Fragmaster posts his delay "proof"

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if its delayed then valve will be in my opinion the most retarded company ever.

"sept. 30th!"

"were still on course for sept. 30th"

"we think sept. 30th"



"sorry guys we know you think its out in a week, but its been delayed so well sucks to be you, we could have told you ages ago but we just wanna be gay"

but thats not gonna happen cos it realy would be completely gay.
God I hope Valve makes the 30th so fragmaster can look real BAD. :)

Originally posted by Anubis
God I hope Valve makes the 30th so fragmaster can look real BAD. :)


He actually said he'd resign from PHL if he was wrong...I doubt he's serious, but why would he put his job on the line over a game's release date?
First post on all these retarded threads about "delays" or "it will be out because Valve said it would" :dozey:

I think you people need to get a grip and realize it hasn't gone "gold" yet! there is no f**king way Valve could or would hide this fact,I'm assuming HL2 will be 2-3 CD's and to duplucate these amount of CD's for a game as big as HL will take a lot longer then a week!! Unreal2 or UT2 took 15 days from gold to stores, has anyone even seen or heard of the final box-art? these things are usally produced at least a month before would think there would be a leaked shot huh? :borg:

As much as i'd love to play HL2 at the end of the month i really can't see anyway it happening.....anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot and out of touch with how the real world works :eek:

I agree with Fragmaster on this one,Gabe f**ked up on sept 30 and since he can't make that date he should explain why! he doesn't have to give details but just stop giving the fans "false hope" (aka...3DRealms)
Originally posted by Airtraffic
First post on all these retarded threads about "delays" or "it will be out because Valve said it would" :dozey:

I think you people need to get a grip and realize it hasn't gone "gold" yet! there is no f**king way Valve could or would hide this fact,I'm assuming HL2 will be 2-3 CD's and to duplucate these amount of CD's for a game as big as HL will take a lot longer then a week!! Unreal2 or UT2 took 15 days from gold to stores, has anyone even seen or heard of the final box-art? these things are usally produced at least a month before would think there would be a leaked shot huh? :borg:

As much as i'd love to play HL2 at the end of the month i really can't see anyway it happening.....anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot and out of touch with how the real world works :eek:

I agree with Fragmaster on this one,Gabe f**ked up on sept 30 and since he can't make that date he should explain why! he doesn't have to give details but just stop giving the fans "false hope" (aka...3DRealms)

So you're saying all us optimistic fans that think it will make the 30th are idiots? finally read an informed and constructive post on these forums...didn't think I'd see the day. Do you actually think we're going to take the time to listen to you if you insult the community? What the hell is the matter with you? Don't expect to find supporters here. Go back to Fragmaster and help him hand out copies of the game on the 30th. You can wear a headcrab mask.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
He actually said he'd resign from PHL if he was wrong...I doubt he's serious, but why would he put his job on the line over a game's release date?
Do you really think he makes any real money being a webmaster @ PHL ?¿?¿? :dozey:
Originally posted by Airtraffic
Do you really think he makes any real money being a webmaster @ PHL ?¿?¿? :dozey:

You've got a point there...but I know he'd miss mocking the community
Originally posted by spitcodfry
So you're saying all us optimistic fans that think it will make the 30th are idiots? finally read an informed and constructive post on these forums...didn't think I'd see the day. Do you actually think we're going to take the time to listen to you if you insult the community? What the hell is the matter with you? Don't expect to find supporters here. Go back to Fragmaster and help him hand out copies of the game on the 30th. You can wear a headcrab mask.
Ok,maybe "idiot" is a little harsh...i'll give you that!

But consider this:
I am a huge HL fan,probably played HL when you where about 8 years old (saw your pic) but comeon dude, get real here...

Why is this such a big deal? it's delayed for a's not quite ready yet thats all.It'll come soon enough!!

Get over it!!
Originally posted by Airtraffic
Ok,maybe "idiot" is a little harsh...i'll give you that!

But consider this:
I am a huge HL fan,probably played HL when you where about 8 years old (saw your pic) but comeon dude, get real here...

