FOX news


Aug 13, 2004
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does anyone know if I can stream that channel I watch it all the time when Im in the US to laugh my ass off
Well, the same guy owns SKY news in Europe (Rupert Murdoch) if that's any conciliation.
yes you can stream it, my friend does it all the time, but im not sure how. google it
No, god, don't watch that evil network.

Seriously though, they don't need their ratings to go up any more even if you are just watching it to make fun of them.
No Limit said:
No, god, don't watch that evil network.

Seriously though, they don't need their ratings to go up any more even if you are just watching it to make fun of them.
i was wondering how long it would take before you showed up here and gave your 2 cents
I was watching it today for the sake of it and there was this 2 minute rant by one of the desk dudes about people not liking the US military bases in their country - In the end I had to turn off the TV before shouting "Shut the F*ck up!"
I just think its funny thta O reily dude is really funny to
dont you mean fox"news"? :naughty:

/me waves at icarusintel :E
mesa from Naboo no Sky here


meh Il be thre soon anyway I can wait till August
It's good you watch fox for laughter, instead of filling your head with anti-american propaganda from the other news channels. FOX may be biased like every single other news organization out there, but at least they don't hate the country they live in.
Yes, I love the people that yell praises about our government and our freedoms, then once you complain about the corrupt people in the government and the way they do business they turn around and say "YOU'RE AN ANTI-AMERICAN, COMMUNIST BASTARD!"

... wait... so, we're free to say anything as long as it only points out the good things? How are we supposed to make progress and fix bad things if no one is supposed to comment on them? Remember, anti-administration is not anti-american. I love the land. I love the cities. I love the people. What I don't necessarily love is the government. It has some good points... but the things that need to be pointed out are the things that need to be fixed. Saying nothing but negative things may be bad... but saying nothing but good things is even worse.

It's like a video game forum right when the game is first released. The vast majority of the people are running along smoothly with, at most, little problems. The vocal minorities with problems are the ones that clog the forum. It may give people the impression that the game is more buggy than it really is... but it helps ferret out the bugs that do exist. Look at the last election. You had mud slinging everywhere from a relatively small chunk of the people that hated the opponent and it made it seem like the whole world (according to Americans, that is) was just waiting to vote... but when the election finally rolled around the result was lackluster at best. Average people don't really care.
OCybrManO said:
Yes, I love the people that yell praises about our government and our freedoms, then once you complain about the corrupt people in the government and the way they do business they turn around and say "YOU'RE AN ANTI-AMERICAN, COMMUNIST BASTARD!"

... wait... so, we're free to say anything as long as it only points out the good things? How are we supposed to make progress and fix bad things if no one is supposed to comment on them? Remember, anti-administration is not anti-american. I love the land. I love the cities. I love the people. What I don't necessarily love is the government. It has some good points... but the things that need to be pointed out are the things that need to be fixed. Saying nothing but negative things may be bad... but saying nothing but good things is even worse.

It's like a video game forum right when the game is first released. The vast majority of the people are running along smoothly with, at most, little problems. The vocal minorities with problems are the ones that clog the forum. It may give people the impression that the game is more buggy than it really is... but it helps ferret out the bugs that do exist. Look at the last election. You had mud slinging everywhere from a relatively small chunk of the people that hated the opponent and it made it seem like the whole world (according to Americans, that is) was just waiting to vote... but when the election finally rolled around the result was lackluster at best. Average people don't really care.

If you didn't understand the underlaying message in my post don't attempt to flame.

You contradict yourself. How is someone that's using their free speach to argue against your opinions taking your free speech away?
Glirk Dient said:
If you didn't understand the underlaying message in my post don't attempt to flame.
Glirk Dient said:
FOX may be biased like every single other news organization out there, but at least they don't hate the country they live in.
That makes it seem like you prefer FOX because they always say things that make America look good. If not, clarify your previous statement. Define the act of demonstrating hatred for one's country... not government. Give examples of the other news organizations demonstrating hatred for their country. Sure, you can always say things like "you don't understand what I meant" and leave it at that (it's your choice). Anyone can do that, but it would be more productive if you would just explain what you meant and avoid having me ask for clarification.

Glirk Dient said:
How is someone that's using their free speach to argue against your opinions taking your free speech away?
Did I mention free speech in a legal sense or anything involving the first amendment? No. As it was immediately proceeding an example of the reaction of that specific type of person I had just been discussing, I thought that would be enough to imply that I was referring to freedom from slander/libel/harassment/etc (things that, coincidentally, do not fall under the umbrella of "free speech")... not legal repercussions.
geezes :|
after watching a CBC show on American news i shudder every time i see Fox and news in the same sentence...i was talking to Stern a week or so ago over pm's about coverage of news in America.
seriously, that Fox news channel is ignorant at best if anything at all.

and thank the baby jesus i don't get that channel in my programming.
ya Freeman fox"news" is trying to get onto canadian digital cable and satellite ...honestly I cant see who this could possibly appeal to ..canadians are friendly we dont take well to screaming commentators pushing extremist right wing ideology

I also watch the fox comedy news channel on sky to see their take on 'world' events. Watching the other day after the London bombings they had some idiot commentator on saying London is lost its full of terrorists, you might as well call it London'stan'....well who's helping you out in Iraq and Afghanistan moron!

