Films: Rate and Discuss

What are you trying to say with that?
That he should care about what other people think?

Goodness, we wouldn't want to make light argument about opinions on entertainment on a forum for a video game, what are you all thinking?!

Exhibit B: There Will be Blood is a bad movie. o_0

...crap I made the same post as Samon

Well let me tear apart The Last Airbender then. Watching it was actually painful, and it wasn't solely because I am a fan of the show. In fact, I am a supporter of taking adaptations for what they are, and setting the source material aside. As a film, it's awfulness had to do almost entirely with the writing and directing, so M. Night is directly responsible. The effects were indeed notable, the scenery ornate, the costumes and props well-considered, and even the acting was (usually) excusable. But take a look at Zuko and Iroh, both which were cast with strong, formidable actors who are fully capable of making believable pseudo-antagonists. But you can actually watch them struggle with a terrible, incomprehensible script, chopped and strewn together in a confusing and nonsensical order.

I can't deny that I am clearly biased as someone familiar with the source material, but I feel like that was the only way to have any indication of what was going on, ever. Without the show to guide me, I would be totally lost on how to decipher what was going on and what sort of emotion was supposed to be portrayed. For example

When Iroh, opposed to the killing of the moon spirit, stands motionless against the man about to commit the deed, until he throws a pointless CGI temper tantrum when it is finally done.

Or when Zuko, attempting to explain his motives, is immediately thrown into a fast-forward rendition of his entire past using a little boy, with as little interest or clarification as possible.

And the scenes with these actors are the strongest part of the movie. You can go on and mention

When Sokka and Yaoi's dating is explained, like literally every other plot-related detail, in a monotone over-narration by Katara. And when Yaoi later explains her moon-spirit origin in a clunky attempt to combine unrelated exposition with romantic dialogue.

When Sokka literally says "We have to get to the North Pole, and land on villages on the way and save them!" It's like he read the script from the summary on the back of the Season 1 DVD.

Every second of this movie is meant to advance the plot of its strong existing source material. He tried to encapsulate it all by summarizing and combining important scenes from the original instead of making an attempt at a film adaptation. In the process, he loses details that makes the show interesting, and loses some that actually make the plot make sense. All of the characters lose personality, you don't know who to identify with, and you have no clue what is ever going on. It was a clear case of rushed production coupled with a complete lack of narrative talent.

I'm not saying you aren't allowed to enjoy it; you can think whatever you would like. But don't blame it on overreaction. This film is exactly as atrocious as it is made out to be.
Im so glad someone always comes along and reminds us, that we are in fact still, on an internet forum for a game.
I'm not defending M Night's work by any means, but There Will Be Blood is a pretty godawful movie.
Predators: 9/10

I had really low expectations for this film, so I was surprised at how excellent it managed to be. I think I actually like this more than the first one.
^ Whoa, high praise. Suddenly I'm a little more interested in seeing that. :O

Edit: Hot damn, 80% fresh so far. Definitely intrigued.

I'm not defending M Night's work by any means, but There Will Be Blood is a pretty godawful movie.
I'd disagree but he also listed Year One, so I'm obliged to let all the others slide in honor of how butt****ingly awful that was.
Predators - 8/10

Surprisingly great. Its not exactly on par with the likes of a remake of Star Trek, but its definitely a fresh take on a legend of the film industry. The story isnt revolutionary, its a bit like AVP without the aliens. Predators hunt, humans are on their hunting grounds. Simple, yet effective as its what we know the Predators excel at.

Some seriously cool moments in it though, and theyve definitely added a sense of horror into it which wasnt as strong in the original film.

But the action is definitely up there with the modern greats. And the Predators themselves look so damn bad-ass compared to the ones in AVP. Its so much darker of a film.

Yeah, really enjoyed it.

Just loses out for being too dark. Literally. Its like ''Oh look, that silhouette shoved a blade through his chest.'' and ''Look out! That shadow is right behind you!''. Predators are awesome to look at, so let us actually see them more often, and not a spear come out of the darkness while you have a close-up on the guy's face.
Off to see Predators tonight, it's getting good reviews in the media so far, which is a change for anything associated with Predator.
yeah i'll see it next week, i'm cautiously optimistic

Plus whats wrong with there will be blood? Its slow but i enjoyed it enough. Ok yeah its amazingly overrated but no country for old men was worse for that imo. That movie was just plain ****

*prepares flameshield*


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Eh...after how good the tv series was this just underwhelms me. Why bother making a prequel when you left the tv series unresolved due to cancellation and had the opportunity is beyond me :|

Altho people consider this a part-prequel, part sequel and i will never know why O_o 2 throw away lines about agent cooper's fate (and not unsurprising info we couldn't already gather at that) dont make this a part sequel :flame:

This film is predominantly about laura palmer, the murder victim of the show that spurred on the investigation of the series. Thing is is that there are ALOT more interesting characters than laura in the show that either don't appear, have a massively short screen time (Dale Cooper is hardly in it!!:flame:) or are recast (seeing someone recast on the movie from the tv show is just plain jarring and its not a bit part thats there for 2 minutes or anything, its one of the main roles O_o). And laura isn't entirely the most sympathetic character tbh (sounds a bit harsh considerin she gets killed but still...)

