Films: Rate and Discuss

i guess that depends on what your definition of ''win'' is in the grand scheme of the iraq war, and whether these marines and their brotherhood getting through to the end of the day is all there is to it. they live whilst others die - often, for the most part, for no reason at all under unnessecary circumstances that is usually due to either errors or poor judgement. i don't consider those things small obstacles and i most certainly do not consider the US invasion of iraq a victory.

the end sums it all up by the fact that the entire company cannot watch the video camera footage, bar trombley, the support gunner. what they did was terrible, regardless of how much you end up rooting for and enjoying every second the characters are around... bar a few, like encino man, captain america, etc.
Ah, so that was what the video showing end was about.

Now I understand the series better. I mean, maybe I'm just to used to the whole shallow, stupid action drama and game shows that I failed to see the message within the entire series.
You strike me as the kind of person who skips right to review scores and doesn't bother with those silly words beforehand.
I read all of it. I can accept the original's mediocre review only given that you take a big sweaty dump on the sequel.
My Neighbours the Yamadas - 4/10 - Invites comparisons with American animated comedies that can't end well. I just don't get it, and I'm probably not supposed to. Filled to the brim with references to Japanese culture and manners, even if I get what's going on, I'm always going to forget to laugh. Artistically different, but with no apparent purpose, it basically looks like a crayoned in storyboard. Rating mostly because it made me procrastinate on watching every remaining Ghibli movie for a good half a year. Not for me.
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Book 1 9/10

Love this show! Its funny, full of action, and for a childrens TV show pulls it off oh so well. Looking forward to season 2. If you have Netflix you can stream them, episode are like 23-25mins long too
District 9 - 10/10

Marvelous movie. It has an interesting story, devastating weapons, and an interaction between humans and aliens that is well done and superb. Each alien also has its own personality, and most are tired of being oppressed by their human counterparts.

I'll just give you a brief summary of the beginning:

The story follows a man who enters District 9 to investigate the place and also hand out notices of eviction to the alien inhabitants. While there with his team of soldiers, he finds a mysterious fluid in one of the shacks. He examines it and the device suddenly goes off, spraying him with the liquid. I'll just tell you it was a grand mistake on his part...
This is where I would normally mock Shem and his post, but I think it'd be best for both us if I just left that to his imagination.
The Longest Day - 8/10

Bought the blu-ray version today. Almost fifty years later it is still one of the classic Big War Movies imo. Huge scenes with hundreds of extras, mostly original vehicles and equipment, funny Germans (Maj. Pluskat ftw), French resistance girls with big bewbs, dramatic overacting, stiff upper lip Brits, and of course the stand-out comical notes ("Eight hours next to them bells, DING-DONG!"). Sure, it is getting really dated by now. The special effects are downright primitive, the rigid acting is unintentionally funny at times (Here's looking at you John Wayne), and the dialog is very formal by today's standards. Still, it is a great watch if you're in the mood for a vintage big budget Hollywood movie. I'll probably get A Bridge Too Far next.
I thought the Longest Day was utter garbage, John Wayne is a cock and overrated. Bridge Too Far is the example of what the perfect war movie is however.
The Longest Day was and still is awesome.

Never liked John Wayne though, he was a terrible actor.
Robin Hood 4/10

Um, pretty generic/predictable/dumb plot, standard characters, bad pacing, and uh, moderately enjoyable but mostly incomprehensible action I guess. Mostly I was just amused by:

Dogma - 10/10

Absolutely superb and very funny. Pretty much revealed all the massive flaws with Catholicism and took the piss out of it in awesome fashion. Brilliant array of characters (Jay and Silent Bob are two of the best characters ever made, no wonder they got their own film), hilarious and rather clever plotline, and some superb dialogue. See it now if you haven't.

