Finished GTA: San Andreas, Now What?

Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
I've finished the STORY missions i.e. I've completed 51% of the game. I don't really want to play those 100% collecting, taxi, vigilante, courier etc. missions coz they get too old whereas the story missions were THE BEST OF ALL TIME, just like a blockbuster Summer Action Flick Hollywood Movie. WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW? What I'm doing right now is just flying & landing over the state.
Congrats to you. I probably only have like 5% done and that's as far as I going to get. Missions are very boring, easy, repetative, *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwnnnnn*
Do what the hell you like. Confound the AI. Use the jetpack, get a five star rating, and hover just off cliffs. Watch as FBi ranchers contiually fall off said cliffs. Cycle to the top of mount Chiliad. Do a bunny-hop off the ramp at the top.

Etc. Etc.