Game informer mag info (hl2 details) + halo 2 comparison.


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, so let's do this in detail:

*rubs hands*


Make the definitive PC first-person shooter, even if it took more than five years to make.

This is a very strong contender for the best-looking game made to date - HL2 is more fun to watch than a lot of movies.

NPC's are well voiced, and the sound of a strider firing will make you know fear.

Even issac newton would be amazed at the things this does with the physics, but the vehicles are a pain to drive.

This does little to dissapoint the freakishly high expectations of the audience.


Overall score- 9.5/10

Halo 2

Take Halo, Then add a "2" and a whole lotta kick ass!

It may not be the best looking Console game ever made, but it is close.

From Steve Vai's guitar heroics to the classic Halo chant, this soundtrack rocks.

Silky smooth play control.

To date, Halo 2 is the best FPS console game ever made, hands down.


Overall score - 10/10

From the looks of it HL2 got OWNED by halo 2. :afro: :naughty:

Halo 2 and GTA got overall Game of the month (shared). HL2 got pc game of the month award.


Game informer rated RTW 7.5/10, and I was like WTF! - it seems their general scores given to pc games were lower than those given to console games. I smell a bias...

FFS, they gave ratchet and clank 10/10 and ps2 game of the month. Other pc games scored in 7s or 8s.

They do not, however say that hl2 is not as good as gta or halo 2 or eligible for GOTY award (don't know who spread that rumour) - infact they rated hl2 one of their highest pc game scores.

Anyway facts about HL2 from the review:

- HL2 has excellent AI like far cry
- The animation technology is highly praised
- HL2 is very linear, there is always a "correct" or "best" method to solve a problem
- The barrel blowing effect is cool, the surface of the barrel gets deformed, then it catches fire and then blast with a satisfying sound. Wood splintering is cool
- physics. nuff said
- The ending is "admittedly awsome".
yeah, something tells me bias...but really, it's just a bunch of opnions, much like yours and mine. Only difference is they get paid big bucks..we get jack shit :p Just remember what YOU think is better and the universe won't collapse!
BladeTurbo said:
Yawn Yawn......


Does it matter which game is better? If you know HL2 will rock, then what's so bad about having a game that's even better? Seems like you'd be happy having HL2 and then a slew of shitty games. :rolleyes:
Biased as crap. He says one bad thing about Half-Life 2 and one bad thing about Halo 2, yet gives Halo a 10. Also, I played the leak and drove the buggy around...I had no problem.
I have a subscription but when is that issue coming out?
Cool thx, I don't think Halo 2 can compete with HL2 if you put them in the fps realm , with no pc or console divisions in the middle
lans said:
Game informer rated RTW 7.5/10, and I was like WTF! - it seems their general scores given to pc games were lower than those given to console games. I smell a bias...

7.5 for R:TW???????

Thank you for sharing that with me. Know I realize this magazine has lost all possible credibility and its editors should be launched headfirst into a unit of Phalanx spearmen.
BladeTurbo said:
Yawn Yawn......

Right, I think I should get some credit for typing all that stuff. :hmph:

Anyway bayaraa - I got my copy today in mail! :D
lans said:
Right, I think I should get some credit for typing all that stuff. :hmph:

Anyway bayaraa - I got my copy today in mail! :D

Yeah good job. I read it. However I think the little war going on between Halo2 and HL2 is pretty stupid. How about "Yay! Two great games!" ??? And what's the difference if some homo gives one a 10 and one a 9.5 ???????
Harryz said:
I'll personally judge which one is better.

same here.. oh and I normally listen to friends too, even though they have some bad taste sometimes.
Game informer rated RTW 7.5/10, and I was like WTF! - it seems their general scores given to pc games were lower than those given to console games. I smell a bias...

Any magazine that rates RTW a 7.5 is not worth my attention.
Sub_Lon said:
Yeah good job. I read it. However I think the little war going on between Halo2 and HL2 is pretty stupid. How about "Yay! Two great games!" ??? And what's the difference if some homo gives one a 10 and one a 9.5 ???????

Well I had to show that I'm a denizen of mainstream by saying

From the looks of it HL2 got OWNED by halo 2. :afro: :naughty:

lol they didnt fault hl2 and still gave it 9.5 while giving a 10 to halo 2

they could have provided a reason at least
I agree with the above person. Unless they changed the vehicle controls from the beta, then I think they are just fine.

