First Oblivion Review


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
...unfotunately it's print only:

The newest issue of OXM has an exclusive 4 page review of Oblivion in their April 06 issue:

Quote from review:

Oblivion raises the bar so high that most RPGs would be (and have been) satisfied with a fraction of what's here. After 44 hours with Oblviion, what higher compliment can we pay it than to say we can't wait to play it again, creating new characters with an entirely different skill set, and visit every nook and cranny there is to see in Tamriel? So take heed when staring at Oblvion on a store shelf: your $60 will go further than it ever has, but prepare to get hooked for the long haul. 9.5/10

wow 44 hours of gameplay ..I wonder if that's just the main storyline or every quest
Knowing the Morrowind games, 44 hours was probably just a sidequest.
CptStern said:
...unfotunately it's print only:

The newest issue of OXM has an exclusive 4 page review of Oblivion in their April 06 issue:

Quote from review:

Oblivion raises the bar so high that most RPGs would be (and have been) satisfied with a fraction of what's here. After 44 hours with Oblviion, what higher compliment can we pay it than to say we can't wait to play it again, creating new characters with an entirely different skill set, and visit every nook and cranny there is to see in Tamriel? So take heed when staring at Oblvion on a store shelf: your $60 will go further than it ever has, but prepare to get hooked for the long haul. 9.5/10

wow 44 hours of gameplay ..I wonder if that's just the main storyline or every quest

Nah, it was said that the main story could be finished in like under 10 hours. But thats no fun just to do the main story.
The stuff they said in the review about having to vary your quest route by the routine of the civilians, like the example they used of waiting for an NPC to remove a ring before they go to bed, but some nights they don't, it just sounds amazing
you have the magazine in question, Dalamari?

what are you waiting for ...transcribe it please :E
First reviews like this are useless.

Anybody remember the "exclusive" reviews that doom 3 got?
they do mention framerate being an issue, but ya I see your point
Despite it being the first review, like ^Ben said, I still hold high hopes for this game.
damn that's nice

I'll be getting it prolly
I thought HL2 had 40 hours of gameplay though. :(
Well, I guess that's kickassidness then!
I read this review a few days ago, it all sounds good.:)
Not that I'm surprised, Bethesda would never be able to fawk up as good a series as ES unless they were bought up by EA <3
Well then, if Oblivion keeps getting great reviews and it has more than 4 times the amount of gameplay, I'll be getting it ASAP.

Jesus... Stern, I just looked at your post count and crapped myself.
oh damn I missed the 16,666 number ...somebody should have taken a screenshot ;(
If anybody really cares I guess I could type it up...I have nothing else to do, and for the special people I associate with, maybe scans....


Upod looking over the article again, it's 4 pages long that might take awhile to maybe I won't type it up
I was pretty certain I would not need to see any reviews of Oblivion for me to buy this game. Seeing this has really confirmed that I will be getting this game no matter what. This will be the first game that will probably be able to break me free of the clutches of World of Warcraft for any lengthy amount of time. The expansion pack for Gothic 2 did help for a short time but I have finished it now.

I just won't be able to properly enjoy it until my university year is done. :(
CptStern said:
oh damn I missed the 16,666 number ...somebody should have taken a screenshot ;(

Would getting mods to delete some posts work? :)
44 hours??..Way shorter than expected...but that could be just the main quest. There is 200 tombs to explore and probably an insane amount of secrets, just like morrowind. The longest game I have is Dragon quest 8 which is well over 100 hours. I hope I can squeeze that much out of oblivion...finally I can use my X360 again. :)
Good review :) Still holding high hopes for this as lets face it, it looks and sounds amazing. As for 44 hours lol, i remember a friend at school a few years back saying how to complete every single little bit in Morrowind it took him well over 100 hours :P
Drackard said:
Good review :) Still holding high hopes for this as lets face it, it looks and sounds amazing. As for 44 hours lol, i remember a friend at school a few years back saying how to complete every single little bit in Morrowind it took him well over 100 hours :P

My friend spent over 200 hours on Morrowind..he wanted the best of everything. He explored every little thing on the map. He went to all the tombs to look for items. He had to level up first..which was easy and hard in morrowind. You can buy skill upgrades, which was pretty sick.
I hate OXM, so we'll see. They gave Pariah 8.9, Halo 2 10 and other shit games great scores. But still, its Oblivion so woo!
Samon said:
I hate OXM, so we'll see. They gave Pariah 8.9, Halo 2 10 and other shit games great scores. But still, its Oblivion so woo!

Well that throws out all their credibility ... but then again there's very few reliable / trustworthy gaming review sites out there anyway.
44 hours is plenty :)

OXM may not be the most trustworthy games mag, but a good review is never bad. At least we know it isn't a crock.
Here's another quote from the article just to clear up the uncertainty:

indeed, it's main story can be completed in 20-25 hours. But the heaping 200-hour helping of gameplay is there if you want it.

Just shows how much developers CAN put into a game if they really give a damn about their end product and satisfied customers, instead of their own bank balance. 5 years ago, the average length of a game was 30-40 hours. Now you're lucky if you get 10 hours out of a patched to death, over hyped system hog.

And so...
At the price of every other 10 hour game on the market, I can only think the extra 90% that Bethesda have given us in Oblivion is one ALMIGHTY-TASTIC free gift that should be appreciated as it deserves, yes?
I'm really looking forward to getting a game and being able to play it without feeling guilty about completing it too quickly.
Well I still haven't finished morrowind, so I expect this'll last me forever!

Bethesda = rockage.
Tell me about it, I haven't even finished my first main mission yet and I've accumulated 7k gold. :)
Well I still can't wait to get into that arena. That's the first thing I'm going for. I love arenas in rpgs. FF6 had that arena where you could bet items in fights and win new items you hadn't seen before...THAT was awesome.
Samon said:
I hate OXM, so we'll see. They gave Pariah 8.9, Halo 2 10 and other shit games great scores. But still, its Oblivion so woo!

lol, all a matter of opinion :P i personally loved Halo 2, but staying on topic.
The only worry I have is that all the "dungeons" or caves and whatnot will probably be pretty generic looking, as in once you've been in 2 caves you've seen them all.

But I hope not.
hungryduck said:
is there going to be a demo?

Bethesda doesn't do demos, I believe.

Plus, how exactly can you demo such an open ended game?
Oh and, You could just rent it if you have a 360.