Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

Also theyr site isn't know for its reliability...
I don't think halfliferadio did get their facts straight. They haven't even posted evidence by saying that the SDK isn't coming out 'soon'! First they are blaming forums from posting fake and edited emails even if we're posting screenshots. They didn't believed us and now they are saying that most of our people thinking the SDK will come out withing 2 weeks. members inclusing myself have posted (confirmed) emails about the HL2 SDK. Even Gamespot did get a confirmation that the HL2 SDK is coming out soon.

halfliferadio are saying that Valve mentioned that there wasn't a legal hangup and that they probably meaning the Steam SDK. What the hell is 'a steam sdk'? What could we change about the steam code. I know 1 thing for sure... we can change the skin but that is all. I don't think their isn't even a 'steam sdk'!

Correct me if I'm wrong....
Half Life Radio is a complete joke. Remember when we were wating for an interview with Valve? And then it turned into a call-in from Valve. Then it turned into a visit to the offices for an interview by one of HLradios flunkees.

THEN we find out the moron they sent to the office just played Counter Strike on their LAN.

And to kill dead air time, they talked about belching and breaking wind.

HalfLifeRadio should be sued for having the name Half Life in its title.
sharp said:
I don't think halfliferadio did get their facts straight. They haven't even posted evidence by saying that the SDK isn't coming out 'soon'! First they are blaming forums from posting fake and edited emails even if we're posting screenshots. They didn't believed us and now they are saying that most of our people thinking the SDK will come out withing 2 weeks. members inclusing myself have posted (confirmed) emails about the HL2 SDK. Even Gamespot did get a confirmation that the HL2 SDK is coming out soon.

halfliferadio are saying that Valve mentioned that there wasn't a legal hangup and that they probably meaning the Steam SDK. What the hell is 'a steam sdk'? What could we change about the steam code. I know 1 thing for sure... we can change the skin but that is all. I don't think their isn't even a 'steam sdk'!

Correct me if I'm wrong....
The Steam SDK would be used so mod makers can get their mods officially published on Steam, I guess.

But yeah, HLRadio was NEVER talking to VALVe in the first place. Andy Hodges (or whatever his name is) read my post, deleted it, banned my IP THEN changed the news post. Magically, they had talked to VALVe again and confirmed that there was no legal hangup.

So, to sum it up, they had talked to VALVe one minute, and confirmed that the e-mails were fake and the SDK was far off.
I posted and..
Magically, they talked to VALVe in that 2 minute Window and confirmed that the SDK IS coming out, but the legal hangup is false.

Such absolute BS.. lol

Edit: Just read Dile's conversation with Andy at their forum. Wow, how.. sad.

What gets me, is Andy Hodges denies bashing, yet in the article he posted, he commented "Gamespot has an article up that the SDK is due out in a few weeks, but their only source is a site with a single e-mail posted.."

Yet, in the gamespot article, they say, and I quote

A recent post features an e-mail attributed to Valve engineer Rick Ellis which says the software developer kit for the mega-anticipated sequel "will be released soon."

What a liar. He was blatantly referring to, because he states that Gamespot's only source is a single e-mail, and Gamespot refers and links to in their article.

Argh, what a liar. He shouldn't be running a "big name" website.

Dile, can you ask him why he banned my IP after deleting my post and rewriting the lower portion of the original news post?
Ha! Halfliferadio.

They seem rather bitter because they can't get any decent news themselves. Remember, we were the first to get the information about the different versions of Half-Life 2 and every news site that reported the leak linked to a post Gabe made on these forums.

I listened to it a while ago and I remember this:

"So, what do you think about the latest TFC patches?"
"It's ****ed up, Valve are really ****ing up the game. Wait, are we still on the air?"

And they did blatently insult in their original post.
And why are they saying that Gamespot are lying.

Who would you like to believe, e-mails from members of this forum and a professional gaming site (which mentioned what the legal hang-up was).

Or a radio station that would probably have difficulty in finding their own backside even with a map?

They also make out that the e-mails posted by these forum members actually mentioned being sued by Havok. That was speculation by us. They should really do their research instead of insisting they are talking to Valve.
Feath said:
They also make out that the e-mails posted by these forum members actually mentioned being sued by Havok. That was speculation by us. They should really do their research instead of insisting they are talking to Valve.

Exactly. They're highly unprofessional. Besides, it's like I've said tons of times, they're not talking to VALVe, nor have they talked to VALVe about the e-mails.

Hypocrisy is pretty annoying, they claim we fake interviews, then they lie about talking to VALVe =/
Why do they keep starting this every few months? I've really had enough of this now.

I haven't been here in a couple of months, but Half Life Radio has come along ways since it first started. I do recall that the radio quoted a few interviews that were done by a few people at Everyone on GameSHOUT IRC thought was a joke for making an attempt to do a real interview. Once people at got wind that the interviews were quoted on the air, they quickly removed them from their site. This happened last summer. So, I can understand why Half Life Radio is quick to question any content thats on (especially from some of the peons there). I admit I still visit there regularly and enjoy both sites and really don't care about this bashing (yeah, is up to their old tricks again and bashing Half Life Radio... what's new? some things just don't change and some kiddies never grow up). Half Life Radio has earned the credibility and respect in the community, and valve has been here to back them up. I just would like to see the bashing stop though as it doesn't serve any purpose other than, "my dick is bigger than your's"., grow up.

I don't suppose any of you recall this? I run this site and have been here every day since it's creation and I have yet to see any kind of fake interview done by us.

I hope these threads can remain civilised so we can get to the bottom of this misinformation.
Munro said:
I don't suppose any of you recall this? I run this site and have been here every day since it's creation and I have yet to see any kind of fake interview done by us.

I hope these threads can remain civilised so we can get to the bottom of this misinformation.