Why is this such a big deal? it's delayed for a's not quite ready yet thats all.It'll come soon enough!!

Get over it!!

so it never occured to you that other games have gone gold only one week before it was released. Just cause it hasn't gone gold yet doesn't mean it will. If there was a huge problem that would definately cause a delay than how come gabe had time to take a fan on a tour of valve a couple days ago? right now it can go either way. btw, you really think that a picture of a box would've leaked out into the public? hell they kept hl2 secret for five years.
Originally posted by Airtraffic
Ok,maybe "idiot" is a little harsh...i'll give you that!

But consider this:
I am a huge HL fan,probably played HL when you where about 8 years old (saw your pic) but comeon dude, get real here...

Why is this such a big deal? it's delayed for a's not quite ready yet thats all.It'll come soon enough!!

Get over it!!

Well I'm with you on the whole 'get over it' thing. People do need to understand that it will be out 'when it's done,' in the words of George Broussard. I'm content on them waiting til November, but that doesn't make me want it any less...I'd much rather be able to play it when Valve intially promised we could.

As to the age reference, I really don't understand the relevance...because you're older does that make you more informed than me? And by the way I turn 19 on that would place my age when Half-Life came out five years ago as 14...not eight. I got that game the day it came out and have played it non-stop since...and the same will go for Half-Life 2 once that hits store shelves.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
So you're saying all us optimistic fans that think it will make the 30th are idiots? finally read an informed and constructive post on these forums...didn't think I'd see the day. Do you actually think we're going to take the time to listen to you if you insult the community? What the hell is the matter with you? Don't expect to find supporters here. Go back to Fragmaster and help him hand out copies of the game on the 30th. You can wear a headcrab mask.

ROFLMAO Spit...Couldn't have said it better myself.

My two cents is that Valve just aren't 100% sure they can hit Sept/30th yet. Probably one or two show stopping bugs (not necessarily Steam, it works now for many people since the 720mb install was released).
I think there are just a few coders ironing out the last bugs for release (that would also explain why people at Valve weren't doing a lot when you visited Spit). Almost the only piece of hard fact we have is that Valve said they would announce when it went gold. Replication and shipping can be done quickly....but not inhumanly fast, they'll need a few days and i give my optimistic 'start to worry' gold date as the 24th-25th at the latest.

Spit.... How many people did you actually see working on Half-Life 2 and how many on Steam when you visited? Did you catch them at lunch or if you pressed your ear to the wall could you hear shouts of 'Striderrrrr!' and 'Haha! And the public will never take our baby away from us! Neverrrrr!

Yea....'s early here ok :cheese:
Hey Spit :) - 08:20 here (England) Are you -8 GMT?

In addition i would like to back Spitcodfry up here in saying that he is one of the most mature and literate people who post on these boards.
I read these boards a long time before 'joining' myself and i always thought that Spit was older than he was before he told us his age when going to visit Valve.

To be honest i think people are all missing the point. There's so much
'bashing' of each other to prove who is right and who is wrong, and without hard evidence this cannot be proven.
People are allowed OPINIONS and should not be told how to think.
For talking smack, glad you did your research. :dozey:
the boxes for the game were on display at e3. use the search function.

and there's the whole "games have gone gold in a week" fact.

lets see, that leaves "NOT GUNNA HAPPEN BECAUSE OF MY 2 REASONS"
oh wait, covered them :)

Man you nailed us :cool: .

EDIT : Gah, its 2:26 AM 9/19th here. I need to sleep.
Originally posted by Magicpants
ROFLMAO Spit...Couldn't have said it better myself.

My two cents is that Valve just aren't 100% sure they can hit Sept/30th yet. Probably one or two show stopping bugs (not necessarily Steam, it works now for many people since the 720mb install was released).
I think there are just a few coders ironing out the last bugs for release (that would also explain why people at Valve weren't doing a lot when you visited Spit). Almost the only piece of hard fact we have is that Valve said they would announce when it went gold. Replication and shipping can be done quickly....but not inhumanly fast, they'll need a few days and i give my optimistic 'start to worry' gold date as the 24th-25th at the latest.

