G-Man's ultimatum!



It would be kinda cool if the ending in HL2 would be like this: You get up on the big building's (the one that is eating the city) roof, there you see G-man standing at the roof edge, holding a person over the edge, the person is Alyx, G-Man turns his head and looking at Freeman, then he sigh, and says:

Ah! Mr.Freeman i've been waiting for you,i see that u have made your way, like i expected, Now there is just a little problem that we should solved before we continue with our work, But all depends on you Mr Freeman.

Then you get to choose if you rather Take a shoot at G-Man, or continue with the work, if you choose to continue , Then Gman smiles, and says:

I knew you would choose the right answer.

Then G-man let go to Alyx and disappear in some kind of portal.
Then Freeman runs to the edge to look after Alyx, but the fog is in the way. Now this is the end, in HL 3 you will start on the edge, first mission, Try to find Alyx.

But if you choose No and take the shoot at G-Man, then both Alyx and G-Man disappear in to a portal. and the building explodes and u die.
mmmyeah... There are too many ways the ending could happen.. infact.. theres infinite amount of ways...

I say just wait till september 30th and see how it... REALLY.. ends... september is only a month away :)
I bet it ends like this:

Your on a tram in space and...

Oh wait...
or the ending could be on the moon . G-man transforms into a HUGE robot like the size of godzilla. THen you gotta use your nuclear hand cannon on him while dodging asteroids. Then you both get teleported to japan and gotta stop the moon from hitting earth.
You blow up the citadel with a briefcase nuke. Probably not gona happen but would be cool.
Originally posted by subs
or the ending could be on the moon . G-man transforms into a HUGE robot like the size of godzilla. THen you gotta use your nuclear hand cannon on him while dodging asteroids. Then you both get teleported to japan and gotta stop the moon from hitting earth.

nah ..they will just give him and m4 a deagle and a flashbang to please all the cs fags......
Originally posted by Steven Q Urkle
i cant wait for the expansion pack where you play as a combine

Who says there will be one, never heard it announced.
If there is an expansion pack you will probably play as one of the other characters (Alyx or Barney)
Originally posted by nw909
Who says there will be one, never heard it announced.

they said they are planning all kinds of additional content.Thats about as close to announcment you can get at this point.

.......they are a little more worried about hl2 right now, wouldnt you say?
Yeah, I never said I wanted one, im quite happy playing as gordon.
think someone else will make the expansions? kinda like how gearbox made opposing forces?
who in the hell speculates on the ending, jesus man get a life.
All in favor of ending speculative threads like this, say aye:


seriously, the script is written the missions are done, you stand a 1 in ten billion chance of getting it right, so whats the point?

what we need is a fan fic forum...
My HL2 ending.

Gordon races to the top of the building eating the city, he sees room, and he hears screams coming from it. Gordon sneaks into the room and sees a half eaten baloney sandwich, gordon walks over to the sandwich, picks it up, and it spits acid in gordons face. Gordon drops it and screams, then 6 tons of crabmeant is poured in through the window killing gordon.
mines better :)

... for some reason Gordon wakes up on the 87th floor of the large building, he cant remember. He hears an omniuos sound almost like young boys swearing and calling each other odd names. He procedes towards the noise witch take him through a set of double doors. What he sees on the other side causes him drop to his knees and cry. The leaders of the alien menace.
It was a lan party. 100s of 12-15 year old boys. "What are they playing" Gordon wondered. Just then he heard it. An unmistakable sound. "F.UCK YOU YOU HAXOR NOOB. I JUST PAWNED JOO." "NO YOU DIDNT YOU AIMBOTING RETARD". Sobbing, Gordon muttered his first word since his dog had been run over by the weiner mobile when he was 7.


Gordon reached for his Deasert eagle, his hand shaking so violently he could barley lift the heavy gun. He tried putting the barrel in his mouth..but it was to big. He quickly pointed the gun at the side of his head and started to squeeze the trigger.....


