Friendles, I Anticipate

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Friendlies, today I wanting to say that I anticipate Half-Live II game and looking foward to play as soon as release date arrives. I hope there are more anticipators everyday and we create more and more friendlies. :) :) :)

I want half-live game due to good graphics, and hoping my computer run well enough. Thanks to you friendlies, and greeting day. :) :) :)
Do you still have the site with 'no bad contentible' ?

It was kinda funny.
Originally posted by RakuraiTenjin
Do you still have the site with 'no bad contentible' ?

It was kinda funny.

hey now, don't u patronize our new friendly okay?! :p

hes a kewl guy :cool:
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
hey now, don't u patronize our new friendly okay?! :p

hes a kewl guy :cool:

He is. People this friendly are few, and far between. And I haven't heard him say anything negative, even people accussed him of being fake. I'm in a state of anticipation, as well, Supertrooper. I'm optimistic about a holiday release...whether it be blind hope, or close analyzation; it makes the time go by faster. It also keeps me from being stressed out, everytime I come here; unlike the "0mfgz0rz, wh3nz i7 c0ming 0u70rz?!?!?!" kids.

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
He is. People this friendly are few, and far between. And I haven't heard him say anything negative, even people accussed him of being fake.


just look at his avatar... how can u not like supertrooper after seeing it?!

man! we have heartless pple if they don't fall in luv with this guy after that avatar /sarcasm :rolleyes:

hehe seriously, hes been very friendly, even more so than some of the regulars here who are known to be nice pple.

hes an eternal optimist, let him be :)
yup! I agree, supertrooper, although incredibly odd (in a funny way), seems to be really nice, HE'S A FRIENDLY IN MY BOOK FOR LIFE! :)
super is super! no seems like a nice guy... we all anticipate the release of this game you are not alone :)
Oh my god, a friendly person.. IP BAN!!1
Originally posted by D33
Oh my god, a friendly person.. IP BAN!!1

*milk spews from nostrils* Thanks a lot D33, you've made my day with your witty sarcasm. Don't worry Super, he's only kidding.

omg lol


it sux when ur drinking some pop and it comes through ur nose

damn D33, have some pity on us pple that eat and drink while surfing the site :p
hehe no one would ban you super, its a breath of fresh air to meet a nice person on this board thats for sure
very friendlyable is supertrooper. I hope to have not be gimmick or lie.

Very, very friendlies.
Okay kids! I'm off to bed. Behave while I'm gone :)

Night all.

By the way Super, I've put forward your request to one of my fellow moderation assistants. We'll see what we can do, but no promises.
Are you making fun of Supertrooper? Because if you are...*rolls up sleeves* And even if it were to be a gimmick, let it go, he's the nicest person on these forums.


EDIT: Ya know, as much as I like Super; that may not be a good idea...because then everyone else will want a personal title. And since the MODs don't have time to create everyone their own title, they'd have to give that option to forum members...then we'll begin seeing titles like "1337" and "h01y bu77s3xz0rz." Sorry Super, but I don't think they'll do it,...not with the consequences it may carry.

Originally posted by Chris_D
Okay kids! I'm off to bed. Behave while I'm gone :)

Night all.

By the way Super, I've put forward your request to one of my fellow moderation assistants. We'll see what we can do, but no promises.

synth didnt take to kindly to his request...
D33, do you and the rest of the staff ever sit down in IRC, or something similar, and talk about the state of the forums? Just's getting kind of bad in here. Well, not in this thread, but...*SIGH* You know what I mean...


Though Synth could've gone about it a different way, he's right. It could also cause problems; if one person got a special name, but the rest of got stuck with ranks.
Well there's not a lot we can do if some moron registers three times on three different IPs and starts spamming everywhere. That's really the only incident that's been reported tonight.

If there's anything else you feel needs sorting use the report button at the bottom of the post.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
D33, do you and the rest of the staff ever sit down in IRC, or something similar, and talk about the state of the forums? Just's getting kind of bad in here. Well, not in this thread, but...*SIGH* You know what I mean...


These forums have been through worse. Trust me, I know :)
It's not really spamming...just seems like a lot of innappropriate comments are being made. Sometimes I, and other forums members, feel the need to remind incosiderate jerks about the rules. Of course we're either met with sarcasm, or out-right hostility, but...Eh, what's the use; you guys know how it is. I know you can't be everywhere at once, and I'm sure you're all doing your best.


Edit: "These forums have been through worse. Trust me, I know"

Yeah, I used to scan these forums, before registering; So I know what you're talking about. I guess I just wanted to talk about it, with the MODs themselves...I prefer a conversation, rather than sending some sterile PM.
Originally posted by synth
Call me a heartless bastard.
Friendly, not to worry. I understand it not doable due to unfairness for other friendlies. :) :) :)
My God, you're friendly. Seriously, I've never know anyone as friendly as you...hopefully you really are like this, not saying you aren't; just it's highly unusual for anyone to be this nice. Here's to you, Super! :cheers:


G'night. I need my sleep; my addiction, to these forums, is killing me.
Super, i've added u to my buddy list, u seem like a really hapy go lucky guy, so here's to u.:cheers:

guys, have u been to super's site? lol

seriously.. super really does seem like a very nice (hate to say goodie 2shoes lol) person after going to the link in his sig..

ya it is a bit shocking these days to run into someone as nice as him.. especially a forum where headcrabs get eaten for lunch.. :|
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