Franklyn - 8/10

Quite an unknown film actually, or you could say alternative, but very enjoyable with some unique twists to a somewhat basic plotline. Excellent soundtrack and visuals and a very interesting look into the psychotic mind, although why the main character had an american accent when its based in London, and he had an English dad is beyond me. Still, enjoyed it, worth the watch.
Never liked John Wayne though, he was a terrible actor.

I realized that again yesterday. It seemed like he was drunk the whole time. Slurring his lines, reacting very slowly to other actors.
Yeah, I watched Franklyn some time ago - I had higher expectations for what I saw, though.

Robin Hood 4/10

Um, pretty generic/predictable/dumb plot, standard characters, bad pacing, and uh, moderately enjoyable but mostly incomprehensible action I guess. Mostly I was just amused by:


Yeah, I stopped following what was happening about 20 minutes into the film and concentrated on my favourite Widmore goon instead. Something happened at the end with an iconic arrow shot and applause from the denizens of Nottingham and a declaration of Robin being an outlaw. Then the credits rolled, and I realised I'd just watched one of the worst possible origin stories ever and I sincerely hope that Scott and Crowe pay for my ticket to see the actual Robin Hood.

Land of the Lost - 5/10

Good premise, terrible execution. Didn't laugh even once throughout this crap, and is it just me or did it have a bit too many sleazy jokes for a movie aimed at a younger audience. Also why the hell did they make it a ridiculous comedy? The original TV series might've been cheesy and campy but still. The only good thing about it were the surreal landscapes, everything else terrible.
Get Him to the Greek: 3/10

I may or may have been stoned for the entirety of this movie and I laughed, like, two times.
Yeah, I watched Franklyn some time ago - I had higher expectations for what I saw, though.

Yeah, I stopped following what was happening about 20 minutes into the film and concentrated on my favourite Widmore goon instead. Something happened at the end with an iconic arrow shot and applause from the denizens of Nottingham and a declaration of Robin being an outlaw. Then the credits rolled, and I realised I'd just watched one of the worst possible origin stories ever and I sincerely hope that Scott and Crowe pay for my ticket to see the actual Robin Hood.


That's pretty much it. I also spent the movie trying to figure out where I'd seen the evilest guy in the universe from and then I remembered that he also played the evilest guy in the universe in Sherlock Holmes.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time - 8/10

A good summer popcorn flick, good consistent action. Gemma Arterton was pretty hot in it, too.

Also, I always like these middle ages-1800's middle eastern films, with lotsa action.
That's pretty much it. I also spent the movie trying to figure out where I'd seen the evilest guy in the universe from and then I remembered that he also played the evilest guy in the universe in Sherlock Holmes.

Mark Strong is the go to guy for the evilest guy in the universe in mainstream Hollywood at the moment. His villain in Robin Hood - without motive and existing purely to provide an antagonistic hook to Crowe's Robin - sucked. He wasn't anything special in Sherlock Holmes either, but I also saw that film recently - and oh, what shite it is.
Get Him to the Greek: 3/10

I may or may have been stoned for the entirety of this movie and I laughed, like, two times.
lol'd, that movie must be incredibly bad.

Star Trek: 7.5/10

Good action sequences, spectacular effects. The acting was overall well-done; not a huge fan of Spock, as he was too emotional for his character, but I liked the rest. Especially Simon Pegg and... whoever played Chekov. Also Sulu. Story was dumb though.
Mark Strong is the go to guy for the evilest guy in the universe in mainstream Hollywood at the moment. His villain in Robin Hood - without motive and existing purely to provide an antagonistic hook to Crowe's Robin - sucked. He wasn't anything special in Sherlock Holmes either, but I also saw that film recently - and oh, what shite it is.

