G-Man sounded pissed.

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Has anyone got the link for the Aftermath Trailer, i reformatted recently and want to download it again, i'd google it but it usually leads to dodgy/fake/broken links, plus i feel here its more trusty :)
ríomhaire said:
The model name is combine

Really? Hmmmm.....well perhaps then that particular Combine needs to be on life support? Meh I'm just throwing out random thoughts :thumbs:
Valve made a great trailer because they've enticed us with that interesting line. I'm so anxious to see what happens. I just want to know what Gordon's next mission is going to be, and thinking that there will be some Xen interaction in Aftermath.

lol, overall, im just happy that its being made by Valve and not some other company like Gearbox :)
xombine said:
Valve made a great trailer because they've enticed us with that interesting line. I'm so anxious to see what happens. I just want to know what Gordon's next mission is going to be, and thinking that there will be some Xen interaction in Aftermath.

lol, overall, im just happy that its being made by Valve and not some other company like Gearbox :)

Yeah imagine Gearbox doing Half Life:3......The game would get horrible sales.

Btw word is Aftermath is due in Fenuary :naughty:
Maybe it could be like this

Gman: The citadel has fallen..and the combine are trying to take control over the streets...well just see about THAT.

not likely just speculation.
G - man is really a salesman of a future phone company, his employers want the war stopped so they can start selling phones properly again, this phone company is the only one left on earth, their profit's over the years before pay for the time feezing and other dimensional technology, they are the most powerful cartel in the universe

"well see about that!" is simply a response to people not forthcoming to buy into his salesmanship technique.

Well, I don't know about you guys but maybe he sounded pissed because he was and we'll find out why in aftermath.
Well.. i dont think he sounds pissed.. i think he sounds satisfied in some way..
You can alsmost hear him smile.. or maybe it's just me
WacK said:
Well.. i dont think he sounds pissed.. i think he sounds satisfied in some way..
Do he did take Alyx from the citadel :eek:
ríomhaire said:
Do he did take Alyx from the citadel :eek:

Maybe. In the video she says: "I found him." Probaly saying that to ELi or someone. So my guess she escaped from the citadel somehow, and Gordon was conviently "dropped" somewhere by the G-Man. In the trailer you also see dog looking into a hole.

Btw the citadel still stands in Aftermath:O
I know I'm late on this, but I'm so anxious to get Aftermath. Obviously, the G-Man is angry about something, however I do not know what. Maybe it's the fact that Alyx is trying to free Gordon but this is more speculation.
Hey, Anti-Shephards!

The G-man sounds pissed because Valve wanted to delete him! Then he went blowing all of Valve's office pcs!

But seriously, if you listen carefuly he's not talking to someone other than Gordon, but rather in your direction. Meaning Freeman did something naughty to G-man :naughty: .
Walter said:
Hey, Anti-Shephards!

The G-man sounds pissed because Valve wanted to delete him! Then he went blowing all of Valve's office pcs!

But seriously, if you listen carefuly he's not talking to someone other than Gordon, but rather in your direction. Meaning Freeman did something naughty to G-man :naughty: .
It sounds a if he swings a flyswatter towards you as he finishes his sentence.
Adabiviak said:
I've no basis for this other than a gut feeling, but I don't think this quote from the G-Man had anything to do with Gordon and the ending of HL2. I think it's a quote taken out of context that sounds cool. Maybe he heard that Valve was planning on releasing Aftermath early? :dork: Seriously though, I think he gets some news that he's not happy with, and it's this news that I'm dying to hear - I've never seen or heard the G-Man be anything but, eh, professional.

Indeed. The only situation where I could imagine him expressing any emotion in front of Gordon is... they're sharing a drink in a bar, and the G-Man bitterly tells Gordon the sorry tale of how the G-Wife left him... for another woman!

...That or... It could be that in Aftermath, Gordon finally finds out something about the G-Man or his 'employers', and thus he's finally able to make some kind of attempt to escape his captivity. No doubt a futile move, for now.

"So, Dr Freeman... You thought perhaps that you had finally escaped my attention? Could it be that you thought you could shirk your duties to me and my employers? ...Well; we'll see about THAT."

That depends on Valve's attitude to AM, though. Do they consider it a 'side' chapter, or a continuation of the core tale? I can't imagine them wanting to make any major narrative developments in a side-story.
mmm the gman sounds so sexy when hes angry!
yeah , naughty boy...

Gordon: I know Kung-Fu! Huya!
G-man: We'll see...about THAT!
I think Alyx is stealing Freeman from the G-man. Up till now Freeman hasn't had the choice to go or do what he wants. Alyx is truely "freeing" Gordon from the control of the G-man.

Ok people, rip up my theory.

NQ Sonic
Well, she... doesn't really have the means to do that, now does she?
UltimaApocalyspe said:
That theory has been said many, many times. However we are currently talking about why G-Man sounded irritated in the Half Life 2: Aftermath trailer.
BTW I just watched It and Alyx says: "I found you." Which probaly means G-Man but him in stasis for lets say....1-2 days?

