Films: Rate and Discuss

I would have thought for a film centred around them we would see their full arsenal.

Yeahhhhh good point, you've got an epic being who is built for hunting and wreaking general havoc with a body, make the most of it! Not that i'm encouraging violence for violence's sake or anything...
Predators - 7.5/10

Predators - 1/10


What just happened 2 hours of my life just vanished what the **** is going on

This movie tried to be a lot of things - it tried to be a big, bold action movie, it had elements of grindhouse-esque slasher B-grade camp action movie, and parts where it clearly tried to do the whole tension-filled, suspense/horror dynamic, and it failed at every single ****ing one of them. It was essentially a bizarre, aborted mish-mash of genres and tropes, so far removed from anything cohesive, sensible, or even absurd as to completely defy comprehension. I spent 15 minutes afterwards speechless, unable to comprehend what the **** I'd just watched. There were moments I thought were almost great, and if the film could have settled on a particular theme, it might have been okay, but as it stands it was merely a confused, badly shot, sweaty, muddy romp through the forest with Adrien Brody et al, with shitty special effects.

1 point for Laurence Fishburne, who kicked ass as Colonel Kurtz oh wait wrong movie hahahahahah I get confused by big bald guys who are isolated in the jungle in enemy territory and despite being intelligent go nuts and are creepy my bad
Predator 7/10

gotta take it for what it is,and I'm glad it didn't have a cliche Hollywood ending.
Or one of these.

Warlords 6/10

I really thought this was going to be a massive epic scale battle movie like a Chinese Braveheart but it turned out to be a bunch of whiny warlords bickering over what to do with captured stuff. They all acted well but I wasn't expecting so much talking considering it is a war movie.
Crank: High Voltage - 7.5 / 10

I'm sure whoever made this film would've had a ****-load of fun doing it. There were multiple times where I'd have to stop the film and rewind because holy shit Maynard James Keenan from Tool is shocking a dog, or holy shit Jason Statham is rubbing up against that guy from Linkin Park and I mean shit, Mike Patton did the music! In most scenes the music took on an eerie, far-over-compressed sound to it as scenes or fights got more intense.

The plot of the movie is far too ridiculous, along with most of the stunts and fight scenes (Especially the final one), but I believe that was almost what the makers of the film were aiming for - I don't believe it's a film to be taken seriously in the first place, something to laugh at, talk about "that particular cool scene" and nudge your buddies with your elbows while you point out the dozens and dozens of cameo appearances throughout the film.

I figured something like this could (if it doesn't already) have a bit of a cult following.
Shrek 4 - 9/10

I loved it. Loved it. Everything from the armor on the witches that reminds me of the sisters of battle to the Pied Piper piping his pipe.... etc. It was very, very, enjoyable, but in the end, I feel sorry for the main antagonist(s) and their henchmen/henchwomen as I do with all the Shrek films. At 90 minutes, it was a bit short for my taste, but I suppose it would have been hard for them to add another 30 minutes.
does anyone else notice in movies when the "dead" people are breathing?? I really hate it. Directors could so easily fix this by panning left or right faster or having the stupid actor hold his breath.
The only Dreamworks movie I'm waiting for is Ghost in the Shell.
all that pixar clone crap can gdiaf.
first one is overrated anyway but still WTF O_o

Back to the Future 2:

Ok, do I really need to say anything about this movie? :D

Back to the Future 3:

Ok, do I really need to say anything about this movie? :D


Ok, do I really need to say anything about this movie? :D

Yeah basically thats all i'll say for movies i consider to be my all time favourites :P
God, that Moon review was just a clone of your previous ones.
Grave of the Fireflies - 8/10. I thought the plot was really good and thought the characters were believable but it loses points for being so damn depressing. I'm still crying now, actually.
Grave of the Fireflies - 8/10. I thought the plot was really good and thought the characters were believable but it loses points for being so damn depressing. I'm still crying now, actually.

I actually disliked the movie completely for this reason. There was no purpose to the film other than to depress, no inherent moral or message.

Predators - 5/10
While entertaining, this fan-film loses all charm of the original to make space for more mindless sci-fi action and gore.
I liked grave of the fireflies because of this but i can understand that....miyazaki isn't exactly subtle about his political views =/
I liked grave of the fireflies because of this but i can understand that....miyazaki isn't exactly subtle about his political views =/

That wasn't Miyazaki. It was Studio Ghibli but not Miyazaki.
Besides which, Miyazaki has never really been one to harp on the "war is bad" motif too much, except maybe in the broadest sense. He's more a fan as "don't **** with the environment or giant bugs will trample the christ out of you."
The message isn't as simple as "war is bad" anyway. It's as much a dig at Japanese wartime social apathy as it is about the firebombing of kyoto. Depressing? Would you have rather seen a Japan where every conflict is external and the Japanese toil under the evil allied spectre? It's depressing because that's the only conclusion you can draw about that period of history. And in the 80s, near hirohito's death, it was an overdue and poignant message.
See now I'm trying to picture the "Dreamworks face" on Motoko and... ugh.

