GAmespots final hours delayed ?

iamaelephant said:
Holy shit, I'm not going to finish this. This article is possibly the most boring, long winded pile of sugar coated crap I have ever read. At least three time per page they try to make me feel sorry for Valve. Yawn.

What's sugarcoated about Gabe saying, "Yeah, I f***ed up. I was thinking this, I was being hopelessly naive, I didn't listen to my developers, and I felt horrible that our fans were so mad at us"? He took responsibility for his mistakes.

I'm beginning to think you just enjoy pissing in people's cornflakes.
Well writen, it finally clears up what happened.
Of course it would have been a lot better if Gabe had just told us all this as it was happening but meh.......we're only human, and they deserve all the praise they can get for completing their game.
After reading all of that I think I forgive them...It all seems logical now, as long as you ignore the conspiricy theorist view.

Besides, they could have abandoned the game a long time ago, but they kept at it and kept it at, and now look where we are!

If I had any doubts about this game being good or not, they have vanished now.

PS: Mike Harrington has one hell of a boat.
You're an absolute class A-1 troll/jerk. Feel free to leave this site and never come back. You obviously have some axe to grind against Valve - even when they admit their mistakes and flaws, it's still not good enough for you. Obviously, NOTHING they do will ever be good enough for you. I really see no reason for you remaining a part of this community. There's the door - feel free to use it.

I hope others feel the same way I do too.

I have my opinions about the article. If you can't accept that other people have opinions that differ from yours, I think it's time you left this discussion forum. Personally, I think that article was a steaming pile of shit. And what the f*ck does any of that have to do with an "axe to grind against Valve" (whatever that means)? This article wasn't even written by Valve you dolt.
It's not a matter if they have a different opinion than I do - it's the manner in which they choose to express that opinion. I find yours very unpleasant and frankly uncalled for.

And I have no intention of leaving - and every time you choose to express your opinion in such a manner, I will be there to oppose you every step of the way.
Hmmm...good point. But from what I understand, the icebreaker sequence "lost" its place in the overall context of the game because the development went in a different direction (this is according to sources on the "unmentionable" HL2 fan site).

Though, we'll find out soon won't we?

It's been cut. I'm 100% positive on this -- trust me. It's gleaned from the leak, the accidental script files, and a lot of poking and prodding from a bunch of guys (not me) who don't care about spoilers. It wasn't going to be a huge thing anyway -- originally, the ice breaker level was just a modified Eli's Lab, anywy.
It's not a matter if they have a different opinion than I do - it's the manner in which they choose to express that opinion. I find yours very unpleasant and frankly uncalled for.

Well that's your opinion, and as far as I'm concerned you can shove it up your ass. My attitude on this forum is between me and the admins, and I don't need a whiney little kid to tell me how to act. If I have an opinion, I will state it, and I don't give a crap if you find it offensive. I have actually made a concious effort lately to be nicer to people on this forum, but then I get idiots such as yourself bitching at me because I say something that they take offense to and start deliberately targeting me and harassing me. So screw you.
I wonder how valve wanted to start the first level with an icebreaker boattrip in an dried-up ocean..... :)
iamaelephant said:
Well that's your opinion, and as far as I'm concerned you can shove it up your ass. My attitude on this forum is between me and the admins, and I don't need a whiney little kid to tell me how to act. If I have an opinion, I will state it, and I don't give a crap if you find it offensive. I have actually made a concious effort lately to be nicer to people on this forum, but then I get idiots such as yourself bitching at me because I say something that they take offense to and start deliberately targeting me and harassing me. So screw you.

Damn right it's my opinion and at least I can express it rationally unlike you.