Games that everyone loved, and you didn't.


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score

Quake series, I was never fond of the incredibly fast-paced game style.
Halo 2

Played both, beat both, never really saw why everyone liked them honestly. Except halo 2 multiplayer, which is good
The Sims
Final Fantasy
Legend of Zelda
Most any sports game
Final Fantasy games. They've never appealed to me. Tried to play VII, but just couldn't get into it. :/
Bad Brick

What? I'm just saying that I never loved it like everyone else does. Mainly because I never got into it. I'm looking forward to either Battlefield 2142 or ET: Quake Wars. I'll be getting the one that's better. Perhaps both.
Max Payne 1/2
Halo (well MP is great, SP is boring)
GTA3/Vice City/SA
Oh and Final Fantasy too yeah.
Mafia - many seem to love this game, I thought it was a bit poo.
Mafia - many seem to love this game, I thought it was a bit poo.

Oh, forgot that one. The 20's Jazz music shit drove me up the walls too. I hate Jazz or whatever the hell it was.
Halo and WoW.

Halo's success can ONLY be attributed to M$ marketing and as the only game X-Box shooters were able to be proud of and hail. (9.7 by Gamespot for repetitive levels??)

WoW. Paying $15 per month for grind. How do you justify that? Certainly not by calculating how many hours per month you should play to equalize your pay per play ratio.
Halo 2 on X-Box Live - I go on this every night, but only when 3 or more of my close freinds are on. Otherwise, if its just me in some Team Slayer or whatever, I just get bored. And I mean really bored. It's just point and click, and it all comes down to whoever gets the first shot in. Always. With freinds its a bit more funner at least. I find all the games to be exactly the same and the weapons do nothing but piss me off. For the future, they sure do have crappy weapons. I just don't see why people still continuely play it. Why aren't they playing BF2: Modern Combat? It's a so much more better game for Online. Then again, this is generalizing, but most the Halo 2 players I come accross on Live are young, ignorant, moronic Americans, who think they are 'better' than the British because they won the Revoloutionary war and that we suck because of our accents and because... well, becoz we r british!111. I get put off by Halo 2 for these idiots alone. People sometimes just constantly shout ''TEA AND CRUMPETS HAHAHAHA'' to me and my freinds. Real original, asshole. Why don't you mimic my accent to be really zainey?

Counter Strike - I just don't see the obession with it.
Medal of Honor - can't for the life of me understand why people raved about this game
Who'll have to specify which. Allied Assault was very good as a next-gen WWII experience, and it pretty much kick started the WWII craze. The others....weren't so good.
Who'll have to specify which. Allied Assault was very good as a next-gen WWII experience, and it pretty much kick started the WWII craze. The others....weren't so good.
Twas Allied Assault and one of the expansions I don't remember which
shockingly average game
Halo 2, Call of Duty 2, Civilization series.. few more but I can't think atm
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

They're probably more, but I haven't played all games that "everyone else" loves.
The Halo games bored the bejesus out of me, even the multiplayer felt really bland to me in comparison to most PC online shooters.

I couldn't get into either Fallout games.

And I didn't like Deus Ex either. About five hours in, I just realized it was a really boring game.

My friend rented this game and decided he wanted me to go through it (since I'm better at 3rd person stuff -or something like that). Anyways I go through and I create my character and such, and then I enter the game.

To start the game, my character is on board his ship (which has recently been in a battle as it's falling apart) and he's passed out somewhere. For the next hour, I play as a droid going around the ship and making repairs (how fun).

Then finally my character springs to, we land in a station and get some story/plot information. There's a little bit of action and things are finally getting better, until I have to take control of another droid again. For the next hour, I'm running around trying to open a door so that I can continue onwards (how fun).

A couple of deaths with this droid and that was the end for me. For all the time I was putting into this game, I wasn't getting a whole lot back. Playing as a droid doing menial tasks such as opening a door or repairing a ship is not really the type of gameplay I was expecting. In small doses, this could have worked, but to stretch out these menial tasks to around 60 minutes is a little tedious.

I probably should have started with the first in the series, but I fear I'm going to be getting the same type of gameplay. KOTOR 2 was supposed to be just as good as KOTOR, so I'm left puzzled as to why this series is so popular.
Half Life.

Yes, I do realise where I'm posting. No, I'm not trying to be controversial.

I played Half Life in 2000 when I got my first PC. I bought it along with Deus Ex. I loved Deus Ex, it sucked me in from the beginning and the diversity of play kept me hooked for hours at a time. I played it to all three conclusions before turning my attention to Half Life. At no point did I feel engaged with what was going on in Half Life and despite coming back to it every day for two weeks I just got fed up with it and stopped playing.
Half Life.

Yes, I do realise where I'm posting. No, I'm not trying to be controversial.

I played Half Life in 2000 when I got my first PC. I bought it along with Deus Ex. I loved Deus Ex, it sucked me in from the beginning and the diversity of play kept me hooked for hours at a time. I played it to all three conclusions before turning my attention to Half Life. At no point did I feel engaged with what was going on in Half Life and despite coming back to it every day for two weeks I just got fed up with it and stopped playing.

Considering how rich the Deus Ex storyline is, you'd be hard-pressed to find a game to match it, especially in 2000.
The only thing is there is a hell of alot to dislike about Deus Ex - the bugs, the awful awful combat, the insane difficulty settings, the graphics, the hilarious NPC animations.....

My friend rented this game and decided he wanted me to go through it (since I'm better at 3rd person stuff -or something like that). Anyways I go through and I create my character and such, and then I enter the game.

To start the game, my character is on board his ship (which has recently been in a battle as it's falling apart) and he's passed out somewhere. For the next hour, I play as a droid going around the ship and making repairs (how fun).

Then finally my character springs to, we land in a station and get some story/plot information. There's a little bit of action and things are finally getting better, until I have to take control of another droid again. For the next hour, I'm running around trying to open a door so that I can continue onwards (how fun).

A couple of deaths with this droid and that was the end for me. For all the time I was putting into this game, I wasn't getting a whole lot back. Playing as a droid doing menial tasks such as opening a door or repairing a ship is not really the type of gameplay I was expecting. In small doses, this could have worked, but to stretch out these menial tasks to around 60 minutes is a little tedious.

I probably should have started with the first in the series, but I fear I'm going to be getting the same type of gameplay. KOTOR 2 was supposed to be just as good as KOTOR, so I'm left puzzled as to why this series is so popular.
Perhaps you should play a little further untill you get off the asteroid. How can you possibly think that the entire two games are made out of droid gameplay when you only played the intro part of one of them? The KOTOR games are awesome, you just need to get into them.
The only thing is there is a hell of alot to dislike about Deus Ex - the bugs, the awful awful combat, the insane difficulty settings, the graphics, the hilarious NPC animations.....

I just didn't like how they didn't seem to give you any real direction of where to go. "Oh...yeah. There's this city over there and you gotta destroy some satellite in the city, and yeah!" It was annoying trekking around large areas with no real idea of where to go or what to do.