Fragmaster posts his delay "proof"

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GThe later you announce a delay the more the fans are pissed off. If it's delayed you know it months prior to the release date. If there are some "found in the last second" minor bugs, they could fix them and delay the game 1-2 weeks. But no way it will be delayed for several months now (execpt a storm oder vulcan destroys their building).

The game is under developement for 5 (FIVE!) YEARS now. When they said "30. September 2003" they must have had a workung beta already and be pretty sure about the timetable. If they really would need so much longer, they would have unveiled the game at E3 2004.

I don't think that there will be a significant (>2 Weeks) delay at all. Why would Gabe have time to show spitcodfry the company if they were busy in fixing bugs? I think the game has been gold already and the "gone gold" announcement will be done once the gold master has been double checked by vivendi and approved to go into duplication. So we will see the "gone gold" news next week
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
That's right, for example on the battlefield box/case it says 32 players max! And also I'd like to say that we need a automated reply bot, whenever some headcrab like airtraffic or similar dolts come up with more zany theories the bot would reply with a pre-determined post debunking every part.

how about a bot that says "STFU YOUR A ****ING IDIOT NOW GO AWAY"
Originally posted by Nige_Reconman
Could Valve start selling Half Life 2 over steam before Vivendi offer the retail release?
Nope. Been discussed before and it would quite clearly be a breach of contract on Valve's part. Vivendi aren't completely stupid.

And as for all this gubbins... Fragmaster is getting more and more puerile it seems. I mean, having a pop at Spitcodfry PERSONALLY? Wow Fragmaster! Real mature of you.
That he knows about all of that must mean that he frequents these forums. I imagine whatever we say against him will rebound of his bloated, self-righteous head, so it's almost pointless. But I'll chip in anyway. I hope you're reading, buddyboy.
I pray to God he's not right purely because of the ego-boost it will give him. He'll be the most enfuriatingly arrogant person.
He's got proof, so why not show it? People would probably disregard this as fake anyway but at least it might give SOME weight to his opinions - at the moment he doesn't have ANYTHING except his self-importance. He's waited this long to divulge this little secret that he may have a leaked e-mail (emphasis on "may")... Why not say that before? Like, 2 months before?
If you're reading: You are acting like a child. Having opinions is all very well, however the manner in which you have conveyed these is crap. I'd suggest you clean up your act - a little humility never hurt anyone, and you could REALLY lose some of the arrogance - or no-one will ever take you seriously ever again. If you're right then SERIOUSLY: Act with grace and dignity. However, at the rate you're going, I don't see that happening.
We also need to do our role in leading by example: If we ARE right, then don't barrage him with hate mail/gloating e-mails. It'd only make us as bad as him.

<Rant over>
Magicpants - Good to see another UK gamer taking an active interest in the forums! :thumbs:.

I think that if HL2 is delayed at all it will only be a matter of days - a fortnight at the most. It simply does not make any sense for VALVe to risk it's fanbase and reputation over a slightly slippery release date. If it was likely that the game was going to be delayed I believe that GN would have released a statement.
Originally posted by el Chi
We also need to do our role in leading by example: If we ARE right, then don't barrage him with hate mail/gloating e-mails. It'd only make us as bad as him.

Awwww. But I already had the e-mail all planned out.

"You know, you should've really told Valve it was delayed. They seemed to be unaware of the delay the whole time. Maybe you should've sent them your editorial".
Originally posted by spitcodfry
So lemme get this straight...Fragmaster is claiming that there was a leaked e-mail back in July that Doug Lombardi sent to game magazines explaining the game would be pushed back because they needed more time to work on it, and also to allow more time for coverage on it before release. Correct? What I don't understand is if Doug sent such an e-mail, then why would he contradict himself at ECTS by saying "the release date is unchanged"?
Exactly. And the other question is, why would all the magazines keep such pertinent information under wraps? It simply doesn't make sense. They've always reported game delays in the past, wo why would they keep quiet about the biggest game of century being delayed? It's illogical.
perry noyd.

EDIT: I will defend that shitty play on words to my grave
Originally posted by Feath
Awwww. But I already had the e-mail all planned out.

"You know, you should've really told Valve it was delayed. They seemed to be unaware of the delay the whole time. Maybe you should've sent them your editorial".
You could send it now - that way we're not gloating. Just taking the piss:cheers:

And as for Doug saying they need more time to give the game coverage before release? That's exactly what they haven't wanted to do from the beginning.
Valve have done things very differently to the rest of the PC games trade norm. They kept things under wraps until they thought they could deliver. They haven't bombarded us with info so that we can discover it for ourselves.
Who knows, they might break another norm by releasing it on time... :eek:
Originally posted by el Chi
You could send it now - that way we're not gloating. Just taking the piss:cheers:

And as for Doug saying they need more time to give the game coverage before release? That's exactly what they haven't wanted to do from the beginning.
Valve have done things very differently to the rest of the PC games trade norm. They kept things under wraps until they thought they could deliver. They haven't bombarded us with info so that we can discover it for ourselves.
Who knows, they might break another norm by releasing it on time... :eek:

Valve are keeping the game quite secret. Doug could've said "Don't plan any new preview for the game". Meaning "We aren't going to tell you anything new, you'll have nothing to write in them".