I think given this was a cinematic release as opposed to the tv show allowed david lynch to flex his muscles a bit more and bring more of his trademark style. This now being my first real david lynch film I cant say i'm impressed. It's just too strange. Concepts left unexplained such as a ring is featured as a prominent item of importance that allows laura to stop possession by spirits (which i didnt even gather, i had to find that out online) yet cooper tells her not to take it when it stopped her from a fate considered worse than death? huh? And there's too much of a supernatural element whereas the show had just the right amount of it and given proper context to allow your head to grasp it but not here.

Tv show is great, engrossing and imaginative. This is just weird and unfulfilling :(

EDIT: david bowie is in this movie! O_O

and yet he's only used for like 2 minutes of baffling and underwhelming screentime, why bother getting him then?! :flame:
I'm not defending M Night's work by any means, but There Will Be Blood is a pretty godawful movie.

I love this thread, because it seems like everybody has these super extreme opinions of films that are sometimes opposite to the mainstream. Since I'm with the rest of the world on this one, and I thought the film was one of the best of literally all time, I'm actually interested in why you'd think it was godawful.

Anyway, these reviews of Predators are making me hopeful. AvP and AvP Requiem were some of the worst films I've ever seen, so I had almost no hope.


Back to the Future Part III - 10/10
A perfect finale to a perfect trilogy.

Ghost Writer - 6/10
Gripping characters and witty dialogue, but the slow mystery never captured my interest or attention.
I love this thread, because it seems like everybody has these super extreme opinions of films that are sometimes opposite to the mainstream. Since I'm with the rest of the world on this one, and I thought the film was one of the best of literally all time

lol the best movie ever? you're guilty of giving the same extreme opinion as those you accuse. also "one of the best movies of all time" is completely meaningless without context. for example if all you watched was transformers then yes any movie would seem like the best movie of all time in comparison
lol the best movie ever? you're guilty of giving the same extreme opinion as those you accuse. also "one of the best movies of all time" is completely meaningless without context. for example if all you watched was transformers then yes any movie would seem like the best movie of all time in comparison

What the hell are you talking about? I wasn't accusing anyone of anything, I was actually relating to them. The second comment is just bizarre... are you trying to say I haven't seen enough films or something? You're really picking a nonsensical fight here.
There Will Be Blood is often hailed as being something of a masterpiece of cinema. Disliking it is one thing, and perfectly acceptable, but to label it as "bad" is... inaccurate, I think.
What the hell are you talking about? I wasn't accusing anyone of anything, I was actually relating to them. The second comment is just bizarre... are you trying to say I haven't seen enough films or something? You're really picking a nonsensical fight here.

Erestheux said:
I love this thread, because it seems like everybody has these super extreme opinions of films that are sometimes opposite to the mainstream. Since I'm with the rest of the world on this one

it doesnt sound like you were agreeing with it at all because of this statement:

"Since I'm with the rest of the world on this one"

you have a habit of changing the meaning of your posts

and no, I'm not trying to knock a chip off your shoulder. I'm just commenting on a commenting board.
You have a habit of holding grudges and picking apart posts in unrelated ways. I meant to imply with the "rest of the world" is that I usually don't agree with the mainstream. I realize it wasn't that obvious, but it also doesn't matter at all. Comment all you want, but I'm going to point out when it's irrelevant.

now leave me alone and somebody tell me why they hate There Will Be Blood. Or don't, whatevz :P
You have a habit of holding grudges and picking apart posts in unrelated ways.

wha because I respond to your post it must mean I have a grudge against you? you have a persecution complex

I meant to imply with the "rest of the world" is that I usually don't agree with the mainstream. I realize it wasn't that obvious, but it also doesn't matter at all. Comment all you want, but I'm going to point out when it's irrelevant.