Spit.... How many people did you actually see working on Half-Life 2 and how many on Steam when you visited? Did you catch them at lunch or if you pressed your ear to the wall could you hear shouts of 'Striderrrrr!' and 'Haha! And the public will never take our baby away from us! Neverrrrr!

Yea....'s early here ok :cheese:

Thanks for the support. There were about twenty people total at the offices when I visited, but it was between 12:00 noon and 12:30, so a lot of people very well may have been on a lunch break.

As to number of people working on Steam, didn't really look like much 'working' going on to me. I chatted with two guys working on the Steam project for awhile, and they were having a good laugh between each other...nothing stressful seemed to be amiss.

My guess is they have more than one floor of that building...and I only saw one...cause every office door was open, and Gabe circled me around the whole level. There was no in-game action on any of the computers to be found, and it didn't seem like Gabe was worried about keeping anything under lock and key from me. Playtesting is most likely done off-site, I'd have to guess.
Originally posted by Magicpants
Hey Spit :) - 08:20 here (England) Are you -8 GMT?

In addition i would like to back Spitcodfry up here in saying that he is one of the most mature and literate people who post on these boards.
I read these boards a long time before 'joining' myself and i always thought that Spit was older than he was before he told us his age when going to visit Valve.

To be honest i think people are all missing the point. There's so much
'bashing' of each other to prove who is right and who is wrong, and without hard evidence this cannot be proven.
People are allowed OPINIONS and should not be told how to think.

Thanks so much for the kind words m8, I appreciate it :)

The time here is 12:30 in the morning, pacific standard time. Sorry, don't understand the whole GMT thing.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Thanks so much for the kind words m8, I appreciate it :)

The time here is 12:30 in the morning, pacific standard time. Sorry, don't understand the whole GMT thing.

for some reason they decided to make london the home of GMT... I think it's a conspiracy... anyways whatever our time is compared to their time is GMT+- whatever. Like here on the west coast we are 8 hours behind GMT so we are GMT -8. double click on the clock in the lower right hand corner and click on the time zones tab.
so it never occured to you that other games have gone gold only one week before it was released. Just cause it hasn't gone gold yet doesn't mean it will.
Name one! smaller games "may" have been announced gold 1 week before shelves but a big title with 3 disks and in need of at least 600,000 boxes simple need about 2 weeks to get on the shelf.
If there was a huge problem that would definately cause a delay than how come gabe had time to take a fan on a tour of valve a couple days ago?
Hats off to Gabe for allowing the tour....but what did he see? it was lunchtime and didn't see HL2 at all! didn't get an answer about sept30 or even a small detail about HL2...Gabes a smart man for sure.

George Brousard @ 3DRealms did the same thing over a year ago....wheres DNF?
btw, you really think that a picture of a box would've leaked out into the public? hell they kept hl2 secret for five years.
I didn't know they printed their own boxes :rolleyes:

Box art for big titles are allways leaked!
Ah right. so its 0:30 there eh :D Go to bed! Don't you work?

England is GMT
PST is -8 GMT if thats the same as Pacific Time
(Check your windows clock).

Timezones kinda suck as i often miss the busiest time on the boards because i'm asleep but hey.
GTA:VC went gold one week before release and why the hell do you think it has 3 discs? hell bf1942 only had one disc. only games that need 3 discs are ones with cinematic crap like diablo2

see orange's post for your box art dipshit
Originally posted by Kyle2
for some reason they decided to make london the home of GMT... I think it's a conspiracy... anyways whatever our time is compared to their time is GMT+- whatever. Like here on the west coast we are 8 hours behind GMT so we are GMT -8. double click on the clock in the lower right hand corner and click on the time zones tab.

Ahh Kyle2 - That'd be because us British 'invented' Time and spawned you all :eek: (lol if this isn't asking for a flame i don't know what is)
Originally posted by Magicpants
Ah right. so its 0:30 there eh :D Go to bed! Don't you work?

England is GMT
PST is -8 GMT if thats the same as Pacific Time
(Check your windows clock).