I can't say I've ever seen a fake interview here. I've been at this site since a little after it started (never registered an account until August, though).

There have been a share of questionable e-mails in the VALVe info thread, but for the most part it's been sorted and almost everything would seem to be authentic.
There have been a share of questionable e-mails in the VALVe info thread, but for the most part it's been sorted and almost everything would seem to be authentic.

Yeah, that has happened a few times. We now tend to confirm stuff with valve when people post in that thread and remove it if it's false.
Looks like Andy Hodges has closed that thread over there. Shame it looks like will never be resolved :/
Lets just lynche all of the hosts or whatever they are.
Hodges seems to act like a small child who's gotten hold of something he's not sure how to handle.
Of course he closed the thread. He did a bad thing when lying to people in the news post, and now he wants everybody not to care. He knows that he made a mistake, and he wants to get away with it.

It's also worth to note that he ignored all my comments that actually counted, like that Gamespot emailed Valve, and that they don't have any proof.
Am i the only person who thinks that ALL the people who flamed Dile and Munro in that thread had about 10 posts all together is suspicious?

seems like andy hodges likes to create new acounts to boost his point of view.

pretty f*cked up.

and they ALL registered in october.

Wow Andy i hope you read this cos you are a grade A moron if you think that fooled anybody.
No they’re all unique people, unfortunately :)
I doubt he registered lots of different users at different times a year ago just to slag us off.

No one is that sad :)
Are you sure some people can be pretty sad... might of used them to slag off at someone else before....
It seems like they've deleted Munro's first post...
Looks like they are pathetic enough :/
Trust me if I had my own gaming company, I'd defiantly have a release date to give out, rather than just saying maybe it'll come out in the next few weeks...

not if it was a publicly traded company you wouldn't.
I have been coming to this webpage since it's early born years. I have never seen anything faked, in any fashion, by the staff and their posted news outlet. Further, with good reason this webpage has kept up with the community...and the community respects those staff to a high degree. Also, I honestly am not sure who "those posting at the radio" are kidding, when they say is not the front-runner for the leading community hang out. There being posts by Gabe himself, and the amount of pure posts in sheer size demote just how well rounded this community is. If you asked the Valve HL2 developers in general who they think is the "best" HL2 online community...they would most surely answer or Planet Half-Life. The HL Radio News source and community just makes you go..."bleh."

Just thought I would share my thoughts on this--

This may be a bit off topic, but it shares my ideas on the community as a whole.
Heheh, when I first heard of halflife2 I... Well I signed up to this forum thinking... I need to join a halflife2 comunity and this one looks nice!

Now look at us!
We are the biggest, most respected hl2 community there is!
The site has improved no end since I have been here.... Its great.

I am proud to be an old timer on these forums.

Then there is hlradio.....
Damn what a bunch of..... "Noobs!" :P
There's always a danger that e-mails in the Valve info thread will be faked and sometimes people link to fake interviews. But that's not the staff's fault and they always try to make sure if something is false or not.
After reading that I could only think one thing.

Andy Hodges--and as far as I am concerned the entire HL-Radio Operations, are a joke.

I have seen some administrators/staff put "spin" on specific talking points before, but damn, this really; really makes me angry.
I haven't been to any other Half-Life 2 sites other than this one. The only reason I started coming here was after I was directed to the VALVe-only information thread, which really impressed me I guess. Still does...
Something to the affect of how immaturely they act. I wuoted them. Some quotes were, "Munro your site sucks." sucks, we all know that." EDIT: I got banned.
Okay... either Andy stole Snowball's (from these forums) avatar... or Andy *is* Snowball!
OMFG the admins of deleted Fake posts by users (not admins) of

as opposed to taking credit for and leaving forged/fake emails. right. Glad they can see what you should have done when false information sprouted in the "valve only thread"

also, the quote from Duffman
"I do recall that the radio quoted a few interviews that were done by a few people at"
Ok so they supposedly quoted from
I don't know if they asked for Permission, or if they gave CREDIT.

also what is he trying to convey with
" Once people at got wind that the interviews were quoted on the air, they quickly removed them from their site. This happened last summer. So, I can understand why Half Life Radio is quick to question any content thats on "

omg our information got quoted. let's... remove them from our site? As in remove links in forums?
I don't understand.

And what does removing links have to due with questioning the veracity of

If they quoted false information before HL2net's staff could delete it

(which was seen as denying screwing up, even though it wasn't the admins who wrote false the posts/emails, just deleted them)

isn't it their own damn fault?
sorry to spam, but i don't want to appear to be revising my arguemants greatly with a tiny edit.

When did or any of the emails ever say 2 WEEKS, which is the time slot Radio is attributing to information.

I saw one for 2 and 3 months, but nothing in the weeks. False email i miss?

or exaggeration by some party <cough cough>

EDIT: as a clarrification, i got the 2 week figure from
in the second paragraph
"have ruled out that it will be in 2weeks as many sites have suggested backed with questionable emails."
I talked with Andy, and it was not his doing that Ray and myself were banned and our threads deleted. He saiys that we will be reinstated asap, etc.
Orange said:
sorry to spam, but i don't want to appear to be revising my arguemants greatly with a tiny edit.

When did or any of the emails ever say 2 WEEKS, which is the time slot Radio is attributing to information.

I saw one for 2 and 3 months, but nothing in the weeks. False email i miss?

or exaggeration by some party <cough cough>

EDIT: as a clarrification, i got the 2 week figure from
in the second paragraph
"have ruled out that it will be in 2weeks as many sites have suggested backed with questionable emails."
Gamespot confirmed with VALVe that it'll be released in a few weeks. I'm not entirely sure why HLRadio won't acknowledge Gamespot -- they're a big name site that has nothing to gain from lying.