except you admitted that what you said was unclear and could be interpreted the way I had. you're being argumentative

now leave me alone and somebody tell me why they hate There Will Be Blood. Or don't, whatevz :P

dont post if you dont want people to reply to your post. you take things waaaay too personally
Stern, we are still friends, right. You just... you ignore me these days, man. I can't take that.
Stern, we are still friends, right. You just... you ignore me these days, man. I can't take that.

of course mon ami. the ignoring isnt deliberate. I'm just not on as much lately and it seems like every time I open my mouth I'm swarmed by angry bees (hl2,net members wielding vuvuzelas)
ITT: Stern ousts me as an argumentative and oversensitive hypocrite with a persecution complex.
hey at least you can admit your problems ;)

look man stop seeing everything as an attack. I'm not the only person you respond to in this manner. sometimes it's not us ....
A Hard Day's Night - 10/10

This movie starring The Beatles has some of the funniest and well performed dialogue I have ever seen. Absolutely brilliant timing and content. It's also filmed in a very hands on documentary style, uncommon for its time.
I love this thread, because it seems like everybody has these super extreme opinions of films that are sometimes opposite to the mainstream. Since I'm with the rest of the world on this one, and I thought the film was one of the best of literally all time, I'm actually interested in why you'd think it was godawful.

There Will Be Blood is often hailed as being something of a masterpiece of cinema. Disliking it is one thing, and perfectly acceptable, but to label it as "bad" is... inaccurate, I think.

As I've said in other threads multiple times, while I'll agree that it's well performed, filmed, and etc, I found the events and story to be silly and rambling. It's basically just sitting back and watching Day Lewis be a giant douchebag for two hours. That's not my idea of a good movie.

There are plenty of movies that people love that I find beyond appalling. Like Blade Runner. Like The Matrix. Like Avatar. Like Dune. Like every Star Trek movie. Like 90% of all American comedies. I don't care what any of them are hailed as.
A Hard Day's Night - 10/10

This movie starring The Beatles has some of the funniest and well performed dialogue I have ever seen. Absolutely brilliant timing and content. It's also filmed in a very hands on documentary style, uncommon for its time.
Er, you know it was the first popular mockumentary? And yes, it invented MTV technique.
I love this thread, because it seems like everybody has these super extreme opinions of films that are sometimes opposite to the mainstream. Since I'm with the rest of the world on this one, and I thought the film was one of the best of literally all time, I'm actually interested in why you'd think it was godawful.

For my sake and my best friend who watched it with me, we felt like watching a really slow documentary about life but not anyone interesting and it was a douchbag of a man. It made me frustrated and annoyed and I didn't connect with any of the characters, the setting was great, but dulled by the fact that no one seemed like they wanted to be there. And you'll probably counter to this as you've probably seen this movie more than I or at least paid more attention than I have to it. But for the matter I should also point out that while watching this shitty movie a plane crashed just 1000 yards from my house killing 50 people including a girl I went to high school with.
The Battle of Britain - airplanewank/10

This movie has a lousy story. It isn't historically correct and has a couple of fantasy characters that are amalgams of famous British and German pilots. Some of the special effects are very bad, even for the time. But that aside it is an awesome movie. If you're into historic airplanes it will be the best thing you'll ever see. There are huge air combat scenes that feature Heinkels 111's, Messerschmitt 109's, Hurricanes and Spitfires. Worth watching for that alone.
As I've said in other threads multiple times, while I'll agree that it's well performed, filmed, and etc, I found the events and story to be silly and rambling. It's basically just sitting back and watching Day Lewis be a giant douchebag for two hours. That's not my idea of a good movie.

There are plenty of movies that people love that I find beyond appalling. Like Blade Runner. Like The Matrix. Like Avatar. Like Dune. Like every Star Trek movie. Like 90% of all American comedies. I don't care what any of them are hailed as.

How is Blade Runner "beyond appalling"? Such unnecessary abuse of words. You can't put Blade Runner and There Will Be Blood in the same frame as the Star Trek films or Avatar. Disliking and not enjoying a film is, as I said, one thing, but making bold and silly statements about them is another, particularly when they succeed in attaining such heights.

of course mon ami. the ignoring isnt deliberate. I'm just not on as much lately and it seems like every time I open my mouth I'm swarmed by angry bees (hl2,net members wielding vuvuzelas)

Well, this is the natural habitat of a particular breed of idiot. It's best to keep the mouth closed.
Never seen There Will Be Blood, and I thought Avatar was annoying as hell. It was pretty, but I got bored and almost fell asleep. Matrix one was pretty cool, but the others where not as much.