It would make more sense to keep the coverage going if the game wasn't going to make it. Otherwise interest may die down.

Doug explained why there wasn't any new information in the ECTS interviews.
Quick question...

Forgive me if this has been asked (I read most of the thread but not all 17 pages), and forgive me for keeping this thread alive.....

But has anyone emailed Doug Lombardi to ask about this?
I would assume publishers have very little to say about how/when a game gets released when the developer funds everything themselves and the publishers only job is to publish the game.

There probably isen't a publisher in the world who wouldn't kill to get HL2.
why is everyone being so mysterious about the releasedate?
No one's being mysterious about the release date. There's only one release date and as far as anyone should be concerned, their own opinions permitting of course, the date is still 30th September as per many confirmations by Valve and even Vivendi recently.
That's funny that Fragmaster says he will not only hand out free copies of HL2 but he will also resign from PHL if the game comes out on time.
Saltpeter wrote:

Time for the oh-so-predictable reply:

I don't care whether it's the 30th or not. As long as the final game kicks that much ass as it seemed to do in the E3 Demo and the released gameplay videos, I got no problem with any sort of delay.

Chris_D: I also couldn't care less. But what I don't appreciate is seeing someone I've looked up to for the last 5 years as a good and reliable source for HL2, seeming resentful of the fact that he's "not in the loop" anymore. You're so pissed off that the press magazines received the information of HL2 before you and it shows. I wasn't all that bothered that you had your strong opinions regarding the HL2 release date, apart from you handling it unproffessionally at times, but what actually disgusts me is that you've based it all on an e-mail that was leaked, probably not 100% reliable or official and an e-mail that originated 2 months ago which has since been responded by official statements that they're still working towards the originally planned release date.

I hereby invite you to register at Half-Life2.Net forums so this can be discussed further. There's a lot of people there that would appreciate a visit so this can be discussed in a mature and orderly manner.

It'd be nice to know WHY you think Valve is delaying the game, still not informed us 11 days prior to the supposed release, and when you actually think we're going to see the game.

We, at Half-Life 2 . Net, look forward to your visit.

Thanks for reading.

What I just posted at PHL.
i just told fragmaster to post his email, he'll probably ban me this time :p
omg, what a fag, same old excuse "no one will believe it blah blah blah" and now he won't reply at all. he did the same thing to me yesterday. ladies and gentlemen he has no email, he has no proof that hl2 is delayed.
heheh i love the way kyle can rip into any 1 :) fagmaster should be ignored anyway imo
Why does Fragmaster gets so much attention of you people? He must be special...
I gotta say, though:

If this uncertainty about the date was a ploy by Valve for attention, it worked. Everyone's going crazy over this.
Could everyone please send Fragmaster an e-mail at

[email protected]

with a link of either a) ********* (don't visit that)
or b) the link to the HL2.Net forum registration page. I want him to register here and take on 2000 people, all willing to discuss why WE think it'll be on time.
Originally posted by alco
I gotta say, though:

If this uncertainty about the date was a ploy by Valve for attention, it worked. Everyone's going crazy over this.

Refer to my sig please.
I just sent Fragmaster the following e-mail:

As per request of many users on, we would be most appreciative if you visited our forums to have a discussion regarding the release of Half-Life 2. We would like to discuss our different views in a civil manner. All of us are interested to hear your thoughts and opinions. Please come chat with us. Sincerely,

Very nice spitcodfry. Nonetheless he'll just ignore it but you can't say you haven't tried ;)
at least he can't ban me if he comes here, he'll just leave again cause he has some "work" to do :LOL:
Originally posted by Kyle2
at least he can't ban me if he comes here, he'll just leave again cause he has some "work" to do :LOL:

Why did he ban you?
OMG! Hows this for proof, fagmaster?

EDIT: Had to resize it in photoshop
Originally posted by Super Schwepp
OMG! Hows this for proof, fagmaster?

Holy shit that makes me so happy!!! Dude you gotta go post that on PHL's forums so he sees, or just e-mail him directly. Heck, make a new thread about this!! Rejoice HL fans! Our day of reckoning has arrived! Sorry to get excited, but this is so cool!
Originally posted by Kyle2
lmao, very nice super schwepp

spitcodfry, he banned me cause i keep asking him to post his so called email and he doesn't have it, he knows he can't just keep avoiding me, he's already done it twice here and here

he has no proof, simple as that.

I think its so ludicrous that he's basing all his claims on an old, leaked e-mail that wasn't even from a Valve employee.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Holy shit that makes me so happy!!! Dude you gotta go post that on PHL's forums so he sees, or just e-mail him directly. Heck, make a new thread about this!! Rejoice HL fans! Our day of reckoning has arrived! Sorry to get excited, but this is so cool!

They still could push it back but they most likely wont

But dont post this at planet half-life, cause then fragmaster will come up with some way to get out of all of his little bets
Originally posted by MrWhite
They still could push it back but they most likely wont

But dont post this at planet half-life, cause then fragmaster will come up with some way to get out of all of his little bets

agreed, it's better you not make this public at all
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