Films: Rate and Discuss

Most Pixar movies nowadays make me cringe.

Anyway, Ghosts of Mars - 1/10

Just makes me want to cry. What happened to mindless action movies like "Starship Troopers"? This.... is just shit. ST was goddamn awesome, and it's an educational movie used by the South Korean military to boot. Ghosts of Mars..... just why. It could have been good. It could have been great!

But alas, it was not to be. Uwe Boll's Rampage was a decent movie, compared to this shit. 2 points for premise. Minus one for TAKING OUT FULL FACE REBREATHERS.
Tokyo Gore Police 0/10

I was thinking this would be bad in a funny way, but no, retarded film was utterly retarded.
A-Team was a high 7/10

Was funny, appropriately cheesy, and held true to the TV series, while giving it a much-needed update.

Being an aspiring pilot, most of the helicopter chase annoyed me a bit, but was still enjoyable enough to keep watching.

Out of all the Pixar movies, honestly, The Incredibles has been growing on me lately. WALL-E was amazing. As a gearhead, I do enjoy Cars, mostly for the car designs and the physics...
... Terminator 2 - Unsure/10

It...I dunno. Never seen it before (yes, how the hell I havent seen it yet is beyond me too), and cant REALLY see what I was missing.

Back in the day I can see it being AMAZING. Maybe I have higher expectations these days due to seeing modern films?




Yeah, and possibly the best action movie of all time.

Knight & Day - 4/10
A few funny scenes and decent action scenes, all shown in the trailer, do not save this movie from being slow, uneventful, and painfully boring.
Haha, why? The character's name isn't Yojimbo, that just means bodyguard, and Sanjuro is a name he thought up on the spot to remain anonymous. That'd be like a japanese parent calling their kid The Man With No Name (actually that's kind of awesome :P).

Also, what Skaadi said. Sanjuro is at least as good as Yojimbo, I actually prefer it in some ways.

/me rewatches both
I know Yojimbo means bodyguard, Sanjuro is just a as good.

Call your kid Rashomon. When they grow up and hate you for it, blame it on your wife. When she protests her innocence, say 'that's not how I remember it!'

Your child will thank you for making them a decade long setup for a lame joke.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Series 9/10

I do love this show so so much!! Its funny, action packed, and if I were a kid I'd probably love it even more. But even as an adult this show never ceases to amaze and I cannot wait for the movie now. I liked pretty much all the characters and I did not find any episodes to be bad at all. Some shows have boring episodes, but this show was through and through. So if you haven't watched it all ready I highly recommend it. I watched it on Netflix and although its not wide-screen its still quite worth the ride.
I think I actually have to agree with that. The last time I watched T2 I found myself wondering what I had liked so much about it in the first place. To be fair, it's been a good long time since I've seen the original too though, so that might be far worse than I thought too.
Robin Hood - 5/10

Nice CGI, but the good stops there. The plotline and build-up was very unoriginal and followed the same patterns that 90% of action movies have in the last decade. The acting was unconvincing. But what's worse is that it actually managed to turn Robin Hood from a quasi-socialist character to one that was just fighting government taxation. Talk about a watering-down of the message to fit modern neo-liberal values.
Bachelor Party 9/10

Very funny movie and even though its very old now, still holds out pretty well even in modern times. If you saw The Hangover and liked it, you better make sure you watch this movie. Tom Hanks is hilarious, the amount of craziness, hookers, boose, drugs, its all there. tbh, I think the Hangover stole a lot from this movie, but its cool.
City of God - 9/10

Really loved everything about that movie. Acting was excellent and the storyline kept me on my feet throughout the entire movie. I recommend this movie to everyone.
Batman begins 9/10

Great movie, but felt a wee-bit too long. Also perfect set-up for TDK, which I'm about to watch right now.
Splice 7-8/10

all in all a decent film, not one you watch again and again. predictable overall and not very gory (a + or - depending) my friend found it morally and ethically disturbing.
The Terminator is far superior than Terminator 2, to be honest.
Well how many series can anyone think of where the sequel was better than the original?

The list can be counted on one hand Im betting.
Memento - 8/10.

