Games that you cant "get into"

battlefield vietnam, hl2-DM, half-life (dont shoot me)
Zelda: The Wind Waker - Loved OOT and the Majoras but it just didn't feel right. Played it for ages, then went on holidy, since then (which was just after relase which = aagggesss) it's been collecting dust. :( A real shame too.

Call of Duty: United Offensive - Lacked everything good about the first.

F-Zero for the GC - Heard it was amazing, played it and slept instantly. Another shame as I loved the n64 version.

XIII - Again, went away and never played again...Shame...

Halo 2 - Has been collecting dust since my exams, a bit of a chore. I loved the first aswell...(Don't hurt me :o ) Another shame...
Doom 3..
End of story. After the first 20 minutes, I was like, "Wow, this is cool!" Then everything became so repetative. After 5 minutes, "RAWR!" pops out a monster from a dark corner. And it kept doing that the whole game no matter where I went, "RAWR!" pops out a monster from a dark corner.

I hate it.
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - It took me ages to get into, I started getting pretty far and eventually got interested, but lost my saves - haven't touched it since.

FF9 - I really didn't like this game. I loved FF7 and 8, but 9 just didn't do it for me.
i like far cry,probably coz it was the 1 of the 1st games on my new pc and i could play it maced so i was happy

anyway my few off the top of my 'ead
champ manager-all my mates were like this is the best thing since sliced bread,got it,bored after 5 minutes,watching text isnt my idea of a fun game,prefer to pro evo series

vampire:m..the bloodlines:got it for xmas,played till i got to santa monica,got bored,uninstalled,still lying around here somewhere,someday i'll finish

co riddick:efbb-for xmas too,great game,just not arsed to go back to it
the sims games:bought 2 of em,bustin out(man that was slow xmas for games) and sims2,played for awhile,quite enjoyable,bored again,left to dust
Halo and Far Cry both suffered from the same thing: annoying enemies and shoddy level design.

The first 5 levels of Halo (especially the 5th one in the snow covered canyons, this level is one of my favorite FPS levels of all time) were great. Once the "flood" came in, thats when the game stopped getting fun. Plus the half-assed level designs in the second half of the game (Library anyone?) makes it difficult for me to play through again.

Far Cry was great for the first little bit. But once the Trigens were introduced and they became the main enemies, the fun factor stopped. Plus the level design stopped being open. The game never recovered (except for that one level towards the end, with the five islands and the towers that had to be destroyed, with the helicopter).

But Doom 3 was the one that I couldn't "get". The levels were too dark, repetition happened in the first three levels, and I thought the character moved too slow and was sluggish. They tried to include all these ideas, but not one of them felt complete.
KagePrototype said:
FF9. I have a feeling some people may want to gut me viciously now. :D
Of all the FF games, FF9 is the most distinctly "meh" at the beginning. It's really anticlimatic after the dramatic openings of FF7 (The Shinra Reactor raid) and FF8 (the whole Squall/Seifer Duel cinematic, probably one of the best things in the series). What does FF9 have? A Lousy "fight" at the beginning, a few beautiful but boring FMVs and a "wander around the streets" section that seems painfully long, even if you don't do any of the minigames. I mean, this is a game where the Villian - and not even the actual super-evil final villian - only reveals themself at the end of the 1st Disc. FF9, though a great game, has the lousiest 1st Disc of any of the PS FFs, and you're absolutely right to be unable to get into it :)

I just thought of another game that I found insanely hard to get into - Baldurs' Gate 2. A friend leant it to me and I was bored stiff by just about every element of it. I never did understand its popularity, but I guess I just don't understand "proper" RPGs.

I only like games where I can feel assured that there are no Dice being thrown.
Great topic! Games I never bothered to beat:

-Halo 2 (lifeless)
-Splinter Cell (doesnt keep my attention)
-Doom 3 (boring)
-Panzers (it was running crappy last i played)
-True Crime LA
-Fallout 2 (for some reason when i keep replaying it i get bored near the end, but i still like fallout series)
-Burnout 3 (still got to beat it, guess it got old fast)
-Prince of Persia (pretty repetitive with the puzzles)
-Zelda Orcirina of time (i benefited nothing from this game and others say its the greatest, sorry but give me "link from the past" instead - sheer boredom)
-MGS3 (doesnt interest me like MGS2 did)
Yeah also add bfv, sims, and commandos.

