gabe will speak on halflife radio

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wasabi - did I say that right -------'ugye' ---ok- wasabi
whoa...theyve probably got some crazy info... but hes just rambling right now
Gabe wouldn't confirm a delay, so he didnt deny it then. That's not good.
i wont hear anything about having it rebroadcasted tomorrow nor any rockmusic anymore.

Do they have to swim back from seattle through the panama canal up to the eastcoast or what ;)

jackup can u make that stream about 44kbs or lower , so us poor dial-ups can listen plz! its only talking not music! :D
Im sick of vavle going around and around and then giving you the delay right before its released at the next supposed date.
jackup can u make that stream about 44kbs or lower , so us poor dial-ups can listen plz! its only talking not music!
oh, and that link i gave, its not mine, i got it off of an irc chat
I'm back on !!!!!!!!!!

gabe cant comfirm a delay, valve are working hard so theres no delay.
holy crap!! theyve played it, and said its "likes we've...we' we've never seen be...before"
Originally posted by kidrock540
THIS GUY IS A TOOL haha i think hes high to

No you're a tool. Your name is Kidrock.
more activity done to work on game but little to none to fix network problems..
it keeps buffering no problem really, but im sure the source being stolen is a big impact unlike this guy is saying.
valve is back at business as usual, focus is on gaming, more comments about the leak later

the leak seems to have no impact on them as far as business
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