Games you wish you hadn't bought


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Tell us about the games that you wish you never shelled out the money for because it either sucked or you just never played it.

For me, it has gotta be Gears of War for the PC. I stupidly bought GoW and Call of Duty 4 on the same day and I exclusively played CoD 4 for a long period of time. When I eventually came around to playing GoW, I was extremely disappointed in how much it sucked. I probably got 1.5 hours of gameplay out of it and, unfortunately, I paid $50 for it. :angry:

Share your bad experiences.
Clonk Rage.

Just kidding. I've probably played that game more than any other.
Quake Wars: Enemy Territory for PC (not through Steam)
Enter The Matrix (gladly I could swap it for C&C generals). X3: reunion (on steam).
Left Behind: Eternal Forces.
I think I would rather be a satanist than play this game.
Giants citizen Cabuto

At that time it was either this or Clive Barker's Undying.... Man did I ever regret it. :|
Holy shit, I never understood the question, so let me edit this and say I love Goat Cheese.
Quake 4
Perfect Dark 0
Doom 3

How can you regret it, you bought them knowing full well they sucked, it's the ****ing reason
you bought them, now go buy Far Cry 2 and regret it.
Doom 3 - boring everything looked the same.
Quake 4 - as with Doom 3.
Lost - got bored within 5 minutes.
Far Cry 2 - everything felt like a chore.

Also the Epic Games bundle on Steam. Half the games don't bloody work and I wasted about ?70.
How can you regret it, you bought them knowing full well they sucked, it's the ****ing reason
you bought them, now go buy Far Cry 2 and regret it.

Yeah this tbh.

I made it 52 % or something and have never played it again.
How can you regret it, you bought them knowing full well they sucked, it's the ****ing reason
you bought them, now go buy Far Cry 2 and regret it.

First and foremost my little Fox, I bought Pariah having read a rave review in Official Xbox Magazine. Second, PD0 looked hot as hell when I first purchased my 360 -- a long time ago -- and I was but a whee lad when Doom 3 was released.

I give you Quake 4. You do have a point though - they were all a good lesson in "how not to design an FPS".
Stuntman? That game has 'are you a real man? Put your money where your mouth is' written all over it.
GTA Vice City -> all other GTA games ever.
Oh, you are a daffy li'l duck aren't you?

For me, it's Flight Simulator '95. I could have been playing Wing Commander or any other good game with that money.
Stuntman? That game has 'are you a real man? Put your money where your mouth is' written all over it.

Most frustrating game I can ever remember playing. And it pissed me off more because I bought it with the money I got from my 13th birthday. The first three or four levels are fine, but then it kicks you in the ass. It's a pure trial and error game, the kind that has no rival in terms of frustrating.
Hellgate London.. I must have inhaled some odd fumes that day, I cant even find a use for the Box.
Nakatomi Plaza! It's a piece of shit. I remember when it was only a Half-Life mod, then it turned into a damn retail game.
Gears of War (360) ..hate purchasing games at full price for an 8hr campaign but at the time it was the only co-op game that looked good

I have a ton of games I purchased and just never got around to playing or finishing

I wouldn't be the emotional wreck I am now.

Then again, my romance with Fallout is one of the highlights of my life.

So **** it, I'd buy it again and again and again and again...
Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars

3 times.

Don't get me wrong, I love the damn game.

But why will it never work now? Why? Why does it taunt me so?
Wow, I still enjoy playing Doom 3 and Quake IV. Far Cry and Silent Hill 2 were the only two games I've purchased and later regretted. Far Cry because it didn't hold my interest enough to finish it, and Silent Hill 2 because of the control scheme (not because it was too frickin' scary).
Wow, I love Silent Hill 2. Its a shame you couldn't get used to the control scheme, its a great game.
**** you Cabuto is awesome!

Well said.

As for Doom3, I paid $50 for it release day. What a total waste of money. It was fun for 30 mins, but after that, it was extremely predictable. Nothing more than a Tech demo for Carmacs newest game engine, as far as I was concerned. I thought Quake 4 was vastly superior.

I also shelled out $75 for the collectors edition of Oblivion. Another waste of money, as the DVD "failed" about a week later with not a scratch or blemish on it. Oblivion itself is great, as long as you have around a 100 or so mods installed & running.

"Uber Soldier" totally sucked IMO.

I "disliked" HL2, as I felt it didn't continue on from HL as well as it could have & the ending... (Pulls hair out) However, Episode 2 was fantastic. Simply fantastic.

Over the years I have bought in all honesty, a few hundred games for the PC & around 90% of them were not worth the CD/DVD they came on.


Edit: I forgot to mention BF2. It was fun, but the weapon damage & weapon accuracy killed the game for me.
Instead of me failing at posting what I should have *Which I thought it said, 'Games you haven't bought that you don't care about'. Yeah, I know, big difference. Blame the crack.

Anyway, Hellgate: London. They are even closing their MP servers..WOOOO
Quake 4

Really my only biggest disappointments.