Films: Rate and Discuss

Jurassic Park III - 4/10

Dinosaurs on a plane?
Hard Boiled - 8/10
****ing awesome. Would've given it a 10 for the action alone, but honestly the first half is kind of slow moving (after the intro anyway), and it didn't really get interesting for me until Tony Leung's character became more involved.

Speaking of, anyone notice how similar this is to Infernal Affairs? Tony's character is almost identical, right down to getting a birthday present from his superintendent (who's the only one who remembered it), except the guy who played him in that is playing the crime boss in this... kind of weird. :P

Next up: the Killer. Been missing out on a lot of these older Woo flicks (although I keep meaning to rewatch Face/Off too, heh).
The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

Plus I fail to see how the last person in the chain would even get any nourishment at all. Normally I wouldn't be so nit picky about stuff like this, but when your main selling point is that its "100% medically accurate", well, it better be accurate.

That's what the IV is for.

And to my knowledge, that's why the girl in the back died.
That's what the IV is for.

And to my knowledge, that's why the girl in the back died.

there were a few scenes with them hooked up to the IV (all of them), but that was only after they had just woken from the procedure. Also, wouldn't the skin of one living person grafted to another living person be rejected? I thought our bodies would see that as an intruder and fight it off? Also, its a slight oversight of the director, but how was the doctor able to carry the conjoined centipede from the basement up to the first level? All three of them have to be 400+ pounds combined. And they were asleep, so they couldn't have crawled up.

and yeah, that is why the girl in the back died. though interestingly enough, the doc wanted to get rid of the sick girl and add two more people to the chain. wouldn't that be a bit futile? The last guy in a four chain centipede would probably die really quickly.
and yeah, that is why the girl in the back died. though interestingly enough, the doc wanted to get rid of the sick girl and add two more people to the chain. wouldn't that be a bit futile? The last guy in a four chain centipede would probably die really quickly.

I guess you haven't heard of the sequel, The Human Cetipede II (Full Sequence). That's right, twelve people connected ATM.
The military ignoring him only served to highlight this and make the whole situation seem contrived and silly. It would have been much more effective if he had shot everyone in desperation and panic, only to find that there is nothing coming for them. No monsters, no soldiers, nothing. Just empty, endless mist, forever.

Agreed. And I didn't think the ending was gut-wrenching at all the first time I saw it. Me and my friend just started laughing, and we weren't the only ones doing so in the theater.

Just watched Kick-Ass. A little late to the party, but I didn't think I would like it. I heard other people saying they loved it, going as far as saying it was one of their favorite movies ever, so I gave it a go. It was a lot better than I expected, and it was a lot more violent than I expected too. Thats what everyone was saying before, but I didn't think it would be a oh-god-my-legs-cut-off kind of violent. Definitely not one of my favorite movies (though maybe one of the best superhero movies, which isn't saying much really). I wish they didn't end up going so over the top with it at the end, and kept it as a realistic portrayal and made it mean something. It felt like it was supposed to have some kind of message, and I was actually feeling a connection with the characters 2/3s of the way through. Then they went into bullshit mode and I stopped caring.
3:10 To Yuma (2007) - 7.5/10

Pretty good movie, but not spectacular by any means. Plus I found the ending kinda hard to believe, with Wade apparently having a conscience after all. Although whistling his horse after the train left was a nice detail.
It also kind of defeated the purpose of the whole ordeal. That ending really bugged me.
I liked 3:10 from start to finish. IIRC it's pretty identical to the original, except more action, blood, and no whistle.
I was going to try and make a joke about Jurassic Park 3 and something that made it deserve a 4, but I couldn't think of anything. It was that bad.
Iron Man 2 6/10

A very simple, thoughtless, fun, flashy movie. Nothing too special about it.

I also fell in love with Sam Rockwell and will be watching Moon soon. Upon further reflection, I also realized he was in Frost/Nixon.
Iron Man 2 6/10

A very simple, thoughtless, fun, flashy movie. Nothing too special about it.

I also fell in love with Sam Rockwell and will be watching Moon soon. Upon further reflection, I also realized he was in Frost/Nixon.

Moon is just amazing, you should love it. Rockwell was also pretty excellent in The Green Mile.
Moon - 9/10

I am actually quite amazed that Bowie junior pulled off a film like this on a low budget. Great watch, a very interesting plot line and the acting from Rockwell is superb (watch the behind the scenes footage of what was required and you will get just how difficult it was). Its very interesting to put yourself in the shoes off these guys, up there in complete isolation and just try and wonder how you would deal with it. The eventual realization behind it all is heartbreaking. Good show.

