Films: Rate and Discuss

The A-Team: A-team/10

great fun to watch cast was pretty solid aside from BA but I still enjoyed the film, it's something I would go back to the theater to see.
Up in the Air 8.5/10

not a bad flick flick at all, but for me its a one time rental. good plot, funny moments, cool venues, whats not to like??
Terminator Salvation - 2/10

Dumbest blockbuster I've seen since Wolverine. Feels closer to Transformers meets War of the Worlds (their latest iterations) than anything resembling a Terminator movie.
The A-Team: A-team/10

great fun to watch cast was pretty solid aside from BA but I still enjoyed the film, it's something I would go back to the theater to see.

I had no idea this movie was out. Will check it out!

Frequency - 8/10

Just watched it for the first time today, and it's a very good sci-fi flick. The story revolves around a present day (1999 when the movie was made) police officer who is able to talk to his dead father 30 years in the past using an antique radio. The story bears some similarities to "The Butterfly Effect", however I enjoyed this one a lot more. Worth checking out.
The Desert Rats 8/10

I'm not usually in for the older style war movies, but I was pleasantly surprised by this. James Mason very memorable as Rommel, despite the smallish role he played in it.
I had no idea this movie was out. Will check it out!

Frequency - 8/10

Just watched it for the first time today, and it's a very good sci-fi flick. The story revolves around a present day (1999 when the movie was made) police officer who is able to talk to his dead father 30 years in the past using an antique radio. The story bears some similarities to "The Butterfly Effect", however I enjoyed this one a lot more. Worth checking out.

I quite liked that movie. The Butterfly Effect on the other hand sucked out of control.
The Karate Kid 7/10.

First half hour was kind of brain numbing. After that you get what you expect: training montages and a big tournament at the end. I was kind of disappointed that there was only one Jackie Chan fight. The bad teacher is also a caricature of an asshat that tells 12 year olds to punch other kids without mercy.
Yojimbo - 9/10. If I ever have a kid, its settled, I'm naming him him Yojimbo.
Yojimbo - 9/10. If I ever have a kid, its settled, I'm naming him him Yojimbo.
Haha, why? The character's name isn't Yojimbo, that just means bodyguard, and Sanjuro is a name he thought up on the spot to remain anonymous. That'd be like a japanese parent calling their kid The Man With No Name (actually that's kind of awesome :P).

Also, what Skaadi said. Sanjuro is at least as good as Yojimbo, I actually prefer it in some ways.

/me rewatches both
Call your kid Rashomon. When they grow up and hate you for it, blame it on your wife. When she protests her innocence, say 'that's not how I remember it!'

Your child will thank you for making them a decade long setup for a lame joke.
The Book of Eli - 5/10

The only good thing about this movie is that is has Denzel motha ****ing Washington in it.
The Book of Eli - 5/10

The only good thing about this movie is that is has Denzel motha ****ing Washington in it.

The premise was stupid. How could an intelligent man like.... the antagonist, waste so much energy and resources on a goddamn bible? I'd have devoted my time to educating the surviving populace so that they could read about how frigging awesome I was and why they should all continue to give me their unswerving loyalty. Or you know, finding out ways to grow food and restore agriculture and infrastructure - which I'd admit that was probably what he was going to do, BUT WHY NEED A BIBLE FOR THAT? MUSSOLINI DIDN'T NEED A DAMN BIBLE.

Also rapist bikers reminded me of Pokemon.

Pacing too slow. Actions scenes were good, though.
Toy Story 3 - 8.5/10 - It was great, but kinda unnecessary. To me its like what Return of the Jedi was to Star Wars. Basically just a rehash of Toy Story 1 and 2, nothing really new or original. I know people are already saying its a masterpiece, but IMO it's not. The most it felt like to me was a homage to Toy Story 1 and 2 with a few new characters. Also there were some plotholes that bugged me a little, along with lazy story writing. Still I was entertained with the movie. It was mostly the new characters that kept my interest throughout.
Ion-Man Two

This movie was pretty lame, not even Robert Downey Jr. could save it, explosions but not very good ones, yeah pretty much mediocre
Ahem. Here are some movies I've watched recently.
Ratings are based on a direct scale: 5/10 is average, not 7/10.

