Fragmaster posts his delay "proof"

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Originally posted by ripkord
my number one reason for wanting to see this game on 30th september is to see this cocklord eat his words.

lol, man I really hope it does make it.
At this point I just want Valve to tell us whether it's delayed or not...they SHOULD know by now, considering the 30th is less than 2 weeks away.
Originally posted by CommieX
At this point I just want Valve to tell us whether it's delayed or not...they SHOULD know by now, considering the 30th is less than 2 weeks away.

he is right that valve is being evasive... what kind of answer is "we'll see"??
Originally posted by trantjd
My own personal prediction is a gold announcement before the 30th, with a release date sometime between 9/30 and 10/15. I mean, who could be overly pissed at Valve if they knew the game was finished and on it's way out the door. That's the only way I can see Valve saving face with the lack of any solid release date news in quite a while...That, or just having the game in stores on the 30th and rewarding all of those who never lost faith...that'd be cool too!

If this happens (goes gold a little late and then in stores a week or two late) then the July information must've been wrong. I mean, they can't have predicted such a short delay back in July.

"Guys, we're going to go gold a week late acording to my predictions, tell the magazines to hold off the coverage".

It's also possible that Doug Lombardi was going to be misunderstood. He has already said that the lack of coverage because they didn't want the fans to play the game through screenshots. Maybe he meant "Hold back on the coverage because we don't want to reveal too much about the game." but the ONE magazine took it as "Hold back on the coverage because the game is delayed".
If you've read through spits visit, aside from the coolness of the tour and valve, they offered a few bits of info:

Either the game is just going through playtesting, or they are burning it as we speak, since no one was working on it when spit was there and the mood in the office was not crunch time hurry up madness.

They will make a gold announcement. They will not spring the release as a surprise. This does not mean the game has not already gone gold. It means we'll have at least a few days warning before it reaches the shelves. There have been several games that "went gold" just a few days before they appeared retail.

On the Vivendi release, they pretty much shook their heads and didn't know what to say about the disconnect between the companies.

The 30th was not confirmed, but they are really trying for it. At this stage (a mere 12 days to go), that is incredibly encouraging. If they miss the 30th, it will not be long after. Days, perhaps a week or so.

And I can totally live with that.
You know what really have to stop it with the logic.
Its sucking the stupid out of the forums. :(
Originally posted by Slapwagon
he is right that valve is being evasive... what kind of answer is "we'll see"??

It's possible that there would be a slight delay, "We'll see" could mean "If Ken Harrington sorts out that damn water bug first." Gabe said it with a laugh remember.

They weren't evasive on the 26th of August at ECTS. Doug Lombardi said that the release date was unchanged from the 30th of September.
Fragmaster sounds really resentful in that post. Almost like he's jealous that Gabe doesn't keep him in the loop or something.
Originally posted by Direwolf
You know what really have to stop it with the logic.
Its sucking the stupid out of the forums. :(

Waaaahhh! Heh. :)
Originally posted by Feath
It's possible that there would be a slight delay, "We'll see" could mean "If Ken Harrington sorts out that damn water bug first." Gabe said it with a laugh remember.

They weren't evasive on the 26th of August at ECTS. Doug Lombardi said that the release date was unchanged from the 30th of September.

Just stop talking, you're giving me hope..
..then if it doesnt make the release date... I'll cry.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Fragmaster sounds really resentful in that post. Almost like he's jealous that Gabe doesn't keep him in the loop or something.

didn't gabe refer to fragmaster by his first name in that deleted thread called "fragmasters at it again"?
Originally posted by crumbles
If you've read through spits visit, aside from the coolness of the tour and valve, they offered a few bits of info:

Either the game is just going through playtesting, or they are burning it as we speak, since no one was working on it when spit was there and the mood in the office was not crunch time hurry up madness.

They will make a gold announcement. They will not spring the release as a surprise. This does not mean the game has not already gone gold. It means we'll have at least a few days warning before it reaches the shelves. There have been several games that "went gold" just a few days before they appeared retail.

On the Vivendi release, they pretty much shook their heads and didn't know what to say about the disconnect between the companies.

The 30th was not confirmed, but they are really trying for it. At this stage (a mere 12 days to go), that is incredibly encouraging. If they miss the 30th, it will not be long after. Days, perhaps a week or so.

And I can totally live with that.

Actually, Spitcodfry said two people were working on Half-Life 2. But this is interesting because in the week prior to Half-Life 1 going gold, there were only 2 coders working on the final few bugs while everyone else just sat around waiting.

Crunch time probably isn't lots of people running around screaming. It's Mike Harrington and Yahn working on the code till quite late at night.
Originally posted by Feath

It's also possible that Doug Lombardi was going to be misunderstood. He has already said that the lack of coverage because they didn't want the fans to play the game through screenshots. Maybe he meant "Hold back on the coverage because we don't want to reveal too much about the game." but the ONE magazine took it as "Hold back on the coverage because the game is delayed".

