unfortunately :(

EDIT: actually this reminds me kindof why i didn't like inglourious basterds. That was a well enough made film and enjoyable (Hans Landa was kick ass I must admit) but tarantino's direction and choices left me offended and dumbfounded. Anyway similar kind of idea here :|
The Science of Sleep

I think I'm going for around a 9/10 rating right now. I'll have to watch it again though. I'm always kinda slow when it comes to movies, especially ones with even slightly confusing elements to them. This film was pretty high on the craziness level for me, which was worsened by the fact that I watched it while lying down half asleep in bed... so definitely on my rewatch list. It made me feel rather depressed... sad for both the guy for being kinda insane and constantly screwing himself over due to his insecurities, and also for the girl for having to deal with it when she never did anything wrong. Both relatable characters.

Only thing that really irked me was how abruptly they transferred from reality to dream. I can see why the abrupt transition was necessary and desired in order to show the blurring of dream/reality, but it made the guy seem narcoleptic.
Revolutionary Road: 8/10

The "fight" scenes were extremely well done. They had this realistic feel to them that is hard to get in films I feel. Also, the acting was superb, which held up the relatively predictable plot. The ending moments should have had more of an umph, but whatever. Well shot as well.
Okay, here are the movies I've seen recently:

Avatar - 7.5/10
Exactly what I expected, a visual treat. The Pocahontas story was tolerable.

Lord of the Flies (60's version) - 8/10
The direction and acting were average by any standards, but the pessimistic view of human nature resonated with me... :D

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf - 10/10
The only drama I've ever loved. EVER. If you die without watching this, your life is incomplete.

Rebel without a Cause - 8.5/10
James Dean was great, but I didn't particularly relate to the themes in the movie.

Back to the Future Trilogy - INFINITY/10
Oh. My. God. I want that car so bad it hurts! :bounce:
Avatar - 8/10
What everyone else said.

Side note, the CG was amazing but did everything have to be so ****ing colourful?
The Blade Runner - N/A/10


I have no other words to describe it. Cyberpunkish, plus interesting plot. Sci-fi, but not exactly hard sci-fi, or the military sci-fi that I'm used to. There are no comic scenes, no lighthearted scenes that I could see. It was like Ghost In The Shell - Innocence, except with less action. It wasn't as serious, but it still made an impact on me.

It was interesting that all you got to see was the POV of the main character and that the world itself that the movie was based on couldn't be seen.
The Mist 8/10.

I certainly liked the whole scenario of religious lady stoking fear. But the ending is depressing as hell.

this was the worst f*cking piece of shit movie I have ever seen in my whole god damn life

this was the worst f*cking piece of shit movie I have ever seen in my whole god damn life

Have you not seen: Jaws 4, Most James Bond movies, Indiana Jones 4, Avatar, Batman and Robin, Death Proof, or the Star Wars prequels?

Don't get me wrong, 2012 does suck, but it's hardly the worst movie ever.
Hey, Avatar wasn't amazing but it was hardly comparable to Batman & Robin :P
Add the Fantastic Four and Spiderman 3 to that list of awful movies.

Avatar - 7.5/10

When I watched the preview trailers (looked like crap) and listened to the critics (which called it a master piece), my expectations were pretty low. I was actually pleasantly surprised, and this was my first time seeing a movie in the theaters in 3D (ze googles!). Story was ok, but the CGI was very good. Would've liked to see this in IMAX.
Fantastic 4 wasn't so bad. It had Jessica Alba in skin-tight clothing.
Well, yeah I agree with you there, anything with Alba becomes watchable. First one was ok, but FF2 was awful (Galactus a cloud?)
The story is... serviceable. Avatar is really spectacular though.
I always wanted to see the Silver Surfer F4 movie. Tell me it sucks now to save me time... and money!

Yeah, the super-suckiness of Spiderman 3 took me by surprise.
I'm still confused , is Avatar good because of the CGI or the story ?

Avatar is so pretty that it makes even people with decent judgment swoon and fail to realise what an absolutely awful movie it is. Inset analogy here to finding a gorgeous supermodel who presses all the happy buttons in your pants, but can't tell you what two plus two is.
See? Even yorick thinks it's spectacular.

And yes jondy. It's bollocks.
"so pretty that it makes even people with decent judgment swoon" - sounds like a description of quite a spectacle to me.
"so pretty that it makes even people with decent judgment swoon" - sounds like a description of quite a spectacle to me.

It sounds like quite a description of how idiotic most humans are. People who like Avatar also probably like fireworks.
I always wanted to see the Silver Surfer F4 movie. Tell me it sucks now to save me time... and money!

Yeah, the super-suckiness of Spiderman 3 took me by surprise.
It is total butthole. Unless you like seeing a blond Jessica Alba in skin tight clothing, then its eye candy.
It sounds like quite a description of how idiotic most humans are. People who like Avatar also probably like fireworks.

Fireworks are spectacular. You do realise I'm using the word precisely, yes?
Avatar is so pretty that it makes even people with decent judgment swoon and fail to realise what an absolutely awful movie it is. Inset analogy here to finding a gorgeous supermodel who presses all the happy buttons in your pants, but can't tell you what two plus two is.

Am I the only person who thought that whilst the visulas were nice they they weren't THAT brilliant. And yes before anyone says I saw it in bloody 3d >_>
What what on earth is wrong with fireworks?


Fireworks are spectacular. You do realise I'm using the word precisely, yes?

Yes, I see what you're doing there.

Am I the only person who thought that whilst the visulas were nice they they weren't THAT brilliant. And yes before anyone says I saw it in bloody 3d >_>

You know, in general I'm a minimalist who prizes substance over style, so I definitely feel that way. It's like when a new game comes out with graphics and everyone is like "Oooh pretty" I'm like "Yay. Timely technology update." I don't think it's anything to get excited over. Every year people masturbate over the games that look pretty and ignore how much they suck. It saddens me to see movies having that same trend increase the last few years, with shit like Transformers.
k so its not just me then phew :P

Sherlock Holmes:

I actually really enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Very good, robert downey jr and jude law both play their parts very well. I look forward to the inevitable sequel :)

BTW I have never read holmes before so I am not comparing this to the preset idea of holmes as I know basically nothing about it.
Have you not seen: Jaws 4, Most James Bond movies, Indiana Jones 4, Avatar, Batman and Robin, Death Proof, or the Star Wars prequels?

Don't get me wrong, 2012 does suck, but it's hardly the worst movie ever.
James Bond movies are loveably cheesy, Indiana Jones was pretty lame but I mean god damn it was Indy, and Death Proof is one of my favourite movies of the past while.
People who like Avatar also probably like fireworks.
You really are a grumpy old man sometimes, Yorick.
No even I agree with yorick that fireworks are overrated. And Indy 4 is one of the most soul crushingly disappointing movies I have ever watched.

I agree about Bond though.

EDIT: I can't believe I am arguing about fireworks O_O
fireworks are overrated.


Seriously? What did you like about that? I'm not being condescending, I'm actually curious what's appealing about it.
I loved the weird juxtaposition of completely mundane every-day events suddenly escalating to a group of young women being gruesomely killed by a maniac with an invincible car. I liked the completely pointless focus on small aspects of the character's lives, and the way that it was almost like a shitty drama series on TV with a MASS MURDERER IN AN INVINCIBLE CAR AND A FIFTEEN MINUTE LONG TOTALLY BAD ASS CAR CHASE. I just like Tarantino, really.
I just like Tarantino, really.
