Films: Rate and Discuss

Just for those who are interested, The Lives of Others, a German film is available on iplayer right now.

Very ****ing excellant film.
The Untouchables - 4/10
An insanely dumb film with some really laughable scenes. The shootouts are some of the worst I've ever witnessed on film. I had just watched L.A. Confidential before it so that didn't help.

American Movie - 10/10
This is must watch for everyone.

It's like Napoleon Dynamite meets Jay & Silent Bob meets Spinal Tap except it's real.
Green Street 2 - 7.5/10

Nowhere near the caliber of the first but still very enjoyable. A very interesting plot and I feel it progresses well, although it is ridiculously far-fetched. The acting is actually top notch for the most part, Millwall's main man gave me the chills everytime he was on screen, amazing portrayal of an absolute nutter. The fight scenes were absolutely brutal, even more so than the first. I was overall pleasantly surprised, and that was after a mate of mine slated it.

WHAT THE ****???

That has to be one of the worst films of all time.
WHAT THE ****???

That has to be one of the worst films of all time.

Haha I know where you are coming from, my mate said the exactly the thing, but I really couldn't help enjoying it :P
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland-

Sooooo bad/10
There is a point in the film when a bad CG Johnny Depp/Mad Hatter break dances to pseudo hip hop music.

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland-

Sooooo bad/10

Yeah this was pretty bad. Tim Burton seems to be making a habit of re-doing classic films from your childhood and making them substantially shitter.
Johnny Depp is awful in generally everything. He's a parody of himself to the point where it's impossible to distinguish him from the iconic character he's playing - and those are the only characters he does play.
I REALLY don't want to see it but all my friends do so I know i'll get dragged along to it :|

It looks ****ing terrible :(

I wanna see green zone or the girl with the dragon tattoo goddamnit!!
Yeah this was pretty bad. Tim Burton seems to be making a habit of re-doing classic films from your childhood and making them substantially shitter.

To be fair, every single other adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has sucked, too.
Johnny Depp is awful in generally everything. He's a parody of himself to the point where it's impossible to distinguish him from the iconic character he's playing - and those are the only characters he does play.

In Alice in Wonderland it's simply a combination of 1. Willy Wonka 2. Jack Sparrow (surprise surprise)
What's the quirky twist you might ask? Well, his split personality is Scottish , hohoho. :rolleyes:

Seriously, the film is pure shit. What's even worse is being around hundreds of people in the audience who just eat that shit up; looking desperately to laugh at anything Depp does as if they had a gun to their head.

To be fair, every single other adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has sucked, too.

I recall enjoying this, but it's pretty slow and not very much a kid's film-
I've heard good things about that one from several people, haven't yet watched it myself.
It's worth checking out for the art/stop animation. I haven't seen it in years though so I dont know how it flows
Saw the Svankmajer with a friend once. It was quite slow and dialogue was mostly nonexistent (which wouldn't have been an issue if it weren't so slow) and you keep getting close-up shots of her mouth saying "Said the Rabbit."

So sadly I was not a huge fan even though I had high hopes for it. I prefer all of his short films much more.

I'm supposed to go see a film with a (different) friend this week but everything playing looks pretty crappy. She probably doesn't like horror or anything overtly violent. Last time I rented a movie with her and another girl, it was Coraline, and they were freaked out. I was actually kinda freaked out that they were freaked out, because seriously, it's a kid's movie. What the heck.
I'm not sure how hard that is to achieve given how rubbish they all are, but I'm a bit intrigued now, so I'll check this one out.
So true, I love the books and I was always very disappointed with the movies, except for this one.
Alice In Wonderland (Tim Burton version):

-2 / 10

Seriously the worst garbage Burton has ever made (and that is saying A LOT). I never thought I'd say this, but here we have a movie worse than Burton's Willy Wonka! The amount of screen time Depp is given is atrocious. The plot makes no sense. The characters are all poorly thought out and two dimensional. It only marginally follows the plot of the original. It would be better said to be "in the style of Alice in Wonderland" rather than being a remake of Alice in Wonderland. It's as if they took the book, pulled out some random pages, and then threw them together into an incoherent, rambling mess. The acting is awful. The messages are mixed and vague. The art style is distracting. The CGI is poorly done. Johnny Depp has a random dance scene.
Fantastic Mr. Fox


This is an odd, yet extremely brilliant film. It features a stop-motion animated fox voiced by George Clooney settling down after being a bandit all his life, and helping a set of animals in the neighborhood escape the wiles of a trio of evil farmers, while his son struggles to find his identity when faced with a far superior cousin.

I know the plot sounds stupid, but this movie is genuinely extremely funny and very well made. The stop motion animation is superbly done. The anthromorphism of the animals is done very cleverly, with random bouts into "wild animal" mode, (ie. a possum that randomly plays dead.) The jokes are on time, in good taste, and sophisticated.

I was very surprised at how good this movie was, and I would recommend it to anyone.
Fantastic Mr. Fox


Couldn't agree with you more. It was probably the best animated film I saw last year. My only (minor) complaint is that some of the close ups of Fox's face are a little unsettling, especially on the big screen.