Haven't watched this for ages, once again remembered how ****ing great it is. Such a good concept, and a fantastic performance from Pearce.

Y tu mamá también - 6/10

Interesting concept, but something about it didn't quite ring true - the movie didn't properly sell itself to me. Perhaps it's the barrier of understanding a foreign culture and foreign modalities in what is essentially a character film? Great settings, locations, shots, characters, but a few too many moments where things seemed forced, or unreal. Not sure what to make of it, to be honest - good, and memorable, but somewhat defying analysis.

Burn After Reading - 6/10

Still pretty great, less great than the last time I saw it. Tilda Swinton ****ing kicks ass, and Brad Pitt pulls off his most novel role post- Tyler Durden.

Into The Wild - 6/10

I'm aware that this movie gets a lot of praise, but it honestly didn't do that much for me. 6/10 because it was definitely an above-average film, with some beautiful moments, great characters, but let down by a whole bunch of really odd, off-kilter stuff - weird shots, cliche effects, bad lines, that girl who is in Twilight, pacing issues. A good film, certainly, but really I don't see it as much more than a solid, somewhat obvious take on various literary and cinematic tropes.
I think I actually have to agree with that. The last time I watched T2 I found myself wondering what I had liked so much about it in the first place. To be fair, it's been a good long time since I've seen the original too though, so that might be far worse than I thought too.
The thing is, they're totally different genres. I can see why people like 2--it's essentially a comic book action movie. Personally I prefer the first one because I love the atmosphere and despair. By no means are either perfect ('I love you Sarah. I've loved you all my life.'), but I can understand in theory people's gushing over 2.

Oh and:

Conan the Barbarian: Manliness/10

I found this highly enjoyable. Very short on dialogue, something I hadn't seen in a while. Anything by Milius oozes testosterone. Had no idea James Earl Jones was in it. A good fun movie.
The Last Airbender - 3/10
The Last Airbender fails as the least enjoyable, most convoluted, most confusing and terribly written disgrace to it's source material I've ever seen.
Get Him To The Greek - 8/10

So its a bit slow in places, but damn funny. P Diddy is AMAZING in this film. He's on a new level of comedy with the way he delivers his lines, and he has some seriously funny moments. He steals the scene every time he appears.

A particular line relating to his kids wearing Air Jordans had me sneezing out coffee.

Its alot more grown up than the likes of Superbad. Enjoyed it, very funny, but a bit of a drag in places and some of the comedy doesnt quite work, but its all opinion.
The Last Airbender - 3/10
The Last Airbender fails as the least enjoyable, most convoluted, most confusing and terribly written disgrace to it's source material I've ever seen.

Another classic M. Night Shyamalan film, then?
I guess he forgot how to make decent movies with an actual plot.
The Last Airbender - 3/10
The Last Airbender fails as the least enjoyable, most convoluted, most confusing and terribly written disgrace to it's source material I've ever seen.
I think you're missing the most important concern here - how did M Night forcibly insert himself as an embarrassingly obvious, Stan-Lee-in-Marvel-films-esque cameo? Possibly some form of deity or messiah figure? Or... no... no it couldn't be...

Please don't tell me he was the cabbage guy. :(
I actually didn't see him. It could have been during one of the moments where I was projectile vomiting on the screen, or the time I had to step out to call the suicide hotline.

Bad adaptations of good things usually don't do much more than disappoint me, but this can do so much more damage. There is a rumored new animated series for the show, but something as terrible as this garbage could possibly shine a light so poorly on the series that The Legend of Korra never gets made.

I hope M Night's kids disown him for this.
Moon - 10/10

WHAT a film. WHAT a film. Why cant all sci-fi be this good. I think I have a new all-time fave.

Simply brilliant. Amazing for a director debut.
Moon - 10/10

WHAT a film. WHAT a film. Why cant all sci-fi be this good. I think I have a new all-time fave.

Simply brilliant. Amazing for a director debut.

The best thing for me was not really knowing anything about it when I watched it.
Is it exploding because Samon actually has a correct opinion for once? :P
Yep, and because he found a film very good. Next we may even find out that there is a game that has been made in the past 4 years that he kinda liked!