Gandalf Is Gay

Good thing Elijah Woods isn't homophobic (i'm guessing) what with all the hugging and intimate moments Gandalf and Frodo have.

Anyway interesting, never knew anything about it. Also I think it would have been better if the thread was titled "Magneto is gay". Just makes the topic seem a bit more humorous, to me at least.
Yup, I found out about this a while back when the LOTR movies came out.

What does it really matter though?
Yep. I've known since "And the Band Played On." So?
Whoop dee doo.

He's an awesome actor, I don't care.
Thanks for the heads up.

...Does anyone actually give a shit?
It's quite funny listening to Ian McKellen talk and refer to himself as a queen. Nice guy though I think. Very down to earth, which is what all actors wish they could be and very few are.
The Mullinator said:
Also I think it would have been better if the thread was titled "Magneto is gay". Just makes the topic seem a bit more humorous, to me at least.
But I thought it was supposed to be a play on "Gandalf the Grey"...I dunno.
I think he is a great actor, I was surprised to read that he was gay, that is all.
Instead of Gandalf the Gray


Gandalf the Gay!!!!

JNightshade said:
Makes no difference to me. He's still the shit.
Although if I knew him this wouldn't make much of a difference to me, for all you know he could be a serious asshole or part dumbass when talking to him. Just 'cause he played a cool character doesn't make a difference.

EG: Almost EVERYONE Charlie Sheen plays in movies is ****ING AWESOME. From what I know of Charlie Sheen the man, I'd probably despise him.
Ian McKellen shoots lasers from his eyes. He's that awesome.
theSteven said:
Thanks for the heads up.

...Does anyone actually give a shit?

Yeah, I do. I found it interesting. If I had found out, I would have posted it here too. Do I mind that he's gay? Not at all. But it surely is interesting. =)
Gandalf is gay, and he gave Frodo the ring!! I get the true point of "the Fellowship of the Ring" now omg!
This also proves that if two things rhyme, then the connection must be true.

"Gray" rhymes with "Gay", so Gandalf must be gay.

It's "Adam and Eve", not "Adam and Steve". Therefore gay marriage should be illegal.

See, it always works!
I thought this was common knowledge. And Elijah Wood isn't gay.
"You shall not pass!"

You probably weren't aware of it, because it wasn't really relevant. Although I'm suprised it wasn't plastered all over the newspapers at some point - you know what they're like.

The Sun: "I'm Gay"
RakuraiTenjin said:
Come on :rolleyes:

If you want to live in denial, go right ahead.
It's an urban legend spread by boyfriends and husbands to stop their significant others from obsessing about his huge eyes.
I knew about imte ago,and I was a bit amazed cuz he didnt look like the tipical gay person to me,still I dont care cuz he ruelz at the acting

btw elijah woods eyes scare me
"I don't care as long as he doesn't hit on me."

Typical answer.