first PC game you've ever played?


May 19, 2003
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For me, it was either my older brother's copy of Total Anhiliation or Command and Conquer '95. Then I transitioned to Starcraft and that kept me occupied for a couple years until I discovered Half-Life, moving from mainly RTS's to FPS's.

You guys?
Hmm. Shit.

There are several possibilities.

The Incredible Machine
Sim City 2000
This one 3D dinosaurs educational type game
This one 3D hospital educational type game
So many memories... perhaps Duke Nukem, maybe Lemmings, possibly Lego Island.
As far as I remember, it was a game called Mars. It was on a 8 inch floppy disc, and it looked awful but I played it so much. It was seriously just a green and black side view platform game, and you were a guy who could jump and shoot lasers at aliens. I can't find anything about it on the internet. I was still in elementary school, so it must have been sometime during or before 1995.
Err... Solitaire?

We had some Commander Keen shareware on our Primary School classroom computers. I think the first PC games I had at home were some Pinball game and Castle of the Winds (which could make the Pinball game Epic Pinball), but again these were probably the shareware versions.

I believe the first PC game I ever owned was The Settlers II: Gold Edition.
Sesame Street Comparison Kitchen. When I was 3. That game rocked.
Probably Wolfenstein 3D, it's my earliest gaming memory from when I was like 5.
Yeah, solitaire. I was amazed at the bouncing cards.

edit - wait, do the old Commodore PETs count? We played an educational game called Lemonade Stand in our brand new computer lab in elementary school.

The first computer we owned was a VIC-20 that came with Cosmic Cruncher. I remember learning to play that on the keyboard and driving my mom crazy with hours of the insane audio track.
Treasure Mountain.

It was an awesome kid's game we would play at elementary school for good class conduct or acing a spelling test. We played it on old 386 systems with Windows 3.1 and when our class would go to the computer lab to play, the teacher would give us instructions on how to launch the game via DOS command prompt.

You played as a treasure hunter capturing elves with your net that held clues to treasure locations via side scrolling action. The clues were things like shapes and numbers. For example, capture an elf and one clue would be "round". Capture another and the clue would be "three". So you would look for a cluster of "3 round trees" to unveil treasures and/or the key to the next level of the mountain until you eventually reached the castle on top. Shit, it was so awesome I'd probably would still play it. Good graphics at the time too.
Number Munchers at school (3rd grade I think). On my first PC, Total Annihilation.
^ Oh yeah, my first PC game on my first very own PC was Myst, then Blood.

It was on a Pentium III system with Win 95.
Probably Chip's Challenge or Free Ski. I LOVED FREE SKI.

Some other early ones for me were Sim City 2000 and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Good times. Good times.


Except it was in black and white.
Sam & Max, or possibly Epic Pinball. That was so fun. Also we had some insane arkanoid clones.
Encarta Encyclopedia when I was three. Apparently I wouldn't stop screaming/crying when they took me away from the computer the first time. I believe a precedent might have been set.

First real game... 2D Duke Nukem, first act. Never did go back and finish the series...
First game I obsessed over? Tie Fighter. When I was seven I could finish all 13 acts in two days.
First RPG? Baldur's Gate. I still think Baldur's Gate 2 is a contender for best RPG of all time. Because of Minsc. **** you, he got me into an insane asylum WITH A GOD DAMN CONVERSATION OPTION.
First Shooter? Half-Life... and now, after all these years... I still have no idea what the **** is going on... thanks Laidlaw...
First Fighting Game? Soul Caliber 2 for the Gamecube. Perfect, in my mind, and none of the sequels have been nearly as good. Mitsurugi, if you're wondering.
First time I was terrified by a game? Myst, when that... sound... No, I'm not going back to that memory, you can't make me.
First console game? The Ocarina of Time.

No more firsts, this post has made me sad.
Except it was in black and white.

OMG! I had totally forgotten about that game! I remember playing that in black and white on our old macs.


...I'm glad computers have come a long way since then. :)

Oregon Trail was also in the list of possible firsts. I've been gaming since I was 3, so some things are a little iffy.
I think for me it was Ski or die, yeah and simcity2000, Warlords (loved it), princ of persia, rick dangerous ... uff the memories :)

Oh yeah, and my first pc co op game Golden Axe !!
Err... Solitaire?

We had some Commander Keen shareware on our Primary School classroom computers. I think the first PC games I had at home were some Pinball game and Castle of the Winds (which could make the Pinball game Epic Pinball), but again these were probably the shareware versions.

I believe the first PC game I ever owned was The Settlers II: Gold Edition.
Epic Pinball ... I had that, and had completely forgotten about it.

It could have been anything from a wide range of crappy 8" floppy disk games circa 1991/2. I have vague memories of EGA graphics, a rally game, education spelling games, Qbert, and a game where you controlled a couple of dinosaurs which jumped round the screen. I remember playing ZZT when I was little, even learnt the programming language for it as a kid. Of games I can actually remember, could have been Insanity, or Alone in the Dark, Sensible Soccer, Jazz Jackrabbit ... I have early memories of my dad bringing home the very first Civilization too.
OMG! I had totally forgotten about that game! I remember playing that in black and white on our old macs.


...I'm glad computers have come a long way since then. :)
Damn, and I thought PCs from that era were bricks. I remember a few olds Macs though that had (OS-9 maybe?) but the machine itself wasn't quite that blocky.
Math blaster or Ski Free... Can't remember which. It was on an old 486 with 4 megs of ram. Bitch cost my dad $2500.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

I think...
Too long ago, can't remember. It definitely had to be a DOS game... probably Wolfenstein or Commander Keen or Jill of the Jungle. Or maybe even a text based adventure game... I remember playing Alice in Wonderland and one of the Zork games (and not getting very far in either).

Or maybe it was something really boring like Solitaire for Windows 3.1, if that even counts.

I played a lot of edutainment games in elementary school (I used to be really good at Number Munchers! But terrible at Sim City. Actually, I still suck at Sim City...). I'm pretty sure I played games before I started going to school though, and we didn't have any edutainment games at home.
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries. Hard as hell for me to grasp as a kid, but still fun to play now.
Oh dear lord, I made Dark contort with joy and contentment, obviously full of glee when he realized his view coincided perfectly with my own. I'm proud of myself.

N.B. : If Soul Caliber 2 was the first fighting game I've ever played, one might form a logical conclusion that I have not played the predecessors. One might NOT say that my saying the sequels were not as good is an implication that whatever predecessors there were, were not as good. Also, as to whatever degree of perception of perfection that might have been developed, I can objectively say that it is indeed a biased opinion, because of the inherent nature that it was, indeed, the first fighting game I ever played. As to the merits of Mitsurugi... he just flows naturally to me. I can use every character in the game, his move-set is just... stylistically more appealing to me. It's so much more badass to dance well with a Mitsurugi than to just rape someone with an Ivy or Cervantes.
Duke Nukem 3D. Was 4. It had some... effect.

The first time I played that game, I had absolutely no idea what was going on with the strippers. So I just went around handing out money all over the place, because I was like, "Yay, free money for everyone!" I sure hope nobody saw me while I played because they would've gotten a really wrong, really bad impression.


I think i was like 2 or 3 when my dad threw me on this and it was amazing

Dude, you have no idea how much Chex I ate to get all of that game.