Jan Svankmajer's Alice is a great film, and is the best adaptation I have seen. But I will say that its definitely not for everyone. As others have stated, its very slow paced, with little dialogue, and the stop motion effects are crude and bizarre. Despite all that, I love this film.
Battlefield Earth: dutchangle/colorfilters

Take a break from watching known good movies and watch a shitty movie. It reminds you of why the good ones are so good.
Sin City

Clive Owen/10


I loved the art direction, and all of the actors/actresses played their parts amazingly. The story was sort of confusing at the end, I think I'm missing something that tied together the man from the first scene to the rest of the movie.
Fantastic Mr. Fox


This is an odd, yet extremely brilliant film. It features a stop-motion animated fox voiced by George Clooney settling down after being a bandit all his life, and helping a set of animals in the neighborhood escape the wiles of a trio of evil farmers, while his son struggles to find his identity when faced with a far superior cousin.

I know the plot sounds stupid, but this movie is genuinely extremely funny and very well made. The stop motion animation is superbly done. The anthromorphism of the animals is done very cleverly, with random bouts into "wild animal" mode, (ie. a possum that randomly plays dead.) The jokes are on time, in good taste, and sophisticated.

I was very surprised at how good this movie was, and I would recommend it to anyone.

Have you seen Wes Anderson's other movies?
Battlefield Earth: dutchangle/colorfilters
While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME, I was being trained to CONQUER GALAXIES.

This may be relevant to your interests:

As with the game review thread, I've been watching a bunch of movies to pass the time while my net was down. That said I honestly can't remember most of them right now, so here's like half (something I'm sure you're all thankful for).

THX 1138 - 4/10
Didn't get into it. The art and sound direction were great, but to me the beauty was skin deep in this one. Perhaps it's because it's not as relevant any more, or maybe just not to me personally, but I really didn't find myself affected or moved in any way by the characters or events presented in the film. The plot (at least the latter part) is like the Fugitive, if instead of Tommy Lee Jones they had like fifty even-more-gay even-more-useless C3-POs. I know this sounds like I'm saying "NOT ENOUGH EXPLOSIONS RAAAAAURRRRRRGHHHH" but it's not that it was so slow or even uneventful, it just felt to me as if nothing that happened held any weight or meaning. You can call me jaded now. :)

Side note: there was a letter of thanks type thing by George Lucas on the inside of the cover. In one part he says something like, "it may not be as sophisticated as my more recent works, and my cinematic techniques have surely improved!" Yeah, you learned how to work a transition effect, you ****ing hack.

Yes Man - 2/10

Vacancy - 2/10
There's a review on the cover that says, "like Psycho meets Saw!!" I have to agree with them, if by Psycho they mean it takes place in a hotel and by Saw they mean the events are filmed and also it is awful.

Inglourious Basterds (wow I spelt it 'right') - 10/10
Loooooooved it. Not much to say that most of you don't already know, brilliant through and through. Probably the first time since Pulp Fiction where I haven't felt worn down by Tarantino's excessive use of exposition (the Superman speech in Kill Bill 2 springs to mind as one of the more indulgent examples). The german characters are brilliantly portrayed, almost caricatures of themselves, while retaining a certain amount of believability within the context of the film. I was overjoyed to hear the Jew Hunter guy (forget his name) won an oscar for his performance. He really was great, and -
I don't think I've ever so despised a character, and then been so thrilled with his fate. I completely saw it coming, but it was immensely satisfying nonetheless. I may have actually cheered. :)

Der Untergang
I don't feel as though I can accurately put a score to this one, as while I admired it as a film, I can't say I actually enjoyed it. Indeed, I don't think it's meant to be enjoyed, but endured, and in that role it excels quite wonderfully. Clocking in at nearly 3 hours, it really is a chore to get through, given that the tone of the film is unrelentingly bleak, but I felt it was a worthwhile watch if only to see the events from a different perspective. I actually found myself pitying the german citizens that Hitler so callously discarded as weak and deserving of their fate - granted that last bit may be true in part. On the other hand I found it somewhat ironic to see so many germans crowded in dank, dark bunkers; wounded, hungry, hopeless, awaiting death (or granting it to themselves willingly).

Praise aside, the filmmakers did seem to make some concessions - presumably to make the film more watchable - by glorifying certain characters a bit, several of them officers, even SS. While I can't say for certain whether their portrayal was historically accurate, it seems as though these characters have been purposely made into relative "good guys," if not to provide the film with some likeable protagonists (besides Junge herself), then certainly to levy even more blame in Hitler's direction. Though it's certainly not undue, it did seem a bit unnecessary to me.

I think it just gives backstory to who the guy is, he is a hitman, you gather that from that first part.

Then you see him later when he kills that hooker in the hospital elevator who betrayed them all. You don't see him kill her, but because you seen him at the start you know he is a hitman and he WILL kill her.

Makes sense to me, that's all I ever thought it was.

