Freedom Tower.

"The united states of freedom", "the freedom tower", "freedom fries".
then in a few years....GASP! "the freedom exchange"
Isn't that the place southpark blaimed for trying excecuting terrance and philip?
MaxiKana said:
"The united states of freedom", "the freedom tower", "freedom fries".
then in a few years....GASP! "the freedom exchange"

Lol, my point exactly. It's starting to get to the point that people can't reference the US of A without sounding like Captain America circa 1950.

Well, I'm probably on the gov's list of potential terrorists now, so I'm going to get in my freedom-mobile, go down to the grocery store of justice and buy some cheese of everlasting national sovereignty. :cheese:
*Laughs at Ghosts sig, but your not deliciously so, like me
Unfortunately nothing much is really free in this world, as Morphous would say, we are born and die slaves.
But...there is no spoon. So that makes it alright, at least neo thinks it does....he's right isn't he? Isn't he?

We dont have to live as slaves you know. We dont have to die as slaves either. it doesn't matter if we are born as one, thats something you can change.
I think 12 billion dollar would feed a lot of poor ass people.
Let people who are poor be poor, if they want they can get a job and work. If you keep giving the poor stuff there is less incentive to earn money, because you can survive without work. People won't work if they don't have to.

As for "Freedom Tower" I don't mind that name as much as most of the other names. I agree though, axis of evil etc etc do suck.

Pre-emptive yes, to those who ask if I'm an american.

Unfortunately nothing much is really free in this world, as Morphous would say, we are born and die slaves.
How are we slaves? Please, elaborate :)
One prime example. Slaves to money. We may not all "love" it, but we need it to survive . This means the people you work for can boss you around and you cant do anything about it.

As for get a job if you are poor. Yes, some people could do that, but theres a lot that cant. They live in areas that simply dont have places where you can work. Im talking about 3rd world countries at the moment. Places striken by war, and famine. Should they go down to the local job centre and ask for applications?
That's not america, and what do you think america is trying to do in Iraq and friends??

We aren't slaves to money. We can buy some land with money and that's all that's required from money, take that land and plant crops or whatever, hunt the animals on it and live off of that. People aren't slaves to money, as earning money is a choice.
babywax said:
That's not america, and what do you think america is trying to do in Iraq and friends??

We aren't slaves to money. We can buy some land with money and that's all that's required from money, take that land and plant crops or whatever, hunt the animals on it and live off of that. People aren't slaves to money, as earning money is a choice.

You still have to pay taxes, thus you need money. You are money's bitch whether you like it or not.
babywax said:
That's not america, and what do you think america is trying to do in Iraq and friends??

We aren't slaves to money. We can buy some land with money and that's all that's required from money, take that land and plant crops or whatever, hunt the animals on it and live off of that. People aren't slaves to money, as earning money is a choice.

umm isn't land expensive... and already all bought up anyways? besides if that's all you needed then what about those farmers back in the 19th century that were poor, could barely earn enough?

what about those people that go to work, earn money, but can't earn enough to afford to pay rent, buy food and clothes, take care of kids, etc. what do you expect them to do? in today's society earning money is a necessity. if you choose not to, then you'd have a really tough life.
umm isn't land expensive... and already all bought up anyways? besides if that's all you needed then what about those farmers back in the 19th century that were poor, could barely earn enough?

what about those people that go to work, earn money, but can't earn enough to afford to pay rent, buy food and clothes, take care of kids, etc. what do you expect them to do? in today's society earning money is a necessity. if you choose not to, then you'd have a really tough life.
Yeah, you still have a choice though. Slavery is defined:
The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.

The practice of owning slaves.
A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery.

By these definitions it could go either way: You ARE bound by money in a sense, but you also aren't because you don't have to earn money, and you don't have to have money.

umm isn't land expensive... and already all bought up anyways? besides if that's all you needed then what about those farmers back in the 19th century that were poor, could barely earn enough?
Barely earn enough what? Money? No, they could farm their own land and eat what they farm. Not a thriving existence but you could survive none-the-less.
Heard of property taxes?
Almost all of "the poor" are without money OR property, so they would not pay taxes in either situation. You have however, disproved my point that you can live on your land without money, I neglected to think of property taxes. I think I'll concede the point that people are "slaves" to money, in a way. You still have a choice to not earn money though, considering the US government gives out food stamps. But this ties directly into my other argument:
If the US government did not give out food stamps, you would not be able to survive without money. Thus you would reduce the amount of poor, because people don't just let themselves die, they would be forced to earn money or die, and almost all will choose to earn money. Those who choose death are probably crazy anyway ;)
babywax said:
Barely earn enough what? Money? No, they could farm their own land and eat what they farm. Not a thriving existence but you could survive none-the-less.

or you could experience something called drought or flooding, or maybe your seeds just might not work too well, or winter comes a little bit early, or it's not a good hunting season. or maybe you hurt yourself working and then you can't go out to farm and hunt. you make farming and hunting sound easy.
babywax said:
Almost all of "the poor" are without money OR property, so they would not pay taxes in either situation. You have however, disproved my point that you can live on your land without money, I neglected to think of property taxes. I think I'll concede the point that people are "slaves" to money, in a way. You still have a choice to not earn money though, considering the US government gives out food stamps. But this ties directly into my other argument:
If the US government did not give out food stamps, you would not be able to survive without money. Thus you would reduce the amount of poor, because people don't just let themselves die, they would be forced to earn money or die, and almost all will choose to earn money. Those who choose death are probably crazy anyway ;)

I don't make statements idlely dude (one thing you'll learn about me), even if I'm referencing someone else (ala morphous). Personally I'm not a firm advocate for the way the world is, but unfortunately we are somewhat outnumbered. :dozey:

*Gets back to planning world domination
They're not easy, but you can still live on it. You can still die even if you have a job earning money, the world isn't very safe no matter what you do.
I don't make statements idlely dude (one thing you'll learn about me), even if I'm referencing someone else (ala morphous). Personally I'm not a firm advocate for the way the world is, but unfortunately we are somewhat outnumbered.
Yeah, when you referenced Morpheus I just felt like seeing if you truly meant it, due to the fact that you were quoting someone from The Matrix.
babywax said:
Yeah, when you referenced Morpheus I just felt like seeing if you truly meant it, due to the fact that you were quoting someone from The Matrix.