Iron Man 2 - 8/10

This was a lot of fun. Plenty of action and although skeptical about Whiplash at first, I had really grown to like him towards the end. I felt there were parts to the plot that weren't very well explained however, some parts just felt loose. I do like the idea of the partnership formed between Stark and the Colonel. Overall it was very enjoyable. Rockwell was also excellent in this, in some ways actually outperformed RDJ. I also saw him in Galaxy Quest the other night and he was excellent and hilarious in that. That guy definitely knows how to act.
Moon - 10/10
What you guys said. :D

Also, **** yeah Matt Berry.

Edit: Oh yeah, one thing I wasn't quite sure of.

Is the girl he hallucinates or whatever just before he burns his hand a grown-up Eve? If so, how is that even possible?
I'm not sure I'm just taking it as either his minds eye version of a grown up eve or any random girl really as an early onset sign of his mental breakdown. At least that's how I took it.
the terrorist.


I like the fact that this film points it's fingers at no ideology, political factions or religion. The film simply says here is a girl called Malli. She is a 19 year old and has feelings every teen has like love. But she has volunteered for a suicide bombing and is about to die in 4 days.

Brilliantly shot, and a movie that takes no sides but gives the viewer a chance to simply observe Malli. I can see why John Malkovich lend his name to the movie.

Although it is disappointing to see Santosh Sivan, director of this movie went onto make Indian films like Ananthabhadram which were while technically brilliant, scriptwise were utter piles of crap. Waste of a talent.
Glad to see other people liked Moon. I thought it was really good as well.

Iron Man (the first one) - 7.5/10

Figured I should get around to seeing this eventually. I was pleasantly surprised with what I got, which was a fairly good action movie. Looking forward to seeing the second one (though not on a full-price day, that much is certain).

Also, I think the human centipede may have overtaken antichrist as the most disturbing movie I think I've ever heard of.
Also, I think the human centipede may have overtaken antichrist as the most disturbing movie I think I've ever heard of.

Antichrist has more gore, but its also more "artistically" made. The idea of The Human Centipede is worse, but the imagery of Antichrist is more stomach turning:
testicles being chopped off, clitoris being cut off, a fox eating its own flesh, an old fashioned hand drill going into a leg... yea, its gory
Iron Man 2 - 5/10 - It was so effortless that even Tony Stark didn't have to break a sweat to emerge victorious. The humour of the first film lost its wit and became excessive/lame. Lackluster action and possibly the most anti-climatic ending of a superhero movie I have ever seen. I'm not even sure that fight broke the minute mark. Bonus points for Scarlett.

Robin Hood - 3/10 - I knew it would be somewhat bad, but I didn't predict it would be atrocious. I was at least expecting a somewhat entertaining albeit self-serious and badly acted film but it was just terribly boring.
Iron Man 2 - 6/10

Yet again another prime example where the original far exceeds the sequel. Didnt enjoy the humour that much, didnt enjoy the new suit, the feeling of awesomeness has kind of faded, but thats usually the case in sequels.

Robin Hood - 5/10

Basically Gladiator with bows and arrows in England. When the hell was there a medieval version of the beach landings?

And Robin Hood is all about robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, impossible arrow shots etc etc. Where the hell was all that?

I mean, the Sherriff of Nottingham, the key 'bad guy' in Robin Hood's history
ONLY APPEARED ONCE right at the ***king END, and thats also the ONLY time Robin Hood fires off a memorable arrow

What...the hell...was Ridley Scott thinking when the story was unfolding? Its like it was written by...well yes, it was written by a yank that has no real idea about English history.

Fighting was taken straight out of Gladiator with the slower fps look much like that in Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan's action scenes, which I do like.

Its about the only reason I would watch it again, and I cant decide if Crowe's accent is good enough.
Robin Hood - 7/10

Had to have a good think about this one, about whether it was good or not lol. Conclusively it is an interesting watch, decent film, but not really anything special. Acting on a whole is solid (although I, like Dynasty, can't decide whether Crowe's accent was good enough), action sequences were pretty cool but also agree that the guy is an epic archer and well, more archery was needed, he wielded a sword more than a long bow.

The relationship between Robin and Blanchet's character was actually very good I though however, it was rather believable and well acted, and there was good chemistry there. But yeah the Sheriff of Nottingham appeared like five times in the entire film briefly when he is meant to be one of the main characters of the tale which was kind of a fail. I felt that Robin Hood's 'crew' weren't delved into enough either, to me they were just these guys that followed him around with welsh accents, I had to assume they fought in the Crusades together but as far as their characters go, I didn't learn an awful lot about them. Also, this EPIC invasion by the french was a bit weak really, they had what? 2000 men assaulting the country, hardly a worthy invasion force if you ask me.

Overall it isn't a bad watch, but no its not as good as Gladiator. It is really like an unworthy sequel to it. Still the action is good, the very few arrow shots you get are very cool, and the humor puts a smile on your face. Worth seeing at least.
A little late, I know, but I just saw a double-bill with my friends...

Iron Man 2: 8.5/10. I don't understand the bitching. It's a perfectly decent summer action film, which is exactly what it claimed to be.

