Funniest thing ive ever seen


Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
proof that hl2 is the best game ever: i was playing the other day and arrived at snipers alley. While traversing the dangerous buildings and shuffling my way to the central shelled out biulding with barney in it, i came upon a section that had two snipers(with their lovely blue laser sights, i love them). These snipers where: taking out zombies, with headshots.....then whlie searching for targets high and low, both snipers found targets high in the air in the form of crows/pidgeons, and no joke....starting aiming their laser sights on the birds and fired at will. Never have i laughed so much, that definitely shows the awesome AI Valve was talking about, dont you guys think?
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
sorry to burst the bubble but i think it's scripted, i've played that section 4 or 5 times now and it's happened the exact same eway each time - still good humor on the part of the designers though:D
I agree. I was playing Sandtraps the other day and I shot the barrel on the dock. A low flying bird got smoked by the blast. One of those 'oops' moments. Funny though.
I always shoot birds with a shotgun in Highway 17 when you have to go under that bridge to disable the shield. I usually have plenty of ammo. :O :E
Test to see if it's scripted by spawning a few varying NPCs.

I loved the effect of the birds getting shot too. It makes it feel so much more real, as though the snipers were getting bored :p
in one part of Route Kanal two CP cops drop down to the sewer to take you out after sending a Manhack in first... thing was the Manhack got knocked down and pinned to the floor by the metal grille the CPs busted through... LOL it was just struggling on the ground like a trapped bird.

I'll get a screen when i get to that part again
Someone has to make a hunting MOD for HL2 :) Duck hunt! It's surely on the cards
i like to clay pigeon shoot the antlions - best place is just before you get the pheromones off the bad-ass antlion, stand at the thumper till they come then nip up onto the rocks and shoot them as they fly in with the shotgun - whole minutes of fun can be yours :p
You can actually shoot the birds!? Wow, that's immersion! Good riddance too, they're only sky rats, aren't they?
Blakeb155 said:
I always shoot birds with a shotgun in Highway 17 when you have to go under that bridge to disable the shield. I usually have plenty of ammo. :O :E

I've done that there, only I used the original pistol (always have loads of ammo for it- I only use it for distant headcrabs & barnicles)
even if it wasn't scripted, it's not magnificent ai.

i mean, they could basically copy and paste the code for the ai targeting you, except change the entity to a bird and maybe lower the priority.
