Gamespot got a preview up...


That's pretty sweet.
yea i was lookinga at the shots, that's probably the best one, the preview itself is kind of shit, not much real info...
Sai said:
yea i was lookinga at the shots, that's probably the best one, the preview itself is kind of shit, not much real info...

What did you expect? A complete summary of the events?
well, I learned for sure that Alyx, Dog, and Kleiner are in aftermath, for sure that you play gordon, and for sure that you have the super gravity gun. Answered some of my questions...
Looks like some awesome atmosphere in those screens. Very awesome.
idk if always having the super gravity gun would be so fun........
i mean anyone could just blow right through the game with it without a sweat
if they do include it, it would be a bad move on Valve's part...
halflifeguy said:
idk if always having the super gravity gun would be so fun........
i mean anyone could just blow right through the game with it without a sweat
if they do include it, it would be a bad move on Valve's part...

Maybe it'll short-circuit or burnout from being so overpowered.
We believe that theorizing about the meaning behind the clues in the Half-Life 2 universe, and the motivations of the characters within it, is one of the fun things about being a Half-Life 2 fan.

They're never going to end the Combine-Xen debate, just to spite me!

-Angry Lawyer
That avatar used to belong to MrMagnetic (I think that was her name...)

Where did you get it? :eek:
When they say it's gonna be just one new episode, do they mean that it's just a new Chapter? I sure as hell hope not...
I wonder if they'll have a real-time dynamic sky one day... that'd be cool.
It looks like the interactions between npc's will be a lot stronger, like alyx standing on that antlion. I was hoping the gravity gun could be replaced with the good ol' original... maybe a mk.2 after the blue one burnt out.
I think when they say new episode, they mean multiple chapters... or @ least I hope so...
Notice in the screenshots that a lot of them involve everyone fighting the antlions? Remeber also the citadel having those huge pounding pillars you had to jump on? I'm thinking that Mr. Freeman destroying the largest ever made 'thumper' - like from the sandtraps level, has created an antlion infestation throughout c17.
Yep. With the citadel down, aliens are flooding into City-17.

And of course it's not just one chapter...otherwise they'd give it to us free, like Last Coast. They've said it will be around two thirds as big as HL2.
has ne one else noticed how enourmously large that antlion looks? its not an antlion king or queen because it has the same model as the normal ant lions just 3 times the size

also did ne one else notice the citadel is still standing in one of those pictures? wierd
jellydoughnut217 said:
has ne one else noticed how enourmously large that antlion looks? its not an antlion king or queen because it has the same model as the normal ant lions just 3 times the size

also did ne one else notice the citadel is still standing in one of those pictures? wierd

Antlion size hasn't changed.

The citadel is still standing, because its going into meltdown. The idea of Aftermath is to get out of the city before the citadel does destroy everything, it won't be standing at the end.
What I can make out as, Alyx will be fighting becide you 24/7, which is great. :)
And the fact it'll be released before the end of this year, is even greater! :D Can't wait! :cheers:

But there's a question. Is Aftermath going to be available threw Steam as a "solo game" (that can be purchased threw Steam, or Retail), or bundled with another game (AKA Half-Life: Source)?

Another question. If you can only get this threw Steam, will it work with the Retail version of HL2? (and I have the Retail version)
But I guess these questions will be answered in due time.
BeaverMon said:
What I can make out as, Alyx will be fighting becide you 24/7, which is great. :)
And the fact it'll be released before the end of this year, is even greater! :D Can't wait! :cheers:

But there's a question. Is Aftermath going to be available threw Steam as a "solo game" (that can be purchased threw Steam, or Retail), or bundled with another game (AKA Half-Life: Source)?

Another question. If you can only get this threw Steam, will it work with the Retail version of HL2? (and I have the Retail version)
But I guess these questions will be answered in due time.

I just found my answer about AM being released, threw this site;
"Aftermath will be made available exclusively through Steam meaning you can't buy it at any retail stores." That's fine, I have a Debit Card. :p
(now why did it create another reply when I hit the "Save" button?)
I was under the impression that they will release it retail around September. I think it was in a magazine.
I don't like the thought of having the super gravity gun. I prefer the normal version.
Athlon64 said:
I don't like the thought of having the super gravity gun. I prefer the normal version.

Me agrees.

That's what did the chapter "Our Benefactors" in Half-Life 2 not so fun or challenging to play imo, you felt like a super human throwing Combines left and right.
I'm pretty sure that was the point. :P

Personally, I think that on it's own it balances well with someone who has a full complement of every other ordinance.

That would be a sweet fight. One guy with the megagrav versus one guy who has every gun at his disposal.
Mechagodzilla said:
I'm pretty sure that was the point. :P

Yeah of course, but I don't like it.
I like it when it's more... well, when it feels like you are more underpowered than the enemy.
Mechagodzilla said:
Personally, I think that on it's own it balances well with someone who has a full complement of every other ordinance.
Uhm... Could you translate that into plain english? :|
Sayeth he: a man with a super gravity gun is a pretty even match for a man with every gun, ever.