Mafia is in my top 3 games, i think its way better than gta series.
I personally couldn't get into Prince of Persia - the Warrior Within.. it felt so plastic, unlike the fluid grace of the first one ;(

Unreal II just pissed me off after a while :P
Battlefield Vietnam - Worst-balanced game in the BF series. The balance is comparative to this situation in Halo: a pistoleer with an overshield going up against a shieldless fool touting an Assault Rifle.

Doom 3 - Just plain repetitive, and all the good stuff happened in the first five minutes.

The Sims 1 and 2 - Fun games in bursts, but once you play for more than an hour at a time you begin to think, "So..... What the heck do I do now?"

Sports games - Oh boy! The same damn teams with the same damn players playing the same damn sport running on the same damn engine with the same damn features. i.e. Four versions of the same game every year per sport. Soon to be one version per sport.

Fable - For the expansive world and fairly long list of unique skills, this is one shallow RPG. Beat it once, and I'm never, ever playing it again.
Zelda for Nintendo 64. I've never got into.

And... :O... Rome: Total War. Maybe it's because I've never really known how to play, but well, I will try to get into this summer.

EDIT: Yeah, and Battlefield Vietnam. I hated that game.
I never finished:
Halo (boring enemies, weapons, and combat)
Splinter Cell (to linear)
Operation flashpoint (to hard)
Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines (just didnt keep my attention, and was of general poor quality code-wise)
ComradeBadger said:
Unreal II just pissed me off after a while :P
Hehe... I'm thinking there should be a distinction between "games that are hard to get into", and "games that are just plain crap" ^^
interesting you said you couldnt get into mgs3 rocker,i sorta feel the same about it,been playing it since friday but theres just something missing,maybe i miss not having any recognisable faces except snake(big boss) and ocelot(so badass),also some of the voice actors are atrocious particurly the guy who voices major zero,absolutely terrible,also there doesnt seem to cohesion and backstory of past mgs games in relation to characters,havent finished it yet though,still the best gameplay yet
jimbo118 said:
interesting you said you couldnt get into mgs3 rocker,i sorta feel the same about it,been playing it since friday but theres just something missing,maybe i miss not having any recognisable faces except snake(big boss) and ocelot(so badass),also some of the voice actors are atrocious particurly the guy who voices major zero,absolutely terrible,also there doesnt seem to cohesion and backstory of past mgs games in relation to characters,havent finished it yet though,still the best gameplay yet

I thought the voice acting for Zero was one of the better jobs done for the new characters; in fact, the only one that's managed to annoy me thus far is Sokolov (on one or two occasions), but I wouldn't go so far as to call it atrocious. The rest are great IMO. :)

Personally, I think the thing a lot of people are having a problem with is that the gameplay is a lot less "arcady" than usual; there's more going on at once, and it's a lot harder for a number of reasons (and it also takes a lot longer to get into and get used to; the first couple of hours of gameplay/watching could have been handled better). Plus the framerate is lower than before, gives it a bit of an unfinished quality to the game (though I'm fully aware that there's simply no chance of getting it to go any higher on the PS2).
bliink said:
I never finished:
Halo (boring enemies, weapons, and combat)
Splinter Cell (to linear)
Operation flashpoint (to hard)
Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines (just didnt keep my attention, and was of general poor quality code-wise)
Op:Flash was pretty hard. Especially some of the last missions, boy. That one where you're the special ops guy and you have to destroy that nuke is a DOOZY

I ended up scaling the mountain behind it, stealing an RPG and getting a lucky shot with it. Then i had to run my ass off down that mountain before Mother Russia could rape me.

Loved that game.

