Fun Things u will do with the Manipulator Gun Post them Here !! :)



Post ur ideas on what kind of cool things u would like to or will do with the manipulator gun.. this way when the game does come out we will have a shit load of things to do :)
I like the idea of grabbing birds/other animals and throwing them into walls and seeing what they do :p
they probably hit the wall.. in some way or another
I would take a barrel and throw it on Alyx and see how she reacts. :D

Probably she will die... :cheese:
Originally posted by Loke
I would take a barrel and throw it on Alyx and see how she reacts. :D

Probably she will die... :cheese:

nah shell probably bitch slap gordon
I'd shove it up the G-Man's ass and pull out his eye balls and shoot them across the room.
Bass: That would look coooool... :cheese:

Tredoslop: Probably, but not if I use my Manipulator to pick it up and throw it at Alyx and the whole shit explodes. :thumbs:
Mackan, you have quite possibly the best avatar ever. Splendid.

Anyway. The Manipulator is - as I have said before - the Gentleman's choice for HL2. It is here to seduce your lady-folk and have its wicked way with them before galloping off into the night leaving you to pick up the pieces of their broken hearts. Or something.
I intend to defeat the entire game with it alone, if possible.
And then I intend to seduce your lady-folk, have my wicked way with them, etc etc. Natch.
I will scream "cover me" and pick up a team mate using him as a meatshield.
Originally posted by Ele
I will scream "cover me" and pick up a team mate using him as a meatshield.
Absolute f*cking genius.
I would use the Manipulator to bring Adrian Shepard from half way around the world.:|

You my friend just made possibly the best joke we have ever had on these forums.

Take a medal. Be proud etc
I just realized how bad this gun will be in multiplayer, all the immature players "OMg omg Owned! I am teh SHIte I kill j00 wit teh maniPuLator! I am Teh RoxOrz u r teh SuxoRZ! owND!"

*gets preview migraine*
oh thank you very much el Chi :)

one of my favourite dogs that is ;)
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Ur avatar reminds me of a Domo-Kun!:cheers:
Domo Kun is your God now... Remember that.
That dog in Mackan's avatar is from a plasteciney cartoon called Rex the Runt - it's real funny. Fogottern what that character's called though... Bugger.
Originally posted by el Chi
Domo Kun is your God now... Remember that.
That dog in Mackan's avatar is from a plasteciney cartoon called Rex the Runt - it's real funny. Fogottern what that character's called though... Bugger.
No, the Shambler is my god.
I will play some basketball with the birds and the headcrabs. :E
Originally posted by Tredoslop
No, the Shambler is my god.
Oh well, each to his own.
Personally, I like to parade naked around two giant effigies of Miffy and Domo Kun I've constructed in my back garden from parsnips, socks and sticky tape, paint my self green and blue with penguins and burn insence and sacrificial Britney Spears dolls. The neighbours aren't happy.

<Realisation kicks in>
Aaaah! What in the name of screaming Robert Harvey am I on about?
Answers on a postcard please.
Originally posted by el Chi
Domo Kun is your God now... Remember that.
That dog in Mackan's avatar is from a plasteciney cartoon called Rex the Runt - it's real funny. Fogottern what that character's called though... Bugger.




domokun sux lol.
I will scream "cover me" and pick up a team mate using him as a meatshield

omg you're a genius! cheers :cheers:
I'll mod the HL2 singleplayer before I even play it so I can manipulate humans and aliens, and use them for my pleasure throughout the game.
All I want is the ability to pick up enemies with it... so I can bash them against walls... drop them off cliffs... feed combine soldiers to some Antlions that are in a pit... ohhh the fun. :bounce:
I'll pick up a desk and keep slamming it up and down on alyx.
Originally posted by Zeus
I'll pick up a desk and keep slamming it up and down on alyx.

Thats so horrible... but yet, so amusing at the same time... :devil: