Films: Rate and Discuss

Requiem for a Dream: 9/10

This is the most miserably sad movie I have ever seen. It's even more depressing than The Road. It follows a young man, his mother, his friend, and his girlfriend on a miserable journey through drug abuse, poverty, depression, and insanity. Everything for all of the characters gets continually worse and worse until at the end they have lost practically everything.

I am still trying to recover from this movie. Its simply devastating.

I guess that was what the movie intended to do, and it was obviously pushing some kind of message. It did its work beautifully.
The Prestige - 8/10. Wonderful flick. Christian Bale's accent was awful in general, but great, great movie otherwise.
Up in the Air: 8.5/10

Well acted, interesting story, good ending and didn't drag anywhere. I really dug it.
Battlefield Earth: dutchangle/colorfilters

Take a break from watching known good movies and watch a shitty movie. It reminds you of why the good ones are so good.

Laughable, but for some reason I dont mind that film. I would watch it if it was on, but I wouldnt buy it.

Shaun Of The Dead - 6/10

Finally got round to seeing it. Took a while before it made me laugh.

Cant say I was really missing much.

I have quite a big problem with films, I keep missing out the classics.

My housemates cant believe I havent seen Terminator 1 & 2 yet. They're on a quest to make me watch them both this week.

Hell, I didnt even see Fight Club until about 3 years ago.
I have quite a big problem with films, I keep missing out the classics.

Yeah me too actually, quite strange for someone who is so into cinema.

My housemates cant believe I havent seen Terminator 1 & 2 yet. They're on a quest to make me watch them both this week.

WHATT!!?!?! :O

Hell, I didnt even see Fight Club until about 3 years ago.

nah I've still not seen it, can't say i really care >_>

The Crazies:

having not seen the original I went in with no expectations to how it compares but it started off well with an intriguing premise. However the film degrades noticeably over the course of the film from "a promising start" to "bland and mediocre" to "OMG how much ****ing longer is this movie? What do you mean it's only 90 minutes long? Feels WAY longer..." You get the picture.

For me the primary part of the intriguing premise was the quarantine and military involvement in the town but that concept is pretty much NEVER used and is quickly shrugged away O_o Yeah I need to see a good movie now.

*books tickets for the girl with the dragon tattoo*
The Latter Half of The Proposal - I Hate Sandra Bullock/****ing Die Please, Useless Whore
Good movie. :)

Edit: King of Kong - 8/10
This movie is almost too good to be true. The characters couldn't have been more perfect had they cast them themselves.

I may or may not have shed a manly, triumphant tear or two at the end.
Charlie Wilson's War 8.5/10

Great movie, awesome plot, good characters, lots of boobies and tight asses, swears, all around great movie. highly recommended
a forward starbucks... :laugh:

i've nearly watched generation kill more times than i have the wire now, though i guess it is shorter. such a good tv show.

I'm permanently annoyed that Generation Kill never got the attention it deserved from award shows. That series seems like its the truest depiction of Iraq and no one but The Wire fans and tv crickets seems to give a shit about it.
The Green Zone 7/10

An action intrigue movie set in Iraq. The political angle is that the government is full of shitbags. The shaky cam made me kind of queezy, and I didn't feel sick during the Blaire Witch Project. It is also unbelievable that a warrant officer has free reign to pretty much run his own spec ops inside Baghdad without getting court marshaled.
Shes Out of Your League 8/10

funny movie, easy story to follow, a bit raunchy but I did enjoy every minute of it. my friend called me last minute to see this and i'm glad i went. it was a free movie for me but i think i would have paid for it.
Shutter Island - 10/10

I don't throw this around a lot, very rarely in fact. But that was one of the best films I have ever seen. I haven't been this drawn into a film in a long time, everything was just so cryptic and had you thinking at every turn but you could just never quite get the bigger picture. Soundtrack is absolutely immense, very basic, but really immerses even further. Di Caprio is amazing as usual. **** the critics, see this film. Now.
Donnie Darko 10/10

Seen it a couple of times before, but really enjoyed it anyway. I know some people object to a perfect score, but that film has everything I could ask for in it. Really makes you think and gives a fresh perspective on life.

In it I saw an interesting parallel between the story the teacher reads out in class and the events between the jet engine falling and 'the end of the world'. Donnie starts to bring real chaos into the world and his psychotherapist is terrified at where it's leading.

I was reading an explanation a year or so ago, where at the end, when he's laughing before he's about to get crushed by the engine, it's becuase he realises just how much worse things there are in the universe than him dying and how it's nothing to be afraid of.

