Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)

i for one will help him remember that he has to resign if so...
oh he knows, there are plenty of people that he owes freee copies to if it comes out the 30th

just immagine, if it does come out the 30th, will he even be able to enjoy it after all this time of fighting with the HL2 community and arguing its delayed? so many people will get mad at him that he wont even be able to post news and stuff about it. i know i wouldnt be able to get into it like he did with HL1 for his site. sux to be him
He doesn't make a good point at all. What I see is another bit of self-serving speculation with zero supporting evidence.

And he still has yet to provide a credible reason why Valve would wait till the last minute to announce a delay. His "Valve is just funny like that" excuse is pretty thin at best.
I doubt its pushed back i mean come on gabe said himself to us in many emails its still the 30th and i agree he should be raped by black convicts.
Re: Re: Re: Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)

Originally posted by spitcodfry
he claims he received a leaked e-mail from a press magazine back in July...
And we all know how reliable leaked emails are. :rolleyes:
lol i think what ppl don't understand and subsequently what fragmaster clearly does'nt understand is, that only valve...i say again ONLY valve knows whats going on at valve......

I'm suprised that fragmaster still posts his claims when he really does'nt know anymore that we do, he's portaying himself as, really all knowing when it comes to game developing and distributing---it's rather pathetic and meaningless at this point.
What's this BS about two weeks since a game goes gold too the date it hits the shelves? Games have come out in less than a week since it's gold announcement. Hell, the average car factory produces 250+ cars in 36 hours, and we're talking boxes and little plastic discs here.

Fragmaster may be wrong and he may be right. I think he's wrong. Anyway, it can't be considered bad to preach a delay, but the way he does it, it would seem he's a bitter teenagerthat takes pleasure in pissing people off.
Heh, you guys won't believe HL2 is delayed until 23:59 on September 30th. Wake the hell up, it's not coming, I want to play it just as much as the next guy, but you're just setting yourselves up for a major dissapointment come September 30th. Valve will, as usual, say nothing, and there will be thousands of angry fanboys yelling "OMG you stupid bastards you said it's coming but it isn't die die die i won't buy another Valve product again die die die". I have seen it :D
it's a scheme you see. Valve wants us to make all kinds of silly bets about the release date so that when they do release on 30 sept. there's loads of freaky bets going on. :)
Valve will, as usual, say nothing, and there will be thousands of angry fanboys yelling "OMG you stupid bastards you said it's coming but it isn't die die die i won't buy another Valve product again die die die". I have seen it

me too! i have also built it out of mashed potato a la close encounters stylie..
Originally posted by No Limit
This is actually a very bad point, I am not saying he is wrong or right but what he said doesn't make any sense. Sure, HL2 might be delayed, but the reason for it is not the fact it hasn't went gold yet. Many games go gold just 2 or 3 days before release and still make it. All CDs are not produced in the US, they can send the files over the internet to CD reproduction factories all around the world within a few hours, that way each factory only has to make a few thousand CDs. I personally think that HL2 will make the 30th or very close to that, if it wouldn't Valve would proably have said something by now.

You don't send the files. You send the master disc. Aka the gold disc.

But it isn't the first time it has been send way ahead. And even already made before a gold announcement.
the closer we get to the 30th without a delay the more likely its the 30th we get HL2

1. Spitcodfry whent to valve hq and he said there was no panicking and only a few ppl where jiggering about with stuff

2. Gabe newel (sp?) has never said anything about any delay

3. when Spit asked Gabe about the 30th he said in a happy tone "well see"

4. fragmaster is a sorry bitch cos he got left out the loop and wants to spread rumours to try and keep ppl listening to him.

if on the 30th im playing hl2 ill be too busy to flame that twat.

and if hes right then ill be too busy playing Homeworld 2 to care about his lucky guess.

nuff said.
Originally posted by |\/|oDdiC(_)$
did i detect some uncertainty in your post spitcodfry?? your our LEADER!!!!! keep up the morale!