Yeah, that's a good interpretation of the situation too...I just find it hard to believe that all these respectable print magazines have this info and it's the (imo) highly unrespectable fragmaster who breaks the news...

Nothing that Valve has done strikes me as the actions of a company who would sit on a delay when they know full well that the date most of their strongest fans believe is way off...I think they're still shooting for the 30th with all their hearts and that a slight delay is possible, but they won't tell us anything until they have more firm news...that's the only outlook I can imagine being correct at this point.

As long as it's out before November 9, I'm happy because then I win a free movie from a bet with a friend of mine! :cheese:
Yeah, I spoke to Gabe about Fragmaster posting all this delay stuff and Gabe replied with.

"I like Kevin, he calls them how he sees them" or something.

Bare with me a moment and I'll go and get the actual e-mail.

EDIT: Here it is.

Planet Half-Life's Fragmaster (aka Kevin Bowen) has just released an
editorial regarding Half-Life 2 and it's release. Whether his claims are
true or not is irrelevant and I don't need you to comment on that, but I
would imagine that when you read editorials from people who in some ways
must probably be your biggest fans (e.g the fan site webmasters), and they
say things like this, that it's almost hurtfull in a way. How does it make
you feel?


Gabe's Reply: Kevin's a good guy. He calls 'em the way he sees 'em. I don't have a
problem with that, or with anyone of good standing in the community voicing
their opinion.

Does anyone else get the impression that in his angry post on PHL, that fragmaster sounds quite resentful and pissed off at Valve? Or am I just reading it out of context?
Hmmm...that sound file pretty darn offensive. Even I'm starting to get ticked off at him now.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Hmmm...thats pretty darn offensive. Even I'm starting to get ticked off at him now.

the audio? There's a thread about it a week or so back with a lot of people who share your (and my) feelings...You should read feels good to know that others are raging with you! obsessed as I am I missed that thread.
I figure hes accumulated enough bad Karma by now that he'll die in some horrific yet hilarious accident.
It's almost as if...he wants it to be delayed. :dozey:
Whether Fragmaster (im thinking of calling him Fagy Fragy from now on) is right or wrong his reputation in the HL community will not be something he could easily (if ever) repair.

At the moment I like the thought of that.
The thing is, if Half-Life 2 ends up being delayed, we will never know if Fragmaster actually had any reliable information or if he simply made a lucky guess. Either way he will brag about it.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Does anyone else get the impression that in his angry post on PHL, that fragmaster sounds quite resentful and pissed off at Valve? Or am I just reading it out of context?

You aren't. He's angry because he expected a delay to be announced by now and he'd be gloating and laughing from his high horse.

But it hasn't, so he gets angry at Valve for not doing what he convinced himself was true.

And he gets angry for stupid reasons. I mean "They favour print magazines because print magazines found out about Half-LIfe 2 first". This is just ridiculous. I've read many online previews of Half-Life 2.

Just a few days ago he was complaining about Valve telling people about the Steam subscription in an "Obsure forum". Now he's complaining that they announce Half-Life 2 to the press first and not the fans.

He'll be angry no matter what happens.
>Actually, Spitcodfry said two people were working on Half-Life 2

Yeah, but you got my meaning...I should have said "virtually no one". The entire office isn't enveloped in crunch time panic.

I'm pretty optimistic that it will come out on the 30th or very shortly thereafter.
Originally posted by Feath
Actually it seems every time I refresh the bandwidth on Steam increases, It's 1575 Mbps now. Also I think 10s of Thousands is an overestimate. Not everyone is going to buy Half-Life 2 over Steam on the release day.

A few of these can be answered with things Valve have said:

1) They will retire WON once Steam is functioning as it's supposed to.
2) Gabe said (before E3) that they wanted to keep multiplayer "close to their Vest" until after they release. This is actually in a Gamespot video interview.

Any other answers would be conjecture.

2) actually, watch it again... he said "when we get closer to release" which would be... now.
What could it mean ?

Maybe Fagmaster was right !

Maybe Valve is wrong !

Maybe Bush hasn't a negativ IQ !

Maybe I need some sleep...
That mp3 was pretty ****ing funny.

I personally believe it's gonna drop on the 30th, but that was ****ing funny.
Hey, look at it this way, the closer we come to the 30th without an official announcment, the more sure we can be it's actually released the 30th.
I don't think any company would put this kind of info out in a community and then 2 days before the release, just come out with "sorry bro's, it's delayed, no further info at this time".

But seriously, can everyone promise, no more threads about the release date until it's out/or there's new rock solid info directly from valve?

Do you know what? It'd own him so ****ing much if Gabe made a press release tonight saying the game had gone gold.
The only info we will get is the gold one.

No way Valve will announce a delay. The game just won't be out on the 30th, but without any announcement.. It'll be clear enough...
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