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That's because fnargharble cancels out their power to look good.
Do you think they're going to bring biozeminades back in Episode 3?
Fuuuck that video. I watched it yesterday.
i just came back from watching beowulf while tripping on acid it was pretty cool to be honest though i wouldn't do again because the fire ants weren't worth it
I dont know whats happening here but I like it you know makes me wanna post things like this all the time every day:

that is just adorable i want to hug them and squeeze them
The Golden Retriever looks happy to be in control of the smaller dog.
I'm not even sure what to post so I'll post this sentence.
Fnargharble 1 - 0 AHTDestroyer

Good times.
im drunker than anwayone here and **** you fngarble ill **** fngarvle for breakfast
The Anti Fnargharblisation League are against this Fnargharble thread, the Fnargharblisation of the state and our once beloved Fnargharble.

AFL Unite.
I had a dream about Fnargharble last night. Not even kidding. I was browsing the internet and found a song about Fnargharble by the band Nightbeast, and I posted it here.

And that was my dream about Fnargharble.
I had a dream about Fnargharble last night. Not even kidding. I was browsing the internet and found a song about Fnargharble by the band Nightbeast, and I posted it here.

And that was my dream about Fnargharble.
Wtf I was just about to post that I had exactly the same dream.
Dude, what the ****. Same here. Was it a metal song?
What? Like, by the same band and everything?
Yeah same band. I hadn't heard of them 'till this dream, I thought they were made up too, so I was like 'wut' when you posted that.
Oh hey Misc, just thought I'd note that HL2.net is obsessed with me and that people don't know what to do with their lives when I'm not around to confirm that they exist.
I wish I was that popular. All I do is moderate a 3500 man group.
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