Unless I heard wrong doesn't she say "I've found him"?
and this particular line follows Dog searching through a pile of rubble, so could this imply that gordon was infact not in stasis and was caught in the blast or maybe has been placed here by the g-man's "employer" to finish the job if breen is still alive.

Another look at this could be that Alyx finds Breen, but she sounds a little too happy for that......

So maybe the rebels are trying to free gorden from the G-man's grip.

Looks like we'll have to wait to find out the whole story.
I believe it very unlikely that Gordon was put in stasis. The G-Man's end message basically states 'well done, good job, now I'm temporarily whoring you out to a different employer'.
Im lead to believe the G-Man has 'sold' ur services to the resistance. On highway 17 there are some binoculars on a house which look across the river, here u can clearly see the G Man making some kind of deal with a leader of the resistance.

Just my 2 pence :p
Well didnt the G-man say at the end that he had some offers that he wouldnt usually accept but "in these times" he may consider.
So you may be right about him beign sold to the rebels for a particular mission.

I wouldn't mind knowing if breen and the combine where infact the one's who contracted gordans "services" or if it was some other race higher up, G-man seemed preety happy about the job you did at the end of Hl2.
ríomhaire said:
ROFL. I found that same image when searching google images for omgwtf or something equally inane. I love using that, people are like WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM?
Destiny said:
sold to the rebels for a particular mission.

What on earth would the rebels have that could pay for gordon's services? I think there's something much bigger going on.
afaik(from memory)
'Did you know that your services were open to the highest bidder?'

I reckon we might have found a new auctioneer
Who knows what the rebels may hold, G-man was definatly talking to the general guy, so it must have been for some reasons unkown.

Something else why was the G-man and his employer intrested in gordon in HL1, is their something in gordons past that makes him special or did the G-man just happen to stumple on the fact that gordon has a special gift to survive almost any situation thrown at him?
and if gordon is a hired goon for the G-man and his employer, whats to say that their isnt more of these particular goons that the G-man and his employer have in their service.

And lastly how would one "bid" for gordon's unique services, i mean the G-man oblviously comes from some weird race or created by one, so where would someone ask for this service?
jondy said:
What on earth would the rebels have that could pay for gordon's services? I think there's something much bigger going on.
afaik(from memory)
'Did you know that your services were open to the highest bidder?'

I reckon we might have found a new auctioneer

Yeah, I too doubt that it's the rebels if it's anyone new. The rebels are a ragtag bunch who were totally being taken to the cleaners by the Combine towards the end of HL2, it felt like, just for the sake of being able to get Gordon to the doors of the citadel. What have they got left to give that GMan couldn't just take?

Destiny said:
Who knows what the rebels may hold, G-man was definatly talking to the general guy, so it must have been for some reasons unkown.

Gman was talking to Colonel Odessa Cubbage, who was just a bit of a joke figure, almost certainly not as important as say Eli or even Kleiner.

Granted it might seem that Gordon is fighting for the rebels, and so therefore it looks like that's who Gman hired him out to. But to me the GMan is a lot more calculated than that. I see him as a subtle manipulator of events, picking his time and spot, and then dropping Gordon in so that no matter what Gordon does, his actions can't help but coincide with the goals of the GMan and his 'employers', even if it appears that Gordon is actually just fighting for his own survival and that of his friends.

Dunno who this new employer might be, though. Combine? It's worth a thought. Having expended so much trying to kill Freeman, and just getting relentlessly pwned at every turn, the reactor starts to go down they were probably pulsating nervously in their body stockings until - *DUUUUHHN!* Their attention is caught by an advert on the TV in the background.
"Interdimensional conquest going awry? Races you want extinct? Call Gman,Gman&Farnsworth. Our bewildered field operative will provide improbable solutions to impossible situations. Carnage and customer confidentiality guaranteed. Call now and quote "biozeminades" for our special winter discount.

Stammering a path to universal chaos since 1973.
(please note: accepted forms of payment are solar systems, forbidden knowledge and vintage pez dispensers only)" *advertising jingle*
very true, but either way u look at it, the G-Man was talking to him. Granted he is not one of the major characters, but valve set that scene up on purpose, it was there for a reason. we dont no why though but im guessing some sort of deal was done as the discussion ended with a handshake. Whether this was for Gordon's services I dont know.
Gordon: I'll get laid with Alyx before you can say "Rise and Shine"!
G-Man: We'll see... about that!
Well Cubbage was "Introducing" the rocket launcher to everyone else when you came in, so most probably Gman didn't even tell Cubbage about Gordon or anything, he was just like "Hey I heard you had dropship problems, want to buy a rocket launcher?" .
As strange as it sounds i think breen must have survived too.

He probally had a back up teleport to another citadel?

I think that Breen is most likely to piss the g-man off, because hes good at pissing everyone off.

Thats just a theory ofcourse.

Walter said:
good God.....what the hell is that thing?

God i used to love watching the trap door....the good old days
It's a classic, I still have a vid of it somewhere. Bu(r)t please don't double post.
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