Really enjoyed it, must rewatch the directors cut in a year or so too.
Donnie Darko 10/10

Seen it a couple of times before, but really enjoyed it anyway. I know some people object to a perfect score, but that film has everything I could ask for in it. Really makes you think and gives a fresh perspective on life.

In it I saw an interesting parallel between the story the teacher reads out in class and the events between the jet engine falling and 'the end of the world'. Donnie starts to bring real chaos into the world and his psychotherapist is terrified at where it's leading.

I was reading an explanation a year or so ago, where at the end, when he's laughing before he's about to get crushed by the engine, it's becuase he realises just how much worse things there are in the universe than him dying and how it's nothing to be afraid of.

Really enjoyed it, must rewatch the directors cut in a year or so too.

I think you missed a lot of the "alternate reality" stuff, but that's not your fault so much as it is that the original cut is pretty vague. I'd highly recommend the Director's Cut (which I finally just got around to seeing).
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 2/10
This movie actually made me feel more stupid for having watched it, which LET ME TELL YOU is no mean feat.

"Oh hey, I hear your girlfriend was killed by some guy who used to work for me but totally doesn't any more. Want to come to my secret facility wherein I will INJECT LIQUID METAL INTO YOUR SKELETON, a procedure that only you could possibly have a chance of surviving, but don't read into that too much. I just had the equipment lying around for just such an occasion, and there is no chance that aforementioned girlfriend's death was a clever ploy by me to make you volunteer for said experimental procedure."

"A sounds proposal, my good man. Let us depart forthwith!"

**** you, comic book movie plots.

Also, nice job casting the least charismatic actor possible for Gambit.
Shutter Island Pretty good, but not the best film I've ever seen. Very enjoyable though.
Ong Bak 2 - 8/10
Wow, this one actually surprised me. I was expecting great martial arts and not much else like the first one, but what I got was actually a pretty well-rounded movie. It's not amazing in any respect (besides the obvious), but the plot, the characters, even the way the movie is shot all have much more attention than you'd expect from a Tony Jaa movie. Of course the fighting's where it's really at, and in this area it doesn't disappoint. It's a much more violent and visceral film, with just as much fighting with weapons as with bare fists, and more than a few cut throats (actually about fifty, yikes). You really feel every blow, every cut, every broken bone... actually the sound effects can be a bit over the top at times, but it's all there for effect, and it works pretty well.

Few complaints: What the hell does this have to do with the first Ong Bak? Nothing, that's what. I mean, I guess you could say the buddhism theme is pretty prevalent in both, but you can say that of a number of martial arts films out there, and even stuff like Infernal Affairs (the intro reminded me a lot of this). Second, what's with the animal noises? There's a certain character who roars like a tiger for no apparent reason, then later on screeches like a crow (assuming it was the same person, couldn't quite tell). Also, the elephants sound like ****ing t-rexes. Somehow I don't think that's quite accurate. Third, where's the goddamn ending? This doesn't really spoil the movie, but it was still a bit of a let down. It just kind of... ends, and there's this lame narrative bit before the credits that I guess is meant to give it some deeper meaning, but it was lost on me. Actually I honestly wonder if they just ran out of money, or maybe it had to be cut for time (1 hour 30 is pretty long for a film like this I guess).
Ink - 9/10
This movie isn't very well known, but it's very good. It's about these guardians who watch over people while they sleep and give them dreams, or nightmares when it comes to their evil counterparts, and one of the evil guys tries to steal a little girls soul (translating into her going into a coma). It's kind of like Donnie Darko in subject matter, except not as dark :P

The story is really good though, and if it weren't for the craptastic production and amateur acting, I would give it a 10. What I'm saying is that the production and acting don't detract from the story at ALL, but if it had a big budget and good actors, it would probably be ****ing amazing.

Shutter Island - 8/10
I may have been stoned when I watched it, but it gave me a huge mind****. Great movie, and it keeps you guessing the whole way through. It's best if you don't really know what it's about, since the plot is very intricate and giving too much away might ruin it. It amazes me how someone could have designed a story like that though. Not a 10 since it's quite long, and it's nothing new.
Daybreakers -lol/10

It's not a masterpiece, but I did kind of enjoy it. I especially like how it shows the inner working of a vampire society.

Even when apocalypse hath come, government will exist, and you will be taxed.
The Patriot 7.5/10

Very rousing and enjoyable film, if predictable and hugely one sided. However it really made me reconnect with the principles America was built on and renewed my disdain of being a crown subject myself.
I just saw twiligt 2...