The message isn't as simple as "war is bad" anyway. It's as much a dig at Japanese wartime social apathy as it is about the firebombing of kyoto. Depressing? Would you have rather seen a Japan where every conflict is external and the Japanese toil under the evil allied spectre? It's depressing because that's the only conclusion you can draw about that period of history. And in the 80s, near hirohito's death, it was an overdue and poignant message.
Didn't mean to demean the message, I thought GotFF (wow that's an ugly acronym) was brilliant in it's unflinching portrayal of wartime japan, I just haven't seen it in a while. Keep meaning to remedy that, but man it's a difficult film to be in the mood for. :(
I haven't seen it with the "happy ending"; I've only seen the Director's Cut. I watched it with my housemate a week or so ago (the first time I'd seen it in a few years), and it was very good. Even if it's a chore for some to watch, there's no denying it's a landmark in film. From the moment Batty saves Decard to the credits reel after the closing of the elevator doors, it's cinematic genius. It's like 10 minutes of pure tension and build-up to inevitable character conflicts. I want to see a film that maintains that vibe for the whole duration. The rest of Blade Runner captures the dystopian, cyberpunk image very well, and even if the narrative can be tedious, it's made up for in the acting and general ambience of the picture.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe."

"She won't live. But then again, who does?"

Freakishly spot on my thoughts of the movie. Watch the Final Cut version and Dangerous Days making of documentary; Scott always has great 'making of' documentaries. Even though his movies have been lackluster in the last few years, they're always visually beautiful.
Twilight - 2/10

More points than it deserves, just because Alice was cute. Thought the book was extremely cliche and corny in ways but jesus **** the movie was 1000x worse.
Inception: 7/10

Definitely deserves another viewing. Good performances and spectacular third act, but unsure about how well the other acts will stand up to multiple viewings.

****ing brilliant! :D I haven't enjoyed a mainstream hollywood blockbuster like this in SO LONG!!


Decent action movie really, not much else to say :|

Predator 2:



Really, really, really, good. Great performances really all round and Antonio Salieri is a really damned evil b*****d :flame:

The Room:

So bad its hilarious!! :laugh:

terrible script, acting, bad editing you name it! The fiance is honestly one of the most hateful woman i've seen in cinema i think (second to that old lady in cube 2 :P)
Spirited Away - 8.5/10

Great movie, insightfully imaginative in both style and writing. Loses points for being unjustifiably sentimental at times.

Boring, bland and generic really =/

For a 90 minute film it felt really drawn out too. And the "super, more powerful predator" thing? Just piss off O_o
You're silly.

You found Predator entertaining but not this one?
They're both basically paced the exact same way.

I saw this one as what Aliens was to Alien, personally.
Got rid of the suspense and spooky elements and turned into an extremely gung-ho action movie.
nope, at least the first predator i thought was interesting :P

the best parts of this one have been done better in the other films
Its a revamp of a classic, which usually arent that good anyway.

Star Trek is the exception.
You're silly.

You found Predator entertaining but not this one?
They're both basically paced the exact same way.

I saw this one as what Aliens was to Alien, personally.
Got rid of the suspense and spooky elements and turned into an extremely gung-ho action movie.

I dont agree ;)

I thought the first was a good movie for what it was but this one was just an inferior copy of that.

Much more uninteresting and/or unengaging characters, no suspense, drawn out, boring, crap ending and everyone kept talking like christian bale's bloody batman!!
You're silly.

You found Predator entertaining but not this one?
They're both basically paced the exact same way.

I saw this one as what Aliens was to Alien, personally.
Got rid of the suspense and spooky elements and turned into an extremely gung-ho action movie.

Maybe I'm being pedantic, but changing suspenseful and spooky into gung-ho action does not equal having the same pacing.

And enjoying the spooky one and not the gung-ho one is a perfectly legit argument. I find Alien boring but love Aliens, while Ross thinks I'm a moron.
What's awesome about Predator is it starts out with gung-ho, blazing, devil may care musclemen kicking ass, and then you get to watch the testosterone packed alpha male machismo evaporate as they realise they're totally outmatched. That's tense.

Oh and don't forget the [strike]homoeroticism[/strike] bromance.

2012 - 6/10

I wasn't exactly expecting to see this movie, but it was on one of the movie channels, so I decided to watch it to its entirety.

The story's predictability is noticeable. We all know about the silly rumor that the world is magically going to end in 2012, so I knew what to expect from this movie: apocalyptic destruction. It delivered, but did so sorely. Sorry if I sound pessimistic, but the acting was average and the characters failed to give off a sense of worry. For example, at the beginning of the movie, when the family is trying to escape destruction from their home, they seem to be joking around and not giving a care in the world about the city being utterly destroyed. I might have misunderstood this part, but no matter, for the special effects overshadow this.

Yeah, this movie has amazing special effects. Volcanoes explode. Fireballs descend from the sky. Earthquakes tear apart literally everything in their path and create massive holes in the surface. And to top it all off, tsunamis generate a wave of damage and swallow entire ships.

TL;DR: Story is all right, acting could have been better, special effects are superb.
I give 2012 a 4/10. 3 for awesome special effects, 0 for story, writing, acting, etc. +1 for having an amusing Woody Harrellson character.