Fragmaster posts his delay "proof"

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I think there's a difference in making a game that makes money, and making a game for the single reason of making money.
In most industries making money is of course the main goal of a company, but when industries revolving around some form of 'art' adopt this rule, it will lead to the degration of artistic integrity and the quality of the product.

The goal of the company will be to spend as little time as possble to create a game that is "good enough" to make money. The quality of games will be decided by a calculation finding the best point of "time spent (quality of game) / money made".

The perfect example of that is EA, and the complete opposite is Valve or id.
Originally posted by FortisVir
Agreed. I think it should be obvious to anyone by now that Valve has an extreme appreciation of their fans.

As if that wasn't evidence enough, check out this, which I received this morning:

EDIT: Oy, here, I'll just copy and paste it...I'm a dufus with posting pics.

From: "Gabe Newell" <[email protected]> | This is spam | Add to Address Book
To: "'Andrew Lovvorn'" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Thanks from a fan
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 19:57:33 -0700

Thanks. It's always great to meet with people from the community.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Lovvorn [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:28 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Thanks from a fan

Hello Mr. Newell, I'm the guy from that you graciously gave a tour to today of your offices. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity and kindness, especially in taking time out of your work schedule to do this. It really seems like you've got an amazing staff of talented individuals, and a work community that is tightly knit. I am sure that with the subsequent release of Half-Life 2 you and your team will rise to even greater projects...and then some. I'm indebted to you for what you've done for me, and for that I thank you. See you online,
Andrew Lovvorn
Originally posted by Gabe Himself
What's fragmaster's real name?

Perry Noyd

(he really just needs to accept itl be out on the 30th)
Thats not his real name... it was a horrible and corny attempt on mine for a play on words for "paranoid"
Wasn't Fragmaster's name Kevin something? It's in a previous post within this thread.
*Edit: ^^ there you go, I knew it was Kevin something*

Isn't speculation fun? I don't know about anybody else, but I'm just going to sit back and wait for September 30th to roll around (well, October 1 here in Australia, we're ahead of you guys), and see what happens. Half Life 2 comes out? Fantastic, time to either head out to the store, or download it from Steam if they don't do a worldwide retail release.

Personally, I think there's a good chance it'll be released on September 30th. But there are credible arguments on both sides, so it's hard to know. We've got less than 2 weeks till we find out though guys, it's not that long. :)
This is getting very interesting. Look what he posted in response to me:
How about this, smart guy: if Half-Life 2 comes out on 9/30, hell, if it comes out any time in any format between 9/30 and 10/15, I'll let you use the Gieger Counter space on the front page of PHL to call me a "fag" in whatever fashion you see fit. Since you apparently think calling me gay makes you KING CLEVER MAN, I'm sure you'll get a big kick out of this. And I'll leave your little message of love up for three whole days. Oh, and I'll mail you a free copy of HL2.

If I'm right and HL2 is delayed, you must simply post "I'm sorry for insulting you in an astonishingly unoriginal fashion, Fragmaster" in a forum thread and email me a link to it.

I'm making this bet lop-sided since I have an unfair advantage. Do you accept?
This should be fun. I'm planning on buying the game on release day, so I'll probably auction off my free copy on eBay or something.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
This is getting very interesting. Look what he posted in response to me:

This should be fun. I'm planning on buying the game on release day, so I'll probably auction off my free copy on eBay or something.

Heyyyyyyy buddy... why auction it off when your best freind in the whole world, Mr. White, Whitey, the Whitester is here?
Originally posted by Mountain Man
This is getting very interesting. Look what he posted in response to me:

This should be fun. I'm planning on buying the game on release day, so I'll probably auction off my free copy on eBay or something.

That would kinda suck to have to apologize to such an ass clown as him, though. Here's hoping it does come out on the 30th :)
The thing is, he's basing his arguments on a very old leaked e-mail.

A leaked e-mail isn't the most reliable thing in the world. He should've treated it slightly more skepically than he did. It could've been fake or it could've just been wrong.

And he should've just dismissed it after ECTS where Doug Lombardi said (in public and to many magazines) that the release date was unchanged. Even if Valve thought the game was going to be delayed in July, who's to say that they didn't realise that it didn't need to be delayed and that they could finish it on time (albeit, a little tight)?

And there is no real reason why Valve would know it was delayed, and then keep it secret.