Timezones kinda suck as i often miss the busiest time on the boards because i'm asleep but hey.

Well I certainly won't be staying up this late come this Monday---I start my fall quarter for college. For now I'm savoring my last during-the-week all-nighters by coming on here. Some kind of partying, eh? Where in England do you live? I've visited London with my folks several times and loved it.
Originally posted by Magicpants
Ahh Kyle2 - That'd be because us British 'invented' Time and spawned you all :eek: (lol if this isn't asking for a flame i don't know what is)

i don't have anything against brits, hell we americans always say stupid stuck up stuff all the time so go ahead and say whatever the hell you want, i'll back you up :p
Out of interests sake whats to stop the game being released on the 30th September, but on Steam only, with a retail release of Half Life 2 2 weeks later? Has this idea already been put to rest by Valve? Anyone care to enlighten me on the possibility of this issue?
was anyone else hoping spit would get a sort of willy wonka tour? the golden ticket and the keys to the factory. "here, my boy, valve is yours. i grow weary of entertaining children." but it's kind of in this context in which i view gabe saying, "we'll see." that sounds kind of wonka-ish. like, i'm a mischeivious, kind of rotund, elfin millionaire guy and i love suprising all the little boys and girls with my chocolatey goodness. does this make any goddamn sense?
Originally posted by Nige_Reconman
Out of interests sake whats to stop the game being released on the 30th September, but on Steam only, with a retail release of Half Life 2 2 weeks later? Has this idea already been put to rest by Valve? Anyone care to enlighten me on the possibility of this issue?

Originally posted by Kyle2

Rumours that may happen or am i starting/believing in rumours? me confused :)

What interested me is that Vivendi are the distributors yes? and Valve are the distributors of Steam and presumably the steam release of Half-Life 2. Could Valve start selling Half Life 2 over steam before Vivendi offer the retail release?

Thanks for any info :cheers:
Originally posted by Gossoon
was anyone else hoping spit would get a sort of willy wonka tour? the golden ticket and the keys to the factory. "here, my boy, valve is yours. i grow weary of entertaining children." but it's kind of in this context in which i view gabe saying, "we'll see." that sounds kind of wonka-ish. like, i'm a mischeivious, kind of rotund, elfin millionaire guy and i love suprising all the little boys and girls with my chocolatey goodness. does this make any goddamn sense?

ROFLMAO Again, i couldn't have expressed my feelings better.
Was there anyone that DIDN'T think he was gonna get a a Willy Wonka tour? Although it must've been great to go there it was a little dissapointing that not much information was gleaned from the visit....not even a chocolate crowbar eh ;(
they could but they'd only do it if vivendi acts stupid and if valve releases it over steam vivendi would immediately put the game on shelves cause now they're losing business.
Originally posted by Magicpants
ROFLMAO Again, i couldn't have expressed my feelings better.
Was there anyone that DIDN'T think he was gonna get a a Willy Wonka tour? Although it must've been great to go there it was a little dissapointing that not much information was gleaned from the visit....not even a chocolate crowbar eh ;(

no but there was a gold crowbar... wait a second... gold... crowbar... OMG HL2 HAS GONE GOLD, THAT WAS A RIDDLE AND I BROKE IT WOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I GET A FREE COPY OF HL2!!!!!!!! alright screw it i'm tired.
Originally posted by Kyle2
they could but they'd only do it if vivendi acts stupid and if valve releases it over steam vivendi would immediately put the game on shelves cause now they're losing business.

Okay thanks for the info mate :cheers:
Originally posted by Razak
god i cant wait for the shit to be over.

After reading 8 pages of this shit, that was the best post I've read so far. Amen, Razak.
Originally posted by Airtraffic
Name one! smaller games "may" have been announced gold 1 week before shelves but a big title with 3 disks and in need of at least 600,000 boxes simple need about 2 weeks to get on the shelf.

UT 2003, I believe, went gold a week before the release.

I've noticed an annoying trend on these boards. It's the "Make up statistics to prove your point" trend. Can please please stop making statistics up? "80% of people will...." "Only about 4000 people will" "They will need 600 000" copies.