I donnu... Maybe you need to see the first one to like it but, I can't for the life of me understand how people can. Or how it even got turned into a movie. It's ****ing wired.
Yeah... I don't even... Seriously, some wired shit happens man. I skiped the first 20 or so, and tried to sleep through the rest. But it's so ****ing wired, and stupid. Really really stupid. I can't really get into details, except that the girl becomes an adrenaline junky becouse the vampire dude leaves her, and she can see his ghost or whatever whenever she's about to do something retarded. It is exactly as stupid as I described it. Also she's a bitch. Real grade A ****.
Stop trying to comprehend it or you'll grow a pair of tits and your dick will fall off.
As Edward drives her home, Bella agrees to wait until after graduation for Charlie's sake, and that she'd really rather Edward be the one to change her. As they round a bend they almost run into Jacob who wants to talk to Edward. Jake reminds Edward of the treaty terms - the vamps can't bite a human. If they do, the treaty is null and void, and the wolves will attack. Bella is furious, and says she's the one choosing it. This upsets Jacob, and she asks him not to make her choose, because if he does she will choose Edward. He's upset, and Edward promises never to leave her, thanking Jacob for taking care of her when he didn't. Words pass, and a fight ensues, Jacob morphs, and Edward is ready to go at it when Bella runs between the two of the them and tells them they can't fight with her there. Jacob runs off. Edward turns to Bella, and says to please give him some time before changing - maybe 5 years. She rejects that, saying it is too long. He asks for 3, she says no. He says he has only one condition then - "Marry me." She is shocked.

so if i'm understanding this right, this hollow shell of a girl is being fought over by two ultra-special-men that are willing to kill for her. She then stops then and says they can't fight....with her there. Gee I'm so glad to see she cares so much about them, "I don't care what you guys do so long as one of you is left to love me!" It's almost comical how quickly they can pump out these movies though.
huh... I missed some of that. I did notice the fight and something about asking for 5 years.
I thought that was becouse she's like 12 years old and he wanted her to grow some tits or something if they where to spend the rest of their lifes together.
huh... I missed some of that. I did notice the fight and something about asking for 5 years.
I thought that was becouse she's like 12 years old and he wanted her to grow some tits or something if they where to spend the rest of their lifes together.

Wasn't she technically a year older?

I haven't seen/read it so, I've only heard about it.
Pertinent to New Moon discussion:

Or, you know, just look at his expression in the still frame. Sums it up pretty well.

Edit: Oh, right, the reason I came in here in the first place...

Taken - 6/10
Badass. If they were making Taken: The Game instead of Splinter Cell: Conviction I... would probably still not buy it, but IT'D BE PRETTY NEAT ANYWAY.

I noticed a while back (ie - when this movie was still new and everyone else was watching it) a lot of you saying that you didn't really approve of the extreme measures Liam used to get his daughter back, that it should've gone the way of Man on Fire and spoiler had him die at the end instead. I didn't really find that to be the case. There was some collateral damage, to be sure, but most of the violence was directed at people who really, really seemed to deserve it. Like, a lot. And not just because they were Albanian (haha, racial stereotyping).

No, the thing I was concerned with was... what happened to the other girls? I mean, sure, it's his daughter, but in the larger scheme of things only one tarty, rich, ungrateful tween is saved and the rest of the girls caught up in this sinister plot are um... uhh... I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEY NEVER SHOW US. I mean, does he take down their sinister operation from the top down? No, he goes directly to his daughter's buyer. Oh, so surely the other girls he bought are saved. Well... the last we see them they still have ****ing veils on their heads, but they're off camera so who cares right? What about the girls in the house with the red door? Still handcuffed when he finds Amanda (who is never mentioned again). And the girls in the trailer on the construction site? Well... one of them was shot, so at least she's out of her misery, right?

Seriously, movie, what the hell. You can't wave a huge, disgusting, immoral kidnapped rape slave operation in our faces and then DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT. Do you think we're completely ethically devoid? At least give us a little closure at the end. The classic scene with the head honchos being forced into police cars, swearing revenge on the main character. Or maybe he just kills them. ANYTHING. For that matter, how many goddamn laws did he break which he is never made to answer for? AGH, MY BRAIN.

Okay, I'm done now.

Christ, what an awful ending...
Shutter Island left me with a lot of questions:

Why was there no glass in her hand when the woman drank the water?
What was the law of 4?
What is the symbolic meaning of fire/smoke/water?
Who wrote the note at the beginning?
Did they do operations in the light house? Where was all of their equipment?
If they didn't do anything there, then why was it guarded?
Why would the doctor carry a surgical instrument in his hand while walking up to Teddy at the end? Don't they believe in sterilization or you know, not carrying around surgical tools on the lawn?
What was the weird film grain at the last shot with the light house for?
I think at the end of the day Shutter Island was just an un-original, overly complicated and hugely cliched film done quite well by a good director.
boondock saints 2: 1/10

terrible, just terrible. "dude! let's have some BITCHIN' action scenes where everybody just stands around shooting guns!" Wait now we need to up the ante, let's get them sliding across the floor on their knees shooting people! BITCHIN'! Our guns hold 7 bullets, **** YEA!