Meeting your monthly 'disagree with Yorick' quota, eh? Yeah, he's pretty absurd really, I don't think any real motive is ever mentioned. I'm sure it was just money and power or whatever. I think, looking back, that the biggest problem is that the final battle scene is built up to the entire movie and ends up being laughable. It's one thing that they've united England against their common enemy, but it's pretty hard to feel sympathy with an army that's pretty much slaughtering the other, and it makes it's pretty impossible to get excited for. My personal favorite part is when Ms Love Interest brings in the army of misfit preteens to get in on the slaughter.
The final battle for utter pants, France's EPIC INVASION FORCE turned out to be a few ships with some men on it..
Sherlock Homes

6/10, Started off very good, enjoyed the victorian setting and all that, but the fighting bits were silly. Mr.Homes didn't do that. Then it all just got too elaborate and drawn out and turned into a dull Hollywood film.
Actually, Sherlock Holmes was an accomplished boxer and was well practised in martial arts. Remember, Watson narrates the books, and generally Watson doesn't have a clue what's going on, so a writer adapting them to film has plenty of scope to read between the lines of his narrative. I thought it was a pretty good adaptation. Certainly the most entertaining that I've seen.

Edit: Granted, the plot was far-fetched. But a lot of Victorian plots were anyway.
Yeah, I quite liked Sherlock Holmes.

Robin Hood was disappointing.
Meeting your monthly 'disagree with Yorick' quota, eh? Yeah, he's pretty absurd really, I don't think any real motive is ever mentioned. I'm sure it was just money and power or whatever. I think, looking back, that the biggest problem is that the final battle scene is built up to the entire movie and ends up being laughable. It's one thing that they've united England against their common enemy, but it's pretty hard to feel sympathy with an army that's pretty much slaughtering the other, and it makes it's pretty impossible to get excited for. My personal favorite part is when Ms Love Interest brings in the army of misfit preteens to get in on the slaughter.

Notice Scott's urge to a cast a vaguely neurotic and young, slender figure as the dislikeable prince, in contrast to Crowe's Real Man Maximus. I mean Robin. Robin.
Speaking of, whatever happened to Joaquin's rap career? :P

wiki said:
Phoenix made his rap debut in mid-January 2009. Rumors circulated that it was an elaborate hoax, to which Phoenix stated "This is not a joke. Might I be ridiculous? Might my career in music be laughable? Yeah, that's possible, but that's certainly not my intention." However, he has also been reported to have said, “It’s a put-on. I’m going to pretend to have a meltdown and change careers, and Casey is going to film it.”

In May 2010 Casey Affleck's documentary on Phoenix, I’m Still Here: The Lost Year of Joaquin Phoenix, was shown to potential buyers. The Los Angeles Times reported that the film featured "more male frontal nudity than you’d find in some gay porn films and a stomach-turning sequence in which someone feuding with Phoenix defecates on the actor while he’s asleep". Reportedly film buyers, after seeing it, were still uncertain whether it was a serious documentary or a mockumentary.
Hahaha what.
Hahaha, if I've ever read a description of a must see movie, that was it.
How To Train Your Dragon - 9/10

I wasn't expecting much from this, but it turned out to be funny and cute.
Rampage -?/?

My first Uwe Boll movie.

I'm not going to give this a score. It was better than I expected, though.
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time - 8/10

I would say this is best video game to film adaptation made yet. It was entertaining from start to finish, dialogue was solid and humorous when it was meant to be and the romance between the prince and the princess wasn't all that cheesy for once. I felt JG's British accent was very convincing which took me by surprise, and the acting was solid throughout.

Fight scenes, while rather shaky (no surprise these days), were very cool, and some of the visuals were top notch. The scenes in which time was reversed were superbly illustrated and I wish they used the aspect more. The story and its progression while pretty generic, was still done well although the progression of the story was rather hectic and plot lines would jump out of nowhere a few times towards the end but the ending was hugely satisfying so I can definitely call this a success.
I only played some of the first Prince of persia game, and that was a long time ago, but why whould the prince of persia have a british accent? I mean if they have an english speaking American, why change the accent at all?
Because the prince had a British accent in the game so probably just trying to follow the game as closely as possible.
Crash - 9/10

Absolutely amazing movie imo, if you haven't see it already watch it now.