Overall, he's managed to convince himself that the game is definately delayed (for at least a month). And, now, worse, he's taking it out on Valve.
Doug Lombardi told the BBC, the BBC ffs, !!!

that the game will release on september 30th.

I mean, it really doesnt get any more concrete than that!

*Although I still have these nagging doubts due to past experiences*

But who doesnt....
When you are still saying that it is on schedule within one week from the time it is supposed to be finished... there isn't much, short of a meteor hitting Valve HQ or Sierra going up in flames, that will be able to delay HL2.

... maybe Fragmaster has a rogue nuke and will try to make it get delayed to keep from having to give out copies in an HEV suit.
I don't like fragmaster being called a "fag"
one of very few terms that gets to me :\

But he is an asshole!
If you win, make an awesome paragraph detailing his history of hte "delay" and his professionalism. That puts you above his antics :D

oh, and i hated his mp3. All his jokes seem to be based on improvising (POORLY) some basic lines, and repeated them in a LOUD ANNOYING voice that is "clever and funny." I think its retarded :D
Fragmaster is right, i knew he was right the moment i read his first editorial. Everything pointed to a delay, its just logic. I knew this too before i even read his article.

HL2 is delayed and your dreaming to see it make Sept 30. There will be no store release, no Steam release.
Obviously Fragmaster imagines this happening at Valve HQ.

Gabe Newell: Okay, the game is delayed.

Mike Harrington: Damn, what are we going to tell the fans?

GN: We won't tell the fans anything!

MK: What? Why not?

GN: Think about it, if they fans don't know it's delayed then obviously
the power of belief will make it NOT delayed.

MK: ...

GN: You know, like Fairies.

MK: Excellent, that makes perfect sense.


Doug Lombardi *runs in*: Yes sir!

GM: Tell THREE and only three PRINT magazines that the game is delayed. Do not let the fans know that the game is delay lest our mighty plan may fail.

DL: Erm, yes sir. *Salutes*

GM: Muwahahahahah.
Originally posted by MrWhite
Heyyyyyyy buddy... why auction it off when your best freind in the whole world, Mr. White, Whitey, the Whitester is here?

*pushes Mr. White off of nearby cliff and smilies innocently*

Or how about me Mountain Man? Eh? :afro:
Originally posted by Orange
I don't like fragmaster being called a "fag"
one of very few terms that gets to me :\

Ok, is "queer" better, fag?
Originally posted by spitcodfry
That would kinda suck to have to apologize to such an ass clown as him, though.
It's not that big of a deal. I'll just put in quotes and make it clear that I'm only doing it to fulfill a bet. You see, there are ways of apologizing while making your lack of sincerity perfectly clear.
Originally posted by Sunbeam
Fragmaster is right, i knew he was right the moment i read his first editorial. Everything pointed to a delay, its just logic. I knew this too before i even read his article.

HL2 is delayed and your dreaming to see it make Sept 30. There will be no store release, no Steam release.

His Editorial wasn't logicial at all. He didn't explain why the delay would be kept a secret or why Doug Lombardi would be "A wee bit misleading". He also used the argument that he had no proof for a delay, but we didn't have any proof that it wasn't delayed either.

In fact, he made the same arguments in it that were meant in another editorial a few months before. And at the time, Fragmaster said that editorial was just wrong and he didn't agree with it at all. A bit hypocritical.

(The old editorial said similar stuff about Valve always delaying games and no new information has come out because the game is delayed).
Originally posted by Sunbeam
Fragmaster is right, i knew he was right the moment i read his first editorial. Everything pointed to a delay, its just logic. I knew this too before i even read his article.

HL2 is delayed and your dreaming to see it make Sept 30. There will be no store release, no Steam release.
Fragmaster? Is that you?
Originally posted by Hyped
Ok, is "queer" better, fag?

Hmm... no cause Queer is our word for ourselves, and fag is really derragetory (though I dont personally mind it),

I dont think we have a problem with Gays though

Hey, lets not start up this again hmm?

Back on topic!
Originally posted by Feath
Obviously Fragmaster imagines this happening at Valve HQ.

Gabe Newell: Okay, the game is delayed.

Mike Harrington: Damn, what are we going to tell the fans?

GN: We won't tell the fans anything!

MK: What? Why not?

GN: Think about it, if they fans don't know it's delayed then obviously
the power of belief will make it NOT delayed.

MK: ...

GN: You know, like Fairies.

MK: Excellent, that makes perfect sense.


Doug Lombardi *runs in*: Yes sir!