Where did you get the 600,000 figure from? I'd be surprised if you extrapolated it from existing preorders.

Originally posted by Airtraffic
George Brousard @ 3DRealms did the same thing over a year ago....wheres DNF?

Do you are saying that Half-Life 2 won't be released because Gabe gave a tour and that's what 3dRealms did?

By your logic, no games will come out because Duke Nukem Forever is a game therefore no games will be released.

Originally posted by Airtraffic
I didn't know they printed their own boxes :rolleyes:

Box art for big titles are allways leaked!

The E3 boxes were probably the boxes that the game will ship in. But it's true that the boxes for the game haven't been shipped yet.

Unless you are arguing that the boxes haven't been designed yet? Which is just absurd. Even if the game was going to be released in Feburary then the boxes would've already been designed. Look at any box and you'll see old screenshots and errors in the description.
I just listened to that delay mp3 of fragmaster's. God. Not only is he an asshole, but he can't even use a bloody microphone. He has problems, clearly.
ACK!! This came out WAY longer than I intended.

Sorry! :(

Some people think that HL2 will consist of multiple discs (around 3). Given the amount of models and textures in the game, not to mention how NPCs have a large number of possible things they can say at any "interaction event", I wouldn't be surprised if we were looking at 3 or more discs. Age of Mythology was mostly in game cut-scenes and tiny models, but that was 2 discs. (Yes, I know that everything M$ is bloatware, but you can find non-M$ examples of what I'm saying.)

Now... About printing thousands of copies of a multi-disc set... *chuckle* If there are only a few problems left to iron out in the game, what is stopping Valve from sending part of the disc set to the publisher? (The part that has all the approved content on it)

Also, Valve said the release date was on the 30th. While release is usually referring to when its available in the store, they could mean: a) when its released to the factories, or b) when its released(shipped) to stores. ... Though, I doubt they meant anything other than the date it can be purchased.

How could they print all the CDs required for all the players, even if they only needed to print a single CD for each box? I rarely buy a game as soon as it is released, so I may be wrong, but from what I have heard, popular games usually sell out in the first day or so. You then have to wait for the next shipment. If warehouse dealers (read: online stores) want you to pre-order to ensure the games availability, it sounds like the problem is not how much the store can hold at one time, but how much is available to the store at one time.

It's highly likely that there will be a severe shortage of "physical copies" of HL2 when it releases, no mater where you get it from. HL1 is said to have sold several million copies (from what I hear), I seriously doubt they printed even a fraction of that in the first couple of batches.

Also, with "outsourcing" being the buzz word in business, if VU Gaming wanted to get HL2 out in a hurry, they could contract out to expand their production rates. As an example, if Valve is smart, I'm sure they will be buying content servers(server space to run content servers) from everyone and their borthers for the first couple months of HL2's release.

To sum it up, someone in the forum once said that Valve isn't a traditional company that follows the traditional rules. So it is _possible_ that they have stacks of CDs 2 and 3 printed... its _possible_ that they will do one of the biggest "CD burning" projects in gaming industry just short of the 30th... and its _possible_ that they will have just enough available on the 30th for it to be considered a release, but not for the demand (demand from stores. There obviously won't be enough for buyer's demand).

Another quick thought, they said they were still working out what will be in the special edition when last asked. Maybe what's tying up the show is "hammering" out the detials of the special edition and the SDK.

It doesn't matter when it's released, everyone will scramble to buy it anyway. And as for me, I won't be able to buy it for a couple months anway; HW upgrades come first.

This post is just an oppinion based on hypothesis; Just like 99.9% of the posts on any given forum.
Unless you are arguing that the boxes haven't been designed yet? Which is just absurd. Even if the game was going to be released in Feburary then the boxes would've already been designed. Look at any box and you'll see old screenshots and errors in the description

That's right, for example on the battlefield box/case it says 32 players max! And also I'd like to say that we need a automated reply bot, whenever some headcrab like airtraffic or similar dolts come up with more zany theories the bot would reply with a pre-determined post debunking every part.
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