There is an inherent madness to money. What was devised as a tool of universal exchange for mankind, has become our master. Money and all that it buys has shaped our world fundamentally, both in realizing our dreams, and curtailing our spirits.
iamironsam said:
I'm a New Yorker and if I ever saw that stupid piece of crap in my skyline, I'd fly a plane into it. And Freedom Tower? What kind of stupid bullshit name is that?

I swear, these artists renderings are some of the stupidest, non-functional, pieces of crap I've ever seen. The morons just need to be realistic.

lmfao the irony..........
I have a good name for it, how about the Terrorist please stop blowing me up tower!
lol, sounds like its gonna be even more breakable than before, :P. all that glass,:o

by the way did all you guys know that the bush administration (Bush Family) are friends with the Bin Ladens, and do Oil ventures and deals with them , this is a fact ?, is this world messed up! or what!?
by the way did all you guys know that the bush administration (Bush Family) are friends with the Bin Ladens, and do Oil ventures and deals with them , this is a fact ?, is this world messed up! or what!?
Where did you get that?

And who are these dufuses who go around spouting the war was for oil... The war cost more than all the oil in Iraq would cost, if it was all taken out of Iraq right now, we could buy it all and have money left over. Learn about it before you go around saying stuff like that...
I have learnt about it as a matter of a fact, maybe you should read , there are hundreds of documents and sites on this, ( you where really saying I was a liar).. maybe a wake up call is in order, .. but Bush Tells WHoppers, Big Ones, and if you believe he talks the truth I suggest you have a good look into all the Whopping lies he told building up to the war.. :dozey:

plus you have 1 very important thing wrong, and that the war doesnt even summount! nowhere near in cost to the worlds untapped oil supplies (which are a long term investement), It was tragic , but the wool appears to be pulled Well, and truely of some peoples eyes.
How could we possibly go to war for oil? Think about it, when we go to war, do you think they will still be producing oil? No, it will stop while we are at war. That will dramatically reduce the amount of oil being produced world-wide, by roughly 5 million barrels of oil per day. This will in turn drive the price of oil UP, atleast while we're at war.
Another thing, when we went to war, there was a high possibility that Saddam would have contaminated the oil wells, causing their production to be seriously hindered.
The estimates of how much the war will cost, with rebuilding, hover from 100 billion to well over 200 billion.
If it costs 200 billion (yeah, I'll take the numbers that benifit my argument :P ) it will take roughly 1100 days for them to repay the debt right? That's if we take all their oil, something that we cannot and will not do. First of all they have 8 billion in debt to Russia alone. That is about 4% of our war cost. Not to mention the debts to all the other countries Saddam screwed.
Now, if American companies were given all the oil fields, all we could do would be to tax that oil right? So, we impose lets say... $3 a barrel (well over 10%), seems reasonable right? The U.S. government pays roughly 4% in taxes on long term money. Long term being 10 years or more. That comes to 8 BILLION dollars a year. A $3 tax on each barrel would bring in $5 1/2 billion or so. Not enough to even cover the interest.

For roughly 10-20 billion dollars we could also develop oil interests in places like... Saudi Arabia, and then use that instead of Iraq. Doing that doesn't have the hustle and bustle of a war now does it? You don't become controversial, you become and economic father, someone who tries to develop economic growth.

You might want to read this (written by a Professor of Petroleum Engineering!):

If you do or don't know: The FBI is NOT for international affairs, and if he didn't shut it down it would have been a jurisdictional breach. The CIA is for that, not the FBI, the FBI only does domestic affairs.

Isn't it funny that he listed an article from the BBC? A channel renowned for it's left wing agenda?
Oil isn't money. Oil is power. The middle east has the oil, so the middle east has power. If the OPEC stops selling america oil, the whole economy will come to a grinding halt. Sure, there are other places where the US can get oil, but it's not nearly enough.
By conquering Iraq, the US has secured a nice oil supply it has direct influence on.

(btw, I don't live in the US)
(and I already regret getting into this discussion)
Wow we wen't from the "LAAAND OF THE FREEEEE" discussion to rich vs poor flaming?!
How could we possibly go to war for oil? Think about it, when we go to war, do you think they will still be producing oil? No, it will stop while we are at war. That will dramatically reduce the amount of oil being produced world-wide, by roughly 5 million barrels of oil per day. This will in turn drive the price of oil UP, atleast while we're at war.

like I said, there intrested in the future prospects,. not the short term

and green bunny is totally correct. and if you cant see that , then get a pair of sheers!.,:P to shave that wool away from your eyes
Also for you less educated fools, now that Iraq "has been freed" means that they upgrade the oil producing things and hey presto they produce more oil! also our american friends will get all the $.
MaxiKana said:
Also for you less educated fools, now that Iraq "has been freed" means that they upgrade the oil producing things and hey presto they produce more oil! also our american friends will get all the $.

Yes, once they upgrade the "Oil Producing Things," we'll get all of the money.
Even though the Iraqi Govt. has control over its prospects.
They do, the americans are just using them.