Another game that i couldn't get into is Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. It was just too repetitive. do jumping puzzle, kill bad guys, save, watch cutscene and then repeat 20 times.
And the fighting system sucked.
kupoartist said:
Hehe... I'm thinking there should be a distinction between "games that are hard to get into", and "games that are just plain crap" ^^
U2XMP was godly :O
KagePrototype said:
I thought the voice acting for Zero was one of the better jobs done for the new characters; in fact, the only one that's managed to annoy me thus far is Sokolov (on one or two occasions), but I wouldn't go so far as to call it atrocious. The rest are great IMO. :)

Personally, I think the thing a lot of people are having a problem with is that the gameplay is a lot less "arcady" than usual; there's more going on at once, and it's a lot harder for a number of reasons (and it also takes a lot longer to get into and get used to). Plus the framerate is lower than before, gives it a bit of an unfinished quality to the game (though I'm fully aware that there's simply no chance of getting it to go any higher on the PS2).
i just find zero incredibly dull and banal like hes reading everything from the page rather than properly acting his part,the team in this game so far is shit imo,a girl who wont shutup about films :dozey: ,i used to like calling people in past mg's but havent bothered so far,i say i've called sigint once

the gameplay is great,i love it,particurly the freedom,the jungle looks great,the camo changing can be annoying and the camera,the boss fights are amazing as ever,best yet,particurly the end,he took a good hour,probably longer to beat,also the lip-synching is very poor which is a shame,mgs2 was better,there are times when characters are talking and there mouths dont even move,slowdown in cutscenes too

the graphics are great for the ps2,sure you have jaggies but who cares?also whats with the guards and their american accents? :laugh:
how far r u btw kage?
All Rainbow Six games, Op Flash, C&C games, any RPG that involves beards bigger than Paul Denton's.
ComradeBadger said:
U2XMP was godly :O
But not what I instantly refer to as "Unreal 2". Unreal 2 is a heavily deriative, forgotten, dull and poor single player FPS about a space marine who goes around shooting things in different locations, hoping one day to meet the credits screen and find that the ordeal is now over. Baring Deus Ex 2, it's probably the most disappointing sequel i've ever played.

U2XMP is "a game a can't get into" though. I can't say its bad - you can feel when something is good, but there's just something stopping you alone from figuring the game out :)
Sparta said:
The other is Metal Gear Solid 2. got the demo of the first game and loved it. Rented the 2nd on Xbox and thought it was lame. That Raiden guy was annoying, then i had to fight some big fat guy on rollerblades and gave up because it was just crap. My little brother played on further and said something about vampires coming into it and i was like ...glad i gave up.

Oh my god! You missed out on one of the greatest video game stories ever. Go rent it and play it again, I command thee. You should know (if you played any other MGS game) that the game gets progressivly better towards the end. Seriously, give it another try.
call of duty
medal of honour: allied assault (i got as far as sniper town and just got completley fed up and frustrated)
gta vice city
unreal tournament 2004
any racing game
red faction 2
halo (i finished it but was VEEEERY dissapointed...loved its mp though)
pandora tomorrow (mp was beyond amazing but the sp didnt come close to being as good as the original)
operation flashpoint (the mp i had a sniper match with a mate that was really good...proper tense but i downloaded the sp demo and wasnt too impressed)
worms 3d
I liked Deus Ex 2 :D

Anyway, yea, U2XMP was the first net game I ever played.. I rather enjoyed it, I was quite good at it, I then moved on to CS, then to Op4, and finally to AG and HL2DM :D
I'll put a wee explaination with each :)

Doom 3 - Rubbish. Relied too much on fancy graphics (which it didn't do too well on in my eyes, seemed to be on a polygon diet) and boring scares and story.

Far Cry - pretty much the same as Doom 3, but it wasn't rubbish. Was nice in the open, but something quite big was missing...

Morrowind - too tough to get into, hadn't had any experience of RPGs before this (well, not on this scale). Found it too difficult to adopt the world in which it took place (like place names, guilds etc.). I'm not doubting that it is a fantastic game (I'll certainly be trying TES 4 if I can), just seemed like it was for hardened RPG veterans.

Commandos - Hard. Too hard.

