Fingers scratching against a chalkboard.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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What is it about these sounds that cause such a physical reaction in many humans? I involuntarily shudder when I hear it, and i seek to flee the room.

Evolution tendency?

Can somebody give me an actual scientific explanation for this phenomenon?
I don't find the sound unbearable, but it does give me the urge to piss my pants when I'm the one scratching the chalkboard...
The sound has never ever bothered me, always thought it was strange when other people flinched.
I don't think anyone actually knows. Though there's been speculation concerning leftover evolutionary traits concerning monkey warning calls and such.
Its different in certain people. I'm sure there's 2 dozen people here that are affected by it at least.
I don't like the feeling/noise that marbles make when rubbed together.

And about the chalkboard bit, I don't mind it.
i remember someone speculating that it's because the screech resembles a scream, like someone in extreme distress/pain calling for help. but it isn't too convincing...
Is it because it has to do with the pitch and volume? We don't like high pitched sounds?
We value our fingernails too much, so we hate it when they are scratched upon a board!

Really I have no idea. It's always different in certain people as to what sounds really get them urked. It's quite odd.
Personally not to bothered by it. Its unplesant, but bearable.

As to the cause, my guess is its similar in pitch and tone to a bloodcurdling scream, such as people make when dying or in agony.
Eeekk it's horrible, sends a shiver down my spine, i find rough paper n stuff not so bad as a blackboard
I had a friend that used to tell me not to bite my fingernails because the sound bothered him...
OCybrManO said:
I had a friend that used to tell me not to bite my fingernails because the sound bothered him...

Funny. I was biting my nails as soon as I read this.

Its a really bad habit, and causes the nail to flake in layers.
Funny. I was biting my nails as soon as I read this.
that's because you wanted to see what noise it makes.
anyway, it might be because of that when you've scratched your nail against a blackboard for the first time, you broke a nail, or chalk went between your nails and you didn't like it, so every time you hear this sound, you remember of yourself and how much you hated that experiance.
i think it's a fact cause if you hear this scratching noise for like 5 minutes, you won't feel bad anymore.
I was scared to read this thread.. I can't even deal with thinking about it. Fingers on blackboard is just so horrible.

Damn I'm almost shivering.
i think maybe the frequency of that noise is whats so disconcerting. Much like dogs go nuts when they hear a dog whistle, well maybe the same applies for people with sounds like nails on chaclkboards.
Its not so much the sound but the impression of the gritty feeling of your nails on a coarse but fine surface like gritting your teeth feels nasty and that sound is associated to that feeling. Its not intolerable... but generally I feel annoyed by it because its needless and it doesnt feel nice, creatures of habbit are we.
This is making me die just typing it.

Nails on a blackboard
Nails on Sandpaper or ceramics
Bitting Ice
Openning a freezer, and hearing the ice scrape against itself.

I can't stand anyof them, I cant even eat out of a ceramic bowl that isnt very smooth.
Yeah, things like that really bother me. All of a sudden I really want to trim my nails. Just thinking about those sounds gives me the feeling.
What freaks me out is when fingernails scratch that gritty metal. The kind that doesn't reflect anything, sort of like a fine sandpaper. It drives me insane.
My fingers feel really dry a lot of the times, and touching glass (like a drink) feels really uncomfortable. My fingers don't slide along the glass, and it just feels icky.

And I also go insane when thinking about nails on chalkboards.
The sound goes through me like prunes through a short grandmother. Anyone doing it in my vicinity had better be prepared to eat the blackboard, rectally if necessary.
Idonotbelonghere said:
I don't find the sound unbearable, but it does give me the urge to piss my pants when I'm the one scratching the chalkboard...
Yes. If I move my fingers across something abrasive or shiny I bloody lose it. Magazines, tissue paper, metal... gah. I practically can't hold glasses that are old and have lost their new/dishwasher finish. Biting ice too, to whoever mentioned it.
I am uneffected psychologically by noises, however i imagine it annoys people because it's quite a pentrating noise in the ear drums, uncompfortable.
I don't really get a reaction from sounds like this. I'm also desensitised to vilence, gore, and other disgusting things for no apparent reason.
Nat Turner said:
I was scared to read this thread.. I can't even deal with thinking about it. Fingers on blackboard is just so horrible.

Damn I'm almost shivering.

agreed haha
short recoil said:
I am uneffected psychologically by noises, however i imagine it annoys people because it's quite a pentrating noise in the ear drums, uncompfortable.

But you see its more than that. Its something more psychological than physical.

I can THINK about it happening, and I sudder.

Wanna know something else I hate, that gives me the same feeling, maybe a bit different?

Dry, bare feet on dry, completely smooth concrete that has a fine layer of dust on it.

That feeling on the bottom of my feet disturbs me like nothing you would believe.

And on top of that. How come very often, frequently throughout the week even at times, i'll be sitting doing nothing, like using the computer. And my body will involuntarily convulse slightly like a powerful shudder that I can't explain.
Rocks scraped against cement.

Say there's a rock under your shoe on the sidewalk, if you scrape it across there making that sound. God I can't stand it. ugh.
Raziaar said:
And on top of that. How come very often, frequently throughout the week even at times, i'll be sitting doing nothing, like using the computer. And my body will involuntarily convulse slightly like a powerful shudder that I can't explain.
I don't know, but every now and then I get the exact same thing. It's like a violent shiver from being cold. I usually gather some stares when I do.
You people, to my amusement, seem to be easily disturbed.

"Is there a scientific explanation for why nails scratching a chalkboard is so irritating?

- It has been noted that nails across a blackboard hits exactly the same frequency range as the screeches that many species of primates use to signal "Danger! Predator!" We could be tapping into a very deepseated instinctive response to this range of sound, to jump up and look around for danger."

I don't agree with this entirely because fo rmy personal experience, I find a lot of screeching noises like this, high pitched metallic screeching, whiny/gossipy bitches, to be extremely irritating.
Easily bearable, but I just want to pop the person doing it. For me the irritation comes from a vey noticeable physical pain in the inner ear.

I'm going to have to go with the dog whistle comparison.
Raziaar said:
And on top of that. How come very often, frequently throughout the week even at times, i'll be sitting doing nothing, like using the computer. And my body will involuntarily convulse slightly like a powerful shudder that I can't explain.
Generally when you lose body heat you shiver. I do this all the time and people are always asking what's wrong with me.

It's just because I have poor circulation and when I sit still for periods my blood pressure drops and my body is creating energy to "shrug off" the cold.