But Blade runner? That movie was awesome. Everyone I have talked about that movie with, (2?) outside of this forum, have said it was awesome. The ending was pretty bad though. With the voice over. Happy ending ftl. And what's with all the cuts? Come on.
I haven't seen it with the "happy ending"; I've only seen the Director's Cut. I watched it with my housemate a week or so ago (the first time I'd seen it in a few years), and it was very good. Even if it's a chore for some to watch, there's no denying it's a landmark in film. From the moment Batty saves Decard to the credits reel after the closing of the elevator doors, it's cinematic genius. It's like 10 minutes of pure tension and build-up to inevitable character conflicts. I want to see a film that maintains that vibe for the whole duration. The rest of Blade Runner captures the dystopian, cyberpunk image very well, and even if the narrative can be tedious, it's made up for in the acting and general ambience of the picture.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe."

"She won't live. But then again, who does?"
Some crap about how Rachael was built differently, and whould not deactivate. Meh, not a big thing, but the voice over felt out of place.

But yes, I agree. Everything up intill that is great, intense, heart breaking in a way. I don't know how many different cuts there are, but I belive I have seen 2. Minor changes, nothing I can remember right now.

Although 5 versions of the film have been made available to the general public on the 5-Disc Ultimate Collectors' Edition DVD, there are actually 6 official versions (excluding ancillary versions, such as TV edits) of the film. These 6 versions are 1)The Denver/Dallas Sneak Preview (aka the Workprint); 2) the little known San Diego Sneak Preview; 3) the US Theatrical Release; 4) the International Theatrical Release; 5) the Director's Cut; 6) the Final Cut.

I mean come on.
Edit 2: Im getting the final cut.
Predators - 9/10

I enjoyed everything about this film. I seriously doubted at first Brody could pull off an action hero role but my fears were pretty much laid to rest early on in the film. The effects were great, especially the creature designs. The only thing I disliked was
the Yakuza/Predator swordfight scene
which just felt out of place with the rest of the movie.
It's definitely the second best Predator movie yet.
Some crap about how Rachael was built differently, and whould not deactivate. Meh, not a big thing, but the voice over felt out of place.

But yes, I agree. Everything up intill that is great, intense, heart breaking in a way. I don't know how many different cuts there are, but I belive I have seen 2. Minor changes, nothing I can remember right now.


I mean come on.
Edit 2: Im getting the final cut.

Well, I don't want to see it with the voice over. I see no need for elaboration on the role of the characters during the film or on their futures. When Ford picks up the origami figure, nods in understanding on reflection of Gaff's taunt and completes the overall symbolic picture of the film, and those elevator doors slide shut, it's all the closure that narrative ever needed.
I don't know what version had the voice over, but yeah, it kinda goes against what you where shown, or at least somewhat distracts from what's going on on screen. It was too long since I saw it, and hopefully, final cut will not have them.
I did not enjoy Blade Runner. I can't remember if I fell asleep, but I know I wanted to.
How is Blade Runner "beyond appalling"? Such unnecessary abuse of words. You can't put Blade Runner and There Will Be Blood in the same frame as the Star Trek films or Avatar. Disliking and not enjoying a film is, as I said, one thing, but making bold and silly statements about them is another, particularly when they succeed in attaining such heights.

All I hear is "wah wah wah".
I own blade runner but i still need to watch it, damn :|

Back to the Future:

Ok, do I really need to say anything about this movie? :D
I don't know what version had the voice over, but yeah, it kinda goes against what you where shown, or at least somewhat distracts from what's going on on screen. It was too long since I saw it, and hopefully, final cut will not have them.
As far as I understood it, only the original theatrical version had a voice over. It was something the producers wanted in there so the audience wasn't too confused by it or something, then Ridley removed it in the Director's Cut.

Which reminds me, I still need to watch the Final Cut...
Predators - 7.5/10

Was fun, surprisingly well acted too. I would even go as far to say that the general concept is quite unique, although I haven't seen the AVP films. The general setting was rather boring but considering it was just one big forest then that's all you are going to get, it was either just forest, the Predator camp, or a wrecked ship briefly.

The pace was kept constant throughout but there were dull periods as well as things that occurred that were very predictable, there were however a few VERY cool moments in it involving individual characters that you just had to say 'awesome.' too. I would love to have seen more of what the Predators can do though, they looked so badass this time around but you barely saw anything off them. It was either just their shoulder pulse cannon or the claw device on their wrist. I didn't see any spears, any razor nets, any nuclear explosion device. I would have thought for a film centred around them we would see their full arsenal.

I also wanted to know more details about just how they were captured and how they ended up on that planet, I mean the initial idea of how it happened is there, but some more details would have been nice. But, overall I had a good time watched it, and felt it did the previous two films some justice, however the comparison in quality is no where near.