GM: Tell THREE and only three PRINT magazines that the game is delayed. Do not let the fans know that the game is delay lest our mighty plan may fail.

DL: Erm, yes sir. *Salutes*

GM: Muwahahahahah.


kinda reminded me of this comic about the Phantom vaporware console
That Penny Arcade strip is a classic!

Anyway, Fragmaster's theory doesn't really make sense. Why in the world would Valve be quietly announcing to a few select publications that the game was going to be delayed several months while telling everybody else that it was going to be released September 30? I mean, what do they have to gain by deceiving their fans and the gaming press?
Guys i just read this over at the gamespot forum. (maybe lies). Or old news for you.

Part of his first post..

OK, some of you guys know I am going to Vegas tomorrow for a Vendor Show (EB Games only, there will be about 1400+ of us, Managers, DM, RM, VP, all the way up oh and Jack Trenton will be there from Sony and alot of others).


Ok guys I just got back from Vendor show. I talked personally to Doug Lambardi, I am sorry to say HL 2 is delayed FOR SURE. I will also say Max Payne 2 is sweet. I played so many games I will list tomorrow with details. I am very tired but wanted to let everyone know. Doug said HL 2 would be availble this holiday season.


Sorry, no steam Sept 30th. I asked him. He may have lied but I know he wasn't. When he made the announcement he said "obviously we aren't able to make that goal" that was regarding the 30th. I sat right next to him out of shear luck and didn't even know it was him until he got on stage
Like I said, Doug Lombardi may have said this but he also said

It seems to me that even if this was true then maybe it's changed.

Gabe: I'm thinking about delaying the game a month or so, there's a problem with NVIDIA cards.
Doug: Okay.

*3 weeks later*
Gabe: It's okay, the game doesn't need to be delayed. Mike managed to get it fixed. Tell people that it's not delayed at ECTS.
Doug: You got it.

Doug would've have a PERFECT opportunity to say that the game was delayed at ECTS. Why didn't he take it?
Originally posted by nsxownzme
You know, I kind of agreed with him, even though I signed a petition against him. I'm sick of Valve treating us like ass crap too. He's right, they need to tell us. It's ****ing 2 weeks away. I hope we can either get, "it's going to ship!" or even a "it's delayed.'' I just feel like its about time to know the truth.

edit: After all I've spent literally atleast $900 in upgrades to get this game ..
HOW MANY ****ING TIMES DOES GABE HAVE TO SAY THE DATE IS STILL SEPTERMBER 30th BEFORE YOU ASSHATS GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD. VALVE HAVE SAID IT 50 THOUSAND TIMES, AND YOU KEEP SAYING "valve is treating us like ass crap". HOw???? They have said September 30th EVEN YESTERDAY when that kid visited their office. GO sit on a banana and rotate. Watch out for the monkeys, they bite!
Hes just saying its going to be delayed because they didnt give him everything they had. He has an outrageously inflated ego.
Seriously, why is such an arrogant and seemingly ignorant asshole running Planet Half-Life?

...really hope he's wrong, though. Promised to leave other forums on a bet that it would be out by the 30th.... *alco sweats*
HOW MANY ****ING TIMES DOES GABE HAVE TO SAY THE DATE IS STILL SEPTERMBER 30th BEFORE YOU ASSHATS GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD. VALVE HAVE SAID IT 50 THOUSAND TIMES, AND YOU KEEP SAYING "valve is treating us like ass crap". HOw???? They have said September 30th EVEN YESTERDAY when that kid visited their office. GO sit on a banana and rotate. Watch out for the monkeys, they bite!
the latest official word, straight from Gabe's mouth, is "we'll see," directly to spitcodfry.

alot of you guys need to start realizing that a delay is a definite possiblitiy now. I really hope it isn't, so frag can eat his words..but Gabe's newest comment to spit kinda shook my faith.

but for all you 9/30-in-gabe-we-trust-people, more power too you for being more optomistic than I.
Originally posted by SupaKoopa
the latest official word, straight from Gabe's mouth, is "we'll see," directly to spitcodfry.

alot of you guys need to start realizing that a delay is a definite possiblitiy now. I really hope it isn't, so frag can eat his words..but Gabe's newest comment to spit kinda shook my faith.

but for all you 9/30-in-gabe-we-trust-people, more power too you for being more optomistic than I.

I think he was teasing, man.

I'm optimistic for the 30th. But I'm not counting out the possibility of a delay.
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