Our leader? Speak for yourself, dude.
Besides, it would be one thing if Valve had said "September 30" at the game's unveiling and then not said anything since then, but in the months since Fragmaster's supposed secret correspondence with a magazine insider, Valve has said many times that the game will be released September 30, the most recent being a mere month ago at ECTS. It doesn't make a bit of sense that Valve would openly lie to their fans. They pride themselves on their community relations, and this would do so much damage to their reputation that it would take them a long time recover.

Making bold promises and not living up to them are the kind of thing that dog game devopers for a long, long time (see Derek Smart/Battle Cruiser 3000A.D., John Romero/Diaktana, Peter Molyneux/Black & White.)
Originally posted by pHATE1982
If he's correct he'll take over the world and rub everyones face in it.
We will have to kill him.
If he's wrong he will be bombarded with hate mail, resign, and then someone with either kill him or he'll kill himself....
It's a win win situation really
Arf. Although of course both outcomes are pretty much true.
One thing he said that I hadn't contemplated before was the Steam-factor. Will it be ready and stable for the 30th? If not, then HL2's delayed...
Weird, before I was pissed at the idea of people with Steam getting it before retail (which is NOT happening, before ANYONE says ANYTHING) but now I'm pissed at the concept - emphasis on concept - that retail folk might have to wait for Steam to be stablised.

Hey people! Double standards are fun!
Originally posted by JavaGuy
Our leader? Speak for yourself, dude.

i meant as in the most RELIABLE source of info which is practically form valve itself...
Originally posted by |\/|oDdiC(_)$
i meant as in the most RELIABLE source of info which is practically form valve itself...

Someone who stalks game devs is not a reliable source of information.

Anywho, Fragmaster is a dumbass with zero supporting evidence for his claims. I'm looking forward to reading his farewell post on PLH. Until then, I patiently wait.
Originally posted by JavaGuy

Anywho, Fragmaster is a dumbass with zero supporting evidence for his claims. I'm looking forward to reading his farewell post on PLH. Until then, I patiently wait.

Man, it would hilarious if the guy is actually right. If I was him, I would so come to this forum and rub everyone's face in it. You wouldn't hear the end of it :cheers:
Meh , if it doesnt come out 30th , I play Max Payne 2 the 15th , so whatever happens happens.
If it doesnt make it to the golden date it will for sure be delayed to mid october.
Fagmaster's claims have so many holes in them its not even funny. He said for certain that the game would be delayed and at one point he says that noone knows what the release date is. How can he say the game is delayed when he says it himself, "NOONE KNOWS WHAT THE RELEASE DATE IS". He just wants to save a dying PHL by making all sorts of speculations. The guy has no credibility. When asked why he theorized in that way, he says always that "Valve is just funny like that." That's not proof, that is opinion in its rawest form. SO if you believe in Fragmaster, thats cool. But you'll be eating your words when the 30th rolls around.
Originally posted by Killa_TJH
Fagmaster's claims have so many holes in them its not even funny. He said for certain that the game would be delayed and at one point he says that noone knows what the release date is. How can he say the game is delayed when he says it himself, "NOONE KNOWS WHAT THE RELEASE DATE IS". He just wants to save a dying PHL by making all sorts of speculations. The guy has no credibility. When asked why he theorized in that way, he says always that "Valve is just funny like that." That's not proof, that is opinion in its rawest form. SO if you believe in Fragmaster, thats cool. But you'll be eating your words when the 30th rolls around.

we're all hopeing your right...
Originally posted by Kleptomaniac
Man, it would hilarious if the guy is actually right. If I was him, I would so come to this forum and rub everyone's face in it. You wouldn't hear the end of it :cheers:

Oh, I totally agree. If he DOES turn out to be right (which I don't even hold as a possibility), then this place will be chaos.

I just don't put any stock in it, though. He's a mere ass who is so stubborn that he's completely incapable of abandoning these rediculous claims.

Here's my personal prediction: the game will be released via Steam on 9/30, and retail stores will have it shortly after. Fragmaster will desperately try to backtrack and say that it doesn't count because the boxes are on the shelves. He won't step down because of this technicality, he'll endure a few more months of flaming, and that will likely be the end of it. But, if we want to get truly technical, Assmaster's exact words at one point were "it won't get released, in any shape or form, on 9/30". In fact, I think I've even seen him say "if it gets released any time between 9/30 and 10/15", so who knows. I'm sure he'll contradict and/or reneg at some point or another.