...ill right part 2 in a few minutes
i bet in the end it turns out youve been playing with a fat black man and not gordon
Yeah. Your real name is Bubba and you're a massage therapist.

*body massage*
Originally posted by tokin
who in the hell speculates on the ending, jesus man get a life.
Because this is a story-driven game, hence we've all wondered how it progresses. Hence speculation. Seeing as we have very little info, all we can do is speculate. That is essentially what this forum is about.

That, and bitching about trivialities such as G-Man's teeth, calling people fanboy and pretentious trolls.
Which is basically what you seem to be acting like. There've been worse threads in this forum. If you're above it, stay there. You're proving yourself wrong at the moment.
The ending will be like this:

Blah blah blah Gordon goes to blah blah blah blah THEN THE G MAN blah blah blah. It comes up with 'To be continued....'
Credits roll....

At the end of the credits, it comes up with 'Half Life 3 expected: 2064'
I think that in the halflife2 expansion, adrian stephard will make his return :)
They can't get away without having a Barney expansion.

Think about it, It will go through the same events but as barney saw it, which means you may get to have Gordon as your allie in the street fight :eek:
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
My HL2 ending.

Gordon races to the top of the building eating the city, he sees room, and he hears screams coming from it. Gordon sneaks into the room and sees a half eaten baloney sandwich, gordon walks over to the sandwich, picks it up, and it spits acid in gordons face. Gordon drops it and screams, then 6 tons of crabmeant is poured in through the window killing gordon.

or, gordon wakes up in the tram car fom hl1, because he didnt stand away from the door as it opened, and it knocked him out! and everything that happened was a dream....
Gordon dies. everyone else dies. the world is taken over by the aliens. It's logical. Or how about: Half Life2 is never released! All the expectant ans commit suicide. Bill gates dies in mysterious circumstances, and strangely leaves everything to Gabe Newell. gabe takes over microsoft and becomes leader of the world gvernment. end of story.
Yes, I would like to have Gabe as leader of the world goverment, that would be cool!!!! lol
Eli Vance, Alyx and Gordon are somewhere, whatever.

Eli Vance: Gordon, I have to tell you something... I am your father!
Alyx: Oh My God! Gordon, I'm pregnant! *dramatic music*
Eli Vance: You will give birth to a monster!
G-Man: Hello, Mr. Vance.
Eli Vance: You...
G-Man: Yes, brother, me. *plant is hand in his chest* Me, me, me.
*Eli Vance turns into antoher G-Man*
Gordon: That's it I'm out of here. *Gordon leaves and get drunk with Barney in a bar*
damn some ppl are gonna feel so stupid when they play the game :p
I think the crabmeat killing gordon is the most probable ending.
Eli dies somewhere along the lines. No doubt.
Ooooh - Headcrabbed, perhaps?
We don't even know what role he plays in hl2 (eli)

Maybe he can't be killed, but I can't fit him in my awesome hl2 story:

1. Dr. Kliener invents the time machine
2. Alyx builds the time machine
3. Gordon goes thru
4. Barney goes thru
5. Father Gregory already is there so he makes traps
6. Gordon and Barney kill some aliens
7. Barney dies
8. Gordon breaks down and cries like a baby
Originally posted by nw909
We don't even know what role he plays in hl2 (eli)

Maybe he can't be killed, but I can't fit him in my awesome hl2 story:

1. Dr. Kliener invents the time machine
2. Alyx builds the time machine
3. Gordon goes thru
4. Barney goes thru
5. Father Gregory already is there so he makes traps
6. Gordon and Barney kill some aliens
7. Barney dies
8. Gordon breaks down and cries like a baby

/me adds "The Titanic" song while gordon cries like a baby
Gordon builds a time slowing device consisting of a camera pointing at its own tv screen, so as to use up all the rendering cycles per second. Gordon, thinking that this will give him a cheap haxed bullet-time effect and make him seem super fast to others, attacks the g-man. The g-man cleverly avoids the time slowing effects of the device, by simply not looking at it because it's a client-side effect. "Better luck next time, Mr. Freeman..."