For the east coast at's September 30th...2004


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
It's now, at least in some part in the world, September 30th, 2004. It's been 365 days since the infamous release date was planned. Leaks, lies, deceit, lawsuits, hundreds of emails, spam, trolls, debates, arguments, flames, locked threads, banned members, e3 2004, doom 3, and anything else that happened inbetween. And here we stand, one year later, strong as ever, if not stronger. On the brink of HL2's release, we all have grown, both physically and mentally. We've really made quite the community. And now, the only thing left, the solution the pot boils down to, the release of half-life 2, quite possibly the greatest gaming experience we may ever have, is nearly upon us. How do you feel about the past 525,600 minutes?
Minutes 1 - 100,000 where ok.
100,001 - 400,042 where decent.
and the rest was pretty good.
I've been with HL2 ever since it was announced. I have seen every screenshot, every video. I maintain my HL2 virginity as I have not played the leaked build. I have read every single piece of legal information on it. I am ready for it.

H A L F - L I F E ²
Kouler said:
I've been with HL2 ever since it was announced. I have seen every screenshot, every video. I maintain my HL2 virginity as I have not played the leaked build. I have read every single piece of legal information on it. I am ready for it.

H A L F - L I F E ²

Me too. Good night. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
I'm hoping to wake up to a Gold announcement. God bless...
Been waiting for hl2 since the first rumors of it started showing, then when it was shown at e3 for the first time. I got over the hype about half a year or so ago but its coming right back as it looks like its coming out very soon, maybe even within next month.
i dont think it will be the greatest gaming experience we will ever have because you know a better game is going to come out in the nxt 5-10 years at least...

Yeah. The greatest (or at least most revolutionary) gaming experience of our time was Doom..........the original, of course ;)

Though then there are those that argue that Wolf3D was....
Wolfenstein 3D was merely an engine for Doom.
Sort of like people say Doom 3 is an engine for Quake 4 (although i wub Doom3 :D )
I'd say Zelda was the most revolutionary game of my time. That or StarCraft. Maybe it's just because those are 2 of my favorites :upstare:
One year ago today a catrostophy happened...HL2 missed its ship date...
T H E | S A G A | C O N T I N U E S
Kouler said:
Wolfenstein 3D was merely an engine for Doom.
Sort of like people say Doom 3 is an engine for Quake 4 (although i wub Doom3 :D )

doom engine != wolfenstein 3d engine. ever notice in wolfenstein the ceiling heights were always the same?
Its nice when all these can get together and have a nice reflection!
:cheers: heres to hopefully celebrating tomorrow... err today. Just checked clock and its 12:50am
Remember all the people who swore blind that Valve would stick to thier Sept 30th relases date, even up to the 29th when there was no sign of the game? Oh, the arguments and flamewars that went on. I wonder what those people are thinking right now...
merc said:
i dont think it will be the greatest gaming experience we will ever have because you know a better game is going to come out in the nxt 5-10 years at least...

ok well, how about the greatest gaming experience for a few years then? or a few months?

or how about until The Sims 3?
I'm kind of hoping Half-Life 2 will renew my passion for videogaming in the same way ICO did back in early 2002. If it does that, then regardless of the scores, I'll be more than happy.

As for today... I'd hope that Valve would at the very least perhaps release a couple of new binks if any new information doesn't surface for September 30th.
I havent followed all shit about HL2 thank god. Im just 1 on those people that thinks HL2 is a good game and nothing more. A release this year would be enough for me. There are enough good games out there now.
Everyone should put a number in their signatures so that we don't have to state how much we care about when it's released all the time.
Level of insanity, release date:
0-I don't care about HL2 and I don't know why I'm at these forums.
1-It could come out in 2005 for all I care, as long as it's great.
2-It'd be nice if it came out this year.
3-I hope it won't be delayed more.
4-I don't think it's long left now and I would be annoyed at both VUG and VALVe if they delayed it more.
5-AHH! I need Half-Life 2! I'm tired of all this delaying!
Other numbers welcome.

Edit: To stay on-topic: I feel sorry for you, people who have waited for a year or more.
we should remind the 30th september thing for all those years to come :)
if half life 2 is out today i think ill be sick for work tonight

i can feel it... can you feel it too? it draws near my nerdy friends!!!!
You really summed up the past year nicely. I think I know somewhat how the DNF fans feel now...
guinny said:
It's now, at least in some part in the world, September 30th, 2004. It's been 365 days since the infamous release date was planned. Leaks, lies, deceit, lawsuits, hundreds of emails, spam, trolls, debates, arguments, flames, locked threads, banned members, e3 2004, doom 3, and anything else that happened inbetween. And here we stand, one year later, strong as ever, if not stronger. On the brink of HL2's release, we all have grown, both physically and mentally. We've really made quite the community. And now, the only thing left, the solution the pot boils down to, the release of half-life 2, quite possibly the greatest gaming experience we may ever have, is nearly upon us. How do you feel about the past 525,600 minutes?

Excuse the flame, but Guinney, You are a total fruit dude!!!! LOL