All the FF series - the whole culture associated with the games never interested me, also an RPG (not too big a fan)

PoP: SoT - while it was cool to rewind time and stuff (fighting was alright), it got a bit samey for me, and the puzzles were tedious....

Battlefield 1942 (ok demo only) - didn't like it at all :(

Most football games - most, because I had a bloody good few weeks on FIFA 2004 (I think :/). I don't like football in real life (i.e. I'm not a typical bloke who loves the beers, the footballs and the fanny) so it doesn't appeal to me playing on the computer. My brother says pro evo (3?) would change me....

First 'set' of R6 games - Up till Raven Shield, the poor image quality of the games (plus no on-screen weapon model) really did not appeal to me. Far too tactical, but it was made for a particular audience - the hardcore special forces wannabes. Raven Shield prettied it all up, and that interested me (sorry for being so shallow :p)

Deus Ex - when I first played this, I was relatively young. I didn't want to play a game where I had to think a lot (well, more than usual in a gaming situation), and so the rpg aspects turned me off. I could go back and play it now, but after HL2 it looks like shite, and I'm conditioned now for good-looking games; I wouldn't be able to play it for long :(

Sorry for typing lots :p
ComradeBadger said:
I liked Deus Ex 2 :D
DX2 was one of the first games I haven't finished in a long long long time. A shame really.
kupoartist said:
Hehe... I'm thinking there should be a distinction between "games that are hard to get into", and "games that are just plain crap" ^^

Good point :)

Unreal 2 was a complete crock.
Murray_H said:
Most football games - most, because I had a bloody good few weeks on FIFA 2004 (I think :/). I don't like football in real life (i.e. I'm not a typical bloke who loves the beers, the footballs and the fanny) so it doesn't appeal to me playing on the computer. My brother says pro evo (3?) would change me....

Definately. The pes series puts Fifa to absolute shame. PES 4 is a superb game (my fave of last year infact)

You'll love it :)
rise of nations: although its the only strategy game i've completely beaten (i deserve to be shot), it was waaaaaaay to easy on medium difficulty, and i beat it for the sake of beating it as opposed to it entertaining me.

and another thing about the game is that it has probably the worst unit balance in any strategy/war game(atleast in version 1.0) ever. i mean, 2 groups of rifle men (six men) just should not be able to take out a
jimbo118 said:
the graphics are great for the ps2,sure you have jaggies but who cares?also whats with the guards and their american accents? :laugh:

Yeah, that's a problem I found in Splinter Cell: Pandorra Tommorow. Unless there's some odd plot twist coming up that explains it all fairly easily. :p

how far r u btw kage?

Just killed The Pain, got up to those guys with the flying platforms. They're complete bastards. :D
I have never finished the single player to any RTS. i have Starcraft, Starcraft: Brood War, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Red Alert, Red Alert 2, Star Wars: Force Commander all of which are RTS. i played the multiplayers all the time, and still do. but DAMN the single players are boring
Morrowind, i even forced myself through the game to see if it gets better. I regret even considering playing it
Enter the Matrix..I bpught it and it sucked bigtime a waist of 54euros
Pirates! bought it and loved it, but I had no real driving incentive to get really deep into it. Twas' sad :(
I suppose I didn't like Deus Ex 2 because the game eventually forced you to do things one way. Until the real beefcake mechanised guys I was only using my baton to kill people (had full strength augs, so I could kill pretty much anything in one hit).
dart321 said:
Oh my god! You missed out on one of the greatest video game stories ever. Go rent it and play it again, I command thee. You should know (if you played any other MGS game) that the game gets progressivly better towards the end. Seriously, give it another try.
Yeah i read what happens on the internet. Sounds like a much lamer version of Deus Ex to be honest
Sparta said:
Sounds like a much lamer version of Deus Ex to be honest
Take this sentence and multiply it by ten, and you begin to have some idea about how silly the Sons of Liberty storyline is. I love this PA strip, but it's actually somewhat less ridiculous than the actual storyline ^^ (I did actually like MGS2. Just the story got my back up a little)