EDIT: lol, I just read the Becky part underneath The Man part, and just as I thought - I was right!
Zombieland - 8.0/10

+1 Kickass opening scene
+1 The Rules
+1 Metric track
+1 Emma Stone :drools:
+1 Original, funny zombie killing
+1 Original, funny zombie killing in an amusement park
+2 The ultimate badass that is Woody Harrelson
+3 Bill Fu**in' Murray!

-1 Jesse Eisenberg is just a stand-in for Michael Cera :bleh:
-1 Climax and conclusion
-1 The chicks got annoying

Zombieland is a fun movie and surprisingly stylish, despite the genre wearing itself thin. Harrelson and Eisenberg are a simply delightful comedic duo to watch. But, despite a lively, frolicking good time during the first half of the movie, for some unexplainable reason a cameo appearance by Bill Murray marks the beginning of Z-Land's nosedive to the mundane. Not as good as Shaun of the Dead, but it tries. Overall, a nice movie rental for a weekend night.
The Hurt Locker 8/10

all around good movie, good action, decent plot. i don't know why it got a bunch of awards though, seemed like an average movie to me

The Invention of Lying 7/10

Great premise to a movie, but it falls short. wasn't as funny as i'd hope it to be and felt really dry. these type of movies make me pissed sometimes because the main star (guy from the office) was a twat and should have done things better.
Repo: The Genetic Opera 8/10 - I don't know how I never saw this before, but it's quite wonderful. Even considering it's a musical, I didn't expect it to be 90% music and 10% spoken word. It's very stylised and a bit graphic, but unique and almost charming.

Donnie Darko: Director's Cut 9/10 - Far more understandable than the standard edition of the movie, and one of my favourite films of all time.

Pathology 6/10 - Interesting, but only really if you're an egomaniacal sociopath with an interest in medicine (such as myself). Silly and ridiculous in parts, and far overdone with sex and drugs, but not a terrible movie.

SuperTroopers rofl/10
Jarhead 5.5/10

A stylized and not very authentic movie about a Marine in the first Gulf War. At times I thought I was watching Spring Break: Iraq. The Marines don't behave like Marines but like college kids on a field trip. Plus the symbolism in the last scenes was laid on so thick that it became annoying. Totally forgettable movie.
Jarhead 5.5/10

A stylized and not very authentic movie about a Marine in the first Gulf War. At times I thought I was watching Spring Break: Iraq. The Marines don't behave like Marines but like college kids on a field trip. Plus the symbolism in the last scenes was laid on so thick that it became annoying. Totally forgettable movie.

jarhead, coupled with generation kill, are actually accurate descriptions of marines during both wars. they aren't the killing drones people would be lead to believe, but instead kids who signed up to kill and as such, are mostly these college kids who haven't a clue what they are doing. i obviously can't speak for all of them, but the book jarhead is based on is actually from the gulf war, and generation kill from iraq.

they're written as they were seen. i thought it was a great film for how realistic it felt, but obviously that's for neither me nor you to decide as how could we possibly know, so we'll have to agree to disagree. also: watch generation kill.
jarhead, coupled with generation kill, are actually accurate descriptions of marines during both wars. they aren't the killing drones people would be lead to believe, but instead kids who signed up to kill and as such, are mostly these college kids who haven't a clue what they are doing. i obviously can't speak for all of them, but the book jarhead is based on is actually from the gulf war, and generation kill from iraq.

they're written as they were seen. i thought it was a great film for how realistic it felt, but obviously that's for neither me nor you to decide as how could we possibly know, so we'll have to agree to disagree. also: watch generation kill.

I watched the movie because I recently read and saw Generation Kill. Especially the series seems to be a very accurate account of the Iraq war. It even has a couple of the original Marines playing themselves or others. Jarhead however is too Hollywood for my taste. Style gets in the way of realism too many times. Plus according to Lt. Nathaniel Fick from GK the book Jarhead is despised by almost every Marine in the corps. He isn't too fond about the movie either:

Those who know the Corps will doubt many of the movie's details: Could a Marine really be shot and killed in training without any fallout whatsoever? Would dozens of Marines celebrate the end of the war by dancing around a bonfire, gleefully firing their rifles into the night sky? Could Swofford's sniper team actually get abandoned on the battlefield, alone and forgotten? Not in my Marine Corps.
perhaps not those military ****ups and errors, but as for being college kids on a field trip, that part seems to hold up true in more than a few cases. generation kill shows marines acting exactly the same way, but then also generation kill has a whole number of command errors that were all true, so some of the things in jarhead don't look so bad when compared to some of the mishaps in iraq.

who knows.
perhaps not those military ****ups and errors, but as for being college kids on a field trip, that part seems to hold up true in more than a few cases. generation kill shows marines acting exactly the same way, but then also generation kill has a whole number of command errors that were all true, so some of the things in jarhead don't look so bad when compared to some of the mishaps in iraq.

who knows.

Yeah, you're right about the field trip. I especially liked Person, blabbering about how the war is all about pussy. Hilarious.
a forward starbucks... :laugh:

i've nearly watched generation kill more times than i have the wire now, though i guess it is shorter. such a good tv show.