1) The buggy was hard to drive for them - they hate 1st person driving, and like 3rd person driving like a little game called...ahem - "halo"

2) Halo 2 rocks their world

3) halo 2 rocks their world

4) CS:S is great - but not of the same calibur of halo 2 mp.
ah i see

the vehicles in halo are great, but hl1 wouldnt work with 3rd person views since were not allowed to see gordon :(

i wouldnt agree with them about general halo mp though, man i hate these freakin space age laser guns. gimme an m4 any day :E
What the fudge is game informer? people get so worked up over the opinions of one magazine!
bayaraa_us said:
Any new screens on the Mag?


They are just different shots of the same stuff we've seen.
Regarding to the above post.
Am I the only one that absolutely hated Far Cry?
Any mag that gives RTW anything less than an 80% should not be listend to
Halo 2 does not deserve 10/10 , HL2 on the other hand...

And there RTW score is absolutly ridiculous.
PvtRyan said:
Any magazine that rates RTW a 7.5 is not worth my attention.


RTW is simply the best rts ever.

so unless the highest score a rts can get is 7.5 that review system is BS.
R:TW at the moment deserves a 7.5. It's not balanced very well and it's overly simplified for the masses (most of which wont buy it they changed it for nothing). After a patch and some fixes - then it can be 90%+.

Otherwise, Halo 2 is not the same real playing genre as Half-Life 2 and they're both worthy of purchase ( far...I mean, you can't really judge without buying them). Both will be good in respective play styles :p .

So, don't rely on reviews...because the reviewer isn't you :p .
I cant wait for Half-life 2, but sorry guys Halo 2 also looks hot.


I don't know much about the review scores and all, but I watched a video the other day on what Bungie did for the MP component for Halo 2 and was quit impressed on the effort they put into it for the MP community for XBOX live.

What Valve is to PC, Bungie is to XBOX. They both support and listen to the MP community.

Halo 2 MP Documentary>>

The only reason I can see why Halo 2 scored higher is because of the MP effort that Bungie put into it. Check out the links above and decide for yourselves.

Both I'm sure have excellent SP modes. And I will be enjoying both games this month.

Well both games will be excellent
but yes GI is console bias

They gave Vice City a 10/10 which it didn't deserve

Plus Hl2 will have mods which will make it a hell of a lot more wirth it than halo 2, so HL2 will win in the end

Also, alot of the people i know only like Halo's MP. I've never met a person who didn't like HL

And, unlike Halo 2, playing online with HL2 is free
halo2 is the worst game ever thats all ^^
no gmaeplay physics copied from hl2 and nothing new all stolen from pc games
nuff said
I dont know if you guys know this but Game Informer is made by the gamestop company who sells games and is just about as big as EB. So are they biased??? hmm lets see...if they rate everything high, everyone will buy, and more money in there pocket from game sales. They suck
I've been playin Rome Total War since it came out...

Im still hooked, it just takes a life time to beat all the factions...

I beat the Red Roman's which i think is called Juli...

and now im starting the Briton's (yes it's spelled "Brit"o"n's") campaign.

Rome should've gotten a 9/10; 7.5 just isn't deserving for such a high

quality / extremly packed with content game such as itself...
just understand that GI is owned by the game store, gamestop. console games are a much larger product for them and console games always bring them more business. They have big lines, midnight openings for the big console games like GTA:SA and halo 2, and not for pc games. The console market is just larger. so hyping up the console games deliberately over the pc games are no suprise. Or the reviewer is just more of a console guy in the first place.
I've never played and RTS game before, ever, nor was I ever interested in them. But when I played RTW, mother of God that game was great.

And someone stated it was unbalanced? Well, if you want to re-create history, do you think that there was balance between two sides on a war? Do you think theres balance between two sides of a war even now? Think about it.

But yea, I think each game (Halo 2 and HL 2) will have it's own strengths and weaknesses. This is why I don't listen to what critics and reviewers have to say, because they're paid to just bullshit half the time. I mean they make it sound as though as if Halo 2 has absolutely no flaws, which I'm sure it does.

Regardless, I'm buying both Halo 2 and HL 2, so I support both sides. I'm in no competition between the two.