Kick-Ass: Kick-Ass/10. I haven't laughed that awesome in ages. Hit-Girl absolutely rocked. The film probably would have been more offensive if it were less violent and profane, but it's so over-the-top that it crosses the line back into hilarious.
Kick-Ass was totally a kickass/10 movie, I just watched it last night. Nicholas Cage was such a badass. Also, was that a hint towards a sequel at the end?
Is Kick-Ass a good movie to take a girl to see?

Iron Man 2 - 8/10
Pretty much what everyone else who gave it roughly the same score said about this movie.
Red Cliff 8/10

I would have loved to seen this movie with Japanese voice overs and English Subtitles but otherwise it was an awesome awesome movie. the action scenes and scope of the movie, although heavy on the CGI was still awesome to see. I can say this movie is like the Chinese version of Braveheart.

Rescue Me Season 5 9/10

I don't know how they do it but the formula still works for this show. It keeps getting crazier and zanier but I love it! everyone can watch this show and get something out of it
I second Rescue Me. I love Denis Leary.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai - 8/10

Not sure what the hell I just watched, but I liked it.
dune 4/10

Jesus Christ this was bad it's so rushed.

I hope the tv show will be better....
The Wire 9/10

I finished watching all the seasons of this show. After the first few episodes from season 1 I was hooked. It is obvious the amount of research that has went into this show.

In terms of characters, I pretty much like all of them. But I find Chris Partlow memorable. He is a cold hearted killer but I laughed in the scene where he said "shakin it, Janglin it" and starts listening to lean with it. Still one cold ruthless character though.
The Wire 9/10

I finished watching all the seasons of this show. After the first few episodes from season 1 I was hooked. It is obvious the amount of research that has went into this show.

In terms of characters, I pretty much like all of them. But I find Chris Partlow memorable. He is a cold hearted killer but I laughed in the scene where he said "shakin it, Janglin it" and starts listening to lean with it. Still one cold ruthless character though.

this may be the next show I burn through. give me 2 months and I'll be onto something else. its the best way to capture a show
Prince of Persia:

yes before anyone asks it IS the best video game movie ever given the standards of that genre. Hell its godlike compared to the likes of street fighter chun-li, silent hill and hitman!

Overall though its a decent enough movie to see if there's nothing else really to see, standard summer action movie stuff really :P

It even does have a few little motifs of the games in it without outright shoving them in your faces which is a plus. Things like:

The dark prince effects are used for when the dagger is used.
The bladed whip from TTT is there.
The prince wears the WW armour.
The prince is also seen occasionally with a red/blue headscarf much like the one from the 2008 POP.
Prince of Persia:

yes before anyone asks it IS the best video game movie ever given the standards of that genre. Hell its godlike compared to the likes of street fighter chun-li, silent hill and hitman!

Overall though its a decent enough movie to see if there's nothing else really to see, standard summer action movie stuff really :P

It even does have a few little motifs of the games in it without outright shoving them in your faces which is a plus. Things like:

The dark prince effects are used for when the dagger is used.
The bladed whip from TTT is there.
The prince wears the WW armour.
The prince is also seen occasionally with a red/blue headscarf much like the one from the 2008 POP.

That's cool.
Planning on seeing it on my birthday with some friends.

Daybreakers - 7/10...
A fun and pretty damn gory vampire romp.
The trailer was pretty misleading though, I went in expecting a fairly serious take on a world dominated by vampires and ended up getting a silly action flick, that didn't stop it from being enjoyable though.
It's certainly worth checking out at some point.

The Road - 7/10...
A pretty good take on post-apocalyptic scenarios, despite us never being told what the hell exactly happened but I felt that added to the hopelessness of the father and son's situation.
It was depressing and occasionally heart warming to watch, though it loses points by having a weird pacing that I can't really describe.
Worth a rental.
300 10/10

Finally got around to watching it. It was awesome. This movie is the pinnacle of human awesomeness.

I liked the persian differences in infantry uniforms, etc. You could tell that in the movie Persia was a union of nations, just by looking at the uniforms: generic middle eastern, mongolian, some Chinese and Korean influences in the archers. No Japanese-style, though. Prolly because they would stand out too much. The spartans flowed as a group, the persians acted like generic conscripts.

Xerxes probably had a logistical nightmare because of his troops. I mean, they didn't have calculators at the time, and yet an army of scribes and planners would have had to figure out how to feed a million people who were not self-sufficient, and on top of that, halfway across the globe. One shipment goes down, and you have a thousand troops starving. Supply lines would have been stretched to hell and back, and those conscripts... ugh. I shudder to think what it would have done to the production capabilities of Persia.
I'm sure Zack took those things deeply into consideration (and, for that matter, Frank "I'm the goddamn Batman" Miller).
Lol. Of course I know they wouldn't have, but I still like reading more into these kinds of things. Like how Pokemon represents a crime-ridden society without government and the most hostile environment known to man.