Iron Man 2 - 5/10
Disappointing at best, all of Iron Man's charm has been replaced with boring superhero cliches, with memorable scenes few and far between.

The A-Team - 7/10
Extraordinary and nearly-perfect action film, not without its flaws but still stands out as totally fun and sometimes very funny.

Moving - 9/10
Richard Pryor's totally hilarious and completely underrated comedy is among the few comedies that maintains its spot as one of my favorite films of all time.

Toy Story 3 - 9/10
Pixar does not fail to impress with this beautifully rendered and hilariously written nostalgic finale, although emotional moments are a bit exaggerated.

Gamer - 3/10
As expected, a terrible, convoluted, one-dimensional mess meant for only viewers with extreme cases of ADD, yet entertaining enough for a single (drunken) viewing.

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - 8/10
... c'mon.
Toy Story 3: 7/10

Mid-tier Pixar (as in Up, Wall-E and Ratatouille being top-tier, Toy Story 3 and The Incredibles being mid-tier and Cars being shit-tier) which means it was still really damn good, but lacking story wise. But I enjoyed myself.

Crazy Heart: 8/10

Didn't think I'd dig this, but I did. Good performances, while a little slow in parts.
Well, it's a public forum, you have to expect some autistics.
Falling Down - 10/10

I frigging love this film. Really makes you think about society. On the flip side, its the ONLY film I will watch with Michael Douglas as the lead character, even though I happened to come across it whilst flicking through 500-odd channels. But here he is just perfect.

The Bounty Hunter - 6/10

Pretty lame, some funny lines in it. Gerrard Butler holds the film together because he's quite funny. Jennifer Aniston though? Yikes. Proof she cant really act. And she's definitely not a pretty face anymore. I mean, did you SEE the face on that top lip? She's had surgery or collagen on her top lip, it looks so wrong.

Wheres the curvy Rachel we all fapped over back in season 2 of Friends? THAT was when she was hot. Now she's just getting old. What is it with celebs these days getting as thin as sticks, its not sexy.
Allow me.
which means it was still really damn good, but lacking story wise. But I enjoyed myself.
Oh wait...
Up being top-tier
Well, it's a public forum, you have to expect some autistics.

Oh wait...

Listen you assholes, this is coming from a Brad Bird FANATIC. And he directed The Incredibles. I loved the Incredibles, and yet I didn't really care for Wall-E. But I can recognize that Wall-E was MORE of a movie than the IncrediblesYOU KNOW WHAT I'M NOT GOING TO GET INTO THIS BECAUSE YOU'RE WRONG
Dude, chill. I just think Up was not really that good.
Karate (wait scratch that...Kung fu) Kid

A rental at best. fight scenes were OK (Jackie Chan fought once wtf?!)

'nuff said.
I friggen love Wall-E. I don't care, that robot is awesome. First like, disney or whatever, movie I enjoyed in a while.
Blue Velvet 7.5/10

Great movie for the most part, had some flaws, but still very good.

Naked Lunch 7/10

Very interesting film. I saw it when I was about 14 and recently watched again.

Amarcord 7/10

First Fellini film, watched it with my ill grandfather, he really likes Fellini, so perhaps I am a bit biased. Either way I thought the film was really good until the last 45 minutes/hour which seemed to drag on without any real direction.

Yet the Incredibles is probably the one most Pixar fans are clamouring for a sequel to. ****ing Cars 2. Really.
Yet the Incredibles is probably the one most Pixar fans are clamouring for a sequel to. ****ing Cars 2. Really.

Apparently the reason for Cars 2 is Disney pressure; Cars made the most money from merchandising by far of any Pixar film yet.
Cars was meh.

The Incredibles was ok.

Band Of Brothers Blu Ray - 10/10

Even better than normal. Didnt think it was possible.

The Terminator and Terminator 2 - Unsure/10

It...I dunno. Never seen it before (yes, how the hell I havent seen it yet is beyond me too), and cant REALLY see what I was missing.

Back in the day I can see it being AMAZING. Maybe I have higher expectations these days due to seeing modern films?