His problem is just that he feels he should have personally been kept in the loop for HL2's development. He's pissed that PLH didn't get any exclusive previews, and he hasn't been able to get a hardon since E3.
lala la la lala la lalalalalaalal ..... what .... lala lalaa lalal alala laalaal
Hey guys (and gals if there are any), maybe he's right and maybe he's wrong. But when Sept. 30th rolls around let us not all freak out and start crying and bitching if he happens to be right. If the game gets delayed it's for the right reasons, and I want it as much as anyone else, but bitching about it is only going to make it worse. If it doesn't come out, then just keep your mouth shut because we're all going to be disappointed. There's no point in us having a little pity party for ourselves and acting like we're 8 years old. We'll just have to play other games until it does come out. If worse comes to worse and it doesn't come out, it'll just give me time to play Halo when it comes on Sept. 30th. Be positive and always try to look at the bright side of things.

Originally posted by kinggi
i already told you people valve has been acting like theyve been working on hl2 the game when in fact they plan to unveil half life 2 the snuff film. They plan to turn the porn industry number one and get gabe as many bitches as possible. Half life 2: What Men Spend Half Their Life Thinking About.

Only half? Bah, you're not a real macho man! ;)

I pray that it comes on time...but right now i still have to agree with fragmaster.I hope im wrong.
Let's hope Valve says something about the release date in the game show in Tokyo 26th:)
And if the game isn't released on 30th I'm pretty sure Valve will compensate that with a benchmark or even a demo:D
Hell if they released a demo I would play it like 50 times till I found every damn thing possible to do there:)
Regardless if hes right or wrong. He shouldn't be posting stupid comments like that every day. He should be going directly to the source (valve) and demanding an update. Its his job!. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Ever since fragmaster took over the site, it has become a complete joke.

And here's a good point that I'm going to make:

If Valve was so concerned about the amount of bandwidth they're going to have available on the 30th during what should be "crunch time" then why are the bothering to update the Friends Network on Steam? Wouldn't there be more pressing and vital components, e.g. bandwidth, other bug fixes, that would need to be worked on if they thought they might pose problems?
PCZone magazine doesn't seem to have had this so called email, as they are thinking that they will have a review next issue.
The benchmark will come out sept 30, that's already confirmed, valve said so itself.
I'm currently getting splinters in my asscheeks from sitting on the fence on this one.

Yes, Fragmaster might be right
No, he shouldn't have used PHL as a soapbox for his own personal theories, PHL is there to provide solid news and facts.
I think the point everyone is missing is that he IS right about this.
I think it is horrible what this guy is doing. He is using (prob) the number one frequented site in the HL/HL2 community to boast his own opinoin again , and again.

It is one thing to state your opinoin, with some facts and shutup, its another thing, when you put it in the Daily Gieger Counter thing (FIRST thing many people read) EVERY DAY!

I definalty think he should shutup and just see what happens, or he can blab on all he wants as long as he promises to resign if HL2 comes out the 30th (in any form). The only problem is only a handful of people would truly know if he did reisng or not.
Every day I visit bout 10 websites, (gaming/tech related) and PHL has been the first site on that list for YEARS, and Im bout 8 days ;-) away from never going there again arrgh, (sorry for double post,lazy)
Anyone who is an IGN Insider, check out the PC General Board. NeoMaxims (VIP from Black Widow Games who already has the Source engine and is creating a HL2 mod) said:

Officially I can't tell you anything of course, but I can absolutely quote Gabe and allow you to draw your own, fairly obvious conclusion correct?

"In countries like England, where the retail product will be available either simultaneously or close to the US release (we don't control those dates, only the Steam dates),"

He then goes on to say:

Vivendi has been firm about their date. They own retail distribution rights.

Valve controls Steam dates. They have been firm about their date.


NeoMaxims knows a lot more about HL2's release date than Fragmaster.