Full Game Screenshots and Experiences.


Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, just wow. Been playing through No Mercy, reached the rooftop without dying yet, one guy died like straight away, then a tank came, only just killed that, MOAR ZOMBIES, then ANOTHER tank came, and after all that i was hit by a tank and flew off the building, whatta way to go =\. OMG THIS GAME IS AWESOME.
I completed No Mercy earlier, didnt get the achievement cause I played it 1/2 on an online server and 1/2 by myself.

Rooftop is pretty ****ing awesome though. Its like 'A TANK OHSHIT'

3 minutes later...


*Helicopter arrives*

*dunn dun dunnn*

100% win. Cant wait to play with a few friends tmr.
Played it for the last like 3.5 hours straight. Lots of VS mode. The very first game I got into was one of the best. Everybody on my team had a mic and was really good at talking out strategies and keeping together. We CRUSHED the other team because they were disorganized as hell. We beat them 5.4k to like 200.

Also played in an HL2.net game which was a good time. I ticked Digi off by taking him out while he was still on that first roof in the No Mercy finale. Nobody could get back up to him to save him so he quit :p I also choked a few people out as the smoker that match. Regular boss kills are so much more satisfying than tank kills - even though it is pretty damn fun to send survivors flying off buildings :D
Really, really good. I'll need to play it more, but what I have played has been top notch.
Going up inside the hospital elevator, and Zoey starts explaining why zombies arnt supposed to move this fast and calls Zombie Bullshit on them, it was so funny.
Going up inside the hospital elevator, and Zoey starts explaining why zombies arnt supposed to move this fast and calls Zombie Bullshit on them, it was so funny.

I've heard that one too :)

I also heard one where Zoey over-dramatically says, "Game over man...Game over!" and then she and Louis laugh :p
Just played to the end of subway with a friend, and it was great. You know the first levels completely, and then you have this new, unexplored territory. We were a bit confused in the beginning, but then it was awesome. A shame I have my final math exam tomorrow...
Nah, you're just behind on your B-movies.
God, I want this game... but I'm in my third year and it'll a) leave me skint and b) soak up all my free time. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Anyone find the gory room towards the end of Blood Harvest, holy shit it was digusting when I first walked in.

Its a lawn mower which has been turned on its side and its jammed with intestines etc while the room is covered thick in blood and body parts. Its pretty gory, I opened the door looking for supplies and instantly spend 20 seconds going 'W.T.F' not moving at all.

Pretty good :D
I am in awe at how much fun l4d is in vs. mode. Get 8 mates togther on comms and I can't think of any game that's as fun.
Anyone find the gory room towards the end of Blood Harvest, holy shit it was digusting when I first walked in.

Its a lawn mower which has been turned on its side and its jammed with intestines etc while the room is covered thick in blood and body parts. Its pretty gory, I opened the door looking for supplies and instantly spend 20 seconds going 'W.T.F' not moving at all.

Pretty good :D

I think that's what ZT was talking about.
Here's a f***load:

Shootin up some bitches with pals


we're the only 2 left!


This bitch thought he could come up in hea!














That's right bitch, teach you to mess with me

I am a little disappointed that I didn't see any new weapons. I thought we were promised more.
I think they maybe consider the explosives you find to set up for finales and whatnot as weapons. It seems like we've seen them all.
There's only so many weapons you can find in a zombie apocalypse game.
It'd be interesting if we got melee weapons though, however useless they might be.
I could see unique melee weapons being an unlock..
I want a katana :eek:
All this disappointment >=(?

Dont let us down with Episode 3 Valve, or we'll have your zombie balls. & is it just me? Or do the textures look cheap as heck in the screens...that wooden log looks like a smooth brown cylinder, LOL.
All this disappointment >=(?

Dont let us down with Episode 3 Valve, or we'll have your zombie balls. & is it just me? Or do the textures look cheap as heck in the screens...that wooden log looks like a smooth brown cylinder, LOL.

It's a street pole. Not a tree. Street poles are generally prety cylindrical.
Played with Selas off these forums last night for hours!

I'm glad I decided to go with expert; makes it much more of a challenge, and you've no choice but to communicate.

Didn't even get to the third safe room though LOL, but was great to see new areas.

Awesome moment #1 - A tank was chasing me and another team member on section 3, where you have the ruined petrol station and the lift that activates a horde. We all ran back towards the safe house, into the little garage with a white car in. I genuinely thought I'd be safe behind it, until the tank smashed me to bits with it and it just rattled about inside the garage.

Needless to say me and Selas couldn't stop laughing :)
Played 3 of the 4 campaigns so far, starting with blood harvest. Initially I thought the graphics were terrible on my old PC, everything horribly aliased and pixelated (especially the corn stalks); turns out the resolution reverted to 800x600 (My screen is 16:10 widescreen, old monitor fizzled out a while ago so I found a replacement). Quickly amended the problem by switching to 1440x900 and now it looks awesome - even on the low-medium settings at which my computer runs the game.

Love the No Mercy hospital. Nothing is more satisfying than shooting a zombie patient with a rifle round in the tuckus.
Been playing Death Toll on expert, been stuck on the church chapter with the same team for about an hour, just gave up. its ridiculous =\. ill have a stab at it tommorow
Have 2 people on the left corner (looking in from the entrance). And two people outside the window directly behind the first 2, so they can shoot in to help out and have only 1 other direction to shoot (in front of them) outside.


So much blood!


Francis, meet Francis


Witch, meet ditch

I'm surprised on how many zombies and events happen all at the same time, and the PC doesn't slow down or anything. I didn't try the online mode yet, but does anyone feel LAG during the game or is it all smooth and realtime playing for all 4 players? Btw, I never played a FPS online so I'm just wondering... :upstare: