EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles


More people than ever will buy from steam! :P

Couldnt care less to be honest. :)
Goldmember said:
Well for being a staff member, your reaction is very sad indeed. Think how this really affects anything.

I think it pretty much means that Valve have sold out to the ideals that they sought to fight with the implementation of Steam distribution, and I'm just sorry that I believed Valve when they claimed to be working to undo the publisher domination over the industry.

Moreover, it's just another franchise in their growing collection. I was hoping big titles like HL2 could keep up the fight against EA, but obviously that's no longer possible.

And, as a staffer, I still have the right to an opinion, thanks.
When EA publishes VALVe's games it's making it a hell of a lot tougher for all of us (all of us being every member of this site except for you evidently) to not support EA. Now when you buy a store copy of HL2, you're giving money directly to EA, which is indeed the devil.
No some of that money goes to Valve and some to EA.
Why buy the store copy? Why not buy the Steam copy then. Easy alternative.
have no sense of what it takes to support a game and what makes games fun.
Last I checked, I had fun playing the following games Developed by EA:
The Def Jam games
The Lord of the Rings games
Command and Conquer Generals
James Bond
Metal of Honor
Fight Night series

Also, last I checked, I had fun playing the following Published by EA:
Burnout 3
The Sims series
SimCity 4
Black and White
Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam
(and the list goes on)

Not to mention their producing Spore.
Since EA is now going to publish Valve's games, maybe they won't be cheap with the packaging like Vivendi was. I mean, CDs in sleeves and one sheet for the game's controls? C'mon, even EA would give us a jewel case at least! Personally, I was expecting Ubisoft or Actvision but EA is just fine.
You can still fight EA. Buy the steam copy. I know Valve didn't do the best thing in the world, but you must remember:
No matter how good a company be seem or be in the end there first priority is money.
Take Valve or Blizzard Entertainment. They are both great companies. Both create top of the line games. Though they both do care about money. They care about it alot.
They may seem interactive with the community...but thats to get your money. In the end it boils down to money. Money comes first then the community.
Minerel said:
No some of that money goes to Valve and some to EA.
Why buy the store copy? Why not buy the Steam copy then. Easy alternative.

What about those who lack anything capable of downloading several gigs? Or those who don't have a credit card? Yeah, stuck with EA.
I think you all need to read things a bit more carefully. EA isn't the "publisher" per se but rather the "distributor" of the games. Valve is going to continue to self-fund their titles and distribute the PC games through Steam. This is primarily going to effect the console release - but in reality, who the hell really cares abou that.

If anything Valve comes off great from this deal as they pretty much got from EA everything they wanted from VU but were unable to obtain.
What about those who lack anything capable of downloading several gigs? Or those who don't have a credit card? Yeah, stuck with EA.
I am a 56ker. I don't have a Credit Card(And my mom distrusts anything but amazon).

What do I plan to do?
I plan to convince my mom and run over to my cousins house who has cable ^_^.
Minerel said:
No some of that money goes to Valve and some to EA.
Why buy the store copy? Why not buy the Steam copy then. Easy alternative.
Not every body has an international Cardit Card and are going to put it in risk buying on the web so stfu.
oh and now we will be seeing characters talking about how good was POP2 and othere EA games all over the place.

*dies* *cries* *dies again*:x

edit, post was a bit soft, with only a couple of lines of NOO!!
DreadLord1337 said:
Because of them there are no more good NFL games
So your pissed at EA because you think they've effected the quality of NFL games (bleh), which seems to be refuted by most any review of them. Luckly for me, I don't play NFL games. And also that you don't want to put money into the pockets of the "eeeeevil" company.

Ya know, there are alot of people who think Google is an "eeeeevil" corp. as well. And any number of people who think any number of companies are eeeeeeeeeeevil. *spooky voice*

Fact is, VALVe will still get paied for Retail versions of their games (maybe a little less than before) and they will still get 100% of Steam sales.
Also, it's pretty evident that no game that EA has produced has taken a quality hit.

So really, it all boils down to EA being.... ahem... eeeeeevil.


It's hillarious how so many people hate companies for reasons like this, when the fact is that every corporation is out there for a main purpose... to make LOTS and LOTS of money. Thats how the world works. I'd suggest getting used to it or start living in a cave ASAP, that way I don't have to sort through the pages of rants against corps.
EA is quickly monopolizing the gaming industry.
Funny, EA has been around for so many years... and yet I still see plenty of other publishers out there. Yup, thats some quick monopolizing there.
My biggest concern is that Valve won't be smart enough to avoid repeating the same mistakes they made with VU: rushed/publisher-set release-dates, horrible retail SKUs due to a tantrum between developer and publisher that left the consumer with a shitty t-shirt and a 2-hour installation of a single-player game for $80, etc.

If Valve learned their lesson and realizes that not everyone likes to use their steaming pile of malware (aka Steam) to buy their products (I have no problem with online distribution but forcing people to connect to the internet to play a single-player game and launching an extra program that runs in tandum is just plain asinine) and has hired some smart lawyers to draft up a contract in their interest (Valve dictates release dates, etc.), I'll be happy with this unholy union.

If not; congrats on killing your company, Valve. Natural selection doesn't work if we protect the stupid. Good job.
I'll admit that EA is not my favorite game publishing company, then again I don't really know what my favorite is, either.

The fact is that Valve would not let another company control what their product looks like/works. Valve is very strict with their product(s), they wouldn't let anything stupid happen.The worst that can happen is to maybe have the EA Challenge everything crap at the beginning, and/or an EA logo on the retail box.

Just relax. If EA screws something up, then we can complain (Last sentence in hypothesis form; if-then statement).
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
The fact is that Valve would not let another company control what their product looks like/works. Valve is very strict with their product(s), they wouldn't let anything stupid happen.The worst that can happen is to maybe have the EA Challenge everything crap at the beginning, and/or an EA logo on the retail box.

Just relax. If EA screws something up, then we can complain (Last sentence in hypothesis form; if-then statement).

I really doubt that VALVe would have signed on with EA if they wanted to change anything.

So the fact remains, our games wont be effected.
Still would've preferred Activision. Same with Spore. It's just the EA logo and all the connotations of being linked with EA.
Kangy said:
What about those who lack anything capable of downloading several gigs? Or those who don't have a credit card? Yeah, stuck with EA.
Sorry, but did you even read it?!?

Valve will publish the PC version, EA will publish the console version. God.
Lincoln said:
Sorry, but did you even read it?!?

Valve will publish the PC version, EA will publish the console version. God.
Good job reading his post outta context.
Did you even read it?
I've hated EA ever since the refused to patch CnC Generals.

I hope they don't attempt to pressure Valve to keep their dates.
WhiteZero said:
Good job reading his post outta context.
Did you even read it?

We're sorry, but if you'd like to make a post, please re-read, and try again.
He's implying that some won't be able to buy it over Steam, and will have to buy retail. Now assuming he means retail for the PC, not retail for the XBox, that means he'll still be buying from Valve, because "Valve will now officially self-publish all of its PC products."
Ya know, maybe a little pressure from EA on VALVe woulden't be so bad.
Their not exactly the quickest developers around.

Now, keep in mind, no so much of a rush the their stuff is terrible, but enough to keep them on their toes.
Lincoln said:
He's implying that some won't be able to buy it over Steam, and will have to buy retail. Now assuming he means retail for the PC, not retail for the XBox, that means he'll still be buying from Valve, because "Valve will now officially self-publish all of its PC products."
That is true.

Then lucky for me, I never intend on playing a console version of an FPS anyway. It's win-win for the PC world.
WhiteZero said:

I really doubt that VALVe would have signed on with EA if they wanted to change anything.

So the fact remains, our games wont be effected.

Everyone here knows the game itself won't be affected, so stop arguing with nobody. I do buy games over steam, the last time i bought a valve game in retail stores was HL in 99.. That doesn't change the fact that what seemed like one of the last companies able to stand up to EA, has now given in. Like Kangy said "
I think it pretty much means that Valve have sold out to the ideals that they sought to fight with the implementation of Steam distribution, and I'm just sorry that I believed Valve when they claimed to be working to undo the publisher domination over the industry."

That pretty much sums it up.