I also felt like they were trying way too hard to get the same feeling as the first one. William dafoe, before the drag scene, was the reason the first one was entertaining to me. The FBI agent in this one just feels too unoriginal, I kept expecting her to tell that guy to get her a bagel. I honestly stopped watching it at about 85 minutes in because there was absolutely no ending that could make up for this wasted time.

Even the whole premise of getting the boys back was stupid, "Hey boys, I know you have no radio, tv, or internet, and you eat by candle light so you haven't heard about the priest that got killed...but in case you do hear about it, I'm begging, please don't go back!" The original was good enough on it's own; a sequel had nowhere else to go but down.
I think at the end of the day Shutter Island was just an un-original, overly complicated and hugely cliched film done quite well by a good director.

I've seen a MASSIVE quantity of films in my time and I can't recall any that did what Shutter Island did in terms of plot, unless you can list them? And overly-complicated? It's pretty god damn simple tbh lol...
I think that the value of Shutter Island is all in the little details and meaning. The ending isn't the summation of the movie like in the 6th Sense. Shutter Island still stands up to a second and third viewing, perhaps even more so because of the ending.

The use of green screen
The glass of water scene
The good man or monster line
The use of smoke/fire/water
Repo Men - 5.5/10...
Awesome premise and somewhat interesting characters... but that's it.
Seems like a wasted opportunity really as nothing worth noting ever really happens.

Oh yeah it's gory as hell too.

House of 1000 Corpses - 7/10...
Good campy fun.
I love the style of the film and the Firefly family itself is just entertaining to watch.
Unfortunately it's not scary in the least.
Hurt Locker - 8/10

It was good, quite an interesting take on the conflicts in Iraq at the moment and it was very interesting to see the day in a life of the bomb disposal units. But I really don't think it was worthy of an oscar, its not exactly a unique approach to the genre as its very reminiscent of the style Jarhead used, which I found better than HL. Still its a good solid performance from most, and did contain quite a few intense scenes, although there were few scenes that just seemed out of place and completely pointless also really. Still, was a good watch, not oscar material though.
Really? Jarhead?

The Replacement Killers - 6/10
Pretty darn good in a 90s John Woo flick kind of way.
Well I enjoyed Jarhead lol.

Robocop - violence/10

I haven't seen this film in far too long, so obviously it needed a rewatch when it came on. The violence levels are pretty much at the same level as Rambo 4, its actually quite ridiculous in parts haha. I mean there is a part in it

where this guy tries running robocop down and he moves out the way so he smashes right into this vat of chemical waste and he crawls out all ****ed up, wailing and screaming 'help meeee'. Its one of the most disturbing things I have seen in quite a while.

Still, it was a very good watch, the action is superb really and there so much humor in it to give you some distractions.
The Hurt Locker - 7/10

For the first half, this film had me biting my nails. The opening scene feels like an expedition on an alien planet, with robot bomb-sniffer and space suit. Tension is delivered. Unfortunately, the erratic narrative goes nowhere and the second half devolves into a string of cheesy scenes that only diffuse the tension and fully illustrate what an unrealistic cliché of a dumb shit the redneck is. It's like Bigelow wanted to make a harrowing war film and fell back into Point Break. While the flick is intense and the acting is really good, the whole and single point that it argues is "war is like a drug". After all, this is just too little for such an ambitious project. I'll never ever understand why people loved this movie so much. It's a good movie but hugely overrated. It couldn't decide whether to be a drama, thriller or action; and tries to be all of them at the same time, so it couldn't make any achievement at even one of these elements. Hardly the war classic some are holding it up to be. In the end a rather flat piece, with some engaging action scenes.
^ It was officially the best movie of 2009. I don't think anyone said it was amazing per se.
The Invincible Iron Man
There were a lot of WTF moments in this. Tony Stark is a pacifist and he made all the armours before the heart thing? What the hell was the point in that? Did they have everything planned out with the last fight when they realised "Oh shit we don't have the red and yellow suit" and decided they had to stick it in half-way suddenly?

The acting was pretty bad, especially Rhodey. They also mixed CGI and flat animation, which never looks good, especially when neither animation is done particularly well. The CGI is very stiff and mixes really poorly with the rest of the animation.

All in all it was pretty poor. Also, if anyone else has seen this film does Tony whisper "mother****er" when
Mi Lei dies?