Like i say makes me laugh :rolling:
I live in Canada, and a guy I work with gets that channel (he has a different cable provider than me). We often talk about it and wonder why Americans watch that garbage.
God I hate it. The actual news reporters give their personal opinions on air, which always happen to be the same one.
CptStern said:
ya Freeman fox"news" is trying to get onto canadian digital cable and satellite ...honestly I cant see who this could possibly appeal to ..canadians are friendly we dont take well to screaming commentators pushing extremist right wing ideology

nevermind pushing extremist right wing idealogy, i doubt Canadians could put up with idiots using "shut up" in every interview.
we don't need crap like this on Canadian television.. i hope CRTC uses their brain each time "Fox News" tries to get on Canadian television.
im many Americans here watch Fox News?
not that Americans visiting will give me any idea as to what channel most Americans watch for news coverage.

i just hope the numbers aren't high :|
Well, in general, cable news is much less popular than broadcast news... but, of the cable news networks, FOX News is at least in the top two according to the ratings. CNN is up there with them... with MSNBC falling in a rather distant third, IIRC.
well it's kind of easy to know who watches fox and who doesnt ...just hang out in the politics forum for awhile'll become apparent soon enough :)
Fox fails at television. Proof?
Family Guy and Futurama were cancelled, yet Pamela Anderson gets her own sitcom.

Their news stuff just follows that trend.
I watch Fox. Good quick reporting.

You people need to learn the difference between the news and commentary segments of the shows. Like I've said countless times, news feed is AP/Reuters Streamlined, just as everyone else gets. The COMMENTARY/EDITORIALS are pretty conservative though, yes.

If Uma Pumeraju, Laurie Dhue, etc etc come on and give news briefs though it's pretty much "This happened here at X time"
CptStern said:
well it's kind of easy to know who watches fox and who doesnt ...just hang out in the politics forum for awhile'll become apparent soon enough :)

im scared of hanging out in that section...its like walking at night in one of NYC's most dangerous neighbourhoods :p
not that i know how good or bad NYC neighbourhoods are :angel:

RakuraiTenjin said:
I watch Fox. Good quick reporting.

You people need to learn the difference between the news and commentary segments of the shows. Like I've said countless times, news feed is AP/Reuters Streamlined, just as everyone else gets. The COMMENTARY/EDITORIALS are pretty conservative though, yes.

If Uma Pumeraju, Laurie Dhue, etc etc come on and give news briefs though it's pretty much "This happened here at X time"

right, but if people are watching that news channel, aren't they also in-taking whatever the commentary/editorials and whoever is doing them?
sure, u may not watch the commentary/editorials but that doesn't mean the rest of America skips it too...and thats my point.
Dr. Freeman said:
im scared of hanging out in that section...its like walking at night in one of NYC's most dangerous neighbourhoods :p
not that i know how good or bad NYC neighbourhoods are :angel:

right, but if people are watching that news channel, aren't they also in-taking whatever the commentary/editorials and whoever is doing them?
sure, u may not watch the commentary/editorials but that doesn't mean the rest of America skips it too...and thats my point.
I do watch them because most of the time I agree with the commentators. Even if you don't, you can't say they don't have a fair balance of invited guests. There would be no show if it was just conservatives going "oh yeah yeah! yeah we're all right. Yep... *cricket*"

They need arguement for ratings, and they do it well. The commentators may be conservative, but you'll see liberals on the shows to debate it up all the time.

And there is a clear distinction between the news (AP/Reuters streamlined) and the commentary shows. It ticks me off the most when a link to the Fox news website about a story or a discussion of news heard on Fox is dismissed "LOL FOXNEWS --DISMISSED--" when it's off the damn AP wire and you can find it at the other newssites too if you just look enough.
everything that coulture said? including the part where she said canada should be invaded? please list your reasons why the US should occupy canada it our wmd? cuz you're more than welcome to come take a look
CptStern said:
everything that coulture said? including the part where she said canada should be invaded? please list your reasons why the US should occupy canada it our wmd? cuz you're more than welcome to come take a look
I don't agree with her, I just don't have any problems with the segment, so I guess that would make me agree with it.
glad to see you took the time to think things through

so if you do agree then you'd be able to list the reasons why canada should be invaded ...did our president do something? did Jean Poutine somehow insult bush?
CptStern said:
glad to see you took the time to think things through

so if you do agree then you'd be able to list the reasons why canada should be invaded ...did our president do something? did Jean Poutine somehow insult bush?
I think the segment isn't as biased as you are making it out to be, there are more people than just her, and more opinions than hers.