ViperAnus said:
hehehe, havn't seen you in a while. I thought you had died or something ;)

Yea I'm still here, I only post in the off topic areas though, only so much you can talk about up here.
There better be NO freakin intro videos that you cant skip... I hate the EA CHALLENGE EVERYTHING crap. valve should of went with activison...
WhiteZero said:
It's win-win for the PC world.

2005: EA makes $x off retail sales of HL2
2006: EA buys Ubisoft, any future tom clancy, splinter cell, far cry, americas army, brothers in arms, etc etc.. now suck.
Minerel said:
Ea Publishing Valve Games Is Good.
Ea Is Not Making The Game.
Ea Is Willing To Put More Money To Promote The Game Than Others.
Valve Has Control Over Steam.

What The Hell Is Bad About It?

Its probably some nerd thing this people have againts ea.
You know nerds..over react alot.
Everyone here knows the game itself won't be affected, so stop arguing with nobody.
I'm pointing that out because that really should be our main concern.
So VALVe is letter the big-dogs of the console world publish their console title. EA has published plenty of good games for the console.

So EA might get a few more bucks from VALVe's games (they never sold that well on consoles anyway). Hell, even Gabe is happy that EA will be able to bring some light to his games on the console.

2006: EA buys Ubisoft, any future tom clancy, splinter cell, far cry, americas army, brothers in arms, etc etc.. now suck.
Chances are they'd keep the same development team. Well, one can hope anyway.

Guess you'll have to wait and see if they actually do but out Ubi. Even if they did, they may just buy out Ubi's publishing block and Ubi developent will stay around.
Grr. God dammit. EA are evil, EEEEVVVVILLLLLL.

Why Valve why?
dassbaba said:
Quick, everyone, overreact!


EA dont control valve ONE BIT. This wont make any difference. They are just boxes and shiping the games, THATS ALL.
Valve is screwed it won't be long until EA did what It did to west wood. First Command and conquer did Ea bastardize now Half life 2. You don't belive me? well then time will tell.
WhiteZero said:
You might want to bitch to Digital Illusions about that, not EA.

Digital Illusions is owned by EA from what i hear.

and i dont hate ea, i just havnt played a game "published" by them that was remotely decent for a very long time.

therefore i hope this trend that EA seems have doesnt effect the good work Valve does.
WooFerPPK said:
Digital Illusions is owned by EA from what i hear.
EA owns about 19% of DI's stock, so yeah they are a major shareholder. Also, Dice has an exclusive publishing agreement with EA at the moment. However, DICE still developes Battlefield, not EA.

EA it`s the microsoft of the gameing-business.
It just sucks, has bugs and is not a penny worth.

Im still waiting for a linuxversion from these M$ assliking guys at valve...

I hate EA with a passion! WHY OH WHY DID THIS HAPPEN!?
WhiteZero said:
EA owns about 19% of DI's stock, so yeah they are a major shareholder. Also, Dice has an exclusive publishing agreement with EA at the moment. However, DICE still developes Battlefield, not EA.

Well is it posible that EA could be rushing these companys to devlop there games faster? For instance it almost seems as if BF2 wasnt even tested before it was released. Also i remeber reading somewhere Dice had a fix for the linux server problem BF2 was having, and they never released it till maybe after 2 weeks when they released 1.01 patch. Which may i also remind you there great conclusion that came from EA themselves was to uninstall the game and reinstall it so the patch 1.01 is gone. Now shortly after they did release 1.02 which i give criedit too, but from my point of view it looks as if EA has the word to the game s they publish.
(article about patch)

this i see as a problem, because if EA is going to do this to valve Half-Life 3 might just be a buggy pule of junk. (or any other product they declop)
Publishers make money. Thats what they do. Thats why they are considered evil, becasue they want money and they show it. Some publishers aren't the most reliable, AKA Vivendi. Anyone remember Tribes:Vengeance. Most buggy game released, but then they were going to release a patch, VU cancelled the patch. No Anti-Cheat, no map fixes, nothing. If a publisher has NO regard for the community or developers, then many developement teams will go to different publishers (Like Valve did). Either way, I'm playing future Half-Life games, and if immature people are going to complain about an intro that bothers them, then they should just shouldn't play the game. I don't want to play online with someone complaining about publishers and Steam, I want to play.